The G.O.P.’s Existential Crisis

He does not TRULY argue that one should passively go along with unjust laws. Just a week or two ago he was talking about how he would kill hundreds if they came after his favorite guns. He would go along with putting Jews in concentration camps, Jim Crow and unjustly imprisoning homosexuals because he actively supports such things.

Yeah well, that’s typical of neo-con, neo-fascist Republicans. They claim loyalty to the Constitution, advocate for limited government and individual freedom, then stick their feet in their mouths every chance they get with their verbal prejudices and contradictions and when they do get the chance to govern they govern just like the BIG government authoritarian Democrats. The only real difference between them is WHO they allow to feed at the government trough first.
You absolutely are the one whining about the accusations of pedophilia, which I never made in this thread or any other. I certainly did not bring up your accusations against me out of the blue. What a ridiculous claim.

You agreed that age of majority laws are based on considerations of maturity and biology. I do not agree with your contradiction and please don't pretend I have without a quote. No, I don't believe the laws prohibiting adults from having sex with children are examples of invidious discrimination against those under the age of majority. That is your absurd position.

Again, laws can be based on what may be argued is moral. I have never presented an argument against that and that had nothing at all to do with the decision in Lawrence . You are simply distorting the argument given because you cannot counter it.

The notion that there should not be laws prohibiting an act if "it's not harming anyone, it's between consenting adults, and it's none of your business!" IS a moral consideration. It's a better moral principle than your positions of whatever the majority says goes and is more central to the our legal traditions. That is why your immoral standards are being systematically rejected. Your attempts to confuse the subject might work in your trailer park but they will never stand up in a court of law.

I never made any such claim about women or blacks, I simply pointed out that we established law based on a moral judgement. Coincidentally, in both of those cases, we later amended our laws based on a moral judgement as well.

Exactly, the same moral judgement that is being used to amend laws that discriminate against homosexuals. YOU claimed that the morality that was used to uphold discrimination against minorities and women is the same as that used to prohibit various acts involving children.
You absolutely are the one whining about the accusations of pedophilia, which I never made in this thread or any other. I certainly did not bring up your accusations against me out of the blue. What a ridiculous claim.

You agreed that age of majority laws are based on considerations of maturity and biology. I do not agree with your contradiction and please don't pretend I have without a quote. No, I don't believe the laws prohibiting adults from having sex with children are examples of invidious discrimination against those under the age of majority. That is your absurd position.

Again, laws can be based on what may be argued is moral. I have never presented an argument against that and that had nothing at all to do with the decision in Lawrence . You are simply distorting the argument given because you cannot counter it.

The notion that there should not be laws prohibiting an act if "it's not harming anyone, it's between consenting adults, and it's none of your business!" IS a moral consideration. It's a better moral principle than your positions of whatever the majority says goes and is more central to the our legal traditions. That is why your immoral standards are being systematically rejected. Your attempts to confuse the subject might work in your trailer park but they will never stand up in a court of law.

Exactly, the same moral judgement that is being used to amend laws that discriminate against homosexuals. YOU claimed that the morality that was used to uphold discrimination against minorities and women is the same as that used to prohibit various acts involving children.

You will never be able to convince him you did not call him a pedophile. It is obvious to the rest of us that you didn't, but Dixe loves being the victim and feeling persecuted!
Well Dixie, the 4th amendment guarantees “privacy” which the fucking Drug War invades on a regular basis and will as long as the unconstitutional; Drug War is in progress. Therefore, no State has a constitutional authority to invade people’s privacy without an issued Warrant and probable cause of an actual crime in progress and since no amendment to our Constitution was ever passed and ratified by the States to prohibit particular drugs, the fucking drug laws are “ILLEGAL” and unconstitutional.

The 9th Amendment guarantees that the people have every and any right of any action they so choose for themselves and of course that would include putting into their “OWN” bodies whatever the hell they want, making marriage contracts with who ever in hell they want or anything else they choose to do as long as they don’t infringe on anybody else’s rights and liberties.

The 14th Amendment guarantees “Equal Protection Of The Law,” which of course would be violated by any State that refuses the right of contract, the right of privacy to everybody even users of particular drugs and equal treatment of everybody to make free agreeable contracts with “WHO” ever in hell they want even marriage contracts.

And as we see here, these are simply YOUR INTERPRETATIONS of the Constitution, and not what the Constitution actually says. That was my point, and you assisted me in making it brilliantly! KUDOS!

