The Enemy jew.

Did you not read this thread? Look at all of what the talmud teaches. In the first quote it basically says that god himself goes to rabbis for advice. Those shitheads think they are smarter than god! You can't get any more supremacist than that. Also, it is the jews who call themselves the "chosen of god." That is pretty supremacist too. White people don't say that about themselves. So your bullshit about "White supremacists" is just that. Bullshit. And jew bullshit at that. Where they are accusing White people of something they are in fact WAY more guilty of. Also, screw the religious rout. I am more interested in fact. And if you read the page about species that I included in the other reply, you would find out what the facts are.

" You can't get any more supremacist than that."

No I cannot, but you can and do.
Babies don't know any better. They are incapable of doing anything for themselves or logical thought. Adults should know better.

Do you accept Persians, Chinese, and Japanese as equal to whites as Hitler did?

Did you not read the page about species that I added? Babies apparently know what most other creatures know. And if you think that adults should know better that what every creature has known throughout evolution, and probably on every other life bearing planet throughout infinity, you need to rethink what it is that you "think" you know.

Next, I don't know what Hitler accepted. And I wouldn't take your word for it. But I can believe that he supported the Aryan people. And in that regard, supported separatism. For one reason, he may have heard of the old saying "Birds of a feather flock together." Why do they do that? Because it is the BEST thing to do! Did you ever see the cover of the book "The Truth: Unforbidden!" It shows a couple examples of that. With birds and fish.

Also, even you have to admit that we live in a FAR different, as in worse, world than Hitler did. It is also interesting that you bring up the Chinese. In many cities around the U.S. they have "China Towns." Apparently they don't think of other Americans as equals. But prefer, as they should, to stick to their own kind.
Did you not read the page about species that I added? Babies apparently know what most other creatures know. And if you think that adults should know better that what every creature has known throughout evolution, and probably on every other life bearing planet throughout infinity, you need to rethink what it is that you "think" you know.

Next, I don't know what Hitler accepted. And I wouldn't take your word for it. But I can believe that he supported the Aryan people. And in that regard, supported separatism. For one reason, he may have heard of the old saying "Birds of a feather flock together." Why do they do that? Because it is the BEST thing to do! Did you ever see the cover of the book "The Truth: Unforbidden!" It shows a couple examples of that. With birds and fish.

Also, even you have to admit that we live in a FAR different, as in worse, world than Hitler did. It is also interesting that you bring up the Chinese. In many cities around the U.S. they have "China Towns." Apparently they don't think of other Americans as equals. But prefer, as they should, to stick to their own kind.

Stick to yours, and I see that yeah, you may be as developed as some of these babies you refer to.
Did you not read the page about species that I added? Babies apparently know what most other creatures know. And if you think that adults should know better that what every creature has known throughout evolution, and probably on every other life bearing planet throughout infinity, you need to rethink what it is that you "think" you know.

Next, I don't know what Hitler accepted. And I wouldn't take your word for it. But I can believe that he supported the Aryan people. And in that regard, supported separatism. For one reason, he may have heard of the old saying "Birds of a feather flock together." Why do they do that? Because it is the BEST thing to do! Did you ever see the cover of the book "The Truth: Unforbidden!" It shows a couple examples of that. With birds and fish.

Also, even you have to admit that we live in a FAR different, as in worse, world than Hitler did. It is also interesting that you bring up the Chinese. In many cities around the U.S. they have "China Towns." Apparently they don't think of other Americans as equals. But prefer, as they should, to stick to their own kind.

Or maybe racist bigots discriminated against them so they could not live anywhere else. Today, most Chinese do not live in China towns. I lived in America when it was segregated---there was nothing better about it.
Hitler did not kill himself. Since the end of the war, Russia had a skull which they said was Hitler. Recently it was subjected to DNA analysis. Turns out it was the skull of a young woman. The History Channel again: They have a series which pretty conclusively demonstrates that Hitler went to South America, as did many other Nazi's. They had grandiose plans for a new reich to start there.

EDIT: The CIA concluded that Hitler was in South America and probably out lived JFK.
Or maybe racist bigots discriminated against them so they could not live anywhere else. Today, most Chinese do not live in China towns. I lived in America when it was segregated---there was nothing better about it.

