Thankyou, hardworking Americans


I made more than 3000 this year, so sayeth my W2.

I'd like to thank all of you for insuring I get all of my taxes back, and 300 dollars to boot from the stim pack, for basically sitting on my ass for an entire year. Kudos to you kind, charitable folks. I'll be off to buy some more computer games now...
LOFL, you make 30% of what it takes to get out of poverty.
Good thing your Daddy's rich, will you suck on his tit till your 27???
I got $400 back after paying $4,000 five years in a row.
gotta love the interest deduction.
Bring on my $600 refund
I had to pay. I waited until yesterday to mail mine. I owed the state too. But, not much, a couple of hundred dollars all together.

haha! I mailed mine last night too! I owed $2k total in state and fed. I was whining about that while my poor boyfriend had to pay like $3k in total.
I thought you could only get 600 for single, or 1,200 for marrieds. How many wives do you have?
You also get $300 per kid. (The adopted child's will be going to her bio-Grandmother, otherwise nobody could get it).
Strange that spinner does not support Retail and does support Tech. How does he think that tech gets sold ? sharper image is pretty much exclusively tech sales.
haha! I mailed mine last night too! I owed $2k total in state and fed. I was whining about that while my poor boyfriend had to pay like $3k in total.

Still sitting here fiddling with mine, hoping to come up with another way to "beat the system" but it looks like I've done all the magic that I could and need to print this sucker and mail it..... :(

And good morning to all!

Strange that spinner does not support Retail and does support Tech. How does he think that tech gets sold ? sharper image is pretty much exclusively tech sales.
Sharper Image is cutting edge, not tech for the masses.

Any company that is largely luxury will be hurt during recession. Any CEO who couldn't see this coming is retarded and should have to pay all the money they ever "earned" from a corp back.
Yea care. We had to pay $1500. Not much for some people but it really takes a bite out of our budget for a few months.