The end of particle physics?

Wow. That's gotta be depressing to find out your life's work is a dead end....or as the PC purists say, "progress challenged".

they're just moving into all into private hands.

like how spacex inherited the gains enabled by the entire populaces' tax money.

privatization sucks assholes in many instances.
Wow. That's gotta be depressing to find out your life's work is a dead end....or as the PC purists say, "progress challenged".

If particle physics was easy, hairdressers and Trump supporters would be doing it.

Since the LHC has been recently upgraded, there might be reason to be cautiously optimistic for the discovery of new physics beyond the Standard Model.

Science also progresses by failure as much as it progresses by success. The Michaelson-Morley experiment was a legendary failure, but it put physics on track to the achievements of Einstein's theories of relativity.
That would explain it.

As for particle physics, it's not the first dead end in science. Look at alchemy, witchcraft and ESP research. :)
Science is very interested in trying to understand how ESP works. I think the BBC did a show on it.
If particle physics was easy, hairdressers and Trump supporters would be doing it.

Since the LHC has been recently upgraded, there might be reason to be cautiously optimistic for the discovery of new physics beyond the Standard Model.

Science also progresses by failure as much as it progresses by success. The Michaelson-Morley experiment was a legendary failure, but it put physics on track to the achievements of Einstein's theories of relativity.

I wish them the best. :thup:
Those with ESP could predict Stargate Project before it started. Precognition is real and somewhat explainable. I knew you were a snitch before you reported me.

When anyone can prove it's real, I'll accept it. Not before regardless of how many delusional fuckwits claim magic is real.
When they thought it was the basis of all matter(?) it wasn't a bad name. :)

For sure, it's the type of name journalists and news media love. It's an attention grabber.

I don't have a problem speculating that the fine-tuning of physical parameters of the universe is evidence of an organized creative order underlying reality. I just don't think it's appropriate to link it to Judeo-Christian cosmology.

I prefer to attribute it to Brahman, myself. :)
For sure, it's the type of name journalists and news media love. It's an attention grabber.

I don't have a problem speculating that the fine-tuning of physical parameters of the universe is evidence of an organized creative order underlying reality. I just don't think it's appropriate to link it to Judeo-Christian cosmology.

I prefer to attribute it to Brahman, myself. :)

You may have touched on why it became popular: attention grabber. Science runs on funding. The old "No bucks, no Buck Rogers" scenario. Notice that the US collider was canceled over money.
What happened to the Superconducting Super Collider site near Waxahachie? Curious Texas investigates
After nearly two decades and billions of dollars, the project was pulled from the site south of Dallas.

It was called the Superconducting Super Collider, and it was going to be a 53-mile underground loop where particles could collide and scientists could study those fragmented pieces to unlock the secrets of matter and discover the origins of the universe.

The Super Collider would have brought billions of dollars and thousands of jobs to the area, and it was close to becoming a reality in the 1980s. But after years of missteps, the project was shut down and funding was pulled.
You may have touched on why it became popular: attention grabber. Science runs on funding. The old "No bucks, no Buck Rogers" scenario. Notice that the US collider was canceled over money.
What happened to the Superconducting Super Collider site near Waxahachie? Curious Texas investigates
After nearly two decades and billions of dollars, the project was pulled from the site south of Dallas.

Most physicists I have heard interviewed objected to calling it the God particle, irrespective of how much funding it might bring in.

But of course, scientists are human and any publicity about their work I am sure they appreciate.
Most physicists I have heard interviewed objected to calling it the God particle, irrespective of how much funding it might bring in.

But of course, scientists are human and any publicity about their work I am sure they appreciate.

It's the ignorant, largely unscientific public that latched onto the name. Regardless, no bucks, no Buck Rogers.
It's the ignorant, largely unscientific public that latched onto the name. Regardless, no bucks, no Buck Rogers.

Particle physics is massively expensive, and the research community will always have to justify the expense.

My guess is that genetics has replaced physics in the 21st century, as the leading recipients of funding. DNA and genes are just an easier sell to decision makers and the general public than supersymmetry and string theory, at this time.
God particle is a really dumb name for the Higgs boson
The validity of the Higgs boson is in question. They were being pressured to justify the cost of the LHC and poof a new particle appeared that is too small to see. Disagreeing with you doesn't make me the enemy.