That 'C'-Word Thang

If you guys want, we can just skip to the end of the thread---

LadyT comes in and says how disgusted she is at the whole thing.

Darla will come in, say something similar, but then express gratitude for her little virgin club for being so damn tolerant.

Desh will come in to support LadyT and Darla, then say something about me needing hugs or some shit.

Cue Cypress, BAC, Uscitizen, and any others looking for e-hugs that day to come in and return the cyber circle-jerk, then the thread gets buried.

Then the cycle resets until Darla needs attention again one day.

I reads as if you a a bit envious? I don't post her often enough to know your personality, but that is just he gut feeling I get reading it.
People only restrain themselves because of the consequences of their actions-- it should be no shock.

I didn't realise that the word "cunt" was such a revolutionary thing, considering it is probably about 5 times older than this country. If only I had known that the non-usage of the word "cunt" was the cornerstone keeping civilisation from collapsing into the sea, I would never have done it!

They are allusions if they are direct references, but ok. Hell, even Shakespeare puns off of the word-- I thought maybe you would appreciate him more.

If I am what? Honest? Uninhibited? Depends on the situation...obviously my language around my friends will be much different from my language in court.

It isn't geared towards a reaction-- it is geared toward not putting up with bullshit.

Consider this if you will: I put up with bullshit all throughout my day, all throughout my life. So excuse me if I put aside social niceties and tell people what I really think about them when they are a) attention whores, b) online strangers, c) people I will never met, d) all of the above.

I do not have to put up with the same levels of pseudo-intellectual bullshit online that I put up with in my real life, nor do I have to protect anyone's feelings, because none of us are friends (with the exception of me and one other here) and none of us will ever meet if I don't want to.

I always have to ask, if the word has no meaning, would you use it in reference to your mother? wife? daughter? boss's wife?

I laugh when people use the word in reference to myself, but if they called my mother such, I would take a different position on the issue.

It is nice to have a place to vent, where you don't have to follow social manners, but it seems that better debate is accomplished when manners are in place, to at least some degree.
Yes, let us not forget about that whole thing.

But this is exactly the hypocrisy that drives me from the Democratic party-- and you will notice that most of the outrage is coming from the left.

They are the party of freedom-- as long as it is the same freedom they want.

The party of free speech-- until you say something they find offensive.

The party of open-mindedness-- until you disagree with them (unless you disagree with them but are from a different culture).

Good old Midwestern manners, smile, be polite and don't say to their face what you think and say behind their backs.

It sounds to me that you have also described the Republican Party, I guess that is why there are two parties.

They are the party of freedom - as long as it doesn't involve sex, abortions or the use of drugs for adults

The party of free speech - until you criticize any of their party members, especially Bush, they go to extra lengths to stifle that kind of thing!

Open mindedness, the GOP has never heard of such things, they know what is good for us, better than we know what is good for ourselves, and gawd forbid that you should love the one you choose to love. They will have none of that!
The ignoring and such, my dear friends (those of you with brains), reveals the true goal of the left--- control.

They fear freedom that they cannot control, they fear real freedom as represented by me, because I spit in the face of their social niceties, of their pathetic party-line hackery that they believe is revolutionary only in that it pisses off the safe to piss off-- old men that sit in offices all day and never see the real world.

These people are as soft as the "Man" that they are rebelling against, and the cannot stand that some ACTUALLY are free.

When do you start with the "oh woe is me"?

This book was written by a woman.

Yes, they have the audience use the word, yell it! I went with my two very reserved friends and it was funny to watch them yelling the word

That's right, it's a lot like the debate going in within the black community about the use of the N word. With some feeling that using the word themselves, they rob it of its power. And others very passionately arguing that it doesn't. I have strong opinions that with its ugly history, it simply should not be used, but I don't get involved in the debate because it's within the black community, I can't possibly have walked in their shoes, and emotions run high on the question. I figure, best to keep my mouth shut, wtf do I know about being black in America and how or whether the n word should or shouldn't be used?

YOu know what I mean?

Bravo, I know exactly what you mean and agree!
You basically think like a racist. To believe that you can never understand because you're not black is an assertion of intrinsic unbreachable difference between races. It's a racist thought. But then again, you are a racist.

That is quite a load of road apple there pardner!

My husband tells me the stories of "Nam", I will never understand how he feels, no matter how many times I see the picture of the napalm burnt child running naked from the flames. There are some things you can not understand fully unless you experience them first hand. Prejudice, being considered only 3/8th or whatever the percent was, human, is a thing I can read about or hear from others but never fully understand, because it is not first hand experience.

