The Crisis in Teaching Constitutional Law: Open

Into the Night

Verified User
Biden Wannabe still hasn't learned censorship doesn't work. Bringing yet another of his threads out for open discussion.

The OP:
The court has always operated in a space between law and politics, said Michael Klarman, a Harvard professor and constitutional historian in his 37th year of teaching.

“What’s changed is that today’s Republican-appointed justices are much more conservative than any justices in the last hundred years,” Professor Klarman said, “and they represent the views of a Republican Party that is much more extreme than anything we’ve been accustomed to in the last hundred years.”

As is typical of the Democrats and of Biden Wannabe, they try to hide behind the Constitution they despise.

The Supreme Court is not the Constitution, has no authority over the Constitution or any State constitution. The authority they DO have is specified in Article III of the Constitution of the United States (which of course is being denied by Biden Wannabe (and Joe Biden as well, along with the New York Times).
No doubt Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July Bicentennial thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists conservative diatribe George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam Christiananality pedophilia tautology after having more than 24 old glorys & over two dozen old testaments stolen & in all probability burned as precedent for SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 Klues Klucks duh Klans "what is 9/11 ?" Freudian slip national religion of Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom as George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are still Islam teaching of supreme constitutional law....

Frankly, I rarely spend any time unraveling this convoluted mess of phrases from this weirdo. I prefer the use of English instead.
Biden Wannabe still hasn't learned censorship doesn't work. Bringing yet another of his threads out for open discussion.

The OP:

As is typical of the Democrats and of Biden Wannabe, they try to hide behind the Constitution they despise.

The Supreme Court is not the Constitution, has no authority over the Constitution or any State constitution. The authority they DO have is specified in Article III of the Constitution of the United States (which of course is being denied by Biden Wannabe (and Joe Biden as well, along with the New York Times).

Let's be clear about this unadulterated malarky being bloviated by Professor Klarman, these Justices do not represent Republicans by any stretch of the imagination. That's as moronic as claiming the leftist justices "represent" Democrats.

I would argue that Conservative Justices are more inclined to be originalist in their "interpretation" of the Constitution and that the leftist Justices are more "activist" in their interpretations.

Secondly, it is moronic to argue that the Republican Party is "more extreme" if you cannot define what is "extreme" about them. I hear this moronic meme a lot yet no one seems able to correctly define what is "extreme."

Lastly, this obvious partisan hack shouldn't even be teaching with stu0pid claims like this and is definitely part of the problem in our educational establishment today. It has become partisan and part of a party rather than educational and neutral politically.
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A nice mockery of Salty. I suppose that's one way to deal with the weirdo! :D
The Constitution is over, teaching constitutional law ranks right up there with teaching latin in being a blast from the past.

The Constitution is NOT over. Sure the 'federal' government doesn't recognize a lot of it, and Democrats certainly don't, but the Constitution is created by the States, held high by the people, and there are even people in the 'federal' government that still honor and support this amazing document.

Hawk wants people to give up. Ain't gonna happen, Hawk.
it's not difficult to tell what law schools are teaching based upon the ridiculous arguments in cases before the courts, made by both defense lawyers and prosecutors.

A good point this. I might point out that some judgements are as wacky as they come as well. Judges are also usually lawyers, taught in the same law schools.
if you need to believe that, go ahead. I follow cases around the country, though, so I see first hand the shit these schools are teaching. Again, they have zero to do with the Constitution

A valiant effort to restate the argument, but it's hard to discuss anything with someone that has both fingers in the ears like The Wannabe. :hearnoevil:
You literally know nothing about law school instruction.

You are describing yourself again. Both SmarterthanYou and Uncensored2008 have given great examples of determining just what is being taught in law schools.

This is also a pivot fallacy, since the discussion is supposed to be about the Constitution, which has nothing to do with law schools. The Wannabe likes to derail his own threads! :laugh: