The Clintons are at it again and cannot be trusted

I agree with you that she's not going to be on the ticket, thus I won't have to vote for someone else .. yet, by any strange occurance she was to magically end up on the ticket, voting for him would be his death sentence.

I know you don't believe the Clintons would kill him, but I SINCERELY and HONESTLY do .. a sentiment that is shared by a lot of people.

I see, I guess I understand then why you woudln't vote for that ticket. I just don't see how it's remotely possible for them to get away with such a thing.
Of course she won't. Any "consideration" at this point is all for show. Obama is too intelligent to put the Clintons behind him.

I think that she is the one orchestrating this show though, and I don't know what she hopes to get out of it. It's puzzling. she knows she's not going to be VP.
I think that she is the one orchestrating this show though, and I don't know what she hopes to get out of it. It's puzzling. she knows she's not going to be VP.

I think that is the scariest part of this scenario. She knows that.... but she is obviously playing for something.... but for the life of me, I cannot figure out what.... and that worries me.
I see, I guess I understand then why you woudln't vote for that ticket. I just don't see how it's remotely possible for them to get away with such a thing.

The Clintons have made a career of getting away with things.

I did two hours on a black call-in talk show this morning, and I was absolutely amazed at the number of white callers who called in first praising Obama's nomination, then warning that the Clintons will try to kill him if he puts Hillary on the ticket.

I was floored.
The Clintons have made a career of getting away with things.

I did two hours on a black call-in talk show this morning, and I was absolutely amazed at the number of white callers who called in first praising Obama's nomination, then warning that the Clintons will try to kill him if he puts Hillary on the ticket.

I was floored.

Well, all I can say is, I don’t want her on the ticket, for many, many reasons. But as we pretty much all seem to agree, she isn’t getting on it. Who knows what they are jockeying for at this point, but Obama seems to be a really smart guy, so I feel pretty confident that he can handle this situation. I do remain somewhat wary of what they are planning to pull later in the summer though.
I think that is the scariest part of this scenario. She knows that.... but she is obviously playing for something.... but for the life of me, I cannot figure out what.... and that worries me.

Yeah, I can agree with this sentiment, at this point. I really did think she was going to suspend her campaign this week. If she doesn’t, then I am concerned.
Yeah, I can agree with this sentiment, at this point. I really did think she was going to suspend her campaign this week. If she doesn’t, then I am concerned.

I had a feeling she would provide the one finger salute to the Dems party. Last night pretty much clinched that in my opinion. If she was going to suspend, she would have done it last night. She talked today about speaking with party leaders to see how she should "move forward". I almost fell out of my chair laughing.

The question is... will anyone in the Dem leadership actually have the backbone to tell her.... "concede or suspend ... THAT is how we move forward".
He should just call me now and get it over with. If we announce that I am his VP candidate then Hillary will have no recourse but to cry. And he'll have my full support and all the vote he can gain from me.


lol. i did hear your name mentioned in talks
Well, all I can say is, I don’t want her on the ticket, for many, many reasons. But as we pretty much all seem to agree, she isn’t getting on it. Who knows what they are jockeying for at this point, but Obama seems to be a really smart guy, so I feel pretty confident that he can handle this situation. I do remain somewhat wary of what they are planning to pull later in the summer though.

You're correct .. they are planning something.

How does this nation rid itself of the Clintons?
I agree with you that she's not going to be on the ticket, thus I won't have to vote for someone else .. yet, by any strange occurance she was to magically end up on the ticket, voting for him would be his death sentence.

I know you don't believe the Clintons would kill him, but I SINCERELY and HONESTLY do .. a sentiment that is shared by a lot of people.

I'm crossing my fingers that he won't put her on the ticket, but I'm now rethinking my position on not voting for him if she's on there. We need healthcare reforms yesterday. Yes, my vote would make a statement (b/c lets face it McKinney wouldn't win), would I be willing to give up any potential strides made in dragging us into the 21st century? I don't think I will.
I'm crossing my fingers that he won't put her on the ticket, but I'm now rethinking my position on not voting for him if she's on there. We need healthcare reforms yesterday. Yes, my vote would make a statement (b/c lets face it McKinney wouldn't win), would I be willing to give up any potential strides made in dragging us into the 21st century? I don't think I will.

