Texas urges residents to cut power usage as prices surge

More proof redneck red state leaders can't manage their infrastructures and power grids because they're too obsessed with reelecting Trump, blocking Mexicans and writing laws and regulations which allow themselves and their corporate CEO buddies to line their own pockets instead of keeping things up to date.
When Texas' grid now fails every winter, it's solar and wind that keep them alive.
The capacity and reliability of Texas energy is determined by corporations. They are for-profit and will spend as little as they possibly can on maintenance and improvements. Spending on that ,cuts profits and bonuses. Gouging customers is a plus for the company. You will be gouged and you will have an energy system at the edge of failure and costing "all the traffic will bear" until they are taken over.
Which is why they refuse to tie into the national grid.
That's because the radical Left and the greentards have done an excellent job of propagandizing and disinformation against nuclear.
Liar. Nuclear has been around for half a century. No nuke plant was ever built using private sector funding.

It's a loss leader, and is not investable.
That is utter bullshit. Complete bullshit.
Nope. You are a liar who cannot tell the truth. Gas failed miserably last winter. And now with soaring temps, Texas would be fucked without wind/solar.

Big Freeze 2023: Can Solar Save Texas’ Fragile Power Grid?

The so-called “Big Freeze” highlighted the fragility of the Texas power grid in times of stress. But the event was quickly twisted by policymakers with a green-energy bone to pick.
Many of them blamed the outage on wind and solar generating units in the power grid — even though gas failures led to the largest gaps in power supply and accounted for 55% of unplanned outages, according to the EA report.
The report actually found that residential solar power could have played a key role in keeping the lights (and heat) on. Rooftop solar panels could have supplied more than enough power to meet Texans’ needs during 11 of the 13 days where production fell short (during mid- to late-February).

As extreme weather continues, it’s clear that rooftop solar and storage solutions will be essential — especially for Texans. Let’s take a closer look at why.

Solar, wind energy keeping Texas power grids running amid weekslong heat wave
Liar. Nuclear has been around for half a century. No nuke plant was ever built using private sector funding.

It's a loss leader, and is not investable.

Only because almost all of the nuclear assets were built before the power companies were stupidly privatized. The last reactor put into operation is Alvin W. Vogtle, which has fed loan guarantees but not federal money, unless you assume that the loans will not be repaid.

You are very dishonest.
Liar. Nuclear has been around for half a century. No nuke plant was ever built using private sector funding.

It's a loss leader, and is not investable.

Actually, most were built with private sector funding. What they relied on was public sector insurance to do so.

As for losses, it can be easily demonstrated what a loser solar is compared to nuclear.
Nope. You are a liar who cannot tell the truth. Gas failed miserably last winter. And now with soaring temps, Texas would be fucked without wind/solar.

Big Freeze 2023: Can Solar Save Texas’ Fragile Power Grid?

Solar, wind energy keeping Texas power grids running amid weekslong heat wave

Wrong. Solar and wind, per your article supplied about 25% (mostly wind) of the Texas grid usage. That could have been imported from elsewhere if it had to be. So, the article is really lying. Solar and wind made local production easier, but that's it. And, it could just as easily, depending on conditions, have been a near zero contributor.
Actually, most were built with private sector funding. What they relied on was public sector insurance to do so.

As for losses, it can be easily demonstrated what a loser solar is compared to nuclear.
Stop lying for once in your life. Without Fed funding via loan guarantees there would be no nuke plants.

Say nothing of all of the research that developed our nuke industry.

The govt. loves nukes because the waste makes great bombs.
Wrong. Solar and wind, per your article supplied about 25% (mostly wind) of the Texas grid usage. That could have been imported from elsewhere if it had to be. So, the article is really lying. Solar and wind made local production easier, but that's it. And, it could just as easily, depending on conditions, have been a near zero contributor.
It wasn't. It kept the lights on during the freeze, and now it keeps prices somewhat lower during soaring usage in the heat.
Stop lying for once in your life. Without Fed funding via loan guarantees there would be no nuke plants.

Say nothing of all of the research that developed our nuke industry.

The govt. loves nukes because the waste makes great bombs.

Oh, so you change your narrative now. I never said they didn't. Solar and wind, likewise rely heavily on direct government subsidies, not just loan guarantees.

Also, nuclear power plants of the commercial sort in the US have nothing to do with nuclear weapons materials production. NOTHING.
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The game is to make it very hard to figure out what the truth is, and to punish those who try, in the hopes that we will give up and believe/do as we are told.
Oh, so you change your narrative now. I never said they didn't. Solar and wind, likewise rely heavily on direct government subsidies, not just loan guarantees.

Also, nuclear power plants of the commercial sort in the US have nothing to do with nuclear weapons materials production. NOTHING.
Really? What do you think they do with spent uranium? Hint...we dumped thousands of them in Iraq.