The Conservative Line on Race


"That a successful middle-class black man in this country cannot buy or sell a home, raise and educate his children, or pursue his life's work without having constantly, and in innumerable ways, to deal with the stigma of race surely has something to do with the survival in that man's mind of a fealty to "his people." If you want him to abandon the figment of the pigment, why not lend a hand at dispelling the enigma of the stigma?"

Folks, in spite of denial, I'm sorry to have to say this but those who ignore race in America live in fantasyland. This piece, while long, dissects the major conservative talking points.

by Glenn C. Loury

"The case made in this book for racelessness is abstract, divorced from the texture of social life in this country, made mainly in the service of a color-blind policy argument, and, ironically, ahistorical. The authors like Colin Powell - and so do I. He is, for them, the black-who-doesn't-harp-on-being-black presidential candidate, whose promising electoral prospects in 1995 showed that the country was ready to move beyond race. Yet if one reads Powell's autobiography and his revealing interview in The New Yorker, or if one spends time talking to him, as I have done, one discovers that consciousness of race is at the very core of his being. He knows, and freely says, that but for being black he would never have risen to his position, and having so risen, would never have commanded the political interest that he did. That he is not a race-monger is to his credit, I believe. But his life story is no brief for racelessness -- quite the contrary. Indeed, just about every effective strategy of which I am aware that is being carried out in poor black communities to combat the scourges of violence, low academic achievement, and family instability builds positively on the kind of ethnic consciousness that Powell's biography exemplifies. There is remarkably little in America in Black and White about such positive race consciousness."

"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin
are you saying that because Obama is half white,
I bet 90% of black college grads are doing better than you mid.
As long as a large faction of government insists race iss important, then it will remain an issue. There are still problems in society that stem from racial tensions. Ignoring them will not make them go away.

However, the degree to which today's so-called progressives (IMO liberals of today abandoned genuine progressivism decades ago) insist we focus on race make those problems larger rather than smaller.

Those who are of a minority are therefore faced with a difficult choice. Support a political philosophy that basically ignores, or even denies the problems we face, or support a philosophy that, for all intent and purposes, takes advantage of the problems we face, and in the process ends up making things worse more often than not.

Most often I think it is better to go with those who at least acknowledge that there are still problems faced by minorities that are not faced by the white majority. Other times, considering some of the "solutions" they come up with, I am not so certain.
race will continue to be an issue as long as it's made an issue. WTF are today's americans supposed to do to live down the sins of past americans? We can't change the past. It will always be there to look at and cry about, but that will never take away what was done. So we are doomed to race problems because there are people who will not look to the future but perfer to dwell in the past.
race will continue to be an issue as long as it's made an issue. WTF are today's americans supposed to do to live down the sins of past americans? We can't change the past. It will always be there to look at and cry about, but that will never take away what was done. So we are doomed to race problems because there are people who will not look to the future but perfer to dwell in the past.

Great post. I think the new generation of Liberals this is not so much an issue though, it's mostly the older ones who still pretend that life for blacks today is the same as it was decades ago.

Midcan owns himself and proves what we said because his link is from November 1997, which means the book he is referencing is at least over a decade old.
"Differencs of many types including race will be an issue into the forseeable future of mankind."

race will continue to be an issue as long as it's made an issue. WTF are today's americans supposed to do to live down the sins of past americans? We can't change the past. It will always be there to look at and cry about, but that will never take away what was done. So we are doomed to race problems because there are people who will not look to the future but perfer to dwell in the past.

You're right. If we ignore a problem, it will go away. Let's ignore taxes and murder next.
You're right. If we ignore a problem, it will go away. Let's ignore taxes and murder next.

Who said ignore? Is looking towards the future ingoring? Nope. STFU you little dweeb.

Let's worry aboiut stuff that happened before we were born. Maybe we can change the future by worrying about the past.
Let's ignore global warming too.

We have already been doing that.

Same with the economy, until just relatively yesterday when the panic started.
We are very good as a country at ignoring things that matter and fixating on things that don't matter much.

btw what is Brittany up to lately ?
Or how are the Dolphins doing ?
how many races will Danika win ?
And will lost stay lost ?