When in hell did I ever claim it was my business? That’s the “REPUBLICAN” neo-cons who make marriage their business, not libertarians. Libertarians promote the right of contract for all agreeing folks. In case you have a problem understanding that fact, I’ll spell it out for you. Libertarians support the right of “heterosexuals” to make agreeable contracts as well as everybody else! Government has no fucking business in promoting or denying any adult from making free agreeable contracts with any other free agreeable adult.

When it pertains to sexually mature members of our species whom you've arbitrarily defined as "children" who need your "protection" from "harm." Are you not following the conversation?

How so? Can you please explain that absurd opinion? Libertarians don’t “remove all parameters.” Again I’ll spell it out for you. Libertarians hold true the simple parameter of freedom to do whatever the hell folks want to do AS LONG AS THEY DON’T VIOLATE/INFRINGE ON ANY RIGHTS OR FREEDOMS OF OTHHERS. Contrary to your idiotic concepts of libertarianism that includes THE RIGHTS OF CHILDREN.

So you believe that 12-year-olds should be allowed to marry and procreate, if they so desire? Freedom to do whatever the hell folks want to do, right? How would such a thing violate your rights or infringe on your freedoms?
And as we see here, these are simply YOUR INTERPRETATIONS of the Constitution, and not what the Constitution actually says. That was my point, and you assisted me in making it brilliantly! KUDOS!

Well the Constitution says what it says and seems to me that I have interpreted it perfectly while you disagree yet provide no interpretation of your own. Evidently you’re at a total loss as to what you consider to be wrong with my interpretation because you cannot and have not provided any opposing and different interpretation. Thus, the challenge is yours to redeem yourself, your credibility and your absurd arguments.

When it pertains to sexually mature members of our species whom you've arbitrarily defined as "children" who need your "protection" from "harm." Are you not following the conversation?

So you believe that 12-year-olds should be allowed to marry and procreate, if they so desire? Freedom to do whatever the hell folks want to do, right? How would such a thing violate your rights or infringe on your freedoms?

You continue to ignore the age of consent. Your whole argument is based on straw-men, contradictions and absurdities. You have no credible or valid arguments. Your authoritarian mentality stands out like cow shit all over palace floors. You consistently repeat false and absurd concepts about libertarianism and you’re simply the flipside of the leftist authoritarian BIG government paranoid socialist coin. The left being the neo-communist side and the rightist being the neo-fascist side. Your entire political agenda is based on bribery and force no different than leftist idiots.
Well the Constitution says what it says and seems to me that I have interpreted it perfectly while you disagree yet provide no interpretation of your own. Evidently you’re at a total loss as to what you consider to be wrong with my interpretation because you cannot and have not provided any opposing and different interpretation. Thus, the challenge is yours to redeem yourself, your credibility and your absurd arguments.

Well, the Constitution does say what it says, but it seems to me you haven't interpreted it perfectly, because if that were the case, all these things you claim are 'unconstitutional' wouldn't be happening. Therefore, it is apparent that you've not interpreted correctly, or someone else hasn't. In this case, that would be the SCOTUS, which you're not a member of. So right here, I have completely destroyed your argument with reality and fact. I'm at no loss, I have provided evidence, you've not refuted it. The challenge was met, and it's your credibility now at stake with an absurd and rejected argument.

Now, the good news for you is this... Our system provides a way for you to challenge what is interpreted by others, if you believe your interpretation is perfect. Bring your case, convince a court of appeals, have your case heard by SCOTUS, and perhaps they will see things your way, and understand how you have it interpreted perfectly. Until then, we go by what the SCOTUS has ruled, because that is who our system delegates to decide what interpretation is correct.

You continue to ignore the age of consent. Your whole argument is based on straw-men, contradictions and absurdities. You have no credible or valid arguments. Your authoritarian mentality stands out like cow shit all over palace floors. You consistently repeat false and absurd concepts about libertarianism and you’re simply the flipside of the leftist authoritarian BIG government paranoid socialist coin. The left being the neo-communist side and the rightist being the neo-fascist side. Your entire political agenda is based on bribery and force no different than leftist idiots.

When did I ignore the age of consent? I have argued that "age of consent" is a moralistic determination we've arbitrarily established, and has nothing to do with nature. It's no different than the moral determination that men can't marry men or women can't marry dogs. I'm not a neocon, I'm not a fascist, I am a redneck who has completely PWNED you in a debate. I understand this is cause for great consternation on your part, but finding more colorful ways of expressing your insults is not going to help you now.
You absolutely are the one whining about the accusations of pedophilia, which I never made in this thread or any other. I certainly did not bring up your accusations against me out of the blue. What a ridiculous claim.

I'm not the one repeatedly bringing up 5 year olds (3 year olds, in this thread) and making the insinuations that I condone pedophilia. That's all YOU.

You agreed that age of majority laws are based on considerations of maturity and biology.

No, I didn't agree with that. Age of majority laws are based on considerations of morality regarding humans who are sexually mature but we morally feel aren't ready to handle the responsibilities of procreation. It's a totally arbitrary moral determination, and I've never made any other argument. I think you've misinterpreted something again.

I do not agree with your contradiction and please don't pretend I have without a quote. No, I don't believe the laws prohibiting adults from having sex with children are examples of invidious discrimination against those under the age of majority. That is your absurd position.

Whether you believe something or not, has no bearing on reality or fact. YOU are the one who brought up "invidious discrimination," not me. If you don't believe it to be 'invidious discrimination' to prohibit one type of sexuality but allow another, I would like to know how you rectify this, because it sounds like the same thing applied differently based on group classification. What 'discrimination' are you talking about? Homosexuals are not prohibited from marrying the opposite sex. Same sex marriage is not permitted for anyone, regardless of sexuality. It's not a discrimination based on gender, because the same thing apples to men marrying men or women marrying women.

Again, laws can be based on what may be argued is moral. I have never presented an argument against that and that had nothing at all to do with the decision in Lawrence . You are simply distorting the argument given because you cannot counter it.

Yes, your argument is indeed against that. The decision in Lawrence struck down a moralistic determination and re-determined that we don't have the moral right to legislate what goes on in the privacy of your bedroom between consenting adults.

The notion that there should not be laws prohibiting an act if "it's not harming anyone, it's between consenting adults, and it's none of your business!" IS a moral consideration. It's a better moral principle than your positions of whatever the majority says goes and is more central to the our legal traditions. That is why your immoral standards are being systematically rejected. Your attempts to confuse the subject might work in your trailer park but they will never stand up in a court of law.

Uhm, no... it's NOT a moral consideration. It is a completely NON-MORAL consideration. It actively removes the moral component. Who said anything about what the majority says? If that were the case, homosexual behavior would be illegal.

Exactly, the same moral judgement that is being used to amend laws that discriminate against homosexuals. YOU claimed that the morality that was used to uphold discrimination against minorities and women is the same as that used to prohibit various acts involving children.

No, I am saying that you have arbitrarily and moralistically classified a group of people as "children" when nature and biology refutes that. Any other mammal, in fact, any other species of living thing, is considered "adult" when it has reached the maturity to procreate. If we remove the moral consideration, and apply the "it's not harming anyone" logic, then we must allow people who are sexually mature but not at your moral-based arbitrary age of majority, to enjoy the same rights as everyone else. If we don't, it's discrimination.
Well, the Constitution does say what it says, but it seems to me you haven't interpreted it perfectly, because if that were the case, all these things you claim are 'unconstitutional' wouldn't be happening. Therefore, it is apparent that you've not interpreted correctly, or someone else hasn't. In this case, that would be the SCOTUS, which you're not a member of. So right here, I have completely destroyed your argument with reality and fact.

But the “reality & fact” is that the Supreme Court is made up of political ideologues appointed by political ideologues of the same flavor and confirmed by political ideologues. Some of the court’s decisions are so blatantly preposterously politically ideologically partisan and having little to nothing to do with the Constitution and that is perfectly evident to any honest citizen with remedial reading ability. The Supreme Court so very often doesn’t uphold the Constitution, but rater simply ”legalizes” unconstitutional law.

I'm at no loss, I have provided evidence, you've not refuted it. The challenge was met, and it's your credibility now at stake with an absurd and rejected argument.

What evidence? What have I not successfully refuted? What arguments of mine have you successfully rejected? Your entire argument is based in emotional right-wing prejudices and fallacious concepts of libertarianism.

Now, the good news for you is this... Our system provides a way for you to challenge what is interpreted by others, if you believe your interpretation is perfect. Bring your case, convince a court of appeals, have your case heard by SCOTUS, and perhaps they will see things your way, and understand how you have it interpreted perfectly. Until then, we go by what the SCOTUS has ruled, because that is who our system delegates to decide what interpretation is correct.