Unbreachable, silliness.
Well, first of all you can't tell me what connotations it has-- connotations are formed on an individual basis.

As far as it being sexist, I would say that it refers more to a part of the body more than a particular sex, although there is no question that women are more likely to get offended by this than men. I think it is similar (but more weighted) to calling someone an asshole (which, incidentally, is the curse word that really makes my blood boil).

I have a feeling nothing pierces your ultra tough exterior and offends you.
Thats why most real men on this board laugh at darla when she calls us Pricks/dicks!
Me I just call her a 'Bimbo'...others call her the equivalent of prick/dick the big 'C'word...but then she rants and raves and begs damo to ban us from the board...:cof1: of course she also gets patronization from her minions, the limp wristed men on this board...!

Gotta run watch some tv...this is getting boring...night all!

I am a friend of Darla's, I guess that makes me a minion, too. She just gives back what she receives and a lot of guys find intelligent, aggressive women intimidating, so they use words like cunt and bimbo, to put them in their proper places, and she in turns uses the references to your penises, because it is that instrument by which a man measures his whole life. :tongout:
I am a friend of Darla's, I guess that makes me a minion, too. She just gives back what she receives and a lot of guys find intelligent, aggressive women intimidating, so they use words like cunt and bimbo, to put them in their proper places, and she in turns uses the references to your penises, because it is that instrument by which a man measures his whole life. :tongout:

Yeah, we do. So what? :clink:
...she in turns uses the references to your penises, because it is that instrument by which a man measures his whole life. :tongout:

That's true.

It also explains why it takes, at least, six months to carry out even the most basic carpentry task and the origin of the saying "a bad workman always blames his tool".
But froggie, she's not intelligent. She's an idiotic brainwashed skank. But she's starting to wise up on the Israelis situation. So that's good. She'll probably denounce my support.
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I always have to ask, if the word has no meaning, would you use it in reference to your mother? wife? daughter? boss's wife?
Yes, if they deserved it. By the way, I didn't say it had no meaning, I just said that it shouldn't be treated as some untouchable taboo. I probably would not call my boss's wife (how sexist to assume my boss is a male) a cunt, but on the otherhand I wouldn't call her a lot of "lesser" words either.

I laugh when people use the word in reference to myself, but if they called my mother such, I would take a different position on the issue.
And so continues the appeal to pathos.

It is nice to have a place to vent, where you don't have to follow social manners, but it seems that better debate is accomplished when manners are in place, to at least some degree.

There has never been better debate when Darla is involved, so let me assure you nothing has suffered. Darla manages to convince the rest of the board that she is a serious debator only because she will start one of these hysterical rants whenever she feels threatened (aka someone notices she is full of shit).
Good old Midwestern manners, smile, be polite and don't say to their face what you think and say behind their backs.
I'm not Midwestern-- in fact, you could not have named a region of the country I hate more.

It sounds to me that you have also described the Republican Party, I guess that is why there are two parties.
This doesn't make any sense.

Open mindedness, the GOP has never heard of such things, they know what is good for us, better than we know what is good for ourselves, and gawd forbid that you should love the one you choose to love. They will have none of that!

You are arguing with the wrong person if you think I'm going to gush with Republican love. As far the parties go, both of them want to control my life, and I'm sorry you haven't realised that yet-- Republicans want me to be a Bible-thumping Christian redneck, and Democrats want me to be a non-smoker hybrid-driving vegan waste of space, who only is offensive to Republicans but never free enough to offend any Democrats (like in this thread).

No thank you to either.
I have a feeling nothing pierces your ultra tough exterior and offends you.

You mean because I'm not a retard? You don't have to have an ultra-tough exterior to be smart enough to know that words are words. Anyone that is easily upset through discourse is a person insecure in his or her beliefs.
I am a friend of Darla's, I guess that makes me a minion, too. She just gives back what she receives and a lot of guys find intelligent, aggressive women intimidating, so they use words like cunt and bimbo, to put them in their proper places, and she in turns uses the references to your penises, because it is that instrument by which a man measures his whole life. :tongout:

Yes, as usual let's try to use pseudo-psychology to cover your asses. No one here finds Darla intelligent (or at least I don't) because 90 percent of the time she is talking about some random crap that has nothing to do with the thread, I guess designed to shock us. Aggressive? Possible, although she bitches and moans a lot for someone that is "aggressive".

Could it be that I just don't like Darla, and that is isn't a reflection on how I treat women in my life or how I feel about strong women?

Tell me, froggie, what exactly is a woman's proper role?