The Death of Jesus—Historical Certainties

The chronologically later Gospels have the "entire crowd" of Jews begging to take the blame and have the blood of Jesus blamed on their Children.

Yep, the Jews still want to be blamed to this day! That is why they don't apologize for what "some" Jews did to Jesus. That's why the Jews revere the Talmud which boasts of the Jews killing Jesus.

By the time one gets the the chronologically last Gospel, the Jews are actually being called children of the Devil.

A superfluous biblical teaching if there ever was one.
Yep, the Jews still want to be blamed to this day! That is why they don't apologize for what "some" Jews did to Jesus. That's why the Jews revere the Talmud which boasts of the Jews killing Jesus.

A superfluous biblical teaching if there ever was one.

So you're pro-holocaust?
Yep, the Jews still want to be blamed to this day! That is why they don't apologize for what "some" Jews did to Jesus. That's why the Jews revere the Talmud which boasts of the Jews killing Jesus.

"Blame the God damned Jews for the death of Jesus!" (Blobb's opinion of the Jewish role in Jesus execution)

A superfluous biblical teaching if there ever was one.
You are a good representative for conservatism and rightwing chrisitans.
So you're pro-holocaust?

You're pro-holocaust. It would offend you if someone said even one Jew less than six million were baked in German ovens. God is pro-holocaust and has an everlasting holocaust waiting for every Jew when they die. And, you being pro-holocaust, are helping to shove Jews into Hell, by your antichrist lies (still lies, even if you believe what you say).
You're pro-holocaust. It would offend you if someone said even one Jew less than six million were baked in German ovens. God is pro-holocaust and has an everlasting holocaust waiting for every Jew when they die. And, you being pro-holocaust, are helping to shove Jews into Hell, by your antichrist lies (still lies, even if you believe what you say).

You might be the dumbest motherfucker
I ever ran across here.
That from you, who claims that the current president of Israel is the child of Mary and Joseph who died 2000 years ago. And, I'm not a fan of you shoving Jews into the fires of Hell.

I never made that claim.But it's obvious,you think Jews have to be descendents of Mary and Joseph.
I never made that claim.But it's obvious,you think Jews have to be descendents of Mary and Joseph.

Reminder, I asked what makes the current president of Israel a Jew and you, in your illiterate fashion, indicated that having Joseph and Mary, dead 2000 years, as dad and mom makes him a Jew. If that's not what makes him a Jew, then what makes him and Jesus jews, you fcking moron? Why haven't you answered this question long time ago? Because you're a fcking moron and hater of Jesus!
Reminder, I asked what makes the current president of Israel a Jew and you, in your illiterate fashion, indicated that having Joseph and Mary, dead 2000 years, as dad and mom makes him a Jew. If that's not what makes him a Jew, then what makes him and Jesus jews, you fcking moron? Why haven't you answered this question long time ago? Because you're a fcking moron and hater of Jesus!

Jews are descendents of Jacobs son Judah.
Another thread that successfully shines a spotlight on the virulent anti-Semitism found in the Trump-loving rightwing.

In my opinion, this is part and parcel of the reason Jewish Americans always have, and always will, overwhelmingly vote for and support liberal and Democratic candidates.

I am pretty sure most people - including Jews - are smart enough to realize that the Reichwing's professed "love" for Israel is actually not based on genuine solidarity and brotherhood with Jewish people.
Rightwing Christians tend to think Jews are going to burn in hell, and their "love" for Israel is completely self-serving and self-interested as it pertains to the apocalyptic end times fantasies.
Then there is the history of how Jews were treated by rightwing nationalism and militant Christianity in Europe for a millenium.

JPP.COMs conservative anti-Semitism, greatest hits>>
Trump-loving, Rightwing posters on this message board are trafficking in overt and degenerate anti-Semitism

Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country

Jewish-Americans are among the most reliably liberal and Democratic voters in the United States

“He's making your triggered head explode….I'm sorry, Jew boy.” – as stated by a Trump supporter to a Jewish poster

Blame the God-damned Jews for the death of Jesus!” – as stated by a Trump supporter

“Yes, the Gospels are antisemitic (a nonsense term used by anti-Christian fcktards and bigots), as is the whole Bible!” – as stated by a Trump supporter
Jews are descendents of Jacobs son Judah.

You are such a fcktard, where does the Jewish president of Israel make any claim to being a descendant of Judah? I'll make this easy for you, you ignorant piece of Satan's shit, you pick any Jew on the planet today and show me their their ancestry from Judah establishes them as a Jew. Ignorant fcktard, how about you just show me any jewish website on the vast internet that agrees with your definition that being a Jew is a matter of having Judah as an ancestor

You satanic Jesus-hating moron, do you not think people can convert to judaism? You know people can convert, yet you still think Jews are ancestors of Judah. You already have the knowledge to know you're a satanic moron.

How are you so fcking ignorant and hateful that you want to believe the spawn of Satan are God's chosen people.
You are such a fcktard, where does the Jewish president of Israel make any claim to being a descendant of Judah? I'll make this easy for you, you ignorant piece of Satan's shit, you pick any Jew on the planet today and show me their their ancestry from Judah establishes them as a Jew. Ignorant fcktard, how about you just show me any jewish website on the vast internet that agrees with your definition that being a Jew is a matter of having Judah as an ancestor

You satanic Jesus-hating moron, do you not think people can convert to judaism? You know people can convert, yet you still think Jews are ancestors of Judah. You already have the knowledge to know you're a satanic moron.

How are you so fcking ignorant and hateful that you want to believe the spawn of Satan are God's chosen people.

Could you possibly know less of what you're talking about!

Three books written in the first century that give the account of the crucifixion all tell of Pilate's extreme reluctance to carry out the Jew's execution of Jesus. But, Pilate eventually did it, out of the Jew's threats of riot and rebellion, and after they said they'd take the blame. Even Jewish tradition, as recorded in the Talmud, proudly credits the Jews with killing Jesus for blasphemy. The king of the Jews, Herod, found no guilt in Jesus. "When Herod saw Jesus, he was very glad, for he had long desired to see him, because he had heard about him... The chief priests and the scribes stood by, vehemently accusing him... Pilate then called together the chief priests and the rulers and the people, and said to them, 'You brought me this man as one who was misleading the people. And after examining him before you, behold, I did not find this man guilty of any of your charges against him. Neither did Herod.'" (From the Gospel of Luke)

Cypress, why do you want to be such an embarrassing and pathetic liar? Come on asswipe, what historical source supports your claim that Rome wanted Jesus dead for treason? Come on, faggot, put up or shut up.

Why do you hate yourself for loving Jewish cock?
You are such a fcktard, where does the Jewish president of Israel make any claim to being a descendant of Judah? I'll make this easy for you, you ignorant piece of Satan's shit, you pick any Jew on the planet today and show me their their ancestry from Judah establishes them as a Jew. Ignorant fcktard, how about you just show me any jewish website on the vast internet that agrees with your definition that being a Jew is a matter of having Judah as an ancestor

You satanic Jesus-hating moron, do you not think people can convert to judaism? You know people can convert, yet you still think Jews are ancestors of Judah. You already have the knowledge to know you're a satanic moron.

How are you so fcking ignorant and hateful that you want to believe the spawn of Satan are God's chosen people.

Why do you fantasize about sodomizing Jesus Christ while he's nailed up on the cross?
"What is most intriguing (and enlightening) is that over time in the Christian tradition – both inside the New Testament and outside of it – Pilate becomes more and more innocent in the death of Jesus with the passing of time. You can see this clearly simply by lining up the Gospels chronologically and seeing how they portray Pilate at the trial of Jesus.

Our earliest Gospel is Mark (15:1-15). There Pilate is somewhat reluctant to do what the Jewish leaders ask him to do – crucify Jesus – and he seems a bit bewildered. After a very brief trial Pilate, does what they ask. Here Pilate is simply complying with the Jews’ wishes; he puts up some resistance, but not a whole lot"

^^^ Dr. Bart Erhman, PhD. New Testament Scholar and Professor of Religious History, University of North Carolina

The chronologically later Gospels have the "entire crowd" of Jews begging to take the blame and to have the blood of Jesus blamed on their Children.

By the time one gets the the chronologically last Gospel, the Jews are actually being called children of the Devil.

Gospel of Peter >> provides more historical evidence that as time went by, early Christian writers tried to place more and more blame on the Jews.
The non-canonical Gospel of Peter, written sometime in the early 2nd century AD actually absolves Pontius Pilate and Roman soldiers of playing any role in the torture and crucifixion of Jesus – placing the blame for the murder and torture wholly on the Jews.

The Acts of Pilates, purportedly a letter written by Pontius Pilate himself, portrays Pilate as a convert to Christianity and entirely sympathetic to Jesus. Though the letter is an obvious forgery by an early Christian writer, it is another manifest attempt by early Christian writers to demonize Jews and make them entirely accountable for the death of Jesus.

"The Roman state was suspicious of the new (Christian) cult and, if Christians wanted to avoid confrontation, it was best not to accuse one of Rome’s officials of the crucifixion of Jesus (deicide)."