What fool bothers with rigged Kangaroo Courts? True change only comes by way of informed public opinion. I’m here to “INFORM.” Pay attention! Look in the mirror! Search your soul! Become informed! Read the Constitution! Accept the truth!

When did I ignore the age of consent? I have argued that "age of consent" is a moralistic determination we've arbitrarily established, and has nothing to do with nature.

On the contrary! You’ve argued that libertarianism is immoral and ignorant and dismissive of the age of consent proving that you know not what the fuck you’re talking about.

It's no different than the moral determination that men can't marry men or women can't marry dogs.

On the contrary! Marriage contracts with a child below the age of consent is a violation of the child’s rights while agreeing men making marriage contracts with agreeable men above the age of consent violates “NOBODY’S” rights, or agreeing women making agreeable marriage contracts with other agreeable women and I never knew a woman who wanted to marry a dog, did you? And if you did, what fucking business was it of yours, and how did she determine how she would get the dog to sign the contract?

I'm not a neocon, I'm not a fascist, I am a redneck who has completely PWNED you in a debate. I understand this is cause for great consternation on your part, but finding more colorful ways of expressing your insults is not going to help you now.

The consensus here seems to be correct! You are delusional and have a never ending desire to see yourself as some kind of victim. You need to find some medication for that illness.
The point was about who is whining about the false claim that I have accused you of pedophilia or condoning it. That is all you. You brought it up in your first reply to me and have continued to whine about it. Again, this is an example of you dropping context. You change the point slightly and pretend that we are talking about something else.

I said...
The fact that there is no bright red line on maturity or the biological distinction does not affect the point that we still take those things into consideration.

You said...
We take them into consideration as we establish a MORAL determination and judgement...

YOU AGREED that the basis is maturity of which biology is a component.

The argument that the law against same sex marriage is not invidious discrimination does not hold up just because it is equally applied to males and females or homosexual and heterosexuals anymore than that same argument (i.e., that laws barring interracial marriage apply equally to blacks and whites) held up in Loving v Virginia.

Lawrence was based on a "moral determination" against the immoral laws you support. The liberal/libertarian argument for marriage equality is based on a moral consideration, i.e., that consenting adullts have a right to privacy in voluntary sexual acts. That is a moral basis.

If you want to move the argument forward then you need to present a non circular argumenton what morality is. The only argument you have ever made is that morals are what the majority says they are or they are what the bible says they are.

We do not at all have to drop age of majority laws. Other animals don't have laws or legal distinction between an adult and a child. Your moronic comparisons to them don't fit.

The state has no non invasive method of determining when an individual is sexually mature. Some people are capable of procreating as early as 9. While you might consider ability to conceive "sexually mature" most sane people would consider one sexually mature when they are reliably able to safely procreate. Further, since our morals demand that parents have a legal responsibility to care for their children the age of majority can be delayed until they are capable of exercising those rights.

Thos determinations involve a valid state interest, not the desire to discriminate against someone that wants to have sex with kids or the children. The laws prohibiting same sex marriage are premised on the desire to discriminate against homosexuals. That is, the difference.

You are an immoral bigot and our society and courts are rejecting YOUR moral premises, not morality.
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If it ever was the law in America that we put Jews in concentration camps, then people should respect the law and obey it. Problem is, that was never the law here. Try to understand this, motherfucker... if we have laws, people should obey them! What is the fucking point in having laws if we are going to say... hey, if you disagree, you don't have to abide? I can think of a whole lotta laws I disagree with and shouldn't have to abide by! But if I decide to go rogue and not abide by the law, I will likely be incarcerated against my will. That's just how it goes in civilized non-anarchy society. We have laws, we obey laws, if we don't, we go to jail! Understand, stupid?

How about if we change the group of people from Jews, to Japanese.
We have 113 posts, counting this one, in this thread alone and everyone needs to face up to some facts.
1 - No one is going to change Dixie's mind
2 - Dixie is going to be able to change anyone's mind
3 - All everyone is doing, by continuing this, is exercising your rights to exchange insults.
4 - More and more States are recognizing Gay marriage
5 - It's not going to be much longer before the Federal Govenment rules that Homosexual marriages are as legal and have the same rights that Hetrosexual marriages have.
6 - And the recognition and acceptance of Homosexual marriages aren't going to cause the collapse of society, any more then the acceptance and recognition of inter-racial marriages did.

