The big tent


It occurs to me there is a reason why the Democrats are considered the big tent. We acctually accept the will of our fellow voters. When we realize the will of the people is accurately recorded we bend with it. conservitive voters seem to be much more wedded to the idea of my candidate or no one else. They seem much more willing to do a scorched earth defense of their candidate.

What this is proving to me is what I have susecpted for some time now.

Conservatives are less drawn to democracy.

They seem to be Father oriented. They want the big daddy to lead them and to make the family feel safe. Conservatives want everything to stay the same and be predictable. They want a fantasy which does not exsist in real adult life. They want it all solved now so they never have to worry again.

The big tent means you get the family together and deside which is the most mutally benificial path for the entire family to take at the momment. The big tent means the needs are always changing and that the tent has to be ajusted periodically as the family grows and changes. Its the reality that nothing is ever truely done and over. Its the adult perspective of having to constantly THINK about what is the wisest next choice and desiding that by taking in the needs of the ENTIRE family. This includes the sullen teenager, the healthy young football player, the 10 year old with ADHD, the baby with asthma and not just considering the best interest of the Rich Uncle.

Americans are aching to be a family again. They want to come together. The conservatives always seek to split the family and pit them against each other. It always gets old after a period of time. Yes they will convience people after things are better that they need to consider the Rich Uncle the one who is most important because people can imagine being the Rich Uncle themselfs but after the real effects of the policy shift is seen they will seek the coming together of the family once again.

Its just sad that the family has to be split up every few years when those years could be the ones that really create a great family country.

Democracy means all the people. It seems the current Republican party faithful are now even saying to their own to take a hike because they are not republican enough. They truely seem to think that only those who think exactly like them are worthy to serve. Or is it they know that the cycle needs the Democrats to step in and fix it or the rich Uncle will just move to a more prosperous country?
No, you are the big tent because you aren't a political party, you are a coalition of special interest groups.

EDIt: By the way, retard, real conservatives want the exact opposite of what you described. You described the Democratic Party, not the Republicans (pre-neocon).
You dont get to deside what a real conservative is politically.

You fellow consevatives will do that collectively.

Thanks for helping prove my point about only those who think exactly like them matter.
You dont get to deside what a real conservative is politically.

You fellow consevatives will do that collectively.

Thanks for helping prove my point about only those who think exactly like them matter.

I am not a conservative, but thanks for proving that Democrats have to label everything so that their small brains can understand it.

I do get to decide what a real conservative is politically-- because we have these wonderful things called "definitions" that help us to define things regardless of what people may try to say it means.

You need to learn the difference between GW Bush and conservatives.
For the 100th time, I challenge both or either of you to show me how I am a conservative, a Republican, or anything resembling either.
Gonzo you dont even know your own self.

You claim you go after both sides, you prove it.

Wait, I'm supposed to prove something because you haven't been able to provide any evidence to support your own lame-ass argument?

I will admit that I like the Republicans more than I do the Democrats, but there is certainly no love and there are many issues we disagree on. Hell, you can just ask most of the conservatives on this site--- the mutual disdain for me from both sides of the aisle should be proof enough.

EDIT: And I know myself a hell of a lot more than you do.
No, you are the big tent because you aren't a political party, you are a coalition of special interest groups.

EDIt: By the way, retard, real conservatives want the exact opposite of what you described. You described the Democratic Party, not the Republicans (pre-neocon).

How could you say this about what I wrote unless you are a conservative?

Go read what I wrote again.

Do you really think this current R base care about the entire population of Americans, even the ones who are scraping the bottom of the societal barrel.
How could you say this about what I wrote unless you are a conservative?

Go read what I wrote again.

Do you really think this current R base care about the entire population of Americans, even the ones who are scraping the bottom of the societal barrel.

What you wrote is a bunch of crap on how YOU perceive conservatives to be. You couldn't be further from the truth Desh. You simply put forth your idiotic projections on what you think Reps are and then act like everyone should take it as a fact.
Keep waitin Gonzo we already know. And I for one have nothing to prove on this.

what a crock of shit. Typical dem BS.... you proclaim something to be true, yet provide no evidence to support your theory. Let me guess, it is the traditional "If you don't hate Reps, you must be one" line of logic
This is based on the partys factions actions.

Why dont you tell us just what parts are wrong and why super?
what a crock of shit. Typical dem BS.... you proclaim something to be true, yet provide no evidence to support your theory. Let me guess, it is the traditional "If you don't hate Reps, you must be one" line of logic

I am familiar with your posts and have no intention of helping you to unseat me as the most stupit poster.
So conservatives are for a weak government?

Maybe on paper but the people who call themselfs conservatives here in America dont seem to agree with you. There is a dictionary definition and then there is the reality of what is happening politically.

Your brand of conservatism is effectively dead in the US.