The Constitution Mandates That The Federal Government Be A Fraction Of What It is.

You mean.....the way Homeland Security did??

No constitutional argument?

Yeah....that's pretty-much the same argument DICK Mellon Scaife's crew made, regarding Lil' Dumbya's Patriot Act..... know, that Granddaddy o' Clinton Conspiracies??!!!!



.....But, you go-ahead....and, KEEP DIGGING!!


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The only tax payer monies to be spent on "infrastructure" would have to be spent on INTERSTATE construction and the Feds do have the authority to "regulate interstate commerce" under Article 1, Section, Clause 3.

There is no constitutional authority to spend federal tax dollars on projects that fall under the power and scope of State or Local governments....billions of dollars are funneled into many wasteful projects each year where Big Brother has no constitutional authority to mandate how state and local governments build and maintain their STATE and LOCAL INFRASTRUCTURES.

For instance Mass Transit, Bike Trails, Side Walk walking paths...etc., with these state and local projects the Fed overreaches and goes way beyond the enumerated powers established by the Constitution...particularly the "general welfare clause" where the Fed should only step in when there is a NATIONAL CONCERN with defense or commerce....not to dictate to every community where and how they must construct their local infrastructures. Its the power of the purse string....the Feds have become addicted to spending in order to maintain their supposed temporary positions as Congress critters....and they hold this self professed power over the States to used as a hammer when they determine some state is out line with their ideology...."do as WE say or lose your funding..." its an all to many times used practice at the federal level.

Now when any FEDERAL MONEY is sent down to any state or local government....the local authorities "rush" to spend the money before the Federally mandated time limit expires....the majority is simply wasted not on important projects but superfluous projects to simply SPEND THE MONEY...while the important time consuming projects like bridge maintenance...and major highway repairs go to hell.

Big Brother is simply out of control. For instance: Where I live (right off a county highway)...the road is going to pot...literally, but did that stop the state from coming in and painting lines on the deteriorating road? I asked the supervisor, "Why are you painting new lines on such a road?" His response? We have Federal Funding in the form of a grant but we only have until the end of the month to spend had to spend it somewhere and we did not have enough federal funds to resurface. I asked another question, "What about our local and state dollars earmarked to maintain our roads...where did it go?" Response? "You'all have to ask your politicians that question."

The reality as concluded by logic and reason? The state has become addicted to Federal Dollars to do everything they should be doing for themselves...while our taxes are being wasted elsewhere instead of being used to maintain our local and state infrastructure systems.
Because that's how any civilized society works. Otherwise, you would have some states with great roads/bridges, and others with dirt roads and ferries.
By what article or amendment do you expand the power to “regulate interstate commerce” to spending taxpayer’s dollars on interstate highway maintenance and construction? The power to regulate commerce is simply to regulate taxes and duties between the States to assure equilibrium of same between the States. It takes a BIG government imagination to turn that into spending taxpayer’s dollars on projects that the States can and should do themselves.

Its not a matter of "expanding" anything....its a matter of simply applying Section 1 Article 8 properly.

A system of interstate infrastructures (highways and bridges) most certainly is of NATIONAL CONCERN in both the regulation of Commerce and NATIONAL DEFENSE. The Federal government under the 8 enumerated powers most certainly has the authority to LEVY and REGULATE where Interstate Trade and National Defense are concerned...under the "Common Welfare" clause. Its the best interest of ALL THE PEOPLE/STATES to be connected by a national system of highways for both Defense and Efficient Trade. Its not rocket science...its common sense.

The problem is the federal overreach in declaring "everything" a national concern under the Common Welfare clause when in reality the Fed's power and scope of authority are limited to 3 areas in which there are 8 enumerated powers granted to the Feds by the STATES/PEOPLE in the Constitution, all of which are contained in Article 1 Section 8.

1. National Defense 2. Interstate Commerce 3. The authority to levy taxes in support of interstate and foreign trade...which would include a national system of highways as well as an Air Force, Navy...etc., All for the COMMON WELFARE.

The fed should never stick its nose into any area where THE STATES have the authority and ability to regulate their own affairs that do not conflict with the US CONSTITUTION....see Amendment 10. What do you suppose the FEDS would do if a state...any state started printing their own money and coins? What's the difference in this happening and the Feds self professing to have the authority to REGULATE state responsibilities? There is none...both are UN-CONSTITUTIONAL AS HELL. The problem being.....the majority of the STATES are drunk on Federal Dollars and gladly allow the feds to do what they should be doing in taxing and regulating for themselves.

As I comes down to simple COMMON SENSE. Who is the best to judge whether your local county road needs pavement....bridge maintenance..etc., Your local government or some puffed up tax dollar pimp in DC thousands of miles away? The Fed has the constitutional authority to step in and regulate.....ONLY where a state/the people as in singular state...does not have the ability to accomplish something that is required for the COMMON WELFARE. Such as.... organizing and maintaining a NATIONAL DEFENSE in the form of military strength....building an INTERSTATE trade system of highways, national COAST GUARD, NAVY..etc.

