The end of particle physics?

What has the Higgs boson taught us?
It's the scalar field that gives subatomic particles mass and prevents the universe from flying apart.

How much more money should we put into the LHC?
I don't have enough information or expertise to answer that, and anyone on this board who claims they do are lying their fat ass off.

Can you name a particle physicist who was given an award?

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2015-->
Takaaki Kajita and Arthur B. McDonald “for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass”

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2013 -->
François Englert and Peter W. Higgs for the discovery of the Higgs boson.

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2008 -->
Yoichiro Nambu “for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics”

Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa “for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature”
The one in Texas was under construction....the Obama Regime killed it.

$2+ billion wasted.

Now you're just lying your fat ass off.

Funding for the proposed super collider in Texas was cancelled by Congress in 1993, sixteen years before Barack Obama became president.
Now you're just lying your fat ass off.

Funding for the proposed super collider in Texas was cancelled by Congress in 1993, sixteen years before Barack Obama became president.

These morons seem to always forget that we can look stuff up. lol

"If all had gone according to plan, the gargantuan U.S. high-energy physics project would have already found the Higgs particle, having solidly won the competition with its European competitor. Peter Higgs, in fact, might have collected his physics Nobel a few years earlier.

"The Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) that would have graced the rolling prairies of Texas would have boasted energy 20 times larger than any accelerator ever constructed and might have been revealing whatever surprises that lay beyond the Higgs, allowing the U.S. to retain dominance in high-energy physics. Except the story didn’t play out according to script. Twenty years ago, on October 21, 1993, Congress officially killed the project, leaving behind more than vacant tunnel in the Texas earth."

The Supercollider That Never Was
These morons seem to always forget that we can look stuff up. lol

"If all had gone according to plan, the gargantuan U.S. high-energy physics project would have already found the Higgs particle, having solidly won the competition with its European competitor. Peter Higgs, in fact, might have collected his physics Nobel a few years earlier.

"The Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) that would have graced the rolling prairies of Texas would have boasted energy 20 times larger than any accelerator ever constructed and might have been revealing whatever surprises that lay beyond the Higgs, allowing the U.S. to retain dominance in high-energy physics. Except the story didn’t play out according to script. Twenty years ago, on October 21, 1993, Congress officially killed the project, leaving behind more than vacant tunnel in the Texas earth."

The Supercollider That Never Was

I remember the funding being cancelled in the 1990s when I was in grad school, I just had to look up the exact year.

Given what we know now, I am not sure if cancelling it was a good idea or not. Certainly, we have to expect that multi -billion dollar science projects should justify themselves.

During the Congressional hearings on proposed funding, I will always remember a dumb question a representative asked the scientists who were defending the project; the congressman asked if this particle collider could prove the existence of God, he was ready to vote to approve funding right then and there!
I remember the funding being cancelled in the 1990s when I was in grad school, I just had to look up the exact year.

Given what we know now, I am not sure if cancelling it was a good idea or not. Certainly, we have to expect that multi -billion dollar science projects should justify themselves.

During the Congressional hearings on proposed funding, I will always remember a dumb question a representative asked the scientists who were defending the project; the congressman asked if this particle collider could prove the existence of God, he was ready to vote to approve funding right then and there!

Oh for Pete's sake. Where do they find these dummies?

According to the Scientific American article, one reason it was canceled was the inability to attract funding from other countries. Somehow Switzerland pulled that off.
Oh for Pete's sake. Where do they find these dummies?

According to the Scientific American article, one reason it was canceled was the inability to attract funding from other countries. Somehow Switzerland pulled that off.

Speaking for the science community, we would rather live and work in Geneva, Switzerland than in Lubbock, Texas!
It's the scalar field that gives subatomic particles mass and prevents the universe from flying apart.

I don't have enough information or expertise to answer that, and anyone on this board who claims they do are lying their fat ass off.

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2015-->
Takaaki Kajita and Arthur B. McDonald “for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass”

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2013 -->
François Englert and Peter W. Higgs for the discovery of the Higgs boson.

