The Death of Jesus—Historical Certainties

I mean you shouldn't be allowed a plastic knife to cut the cheese

Your obsession with me shows me that you're a faggot. Sorry, you're not my type. Hey fcktard, you'd have more luck cutting the cheese if you ate beans.
I can totally understand that.

I like the Jesus of the New Testament, but the phony Christians on message boards are a real insult to his message and his philosophy, in my opinion.

I attend Church only sporadically these days, and I appreciate it when I do, but I also believe there is much opportunity for spiritual growth and spiritual health outside churches or any formal religious institution.

The radical right and the Evangelicals hijacked Christianity and twisted it into their bat crap crazy version.
The radical right and the Evangelicals hijacked Christianity and twisted it into their bat crap crazy version.

You are correct. The radical right and the Evangelicals hijacked Christianity and twisted it into declaring that the spawn of Satan, Jews, are God's special people.
You are correct. The radical right and the Evangelicals hijacked Christianity and twisted it into declaring that the spawn of Satan, Jews, are God's special people.

The crazy Evangelicals don't give a crap about the Jewish people...they just want the real estate in Israel for their Rapture party that is never coming.
The radical right and the Evangelicals hijacked Christianity and twisted it into their bat crap crazy version.

I agree on the radical, militant rightwing Christian sect being a bunch of phonies hiding behind the bible to justify a purely reactionary political agenda.

I am trying to be careful about stereotyping the word evangelical - because, as I understand it, evangelicalism encompasses many different Protestant denominations and not all of them are necessarily rightwing christians -- the traditional black evangelical churches for example. I do not think the black evangelical churches were hollering for the invasion of Iraq, advocating to reduce the minimum wage, recommending we put an assault rifle in everyone's hands, or clamouring to eviscerate the Voting Rights Act.

What I can say about phony religious radicals is this - and it applied to Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, et al. History is replete with people who cynically used the bible, the koran, etc. to promote their purely political and cynical visions of nationalism, hierarchy, ethnic cleansing, economic injustice, and authoritarianism. And that included Christians using the bible to defend slavery, to ban inter-racial marriage, to ban gay marriage, and even to justify Donald Trump, the War on Iraq, and trickle down economic schemes.
I am trying to be careful about stereotyping the word evangelical - because, as I understand it, evangelicalism encompasses many different Protestant denominations and not all of them are necessarily rightwing christians

Apart from the generic meaning of "evangelical" and some variation of uses, there is a distinct evangelical tradition. Evangelicals are rightwingers who latch onto pop doctrines, such as Zionism.

What I can say about phony religious radicals is this - and it applied to Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, et al. History is replete with people who cynically used the bible, the koran, etc. to promote their purely political and cynical visions of nationalism, hierarchy, ethnic cleansing, economic injustice, and authoritarianism. And that included Christians using the bible to defend slavery, to ban inter-racial marriage, to ban gay marriage, and even to justify Donald Trump, the War on Iraq, and trickle down economic schemes.

As if the irreligious aren't radicals or have a fetish for oppression and lies? How many Communists or Democrats are Bible-thumpers?
Apart from the generic meaning of "evangelical" and some variation of uses, there is a distinct evangelical tradition. Evangelicals are rightwingers who latch onto pop doctrines, such as Zionism.

As if the irreligious aren't radicals or have a fetish for oppression and lies? How many Communists or Democrats are Bible-thumpers?
its time for your meds, Blobb. Now you are just boring me, though your anti semitism was mildly intruiging for a while in a detached clinical way. Now i leave you to wallow in your craven fantasies of final solutions.
Doubtful the Jewish sect who were followers of Jesus in the early-mid 1st century AD would have made up a story about a Messiah who was tortured, humuliated, and hung up and nailed to a cross.

A weak and humiliated messiah is not what Jews were expecting, and it would have been tough to sell a humiliated and executed messiah to any contemporary Jew or Gentiles. Not a good marketing strategy whatsoever.

The Jews of Palestine at that time were expecting a powerful and awe inspiring messiah, perhaps a great war Lord or king.