I agree that McKinney will not win, not even come close .. but I am absolutely convinced that voting for him with Hillary on the ticket is his death sentence. I do not wish to sacrifice his life and what he means to his family for healthcare.
I agree that McKinney will not win, not even come close .. but I am absolutely convinced that voting for him with Hillary on the ticket is his death sentence. I do not wish to sacrifice his life and what he means to his family for healthcare.

Well, I don't think she'll necessary orchestrate an assisination. However, I do think that its interesting that she hasn't tossed in the towel yet and that Kennedy comment does raise eyebrows.
It isn't just me or black people who hold this belief ..

Assassination comment turns Obama - Clinton dream ticket into a nightmare
By Hal Brown

If anyone ever had hope that an Obama-Clinton dream team would be a ticket to ride to easily victory in November, the glaring proof that she's imagined Obama dying of an assassin's bullet should wake us from that dream turned mightmare forthwith. Without a Sirhan Sirhan wannabe making her the nominee, you can't have a vice president having an unconscious fantasy about a clone of Lee Harvey Oswald making her president.

Some of the mainstream media reporters are calling Hillary's damage control statement an apology, but thank goodness for the Internet and cable news where sensible people are saying that if anything her so-called apology was so insincere it was almost worse than her original remark.

Obama, showing true class, isn't voicing public outrage, but I can't imagine him ever considering her as a running mate after this.

Michelle, who risks losing not only a president but a husband, might remind him how Hillary is likely to convince a few unhinged sharp-shooting white Appalachian males to vote Democratic.

The Secret Service has a difficult enough job as it is without investigating more psychotics who think they'd be doing Hillary a huge favor if they personally made her president.

I was going to write this column about how John McCain's inner meanness and a certain tendency to have loose lips was starting to show with his recent statements about Obama never being in the military, his bringing up Reverend Wright again, and his delight in mocking of Obama's youth.

But this makes McCain look merely like an eccentric sharp-tongued elderly uncle.

I and others have called the heart of Hillary cold and calculating, but how is that consistent with these remarks being accidental?

Before someone comments that I am suggesting Hillary wants to become president so badly that she's consciously wishing for Obama's death, I want to be clear that I am writing as a psychotherapist who believes in the unconscious. I believe that some references and slips of the tongue are representative of unconscious wishes too unaccepatble to reach one's conscious awareness.

I don't condemn Hillary for having this unconscious fantasy. She's human. You may have the unconscious wish that your beloved wealthy aunt dies and leaves you a fortune but that doesn't mean you want it to happen.

I do condemn her for her lack of self-awareness, insight, empathy, and genuine remorse, in her so-called apology:

“I regret that if my referencing that moment of trauma for our entire
nation, and particularly for the Kennedy family was in any way
offensive. I certainly had no intention of that whatsoever.”

She regrets IF her reference was in any way offensive? Also, let's not forget that she made the same reference in a Time Magazine interview published on March 6th. (Here)

This, in my book, is not a sincere apology for suggesting that one reason for staying in the race is that her opponent might be assassinated.

Afterthought: She also never mentioned Barack Obama, focusing her non-apology on the Kennedy family. Yet what she was talking about was the possible assassination of Barack Obama. The comment wasn't really about Robert Kennedy. It was about Obama! Why no apology to him and his wife and especially to his children who are old enough to ask:

"Daddy, is it true Senator Clinton is still running against you because she thinks you might get killed?"
Hillary may have over-played her hand ...

Death of a Saleswoman
How Hillary Clinton lost me—and a generation of young voters.
By Meghan O'Rourke

-- excerpt

"In this regard, Clinton never really was the first American matriarch. Instead, she may be best remembered as our last patriarch. The more her campaign floundered as Obama offered ecstasy and she didn't, the more masculine and hard-nosed she made herself out to be.

Cannily reversing gender roles, she told Obama supporters that if he couldn't "take the heat" he should "get out of the kitchen"—a subtle put-down of her own gender aimed at working-class male voters who wanted reassurance that Clinton was manlier than the girlie men the Democrats had of late been nominating. Her supporters (among them, Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana) invoked stories of steelworkers waxing enthusiastic about her "testicular fortitude."

While Obama went on rhetorical flights about hope, she compared herself to the hyper-masculine Rocky Balboa—an underdog, to be sure, but a stoic one who keeps getting up. None of this was accidental, even if the source wasn't always Hillary herself. She was "manning up." Over the years, her hair had grown shorter, and her make-up thicker, like a mask. She played the men's game so well that James Carville eventually quipped, "If she gave [Obama] one of her cojones, they'd both have two."

-- more at link