The bible

Outside of the most extreme fundamentalist Holly Roller communities, I don't know anyone who thinks every word in the bible is literally true and historically accurate.

I personally don't rely on Hollywood movies or popular fiction writers for knowledge of the Bible.

I tend to put a lot of weight on trained academic scholars of religion. These are some I have read and listened to

Bart Ehrman, PhD (agnostic) professor of religious studies, University of North Carolina

Phillip Carey PhD (Protestant), professor of religious philosophy, Eastern University

Luke Timothy Johnson, PhD (Catholic), Benedictine monk and professor of religion studies, Emory University

Isaiah Gafni, PhD, (Jewish) Hebrew University, professor of Jewish History

And what makes you think any of these people know anything?
Christianity is a Conspiracy theory-
All religions are conspiracies. It is no theory. The Democrat party is a conspiracy too. It is no theory.
No different than the one you also believe- that Hillary is slicing up babies and feeding them to people in a NY Pizzaria!
What fiction is this??????!?
Just like the Conspiracy theory you also believe that the LGBTQ are trying to take over the world and they are grooming all of our children in Grade school to grow up and become gay!
Not a theory. The LGBTQ (or whatever the fuck alphabet letters you call yourself now) is a conspiracy. It is no theory. They are indeed trying to groom children in grade school to embrace their fucked up beliefs.
All of your 100's of conspiracy theories you believe in are all based upon FEAR and paranoia including Christianity- Your fear of dying and being cast to hell!
I have no fear of death or of being cast into hell. I am Christian.
Just as your fear of minorities are taking over America-
They aren't, though you and Democrats claim they are.
So you are part of a Conspiracy Theory to prevent that from happening-
No need. It's not happening.
Naming your fiction doesn't make it anything other than fiction.
You have conflated and Bastardized Religion, Science, and Politics wrapping them up in one little convenient package that plays into your narratives of SELF-INTEREST, SELF PRESERVATION, AND SELF-IMPORTANCE- while overlooking Common Sense, Common Knowledge, and Common Decency!
You are describing yourself again.
Meaningless to you!

Like common sense, Common Decency, and common knowledge!


Exactly who did PREACHER MAN?

King James? Mathew? Mark? Luke? John?

Maybe you should read the Bible. It lists who saw Jesus rise into Heaven.
I don't need to copy/paste anything. All you need to do is start with scholars who've written about the subject of Jesus mythicism. Start with Wikipedia. This is really common knowledge for anyone who studies the Bible in any capacity.

The question is are you willing to challenge your faith?

Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism). You cannot prove your religion True.
Written a generation after the death of Jesus (ca. 30 C.E), none of the four gospel writers were eyewitnesses to the ministry of Jesus. Our earliest extant sources of information about Jesus of Nazareth and his teachings remain the letters of the apostle Paul.

Who witnessed the resurrection of Jesus?

Mention of the witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus brings to mind figures such as Peter, John, the remaining members of the Eleven, Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James, Salome, Cleopas, and his companion. Paul might at most be granted an honorable mention.

1. I'm certain I know more about theology than you. In my youth, I was planning to become an Orthodox priest. It was my earnest exploration into biblical criticism that led me to atheism.

2. Theology is irrelevant to this discussion. You don't need to know the intricacies of Harry Potter to know that magic doesn't exist, do you?

You are not an atheist. You simply joined the Church of No God.
Or perhaps we could share our knowledge with you if you were not so close minded. For example you are sure you know more than PMP but his history is at least as versed in the scripture as yours. I have a pretty extensive history in religion myself so don't think your knowledge of the Bible is superior to others here because you are wrong.

The Church of No God is fundamentalist in nature. Fundamentalists are by their nature closed minded.
I don't think Jonah actually lived in the belly of a whale or that Noah built a boat that could hold every animal species in the world

More likely, these are stories intended to impart some lesson or wisdom like the rest of the literature of the ancient world, aka Gilgamesh was probably based on a real historical king, but the story was obviously literary in it's intent.

There was no need to hold every animal species in the world.
But in the meantime, I thought I'd basically give my take on the bible here. In essence, I consider it a mix of history and fiction.

And this is why you can't connect with everyone on this topic. Is it the word of God? Judging by what you just posted I'd say you think No. And that's your problem, if you want a serious conversation on the Bible you just ruled out all of the people who do really believe it's the Word of God.