The Enemy jew.

fandango better learn his rightful place

In your dreams, moron. My rightful place is to piss on most of the jews. There are a few good ones. (That is to the degree that anybody could be a jew and still be good) Such as David Cole. He did a segment in the documentary, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." It was part 21. Called "The Leuchter findings." (You should watch it) I will show a picture with a quote of another jew who seemed to have his shit together at least to some degree.
jew tryth teller 2.jpg
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The Jews are awesome, I wish the conspiracy you believe in actually existed so that we wouldn't be under the control of psychotic mayos.

What you added to your avatar apparently is true. You are literally retarded. I will show you a picture of a jew who is also retarded. But he is a professor at Harvard.
kill this fucker 6.jpg
Adolf Hitler was a 'cowardly pig' according to fellow First World War soldiers

Adolf Hitler was labelled a “cowardly pig” by fellow First World War soldiers in his regiment, newly discovered archives have disclosed

What a lying scumbag you are. Or whoever said that and you agreed with them. During WW I, Hitler joined in at least a couple of attacks where most of the people he attacked with didn't return. When it comes to bravery, you aren't fit to lick his balls.
What a lying scumbag you are. Or whoever said that and you agreed with them. During WW I, Hitler joined in at least a couple of attacks where most of the people he attacked with didn't return. When it comes to bravery, you aren't fit to lick his balls.

When it came time to be brave he offed hisselph son.
Why should we believe one Jewish guy who idolized Hitler and gave up his American citizenship?

Then don't believe him. Believe me. I posted many things in many threads. Refute any of them, or believe me. Or maybe you would care to believe this Jewish guy. That he was killed in a terrorist attack in Turkey lends credence to what he said.
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Christianity teaches that we're all fucked just for getting here, so we must all bow down to a male dominator god chain of command. You of course can choose your own foreskin styling. Religion has always been about the unsubstantial people having rulers.

You are right about the god thing. Religion often promotes the ruling class. For example, by having god behave in the same way. Though sometimes, the ruler is also considered to be a god. What you next say is wrong. Religion or history is often about unsubstantial people BEING rulers. Sometimes they are misshapen freaks. Such as Stalin, the last German emperor who had a withered arm, king Charles II, etc.
Then don't believe him. Believe me. I posted many things in many threads. Refute any of them, or believe me. Or maybe you would care to believe this Jewish guy. That he was killed in a terrorist attack in Turkey lens credence to what he said.

The overwhelming evidence that the Germans killed many Jews in concentration camps is refutation. Quoting individuals is not evidence but that person's opinion. Pictures about the gas chambers does not prove many were not put to death in those camps.

You still have not explained why they had to be placed in the camps.

Hating any person because of any differences is not anything I want to be associated with.
The overwhelming evidence that the Germans killed many Jews in concentration camps is refutation. Quoting individuals is not evidence but that person's opinion. Pictures about the gas chambers does not prove many were not put to death in those camps.

You still have not explained why they had to be placed in the camps.

Hating any person because of any differences is not anything I want to be associated with.

Let's see if these truisms have any effect on you. "In war, truth is the first casualty." For the winning side, it remains a casualty. Next, "History is written by the victors." So where do these things leave your "overwhelming evidence." I will tell you. In the garbage heap where it belongs. I am also reminded of something Napoleon said. He said, "History is just a bunch of lies agreed upon." Next, that there were no gas chambers proves that the jews in those camps weren't gassed to death. Next, I did in fact tell you why the jews were in those camps to begin with. It is what this thread is all about.

Next, "hate" or "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was a damn good and highly necessary evolutionary reason for it. And like it or not, you ARE associated with it. A study at Yale even proved that babies were "bigoted." So at least at one point, you were too. It is too bad that you have had the sense that even a baby has brainwashed out of you. For more on differences, maybe this page will help you.
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Let's see if these truisms have any effect on you. "In war, truth is the first casualty." For the winning side, it remains a casualty. Next, "History is written by the victors." So where do these things leave your "overwhelming evidence." I will tell you. In the garbage heap where it belongs. I am also reminded of something Napoleon said. He said, "History is just a bunch of lies agreed upon." Next, that there were no gas chambers proves that the jews in those camps weren't gassed to death. Next, I did in fact tell you why the jews were in those camps to begin with. I explained further in a thread I wrote yesterday called "the enemy jew." Did you not see it?

Next, "hate" or "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was a damn good and highly necessary evolutionary reason for it. And like it or not, you ARE associated with it. A study at Yale even proved that babies were "bigoted." So at least at one point, you were too. It is too bad that you have had the sense that even a baby has brainwashed out of you. For more on differences, maybe this page will help you.
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I can certainly see why white supremacists need a rationalization or what they are all about, why, it's evolutionary. Or you know, you can go with the more time honored religious justificational route.
A study at Yale even proved that babies were "bigoted." So at least at one point, you were too. It is too bad that you have had the sense that even a baby has brainwashed out of you. For more on differences, maybe this page will help you.

Babies don't know any better. They are incapable of doing anything for themselves or logical thought. Adults should know better.

Do you accept Persians, Chinese, and Japanese as equal to whites as Hitler did?
You didn't explain why the Jews were in the camps; only that they were going to deport them and the agreements were ended. That doesn't explain why they were in camps. Why did the Nazis round them up and send them to the camps?

Since you want to kill all non-whites who do not leave voluntarily that gives us an idea of why they were enslaved. You defend the Nazis as not doing all those terrible things, but you want to do worse which is not much of a defense.

How will you respond to you?
I can certainly see why white supremacists need a rationalization or what they are all about, why, it's evolutionary. Or you know, you can go with the more time honored religious justificational route.

Did you not read this thread? Look at all of what the talmud teaches. In the first quote it basically says that god himself goes to rabbis for advice. Those shitheads think they are smarter than god! You can't get any more supremacist than that. Also, it is the jews who call themselves the "chosen of god." That is pretty supremacist too. White people don't say that about themselves. So your bullshit about "White supremacists" is just that. Bullshit. And jew bullshit at that. Where they are accusing White people of something they are in fact WAY more guilty of. Also, screw the religious rout. I am more interested in fact. And if you read the page about species that I included in the other reply, you would find out what the facts are.