Then we must ask a federally funded human walkway or paved bike trail project really in the COMMON WELFARE of all 50 states? That's where the waste comes in....the pet peeve projects where our congress critters funnel down FEDERAL DOLLARS for local governments to waste in order to be re-elected. What is the difference in this and standing outside a polling place passing out pints of liquor and 20 dollar bills? None...its all bribery. But...the word "LOBBY" rolls off the tongue much easier than BRIBERY.

This is what happens when a representative republic is attempted to be turned into a Social Republic....CORRUPTION of the CENTRAL GOVERNMENT becomes uncontrollable. Just ask the former USSR...FRANCE....etc., or any of the European nations that have had 6 major revolutions over the past 200 years...seeking SOCIAL JUSTICE. When the people realize they can simply LEGISLATE themselves MONEY and POWER and call it "COMMON WELFARE" over..... that government will soon collapse beneath its own weight as there is no such animal as FREE SHIT.
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The reality as concluded by logic and reason? The state has become addicted to Federal Dollars to do everything they should be doing for themselves...while our taxes are being wasted elsewhere instead of being used to maintain our local and state infrastructure systems.

Because that's how any civilized society works. Otherwise, you would have some states with great roads/bridges, and others with dirt roads and ferries.

A of interstate infrastructure most certainly is of NATIONAL CONCERN in both the regulation of Commerce and NATIONAL DEFENSE. The Federal government under 8 enumerated powers most certainly has the authority to LEVY and REGULATE where Interstate Trade and National Defense are concerned...under the "Common Welfare" clause. Its the best interest of ALL THE PEOPLE/STATES to be connected by a national system of highways for both Defense and Trade. Its not rocket science...its common sense.

The problem is the federal overreach in declaring "everything" a national concern when in reality the Fed's power and scope of authority are limited to 3 areas in which there are 8 enumerated powers granted to the Feds by the STATES/PEOPLE in the Constitution.....

.....Back, when the buggy-whip industry was in it's infancy.

Things Change.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both are campaigning claiming they’ll spend federal taxpayer’s dollars on America’s infrastructure. Do America’s uninformed apathetic politically brain-dead people that actually participate in the duopoly’s rigged elections even know that there’s no authority in the Constitution for the federal government to spend a dime of taxpayer’s money on the national infrastructure?

The 10th amendment makes it perfectly clear that only the things enumerated in the Constitution as a power of the federal government are authorized for the feds to do. Otherwise, such powers are reserved to the States, or to the people. The States and the people are responsible for their State and local infrastructure and thereby the nation’s infrastructure through interstate cooperation.

The federal government’s overriding, avoiding and ignoring the Constitution is why America has a 20 trillion dollar national debt and it’s exploding annually. The federal government should be a fraction of what it is.

Correct me if I'm wrong!

the only thing you're wrong about is actually believing that most americans actually care about what the constitution means, much less actually having read any of it. the only thing most of these proles care about the constitution is if it forces the government to provide them with something and make them feel safe.
Let me think. Okay I thought, and I think you are wrong. FDR thought that government could pull us out of the great depression. And he was right. Eisenhower thought that building infrastructure, including interstate highways would benefit our country. And he was right. Reagan thought that the rich would tinkle down the legs of big business into the middle class. And he was wrong. Reagan slashed taxes for the rich, and it shrank the middle class. You cons want to think that Reagan pulled us out of Carter's mismanagement, but the reality is that it took Bill Clinton to set America's sails full again.

it's all puff and pastry to believe that government makes things better. reality is different, but what your statement here really indicates is that people have zero belief and trust in themselves. that they have to rely on government for anything proves that most people are weak minded, weak willed, and weak intellectually.
Because that's how any civilized society works. Otherwise, you would have some states with great roads/bridges, and others with dirt roads and ferries.

What part of "interstate" do you fail to comprehend? This is not a Social Republic...its a representative republic guaranteed a republican government at all levels. If your state needs has the authority to provide for itself...BIG BROTHER is not a nanny, the only thing to be equal is the SHARED "levy" or "tax".

What you are suggesting is a "redistribution" of wealth....nope...nothing COMMUNIST about that at all..except the corruption that's clearly apparent for that failed system across the globe. If you want a better state...WORK FOR should try it. Don't depend upon the sweat of your "neighbor's brow". Typical Liberal or fake want and desire everything...yet you refuse to take on the responsibility to earn that which you think the world owes you because of your birth right.

