The Conservative Line on Race

Midcan and her racist ass kick ass. Oh and let's not leave citizen out. His racist Kentucky ass counts as well. Racist hick.
Citizen is a racist. What's up hick racist! Everyone on the board knows you're an idiot. 40,000 post and you haven't said shit. But there are more people that know how stupid you are sir. Something to be proud of. Please go do an inhumane act to yourself sir.
Citizen is a racist. What's up hick racist! Everyone on the board knows you're an idiot. 40,000 post and you haven't said shit. But there are more people that know how stupid you are sir. Something to be proud of. Please go do an inhumane act to yourself sir.

Cawacko when you sober up you are going to be so mad at yourself for not listening to me and stopping your posting.

I have to go into the shower now and head out to an early meeting, you two try not to kill each other! Bye!
Citizen is a racist. What's up hick racist! Everyone on the board knows you're an idiot. 40,000 post and you haven't said shit. But there are more people that know how stupid you are sir. Something to be proud of. Please go do an inhumane act to yourself sir.

I try and either post humor or someting worth more than S$#@ like bush supporters like you post.
I do admit my humor is a bit lacking some times though ;)

But not as humerous as someone who actually voted for bush and thinks USC is a good team.
Oh citizen don't be jealous because no one cares about you.

the task is too large, I marked all my forums as read about 1 week ago and now it shows over 1000 unread....

Lots of people care about me where it means something. In my little corner of the world.
I don't consider that good news. Just pretty much inevitable.

I don't think what will rise from the ashes will be as good as what we had.

It may not be as good for those who had it .. but it will be better for all Americans and tremendously better for the planet.
Maybe Batman is real .. perhaps even Neo

.. after all, we're much closer to being the Matrix than we are Gotham City.

True dat. I'm not really keen on being regarded as a battery, so hopefully Neo is real. And Mouse too, even though he died with little screen time, he was a truely cool character.
Didn't read your race baiting bullshit
Fuck off and die loser

Right on. I bet they don't have any middle or lower class black families in their neighborhoods.

I do. My area is about 50% black. we even say hello when we walk past eachother on the sidewalk. wow! They face the same challenges that I do, and even get some benifits I don't qualify for--because I am white? No--because I don't grab socialism as easily as self proclaimed or conditioned victims. Same challenges---the differences are our own perspectives. Many black men and women are doing better than I am. Good for them---they earned it. In fact---obama is the first prefessional black man (but he is from kenya--not africa--so may be that is why) that I don't trust or like. Most black men and women I know of that made something of themslfs in my neighborhood, and doiong better than I am, are very distinguished people and I look up to them. I faced the same challenges they did. They did better---I can accept that. What is your problem? Try to make it an oppertunity, and see what happens later in life. Insist on being a victim--and you will be destined to be one.

This country gives you the right to succeed or fail. How you look at governing your life makes all the difference. I am getting older--I don't have time to bleed from anybody's tiny arrows. Racism today--is a tiny arrow. Of course--obama will disagree during a electioin year. This is the 2008 election, not the 1968 election.
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True dat. I'm not really keen on being regarded as a battery, so hopefully Neo is real. And Mouse too, even though he died with little screen time, he was a truely cool character.

Without question brother, we have been reduced to batteries that make the Matrix/Wall Street work.

Once they got away with 9/11, the game was over, democracy had ended .. and no one wants to take the red pill.
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It may not be as good for those who had it .. but it will be better for all Americans and tremendously better for the planet.

I doubt that, as times get tougher less care is taken for the environment. It is an early casualty of hard times. Drill offshore, burn more coal, etc... It is inevitable.
Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated, or eliminated.
I doubt that, as times get tougher less care is taken for the environment. It is an early casualty of hard times. Drill offshore, burn more coal, etc... It is inevitable.
Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated, or eliminated.
But of course, the global warming due to emissions theory is a lie to justify seizing control of the worlds oil. you should factor that into your worldview, and reject energo-fascism.