What you say could be true. But it would be a mistake to think that the Chinese are any different in that regard. Next, I don't agree with segregation. It doesn't work. Only outright separation does. Next, I didn't say things were better back then. I said things were far worse today. And overpopulation is probably the main problem. That is the real reason why there are so many sand negros heading to Europe. And why so many mexicans and the like are coming here. But the population of Whites isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day there are about 209,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before.
What you say could be true. But it would be a mistake to think that the Chinese are any different in that regard. Next, I don't agree with segregation. It doesn't work. Only outright separation does. Next, I didn't say things were better back then. I said things were far worse today. And overpopulation is probably the main problem. That is the real reason why there are so many sand negros heading to Europe. And why so many mexicans and the like are coming here. But the population of Whites isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day there are about 209,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before.

I have no issue with you separating yourself from humanity.
I read what he said in the website I directed people to. Did you? I didn't find anything untrue about any of it. True, he apparently has a thing against circumcision. But that is his choice. Also, this thread wasn't about what Bobby Fischer said. It is about what the talmud teaches. Do you enjoy being basically viewed as a piece of shit? And are those the types of people you want ruling you? (Which they do)
You’re kind of forgetting something about Bobby Fisher, and I watched one of his matches against Spatsky in Reykjavik.

Fisher, though unquestionably a genius was also batshit crazy.
Christianity teaches that we're all fucked just for getting here, so we must all bow down to a male dominator god chain of command. You of course can choose your own foreskin styling. Religion has always been about the unsubstantial people having rulers.

In the book Guns, Germs and Steel, the author observed that for most of history governments were kleptocracies who took what others produced without providing services. Religions main function has been to justify the Kleptocracy.
It always amazes me how somebody can view somebody else who is way smarter than them as "crazy." He may have had some quirks. But he was smarter than you. And being at least part jewish, his opinion of them would hold more water than yours.

No he was bat shit crazy. Only a crazy mother fucker can make the Octopus Offense work.
In your dreams, moron. My rightful place is to piss on most of the jews. There are a few good ones. (That is to the degree that anybody could be a jew and still be good) Such as David Cole. He did a segment in the documentary, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." It was part 21. Called "The Leuchter findings." (You should watch it) I will show a picture with a quote of another jew who seemed to have his shit together at least to some degree.
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Actually we should start a poll to see when you’ll get banned.

You Stormfromters find the dumbest ways to get banned.
What you say could be true. But it would be a mistake to think that the Chinese are any different in that regard. Next, I don't agree with segregation. It doesn't work. Only outright separation does. Next, I didn't say things were better back then. I said things were far worse today. And overpopulation is probably the main problem. That is the real reason why there are so many sand negros heading to Europe. And why so many mexicans and the like are coming here. But the population of Whites isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day there are about 209,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before.

Do you ever get tired of being a worthless kraut? I'd be embarrassed if my country had spawned both Marxism and Nazism, caused the power collapse of Western Europe, and was still occupied by the US for the foreseeable future.
You’re kind of forgetting something about Bobby Fisher, and I watched one of his matches against Spatsky in Reykjavik.

Fisher, though unquestionably a genius was also batshit crazy.

Yes, he had his quirks. But quirks don't matter to me. This is what matters to me. If somebody says something, is it true or not. I looked over many of the things Bobby Fischer had to say about the jews. I didn't see one untrue thing. I am not Bobby Fischer, but try these things on for size.

In the late 60's, israel was at war with its neighbors. There was an American spy ship in the area called the USS Liberty. Israel knew it was an American ship. But they tried to sink it anyway. No doubt they also wanted everybody on that ship dead. Most likely because they could then blame it on Egypt or something and sucker the U.S. into getting more directly involved on their side. But things didn't work out as they planned. Apparently those "un-chosen" scum Americans were a little tougher than Israel thought. The Liberty also managed to send out a distress signal. Which was received by an American Aircraft Carrier that was near enough to have sent help. But because of who was attacking our ship, no help was sent!

Also, some years ago there was an American reporter named Ann Barker in Israel. She was working for ABC news. While there, she found herself in the area of some sort of what I think was a hascidic jew protest going on. For not being jewish, she ended up taking an involuntary spit shower. And we give those foul scum over 3 billion dollars a year in aid! Apparently to give them the ability to spit on us. Now THAT is "bat shit" crazy!