A "union" exists in this nation for 3 simple reasons. 1. Common Defense 2. Interstate Commerce 3. The power to levy or tax both foreign powers and the states to provide BOTH a common defense and fair trade. The Fed has only the authority granted it by Constitutional mandate and representative common law. Its the STATES That birthed Big Brother...not the inversion. The Fed has nothing it does not TAKE FROM THE PEOPLE/STATES...proving where the real power rests in this nation.

If a state...any state can afford to pay the FEDERAL TAX at the pump...etc....that goes to maintain our roads and bridges...and send it to DC....they sure as hell could take that money themselves and fix that which needs to be fixed at the local and state level. If not...why not? Does the money "multiply" by magic when it goes into the federal coffers? Its not rocket science...its common sense. The money is there...its a matter of who holds the purse strings and the power to spend it, your state and local government or some brown nose political pimp thousands of miles away that knows rat shit about your local problems...who uses that money to purchase more political clout instead of using it for its designed purpose. There's that thing again....SOCIAL CORRUPTION.
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it's all puff and pastry to believe that government makes things better. reality is different, but what your statement here really indicates is that people have zero belief and trust in themselves. that they have to rely on government for anything proves that most people are weak minded, weak willed, and weak intellectually.

Such are the benefits of national-obsessions....

December 23, 2014 - "No television preacher has ever read the Bible. Neither has any evangelical politician. Neither has the pope. Neither have I. And neither have you. At best, we’ve all read a bad translation—a translation of translations of translations of hand-copied copies of copies of copies of copies, and on and on, hundreds of times."

Gee......I guess The Heritage Foundation forgot about that......


What part of that did Heritage attribute to the Republican controlled Congress? Partisans will be partisans, huh? The economy always sucks according to the duopoly party out of power and is a roaring success according to the duopoly party in power. Post something any honest person doesn't know already Hot Shot!

Yeah....that's pretty-much the same argument DICK Mellon Scaife's crew made, regarding Lil' Dumbya's Patriot Act..... know, that Granddaddy o' Clinton Conspiracies??!!!!



.....But, you go-ahead....and, KEEP DIGGING!!



Again, what constitutional article or amendment awards the power to the federal government to give taxpayer's money to infrastructure maintenance and construction?
Because that's how any civilized society works. Otherwise, you would have some states with great roads/bridges, and others with dirt roads and ferries.

So what? Shouldn't States learn from States? Why would any State leave it's infrastructure go to pot when good infrastructure is every State's economic meat and potatoes.
Its not a matter of "expanding" anything....its a matter of simply applying Section 1 Article 8 properly.

A system of interstate infrastructures (highways and bridges) most certainly is of NATIONAL CONCERN in both the regulation of Commerce and NATIONAL DEFENSE. The Federal government under the 8 enumerated powers most certainly has the authority to LEVY and REGULATE where Interstate Trade and National Defense are concerned...under the "Common Welfare" clause. Its the best interest of ALL THE PEOPLE/STATES to be connected by a national system of highways for both Defense and Efficient Trade. Its not rocket science...its common sense.

The problem is the federal overreach in declaring "everything" a national concern under the Common Welfare clause when in reality the Fed's power and scope of authority are limited to 3 areas in which there are 8 enumerated powers granted to the Feds by the STATES/PEOPLE in the Constitution, all of which are contained in Article 1 Section 8.

1. National Defense 2. Interstate Commerce 3. The authority to levy taxes in support of interstate and foreign trade...which would include a national system of highways as well as an Air Force, Navy...etc., All for the COMMON WELFARE.

they used this same argument for gun free zones by saying that because the parts of a handgun were transported in interstate commerce before being sold, this gave the feds authority to create gun free zones. it's a craptastically wrong argument.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both are campaigning claiming they’ll spend federal taxpayer’s dollars on America’s infrastructure. Do America’s uninformed apathetic politically brain-dead people that actually participate in the duopoly’s rigged elections even know that there’s no authority in the Constitution for the federal government to spend a dime of taxpayer’s money on the national infrastructure?

The 10th amendment makes it perfectly clear that only the things enumerated in the Constitution as a power of the federal government are authorized for the feds to do. Otherwise, such powers are reserved to the States, or to the people. The States and the people are responsible for their State and local infrastructure and thereby the nation’s infrastructure through interstate cooperation.

The federal government’s overriding, avoiding and ignoring the Constitution is why America has a 20 trillion dollar national debt and it’s exploding annually. The federal government should be a fraction of what it is.

Correct me if I'm wrong!

Government specified how the congress and president would operate and government is being built through that Constitutional process. What's the problem? Work harder to get out the vote to have government do what you think it should, or shouldn't, do. You're not calling for activist courts to do it for you, are you?
Because that's how any civilized society works. Otherwise, you would have some states with great roads/bridges, and others with dirt roads and ferries.

So true, every State should have a minimal standard of infrastructure. Most infrastructure is done by the States, why is it a problem for the Federal government to ensure they all have that minimal level of roads, bridges and other infrastructure?