the biggest hustle in human history

that is actually interesting...

since he published no articles, and harvard sought to put this in the lime light....makes me think that maybe he was just a figure is rare, if ever, that an editor of a law review, especially havard, doesn't publish eve one article....

why do you think that is?

Even lawyers can be blinded by racism, probably instilled by your parents. Really a political message board asshole or Harvard. Child please


Post #36, you dimwit. Pull your head out of the various neocon bloggers asses....get your act together, because I'm starting to be embarassed for you.
Even lawyers can be blinded by racism, probably instilled by your parents. Really a political message board asshole or Harvard. Child please

why didn't he publish a note or article? it has nothing to do with race, just give me an explanation....
From your link:

Why is the Administration cajoling journalists to cover this shit up?

He was offered tenure several times. He never accepted because his other demands conflicted with the burden that being a full tenure-track professor would place on him.

As they said, one of the other "Senior Lecturer's" at Chicago is Richard fucking Posner. I doubt there's any tenure level professor at the school who's even on the same level as him.
Jesus H. Christ on a pogo-stick. Can we get this one moved to conspiracy theories where it belongs?

Isn't it amazing that republicans ever get elected? Clinton's election cost Americans millions as they looked and looked and looked for anything to smear him with. But irony of all ironies, in power with Bush jr, they failed and failed and failed, so really this sort of stupidity is the best they can do. You gotta allow something for them they can't do anything else well.
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I've noticed posters claiming he was a 'Constitutional law professor' at Chicago Law School, University of Illinois, a Chicago University. At the time he was running at least around here, in Chicago, that he was an occasional lecturer at University of Chicago.

I'm all for getting rid of this guy, but this seems much ado about nothing.
Post #36, you dimwit. Pull your head out of the various neocon bloggers asses....get your act together, because I'm starting to be embarassed for you.
That's your own embarrassment your feeling, Libbie, from an untenable political position and having to be an apologist for your messiah. :)
I've noticed posters claiming he was a 'Constitutional law professor' at Chicago Law School, University of Illinois, a Chicago University. At the time he was running at least around here, in Chicago, that he was an occasional lecturer at University of Chicago.

I'm all for getting rid of this guy, but this seems much ado about nothing.

Oh annie. you're always so mature and reasonable, and acquiescent to naked power.
You have nothing to say for months on end and when you do chime in its to throw stones at free thinkers in your own camp.
He was offered tenure several times. He never accepted because his other demands conflicted with the burden that being a full tenure-track professor would place on him.

Exactly! If I recall correctly he attended kindergarten in Kenya where he was indoctrinated and became a sleeper cell and his mission is to take over the world. :thisisgettinggood:

Southern Man has discovered the plot.