the evil of your insane gun obsession

teaching children to stand on toilets to keep from being right winged gunnutted to death

Worse yet.... "socially INDOCTRINATING" our children to believe its ok to take away their constitution rights of self defense in order to become "FODDER" for the criminally insane. Talk about tossing the "baby" out with the bathwater, leave it up to the LIBERAL MIND to train defenseless acceptance as being "NORMAL". Europe has attempted these social changes of taking away its citizens right to bear arms for self defense and has suffered "6"....count them.....on average per European nations.....REVOLUTIONS seeking the same SOCIAL JUSTICE that you air heads attempt to invoke, while the United States (standing on the pages of one simple 8 page documented drafted so the average 8th grade educated person can understand and comprehend its simplistic languge) has suffered but one REVOLUTION (the civil war) because of an argument over individual STATES RIGHTS in using that simple contract as the standard for the RULE OF COMMON LAW.

SOCIALISM simply cannot and does not work....because it trains its citizens to be become obedient to a CENTRAL GOVERNMENT in determining RIGHTS instead of allowing THE PEOPLE to determine their own fates....such as taking over the BANKS, HEALTHCARE, GUNS, etc., All acts of despotism begin by DISARMING law abiding citizens in the name of SOCIAL JUSTICE. Look it up, the documented facts speak for themselves. Fascism comes in many forms but all begin by LEGISLATING the PEOPLES rights away.

What happens if the Central Government begins to act in a despotic fashion? Is the 2nd amendment good for nothing but shit house paper?
it is the absolute height of stupidity to believe that the founding fathers would write the 2nd Amendment giving the government power to regulate firearms after having just won a war with a government that tried to regulate their firearms.
seems so obvious when you put it that way. Not that it was tricky to begin with.
If only the people of Syria, Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Soviet Union, North Korea, China and Cuba had the 2nd amendment and "GUNS," huh? If only America's schools had armed citizens and the nation had a national carry law and prohibition of "gun free zones."

It's the pussy left and their bleedin heart morons and slave keeping politicians that are responsible for most all gun crime. They create soft targets, they support the rightist Drug War, they created the nation's slavery condition among folks of color, enslaving them to a reliance on government. They have created the "Public Housing" slave quarters where the slaves commit 80 % of America's gun crime killing each other over drug turf and other inner-city gangbanger activities.