The AG in Arizona says he will not enforce the Abortion ban.

The AG in Arizona HAS pledged not to prosecute nor enforce this absurd law. The AG, by the way, is a she, not a he.

I expect she will not.

But, if the next governor of Arizona is a Republican, she will be out of a job...and the new AG, male or female, will undoubtedly be willing, happily, to enforce it to the letter.

The AG should not be able to choose the laws they enforce or do not. It is authoritarian bullshit.
That's always going to be the case in our divided nation. Until we do away with the electoral college, elections are going to be decided by thin margins in swing states. It's how trump won in '16.

It isn't the electoral college that's a problem. The 17th Amendment is a problem. Mail-in elections, and voting "seasons" are problems. Primary systems that exclude third-party candidates by making it hard for them to get on the ballot is a problem. Thank god we don't do the idiocy of ranked choice voting.

When all major federal elected offices are done by direct popular vote, that's a major problem. It eliminates any check and balance between various parts of government, and ensures that eventually a one-party state emerges--that is, a dictatorship.
And the AG in Arizona should not enforce a 19th century draconian law, these republicans want to take us back yesteryear?!! That was a dumb move by the supreme court to overturn Roe vs Wade, it's causing the republicans election too?!!

What other laws do you think our elected officials should ignore or not enforce?
Skateboarding isn't a right just like abortion isnt a right.
Again you show your stupidity on this topic.

we have the RIGHT to do what we want, unless it is specifically prohibited by law or the Constitution.

Meaning the onus is NOT on a person to show they have a right to skateboard or have an abortion as THEY DO, if and until the gov't tries to pass a law limiting that RIGHT, they had naturally.

All of the burden is then on the LAW to establish and prove it has the merits to stand up, so that it can then limit the action. There is NO BURDEN on anything to PROVE they have a right to do something, as you CAN and ALWAYS DO, if not prohibited.

So women DID have a right to abortion via the Constitution via the COnstitution NOT prohibiting it. Just as a person has a right to skateboard.

Step 2 then goes to questions of law which then MAY try and limit or take away that right, you had up until the point a law is implemented and survives challenge.