Thankyou, hardworking Americans

for once I hope your even close to right. I have about $40,000 invested in China.

They do graduate several times the number of engineers we do.
Now, did you have your house for long enough to be able to get the write-off?

barely. My state taxes were so out of control this year, I actually qualified to itemize so I ended up deducting a little bit. Next year is going to rock though. I'm getting receipts for everything and I'm getting a good accountant.
I'm in the same boat, my property taxes were only on the lot.
the deduction will be way higher next year
i got my tax return in February. For 2008 i will owe so I wont file those taxes till April 15th 2009.
for once I hope your even close to right. I have about $40,000 invested in China.

They do graduate several times the number of engineers we do.

I had over 50 in FHKCX (china) in December. was such a run up that i dumped the china money. i also had similar amount in FLATX (Latin America) I held the Latin America tho.

im not ready to re-buy china yet.
barely. My state taxes were so out of control this year, I actually qualified to itemize so I ended up deducting a little bit. Next year is going to rock though. I'm getting receipts for everything and I'm getting a good accountant.

Yeah. I'm forming an S-corp, my accountant recommonded it. I'll be going to Paris on next year's return. Well, unless the dollar is like monopoly money in Europe by then. In which case, I guess i will be going to DisneyWorld like all the other stupid Americans. Maybe I will be able to afford a mickey mouse hat. I can hardly wait. I'll take pictures and email them to you.
Yeah. I'm forming an S-corp, my accountant recommonded it. I'll be going to Paris on next year's return. Well, unless the dollar is like monopoly money in Europe by then. In which case, I guess i will be going to DisneyWorld like all the other stupid Americans. Maybe I will be able to afford a mickey mouse hat. I can hardly wait. I'll take pictures and email them to you.
Put your money into their markets if you believe they will do better against the dollar. They will hold their value and you'll be able to take your vacation.
I expect the US tourism industry to suffer this year. Maybe a few more foreign tourists because of the dollar, but less US tourists travelling.
i think in the long run china still has allot of potential.. just not sure where they are right now
Still sitting here fiddling with mine, hoping to come up with another way to "beat the system" but it looks like I've done all the magic that I could and need to print this sucker and mail it..... :(

And good morning to all!


Hey good morning girl, good to see you here at least once in awhile.
i think in the long run china still has allot of potential.. just not sure where they are right now

true, in the long run they will likely eat our lunch, well the rest of it anyway ;)
But for now they are very dependent on our economy.
I'm buying chineese investment for the long term trend not a one time blip.
China's per capita is only about $8,000 and they produce more engineers they will grow strong for decades.
true, in the long run they will likely eat our lunch, well the rest of it anyway ;)
But for now they are very dependent on our economy.

FLATX will keep running up tho. I think Mexico and Brazil are at the beginning of a major growth period.
I'm buying chineese investment for the long term trend not a one time blip.
China's per capita is only about $8,000 and they produce more engineers they will grow strong for decades.

yah i know..
i made so much money off china over past couple years. i sold at right time now just looking for good buy in spot for either FSEAX (southeast asia) or FHKCX (china).
FLATX will keep running up tho. I think Mexico and Brazil are at the beginning of a major growth period.

could be, I don't really follow them much. But Mexicos largest source of foreign money has dropped. The money illegals send back to Mexico has dropped dramarically.

But with a serious recession coming here the demand for pot will no doubt rise....
11/09/2007 YOU SOLD
Settlement Date: 11/13/2007

hit timing perfect on this puppy.. not the case with a few others last year tho.
Hey good morning girl, good to see you here at least once in awhile.
I am abstaining from the other place....I have been there only once since you told me about what happened to you.... :(. I just have to abstain, out of principle!!!! :D

LOFL, you make 30% of what it takes to get out of poverty.
Good thing your Daddy's rich, will you suck on his tit till your 27???

Dear Topspin,

There seems to be a slight nuance to my message that you're missing, however, just to tell you, the point of it wasn't 'HAHA I'M SO RICH I MADE 3000 DOLLARS LOL!!"

Love, WM
