That 'C'-Word Thang

I loved it when they were flying kites together as a family at the end (with the bankers). What's the state of the british family? 25 year olds going into "management" without knowing any concrete job first?
thats sure funny she has started a couple of threads addressed to damo asking for the banning(innuendo) of a few in here! For treating her so badly...get a grip charv...feel sorry for her all you want...I am not that hard up for female acceptance...kay':D

That's just it, i don't "feel sorry for her", mainly because she causes more ruckus on here than most of the trolls put together.

I like her because she runs rings round most of you. (and i love anyone who flatters me).
Sadly the intervening years have taken it's sorry toll on the English landscape. The Labour government has banned fox hunting, be it through a chalk painting or otherwise, leading us country folk into a dictatorship of the Volpinocracy...fuckers.

Laughing up to the ceiling is now categorised as a class 'A' narcotic, fetching a sentence of up to 15 years.

Nowadays, we can only dream of floating domestic workers. They have been put out of business by the influx of cheaper substandard slightly levitating workers from the former Eastern Blolc.

This country...Pah.

This was bloody funny.
I loved it when they were flying kites together as a family at the end (with the bankers). What's the state of the british family? 25 year olds going into "management" without knowing any concrete job first?

I'm sorry to say we've 'inherited' all the craziness of California. I kid you not, but on a televised quiz show the other week we had, amongst the delusional competitors, a "laughter facilitator" and a "part-time joy-bringer".

These are the things which make one reconsider the philosophies of Pol Pot.
Shit. I'm crying like the native american from the seventies who cried about littering.
From the Old English "cunte", original meaning "delicate thing".

My guess is that with the rise of Protestantism it became obscene, as the Protestants are more likely to take issue with profanity; also, the heavy Puritan influence on the world during the 17th century could have something to do with it.

Having been a Catholic priest, Luther's "Table Talk" reflects his background. Calvin would never have lowered himself to such discourse.
Being smarter than men like you. It is the way you treat Darla and show your dislike that indicates your regard for women, whether you wish to believe that or not, call it pseudo-psychology if you wish, it is just what I read from you.
So wait-- I am not allowed to dictate your perspective, yet (despite the fact that you are not a man and do not know me) you are somehow able to dictate mine? Doesn't that sound a little hypocritical to you?

I have been around a long time and heard this BS from other men on other forums who hold women in low regard.
You are right-- I hold women in low regard, which is so obvious because I am mean to a woman that I completely dislike. Of course, I'm just as mean to male posters I dislike, but let's ignore that for the sake of the witchhunt.

I don't treat real women this way, just the ones I hate on anonymous message boards.
I do treat real women this way if the situation calls for it (and men as well). I put up with bullshit when I have to, and I don't when I don't have to. It isn't that I have to express some sort of hidden misogyny in my online life.

This does not put you in the same category as Darla-- you have never done anything to earn the disdain that Darla has earned.
Whatever charv............

That's just it, i don't "feel sorry for her", mainly because she causes more ruckus on here than most of the trolls put together.

I like her because she runs rings round most of you. (and i love anyone who flatters me).

You said in this thread that this is as close to a 'cunt' you have been since 2007...okay, now I understand, you are horny and any flirtation from a female feels good...carry on!:cof1:
You said in this thread that this is as close to a 'cunt' you have been since 2007...okay, now I understand, you are horny and any flirtation from a female feels good...carry on!:cof1:

You got me BB.

Whenever i'm feeling particularly aroused i'm always comforted by the knowledge that this place will always furnish a weary traveller with a surfeit of cunts. ;)
You got me BB.

Whenever i'm feeling particularly aroused i'm always comforted by the knowledge that this place will always furnish a weary traveller with a surfeit of cunts. ;)

lolololololol :clink:

Or you could always nip down for a home game at Millwall :D
That's just it, i don't "feel sorry for her", mainly because she causes more ruckus on here than most of the trolls put together.

I like her because she runs rings round most of you. (and i love anyone who flatters me).


I've never, ever, started a thread asking Damo to ban anyone here, and I've never asked him privately to ban anyone either.

BB you are such a drunken fool. You crack me up.
Being smarter than men like you. It is the way you treat Darla and show your dislike that indicates your regard for women, whether you wish to believe that or not, call it pseudo-psychology if you wish, it is just what I read from you.

