the federalist papers, the documents which kill all the right wing memes

Renters who don't own property pay property taxes.

People who ride the bus pay vehicle sales taxes

People who go to the movies pay the payroll taxes on the salaries of the cast and crew of the movie they watch.

People who eat at a restaurant pay the property taxes on the farm land that grew the beef, and the worker's comp on the farm workers, and the sales tax on the gas burned by the truck to bring the food to the restaurant.

On one hand, it seems like EVERYBODY's got some "skin in the game", but, for some reason... the righties on here would have you believe that if you don't pay federal income taxes... Regardless of how many OTHER taxes you may pay.... If you don't pay federal income taxes, you've got NO skin in the game AT ALL and are a worthless piece of shit leeching off society.

Downright neighborly, I'd say.

It takes a whole fucking VILLAGE, dammit.

Have a blessed day. :)

1. Property taxes are not federal taxes.
2. Buses are highly subsidized.
3, 4. True, but that's not paying the tax directly, therefore no skin in the game.
In what context?

they said people who bought subprime had no skin in the game.

these people did so to try and own a home, the banks told them they could have a home with this type of loan.

They told them hey you can refi when the rates go down.

then the rates did go down but the banks refused to refi people and they lost their homes
they said people who bought subprime had no skin in the game.

these people did so to try and own a home, the banks told them they could have a home with this type of loan.

They told them hey you can refi when the rates go down.

then the rates did go down but the banks refused to refi people and they lost their homes

That makes no sense. The whole 'skin in the game' argument is about federal taxes. What does buying a home with a subprime loan have to do with federal taxes?
blame your idiot cohorts for saying it then

What? I'm going to guess you don't actually know what they really meant or were talking about and thus misinterpreted it.

So is Obama a dolt and clone for wanting tax reform?
Renters who don't own property pay property taxes.

People who ride the bus pay vehicle sales taxes

People who go to the movies pay the payroll taxes on the salaries of the cast and crew of the movie they watch.

People who eat at a restaurant pay the property taxes on the farm land that grew the beef, and the worker's comp on the farm workers, and the sales tax on the gas burned by the truck to bring the food to the restaurant.

On one hand, it seems like EVERYBODY's got some "skin in the game", but, for some reason... the righties on here would have you believe that if you don't pay federal income taxes... Regardless of how many OTHER taxes you may pay.... If you don't pay federal income taxes, you've got NO skin in the game AT ALL and are a worthless piece of shit leeching off society.

Downright neighborly, I'd say.

It takes a whole fucking VILLAGE, dammit.

Have a blessed day. :)

You took up an awful lot of bandwidth to present a false premise. The problem with you cuteness is that nobody ever talks about raising or lowering these taxes do they?

Up for discussion almost always are federal income taxes and in that context it is correct to point out who and who doesn't have skin in the game.

Oddly enough your side never pushes for progressivism in those other taxes. I wonder why?
You took up an awful lot of bandwidth to present a false premise. The problem with you cuteness is that nobody ever talks about raising or lowering these taxes do they?

Up for discussion almost always are federal income taxes and in that context it is correct to point out who and who doesn't have skin in the game.

Oddly enough your side never pushes for progressivism in those other taxes. I wonder why?

Also, you don't have to go to restaurants or movies; it's completely unnecessary.

The fact is, Yellows like MM would hate it if we had a flat tax like we're discussing, because those of low income would vote for the party that promises to lower their taxes, not the one that promises to raise them.

So he'll go on and on, making excuses...
It's kinda funny. You righties have presidential primary candidates every once in a while that try to sell your rank and file hard core GOP base voters on that there flat tax idea, and they all get blown out of the water.... Real early. Remember Steve Forbes?? If your own base thinks it's horseshit, why you internet polysci gurus think you could EVER get a candidate who supported it to not only win your primary process, but then try and go sell it to the middle and the left of this country is absolutely beyond me... But hey... You go, boy! I think you should have a Norquist-like pledge that all your presidential primary candidates should sign in 2016 that says they promise to push through a flat tax. Really. I think that would be the PERFECT winning campaign stategy for y'all.
You took up an awful lot of bandwidth to present a false premise. The problem with you cuteness is that nobody ever talks about raising or lowering these taxes do they?

Up for discussion almost always are federal income taxes and in that context it is correct to point out who and who doesn't have skin in the game.

Oddly enough your side never pushes for progressivism in those other taxes. I wonder why?

You honestly think that politicians don't haggle like crazy about the tax rates for ALL types of taxes? And you are absolutely correct... The left has failed miserably in NOT getting progressivism installed in lots of taxes beyond just the income tax. But don't worry... It's on the drawing board.
It's kinda funny. You righties have presidential primary candidates every once in a while that try to sell your rank and file hard core GOP base voters on that there flat tax idea, and they all get blown out of the water.... Real early. Remember Steve Forbes?? If your own base thinks it's horseshit, why you internet polysci gurus think you could EVER get a candidate who supported it to not only win your primary process, but then try and go sell it to the middle and the left of this country is absolutely beyond me... But hey... You go, boy! I think you should have a Norquist-like pledge that all your presidential primary candidates should sign in 2016 that says they promise to push through a flat tax. Really. I think that would be the PERFECT winning campaign stategy for y'all.

Why are you against it? What is the benefit in your mind of our current 70k+ page tax code?
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There are clearly more options than an overly complicated tax code and a flat tax. i do not support either extreme.

there you go again, saying everything isn't black or white... what kind of poster are you? daring to say there are more than two options? is that allowed on the internet? (grin)
there you go again, saying everything isn't black or white... what kind of poster are you? daring to say there are more than two options? is that allowed on the internet? (grin)

You are correct tekkychick, I fell into Desh mode and that is my fault.
It's kinda funny. You righties have presidential primary candidates every once in a while that try to sell your rank and file hard core GOP base voters on that there flat tax idea, and they all get blown out of the water.... Real early. Remember Steve Forbes?? If your own base thinks it's horseshit, why you internet polysci gurus think you could EVER get a candidate who supported it to not only win your primary process, but then try and go sell it to the middle and the left of this country is absolutely beyond me... But hey... You go, boy! I think you should have a Norquist-like pledge that all your presidential primary candidates should sign in 2016 that says they promise to push through a flat tax. Really. I think that would be the PERFECT winning campaign stategy for y'all.

There's no question that the Flat Tax that I'm promoting is a hard sell to the huge percentage of American who pay no tax. But there is no question that it is fair, simple, and would be excellent for the economy.
There's no question that the Flat Tax that I'm promoting is a hard sell to the huge percentage of American who pay no tax. But there is no question that it is fair, simple, and would be excellent for the economy.

You are correct. So many have been turned into takers. It is almost impossible to unring the bell.. I am just waiting patiently and preparing for the inevitable collapse. I will be nice and cozy in my mountain retreat with my solar panels.