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2008 -->
Yoichiro Nambu “for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics”

Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa “for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature”
So without the god particle there'd be no universe.
I dont have enough expertise to evaluate but I have heard that the entire field of physics is now a cluster fuck. Then too the WOKE are currently engaged in a full on assault of STEM because science is a threat to their religion, a battle that Jordan Peterson says that the Revolution will win.

that's not what jordan peterson said.
Ten years after the Higgs, physicists face the nightmare of finding nothing else

Unless Europe’s Large Hadron Collider coughs up a surprise, the field of particle physics may wheeze to its end

A decade ago, particle physicists thrilled the world. On 4 July 2012, 6000 researchers working with the world’s biggest atom smasher, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European particle physics laboratory, CERN, announced they had discovered the Higgs boson, a massive, fleeting particle key to their abstruse explanation of how other fundamental particles get their mass. The discovery fulfilled a 45-year-old prediction, completed a theory called the standard model, and thrust physicists into the spotlight.

Then came a long hangover. Before the 27-kilometer-long ring-shaped LHC started to take data in 2010, physicists fretted that it might produce the Higgs and nothing else, leaving no clue to what lies beyond the standard model. So far, that nightmare scenario is coming true. “It’s a bit disappointing,” allows Barry Barish, a physicist at the California Institute of Technology. “I thought we would discover supersymmetry,” the leading extension of the standard model.

It’s too early to despair, many physicists say. After 3 years of upgrades, the LHC is now powering up for the third of five planned runs, and some new particle could emerge in the billions of proton-proton collisions it will produce every second. In fact, the LHC should run for another 16 years, and with further upgrades should collect 16 times as much data as it already has. All those data could reveal subtle signs of novel particles and phenomena.

Still, some researchers say the writing is on the wall for collider physics. “If they don’t find anything, this field is dead,” says Juan Collar, a physicist at the University of Chicago who hunts dark matter in smaller experiments. John Ellis, a theorist at King’s College London, says hopes of a sudden breakthrough have given way to the prospect of a long, uncertain grind toward discovery. “It’s going to be like pulling teeth, not like teeth falling out.”

Wow. That's gotta be depressing to find out your life's work is a dead end....or as the PC purists say, "progress challenged".
Wow. That's gotta be depressing to find out your life's work is a dead end....or as the PC purists say, "progress challenged".

The corruption of science as individuals pursue gravy trains is a huge MotherFucking is arguably the biggest problem with peer review......experts lie about the work of others to keep their money rolling in and their reputations strong.

Bret and Heather talk about this all of the time.
Congress wouldn't fund a super collider in the United States, even though one was proposed. And we usually give the Pentagon anything they want, so I don't think the Department of Defense really had high hopes for amazing new weapons from the Higgs boson, supersymmetry, or string theory.
A slight disagreement. "we usually give the senior Senators whose biggest donors want to sell their wares to the government anything they want". The military asks and then waits to receive. They sometimes get things they don't want or much inferior versions of what they do want.

There's a reasons those in the military have this adage: "We have done so much for so long with so little that we can now do practically anything with nothing."
The corruption of science as individuals pursue gravy trains is a huge MotherFucking is arguably the biggest problem with peer review......experts lie about the work of others to keep their money rolling in and their reputations strong.

Bret and Heather talk about this all of the time.

You don't seem to be associated with anything sciencey. :)

That would explain it.

As for particle physics, it's not the first dead end in science. Look at alchemy, witchcraft and ESP research. :)

The collapse of science is at least as important to the collapse of the West as is the collapse of Christianity.

The mismanagement/weaponization of COVID has woken many up to how bad the situation is.
The collapse of science is at least as important to the collapse of the West as is the collapse of Christianity.

The mismanagement/weaponization of COVID has woken many up to how bad the situation is.

There is no collapse. Even the "Dark Ages" weren't that dark. People moved along. Some areas better than others.
Yep, since the Cold War began if it can't be weaponized, they're not interested.

What a disappointing read, the OP. But... it's not over yet.

I wanted my own particle beam weapon. At least a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range.