I have been around a long time and heard this BS from other men on other forums who hold women in low regard. It is always the same line of BS.
I don't treat real women this way, just the ones I hate on anonymous message boards. Yeah, right, sure. Oh well, I guess this will just put me in that same category as Darla. Bitches of America, UNITE!

The problem with Gonzo is that everybody is smarter than he is. He has this whole, really retro-faux intellectual, radical facist thing going on. He is a self-proclaimed "future facist leader" and intellectual which he "proves" by quoting a few googled lines of classic literature every once in a while. He's a college student, and probably tries his sctick out on this board, before using it on high school girls, most of who he still strikes out with.

Once I tagged him as the stupidest person on the board, he developed this funny little thing for me. You know how some men are. They like to be humiliated.
The problem with Gonzo is that everybody is smarter than he is. He has this whole, really retro-faux intellectual, radical facist thing going on. He is a self-proclaimed "future facist leader" and intellectual which he "proves" by quoting a few googled lines of classic literature every once in a while. He's a college student, and probably tries his sctick out on this board, before using it on high school girls, most of who he still strikes out with.

Once I tagged him as the stupidest person on the board, he developed this funny little thing for me. You know how some men are. They like to be humiliated.


Maybe love is all they need.
Humiliation? Both of you should be ashamed at your own stupidity. It's irrational to say that insulting one woman means you hold all women in low regard. It's very stupid, but expected.
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The problem with Gonzo is that everybody is smarter than he is.
Funny, because it seems I am the one that can enter a thread without constantly talking about penises with the pseudo-Freudian authority that you think makes you look smart (but you really just pulled out of your ass).

He has this whole, really retro-faux intellectual, radical facist thing going on.
Yeah, I am one of those real radical facists. Support freedom of speech, support freedom of press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, against drug laws, for conservation and emission reduction, for a degree of amnesty for immigrants-- I am a regular Hitler.
He is a self-proclaimed "future facist leader"
Except I have never called myself a "future facist leader" (nor have I called myself a "future fascist leader")...I have political philosophy that suits me, but I am not an individual consumed with a need for power or control. Sorry.
and intellectual which he "proves" by quoting a few googled lines of classic literature every once in a while.
It's all up here (points to head). Google seems like it would be ineffective for literary quotes, anyway, considering its commercialist slant.

He's a college student, and probably tries his sctick out on this board, before using it on high school girls, most of who he still strikes out with.
It is amazing that she seems to know everything about me (or thinks she does) without ever having met me. Absolutely amazing.

Once I tagged him as the stupidest person on the board, he developed this funny little thing for me. You know how some men are. They like to be humiliated.
Let me assure you that I hated you long before you decided I was the stupidest person on the board. Let me also assure you that I know I am not the stupidest person on the board, and the fact that you have designated me as the stupidest when it is clear that there are far less intelligent people shows only that you are threatened by me and have decided to attack me through ways that you think will get under my skin.

The problem is that I am not some poor, limp-wristed leftist. I have enough self-confidence that you are welcome to rain down insults all day long, I will not think any less of myself and your words will only be a waste of your time.

I think it is sad that you have to pull a gender card anytime you are faced with any real amount of hostility or a challenge, because you are so used to having your little cult following of horn-dogs that constantly praise you. You always seek refuge behind your pathetic attempts at psychoanalysis, trying to tell me my perspective and reason for doing things yet saying that men can never understand the perspective of women. If I am unable to tell you why you are the way you are and why you react to things the way you do, then please tell me who decided you have that right with my life? What transgendered science experiment gave you the authority to dictate why men do certain things?

The sad truth of it, dear, is that I would hate you just as much if you were a man, a monkey, a fish, or a dog. Your gender simply doesn't enter into it, and someday you will realise that I don't care what details of my life you think you have worked out, because you are wrong, and given the difference in our amount of posts I would say that it is you that needs some help with her personal life.
I see.................!


I've never, ever, started a thread asking Damo to ban anyone here, and I've never asked him privately to ban anyone either.

BB you are such a drunken fool. You crack me up.

anyone who does not find you attractive or intelligent....must be drunk...Gotcha!:rolleyes: Personally I find any guy in here who swoons over you must be drunk...they always look better after midnight and when buzzed!