Thank you

I just wanted to thank you all for welcoming me here almost seven months ago and for the good conversations about today's world, but I don't think that this is a place for me. I wish you all the very best though and i'll try to reply to responses for a little while if there are responses.

Be wise in the way you act toward others; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4

What is it exactly that you are looking for, hoping to find?? If I may ask??
Enjoyed our conversations Nora. The truth is, JPP simply isn't right for anyone. That's not JPP's purpose.

I will compliment you in that at your young age you've learned an important point. We're all on the same team and can discuss our differences civilly or, as Reagan said "Good people can disagree.". I like that very much about you. It shows character. I've never seen you write a rude thing about anyone here which is remarkable.

It doesn't take much imagination to understand why you've made your decision but please understand that there is core group of people on both sides of the aisle who enjoy and respect your positive point of view and your lady like manners.

So please do us a favor and return from time to time and engage. We would like that.

And remember this about the jerks on George Carlin said. "Those who know the least know it the loudest.". Just ignore them.

Also, in behalf off all of JPP I apologize for Grind. ;)
Don't go Norah.
We all love you except Freedumb 911, but I meant the humans.

Not sure why you're leaving Desh out who repeatedly called Norah evil and a bad person. All of us know Desh is a crack head but someone new to the board won't.
Not sure why you're leaving Desh out who repeatedly called Norah evil and a bad person. All of us know Desh is a crack head but someone new to the board won't.
Agreed. Desh would castigate Jesus if he voted Republican. Though Desh was one of those I was referring to who "know the least the loudest.".
Norah isn't new and I don't have any problem with Evince

You said "we all love you except..." and you made no reference to Desh. Unless you're acknowledging Desh's way of saying I love you is by calling you an evil horrible person