Playing the "what if" game does nothing then allow the other side to play the same silly game.
We have 113 posts, counting this one, in this thread alone and everyone needs to face up to some facts.
1 - No one is going to change Dixie's mind

Does anybody ever change anybody’s mind on political forums? Isn’t this just about reinforcing our own ideologies and entertaining ourselves in that process?
2 - Dixie is going to be able to change anyone's mind

But Dixie has the same right to entertain himself as everybody else here.
3 - All everyone is doing, by continuing this, is exercising your rights to exchange insults.

Insults are in the mind of the beholder. Some folks see insults everywhere and other folks never bother looking for insults. Insults are a dime a dozen whenever you want them. I never knew anybody that died from insults.
4 - More and more States are recognizing Gay marriage

Why is there even an argument about it? Why shouldn’t all agreeable adults be able to make any contract with whoever they want without government being involved until or unless somebody involved in the contract breaks the contract?
5 - It's not going to be much longer before the Federal Govenment rules that Homosexual marriages are as legal and have the same rights that Hetrosexual marriages have.

Why should the federal government be involved in “marriage contracts” at all? Where’s the Constitutional authority for the feds to have any involvement in marriage contracts? Why don’t the feds just abide by the 10th amendment and leave marriage contracts to the States or the people like it says in amendment 10?
6 - And the recognition and acceptance of Homosexual marriages aren't going to cause the collapse of society, any more then the acceptance and recognition of inter-racial marriages did.

Every sane folk knows that, so why is it even an issue?

Playing the "what if" game does nothing then allow the other side to play the same silly game.

Isn’t that why we’re here? Isn’t “silly” sometimes entertaining? Aren’t political forums better than professional wrestling or the Jerry Springer show?
But the “reality & fact” is that the Supreme Court is made up of political ideologues appointed by political ideologues of the same flavor and confirmed by political ideologues. Some of the court’s decisions are so blatantly preposterously politically ideologically partisan and having little to nothing to do with the Constitution and that is perfectly evident to any honest citizen with remedial reading ability. The Supreme Court so very often doesn’t uphold the Constitution, but rater simply ”legalizes” unconstitutional law.

Okay, so now you also have a problem with the SCOTUS not interpreting the Constitution as you do? Why don't we just say that our Founding Fathers intended on us listening to Classic Liberal, and for him to tell us what the Constitution means? Or in the event Classic Liberal isn't around, we can consult any Libertarian for the real meaning of the Constitution. Obviously, no one else is qualified, because they don't agree with your interpretation. This might come as a shocker to you, but there have been times in history where men disagreed on what the Constitution said, according to the SCOTUS. The glorious thing about our system is, there is something we can do about this as well. Whenever the SCOTUS has gotten it wrong, we can seek to have legislation passed to change this interpretation or make it more clear to the Supreme Court. So we can appeal to the court, and if we still think the court has gotten it wrong, we can go through Congress and pass legislation, and even in the event that doesn't work, we can actually amend the Constitution entirely. The beauty of this system, as compared to your idea, is it allows the Constitution to be interpreted by the people it effects, and not some rogue libertarian on a message board. I think we'll stick with the system we have, although it's not perfect, it has worked.

What evidence? What have I not successfully refuted? What arguments of mine have you successfully rejected? Your entire argument is based in emotional right-wing prejudices and fallacious concepts of libertarianism.

The evidence you are an insane libertarian blowhard who thinks like a tin-horn dictator. I've rejected nearly all your ideas. There is no emotional prejudice, or fallacious contempt, just me stating facts that you can't refute. Now you have proven that you can BOAST about refuting or not being refuted, and you can insult people, but you've not proven much else here in this thread.

What fool bothers with rigged Kangaroo Courts? True change only comes by way of informed public opinion. I’m here to “INFORM.” Pay attention! Look in the mirror! Search your soul! Become informed! Read the Constitution! Accept the truth!

Well what good does an "informed public" do, if there is no court? Oh, I see... we are to all just accept your view as the correct view, and forget everything else? It's like I said at the beginning of this argument, Libertarians live in a fucked up fantasy world, where they believe the rest of us are suddenly going to wake up and find ourselves 'libertarians' one day! If only we could all see the libertarian light! Never mind that it always seems to be 2% or less who actually see the light, in election after election, that's not important.

