The big tent

So conservatives are for a weak government?

Maybe on paper but the people who call themselfs conservatives here in America dont seem to agree with you. There is a dictionary definition and then there is the reality of what is happening politically.

Your brand of conservatism is effectively dead in the US.

Says who? Just because George Bush was in the White House for 8 years?

There are still plenty of conservatives-- but that would be getting off subject on the fact that you have been unable to point out any evidence that would link me to them.

Desh does have a point. You all want a grandpa Ronnie again so bad you can't see straight.

fyi GHW 'Bush 41' was the real president during Ronald Reagans terms...Ronnie was just a figure head reading scripts...a nice guy and liked...but by no means did he control the office..;)
I believe that for the last 2 years of his presidency. But the first 6 Ronnie oversaw things. The one thing that Repubs always seem to do better is to appoint people to the cabinet and then manage them without micro managing.
So conservatives are for a weak government?

Maybe on paper but the people who call themselfs conservatives here in America dont seem to agree with you. There is a dictionary definition and then there is the reality of what is happening politically.

Your brand of conservatism is effectively dead in the US.

So the spirit of 1776 has come to an end?
Desh does have a point. You all want a grandpa Ronnie again so bad you can't see straight.

LMAO... time for you to go hunting waaaambulances again.

I want another Ike.... though another Reagan would be my second choice. I certainly do not blame Reps for wanting another Reagan type leader. After Bush, Dole, Bush, Bush.... can YOU blame them for wanting to go back to the man that united the country and crushed the Dems in 1984?
Clinton had better approval ratings than Reagan.

Clinton was better at uniting the country.

The partisan divide widened greatly under Clowntoon.

Reagan won in a landslide with almost 60% of the vote. Clinton never got above 50%. He had to rely on Perot to get elected both times.

As for approval ratings... Nothing says approval like a landslide victory.
The partisan divide widened greatly under Clowntoon.

Reagan won in a landslide with almost 60% of the vote. Clinton never got above 50%. He had to rely on Perot to get elected both times.

As for approval ratings... Nothing says approval like a landslide victory.

Yes it did And that was the reason the clinton years were good for most. The republicans were to busy trying to nail slick wille and had no time to screw us.
Yes it did And that was the reason the clinton years were good for most. The republicans were to busy trying to nail slick wille and had no time to screw us.

I can't really argue that. The best thing Clowntoon and the Rep Congress did was stay the hell out of the way of the economy. Had the SEC done its job during that time it would have been better, but still, I agree that the partisan fighting kept the politicos from screwing us too badly.
talk about jokes should I bring up Bush at this time ?
His approval rating and landslide victories ?

are you fucking retarded?

No one said anything about Bush.... yet again you have the desire to throw him into every discussion. You are a fucking moron. Try adding to the discussion.