Thankyou, hardworking Americans

I get you exactly rich boy, how old are you 24. Your dad is a saint!!!
Like I said at 16 I made more than that and never stopped working thourghout college.
I'm buying chineese investment for the long term trend not a one time blip.
China's per capita is only about $8,000 and they produce more engineers they will grow strong for decades.

Take a look at EEB.... invests in BRIC... good way to gain exposure in all four.
"Take a look at EEB.... invests in BRIC... good way to gain exposure in all four"

I'm in FXI and HAO
don't need the oil from Russia and Brazil (which is mostly what they do)
Honestly guys, me getting 10% of my income this year from the government is retarded. This stimulus package is retarded. Our government is retarded.
Honestly guys, me getting 10% of my income this year from the government is retarded. This stimulus package is retarded. Our government is retarded.
yeah, it is dumber than dumb, that's something that i have become accustomed to lately! :(