On the contrary! You’ve argued that libertarianism is immoral and ignorant and dismissive of the age of consent proving that you know not what the fuck you’re talking about.

I didn't argue ANYTHING regarding libertarian views on age of consent or homosexual marriage. I actually think your pro-gay-marriage position is in diametric contradiction to some libertarian principles. Just like how you don't think the government should be involved with our personal life by prohibiting gay marriage, other libertarians don't believe government should be involved in our personal life by endorsing gay marriage, or any other kind of marriage. Libertarians who strongly speak out in demands for gay marriage, are not actual libertarians. You are LINOs! You are political activists with much in common with Liberals, not the stewards of personal liberty and freedom, as you claim. You don't want people to be free to decide if they believe as you, it's more about imposing your will and making them live by it. You'll lie, insult, denigrate, refuse to accept reality or fact, and insist you are a true libertarian, but what you are, is an extremist ideologue. A social liberal who can't get any traction being a democrat, since most of them have rejected your crusade.

On the contrary! Marriage contracts with a child below the age of consent is a violation of the child’s rights while agreeing men making marriage contracts with agreeable men above the age of consent violates “NOBODY’S” rights, or agreeing women making agreeable marriage contracts with other agreeable women and I never knew a woman who wanted to marry a dog, did you? And if you did, what fucking business was it of yours, and how did she determine how she would get the dog to sign the contract?

Why do you keep running to the safety of your morally-determined and guided understanding under the law as it currently stands? I'm not refuting what is the law of the land at this time, the arguments aren't about what is currently legal or illegal. We have a long tradition of establishing laws based on moralistic determination. "child below the age of consent" is nothing more than a moral constraint we have arbitrarily established as a parameter. Does it effect you personally, to change it?

How does she get the dog to sign a contract? How did we get blacks and women to sign contracts? Seems these same excuses have been used before, for not allowing something people weren't comfortable with. Hell, forget about women and dogs, I never met a man who wanted to marry a man, until a few years ago! I didn't think such a thing were possible, since marriage is something between a man and woman. But you've told us we have to redefine our understanding of 'marriage' to include something else. Well, if that's how we do things, then don't we have to open our minds to redefining what 'child' means? Or 'age of consent?' As I said, from the 'sexual naturalist' view, this label is a misnomer, humans who have reached puberty can procreate, and if they were any other life form, would be considered 'adult' members of the species, because of their ability to procreate. I may not like or agree with this argument, but devoid of the 'moral determination' element, I can't find an argument against it... not using the "if it's not harming anyone" template. Feels like I am making a moral judgement on others, trying to dictate how they enjoy their sex lives, when it shouldn't be any of my business. If a woman and her dog have some special arrangement, it doesn't bother me, it's not harming me, and as long as the dog doesn't show signs of being abused or harmed, why should I care?

The consensus here seems to be correct! You are delusional and have a never ending desire to see yourself as some kind of victim. You need to find some medication for that illness.

LOL... Victim? That's too funny. I think of myself as a person who thinks, even outside the box sometimes. There is not a 'consensus' here, except among the pinheads whom I routinely PWN. The consensus is, it's best not to try and actually "argue" with me, because it results in a rather humiliating slicing and dicing and handing over of your ass on a platter, so it's best to hurl incessant insults and put downs, bring up some ancient 'myth' about me, chortle to your buddies about my 'mental state' and pretend that you have 'defeated' me in the arena of ideas. That is your best bet for coming out of this looking good... just don't turn around and look for your ass!
Ditzy, you have never embarassed anyone but yourself. By comparing the capacity of blacks and women to contract to that of dogs you embarass anyone that slightly shares your perspective.

You don't respect the function or opinion of the courts. You are bothered by the fact that our most fundamental moral priniciples are nullifying your argument for the morality of the mob.
Okay, so now you also have a problem with the SCOTUS not interpreting the Constitution as you do?

But most 14 year olds can do a pretty damn good job of interpreting the Constitution. It isn’t written in Swahili or redneck, it’s articulated in easy to understand English. Contrary to the preposterous babblings of both right and left, the Court’s judges aren’t necessary to interpret the Constitution, they’re only necessary to interpret the linguistic gymnastics that politicians construct written law from to ensure that their attempted con-job writings conform to the rule and spirit of the Constitution.

Why don't we just say that our Founding Fathers intended on us listening to Classic Liberal, and for him to tell us what the Constitution means?

