The free market

It's part of the wonders of globalization. With more market interaction with the Chinese they'll just have to become more free. Or something. Right?

Not necessarily. And it's folly to force our laborers to compete with them. And it's folly to become dependant on other nations for so much of our needs, especially when they're so militant and antithetical to our individual liberty oriented society.
They are actually enslaved, and are paid slave wages.

Actual slaves are not paid wages. Wages are agreed upon in exchange for work. Slaves work to keep their masters from beating/killing them. Slavery is horribly inefficient as people are better motivated to pursue pleasure than pain avoidance.

I actually care more about the effect on americans trying to compete with slaves than the chinese people.

I hope this clears up some things.

We already knew, you are a despicable fuck who uses the horror of slavery for propaganda purposes.
It's just obscene to argue that the real concern over slavery should be it's economic impacts on competing workers.
Actual slaves are not paid wages. Wages are agreed upon in exchange for work. Slaves work to keep their masters from beating/killing them. Slavery is horribly inefficient as people are better motivated to pursue pleasure than pain avoidance.
You better go tell the chinese that their slavery isn't working. they seem to think it is.
We already knew, you are a despicable fuck who uses the horror of slavery for propaganda purposes.

Have you heard of the term Wage Slavery?
Why don't you educate your cretinesque self.
Wage slavery is a term used to refer to a hierarchical social condition in which a person chooses a job but only within a coerced set of choices (e.g. work for a boss or starve) which usually excludes democratic worker's control of the workplace and the economy as a whole and unconditional access to food, shelter and health care. It is used to express disapproval of a situation where persons are effectively compelled to work in return for payment of a wage, and are therefore barred from having a say over economic decisions in proportion to the degree they are affected by those decisions--hence reducing control over their destinies. [1] In terms used by some critics of capitalism, statism and various authoritarian systems, wage slavery is the condition where a person must sell his or her labor power, submitting to the authority of an employer in order to prosper or merely to subsist.
And though China has had good growth they still are not close to our standards and will not be until they embrace freedom.
I'd be interested in hearing this, too. Perhaps dear Watermark thinks that we don't have manufacturing taxes or a marked-up standard of living.

Not by enough to make a horshit of difference. The global market place reduces the difference between costs in different areas. If something costs something in one area, it's easy to get it in another. Land is one of the few things that isn't this way, but if you don't live in California I think you'd be the last person to be worrying about that.
Not by enough to make a horshit of difference. The global market place reduces the difference between costs in different areas. If something costs something in one area, it's easy to get it in another. Land is one of the few things that isn't this way, but if you don't live in California I think you'd be the last person to be worrying about that.

and if free people demand too much wages in one area, you can go to a supplier of human labor which abuses it;s own citizens to serve the world. NEATO!
that's right. You just don't want to see it, so it must not exist. You are severly deluded. Seek help.

It's propaganda used by socialists. You don't get paid here for nothing. You take a wage for work. If this is slavery then it exists here as well. But it is not slavery and to pretend it is, is quite offensive to me as it undermines how horrible a practice true slavery is.
Using the term wage slavery is a little less offensive than just calling it slavery. At least doing that implicitly acknowledges a difference with the qualification. But we can't expect a puke like nAHZi to be that respectable.
Using the term wage slavery is a little less offensive than just calling it slavery. At least doing that implicitly acknowledges a difference with the qualification. But we can't expect a puke like nAHZi to be that respectable.

It's more accurate, and it's the term which should be used with criminals like you who use the technicality of currency exchange to whitewash the horrors of chinese oppression.
It's propaganda used by socialists. You don't get paid here for nothing. You take a wage for work. If this is slavery then it exists here as well. But it is not slavery and to pretend it is, is quite offensive to me as it undermines how horrible a practice true slavery is.

We have more choices than they do. Our government is not as bad yet. But will be when you and gonzo get your chance at power.
Haven't I told you my position on this before?

I do not support punitive tariffs, at all. I think that the tariff should be set at such a rate that employers in other nations do not benefit in our markets from lack of labor and enviormental standards, or use of what you term slavery. Goods actually made using slave labour, of course, should never even enter our markets.
It's more accurate, and it's the term which should be used with criminals like you who use the technicality of currency exchange to whitewash the horrors of chinese oppression.

LOL, we've established that you don't give a fuck about chinese oppression. Why bother going back there?

What has currency exchange to do with this? Just another red herring.