That’s actually what they did, they wrote the Constitution in a classical liberal language and ideology. Apparently, you have NO disagreement with my interpretation of it because you have presented NO arguments in opposition to my interpretation of it.

This might come as a shocker to you, but there have been times in history where men disagreed on what the Constitution said, according to the SCOTUS.

This might come as a shocker to you but there have always been folks that fucking lie and try to make the Constitution say whatever they want it to say instead of what it actually says. They’re generally known by libertarians as idiots, crooks, liars, con-artist, Democrats and Republicans.

The glorious thing about our system is, there is something we can do about this as well. Whenever the SCOTUS has gotten it wrong, we can seek to have legislation passed to change this interpretation or make it more clear to the Supreme Court. So we can appeal to the court, and if we still think the court has gotten it wrong, we can go through Congress and pass legislation, and even in the event that doesn't work, we can actually amend the Constitution entirely. The beauty of this system, as compared to your idea, is it allows the Constitution to be interpreted by the people it effects, and not some rogue libertarian on a message board. I think we'll stick with the system we have, although it's not perfect, it has worked.

But the problem is the entire makeup of the seats of government including the courts, the Congress and the President are all occupied by either idiots, crooks, liars, con-artist and Democrats and Republicans exhibiting the traits of the first 4 on the list. That’s why the system only works to fuck over the country and its population, saddling us with 16 trillion $ in debt and undeclared unconstitutional wars including the fucking idiot violent Drug War. Of course that’s what you claim “has worked.”
The evidence you are an insane libertarian blowhard who thinks like a tin-horn dictator. I've rejected nearly all your ideas. There is no emotional prejudice, or fallacious contempt, just me stating facts that you can't refute. Now you have proven that you can BOAST about refuting or not being refuted, and you can insult people, but you've not proven much else here in this thread.

Well Dixie I’m still waiting for you to present those “alleged” facts you claimed you’ve presented that I haven’t refuted. You’ve made absolutely NO sane or valid case for the idiot violent Drug War. You’ve made absolutely NO sane or valid case to prohibit same sex marriages. You have presented absolutely NO constitutional article or amendment to back up anything you’ve said and you’ve presented absolutely NO valid or sane argument in opposition to any article or amendment I’ve presented to back up my arguments. You are totally devoid of evidence and long on biased bigoted horseshit.

Well what good does an "informed public" do, if there is no court? Oh, I see... we are to all just accept your view as the correct view, and forget everything else?

An informed public would support libertarianism and our classic liberal Constitution and thereby clean out the crooked assed swindling Republican and Democrat bastards in government and replace them with constitutionalist and true patriots and thereby affirm libertarian/classic liberal judges to the courts and thereby bring America back to its libertarian classic liberal roots, eliminate our debts, end our undeclared unconstitutional wars, restore individual liberty and limited government.

It's like I said at the beginning of this argument, Libertarians live in a fucked up fantasy world, where they believe the rest of us are suddenly going to wake up and find ourselves 'libertarians' one day! If only we could all see the libertarian light! Never mind that it always seems to be 2% or less who actually see the light, in election after election, that's not important.

But Dixie, libertarianism, classic liberalism, constitutionalism is in direct competition with neo-communist and neo-fascist BRIBERY. We compete against crony capitalist BIG time money that bribes the Democrats and Republicans. We compete against the extortion of the middle class that finances the bribery for votes system devised by the crooked assed Democrats and Republicans. We compete with only our constitutional loyalty, our honesty, our truth and our principles. We can only give those things to the uninformed duped and bribed public masses. As you should see we’re at a vast disadvantage. But the consequence thereof will not only be suffered by we libertarians, you ALSO and yours will suffer because of your ignorance, partisanism, biases and fucking stupidity.
I didn't argue ANYTHING regarding libertarian views on age of consent or homosexual marriage. I actually think your pro-gay-marriage position is in diametric contradiction to some libertarian principles. Just like how you don't think the government should be involved with our personal life by prohibiting gay marriage, other libertarians don't believe government should be involved in our personal life by endorsing gay marriage, or any other kind of marriage. Libertarians who strongly speak out in demands for gay marriage, are not actual libertarians. You are LINOs! You are political activists with much in common with Liberals, not the stewards of personal liberty and freedom, as you claim. You don't want people to be free to decide if they believe as you, it's more about imposing your will and making them live by it. You'll lie, insult, denigrate, refuse to accept reality or fact, and insist you are a true libertarian, but what you are, is an extremist ideologue. A social liberal who can't get any traction being a democrat, since most of them have rejected your crusade.

Excuse me Dixie, but I can’t even justify that babbling with a reply. It’s so hilarious I can’t stop laughing. Did you ever consider stand up comedy?
Why do you keep running to the safety of your morally-determined and guided understanding under the law as it currently stands? I'm not refuting what is the law of the land at this time, the arguments aren't about what is currently legal or illegal. We have a long tradition of establishing laws based on moralistic determination. "child below the age of consent" is nothing more than a moral constraint we have arbitrarily established as a parameter. Does it effect you personally, to change it?

So now you’re trying to deny that you’ve insinuated that libertarians are immoral and have no respect for the age of consent and the rights of children? That’s been just about the totality of your argument.

While the age of consent may be an arbitrarily established parameter, libertarianism being loyal to constitutionalism accepts and promotes the 10th amendment that guarantees the power to States and or the people to create moral arbitrary parameters such as the age of consent or public decency. I don’t know any libertarians that oppose those moral standards. Of course when it comes to libertarianism you haven’t a fucking clue what the hell you’re talking about anyhow!

How does she get the dog to sign a contract? How did we get blacks and women to sign contracts?

You likely think we wired pens to their paws and guided their strokes on the paper, right? So now you’re featuring blacks, women and dogs as having the same level of intellect and physical skills, right? Why am I not surprised?

Seems these same excuses have been used before, for not allowing something people weren't comfortable with. Hell, forget about women and dogs, I never met a man who wanted to marry a man, until a few years ago! I didn't think such a thing were possible, since marriage is something between a man and woman.

Actually homosexuality is as old as any historically known activity of not only human kind, but also within the entire animal world and the right of contract among all agreeing adult humans is an inalienable constitutional guarantee. Contrary to right-wing hysteria and proposition about same sex marriage, just because its constitutionally guaranteed, it doesn’t mean that everybody is mandated to be in a homosexual marriage contract. You don’t have to allow another man access to your pee-pee Dixie unless you want to.

But you've told us we have to redefine our understanding of 'marriage' to include something else. Well, if that's how we do things, then don't we have to open our minds to redefining what 'child' means?

You and government never had any right to define what constitutes marriage to begin with for anybody aside from yourself. Legally, a marriage is nothing more than a “contract” between agreeable adults. Children i. e. those below the age of consent, are denied legal contract until they reach the age of consent. No libertarian that I know opposes that “moral” standard.

Or 'age of consent?' As I said, from the 'sexual naturalist' view, this label is a misnomer, humans who have reached puberty can procreate, and if they were any other life form, would be considered 'adult' members of the species, because of their ability to procreate. I may not like or agree with this argument, but devoid of the 'moral determination' element, I can't find an argument against it... not using the "if it's not harming anyone" template.

If a State chooses to exercise its constitutional authority under the 10th amendment determines that simply “puberty” isn’t sufficient to establish an age of consent and there’s more to it than that such as intellectual decision making then said State has the constitutional authority to do so. The age of consent window has been argued for centuries. It generally falls between 18 and 21 years of age in most States. It has little to nothing to do with libertarian principles except when right-wing liars and kooks devoid of rational argument attempt to make it a “bogus” libertarian issue.

Feels like I am making a moral judgement on others, trying to dictate how they enjoy their sex lives, when it shouldn't be any of my business. If a woman and her dog have some special arrangement, it doesn't bother me, it's not harming me, and as long as the dog doesn't show signs of being abused or harmed, why should I care?

Why indeed????

LOL... Victim? That's too funny. I think of myself as a person who thinks, even outside the box sometimes. There is not a 'consensus' here, except among the pinheads whom I routinely PWN. The consensus is, it's best not to try and actually "argue" with me, because it results in a rather humiliating slicing and dicing and handing over of your ass on a platter, so it's best to hurl incessant insults and put downs, bring up some ancient 'myth' about me, chortle to your buddies about my 'mental state' and pretend that you have 'defeated' me in the arena of ideas. That is your best bet for coming out of this looking good... just don't turn around and look for your ass!

OK Champ! Your championship should be apparent to everybody by now. Now that you’ve made yourself feel better, take your meds before they put the straight jacket back on and lock the door, OK? You’ve made your neo-con Republican brothers and sisters proud!