The G.O.P.’s Existential Crisis

Thanks for making my case.

Good luck to you and your republican party that so many have good reason to hate and vote. AGAINST!

Yeah, we seem to have a real problem with people who want to vote against upholding the rule of law. Some of them, it's because they think they know better. Others, because they simply get their rocks off disobeying authority. Still, others are mired in some kind of mental retardation, where they believe we live in an alternate universe, and everyone agrees with their philosophy.

The Republican party is not MY party. I voted for the Republican in the last election because he was the only candidate who could have defeated the Marxist. I don't support everything the Republicans stand for, I didn't support everything the Republican candidate stood for, but I vehemently oppose the Marxists. I would rather have someone who I sometimes disagree with as my president, than a Marxist who I always disagree with. I would always rather support one of the two people who can win the presidency, as opposed to wasting my vote on someone who can't and won't win, my ideology is not more important than my country.
Yeah, we seem to have a real problem with people who want to vote against upholding the rule of law.

It use to be the law that jews were to be put in concentration camps.

I guess the law makes it right if I'm to understand you correctly.
Excuse me, but when I encounter people who want to act like not allowing homosexual marriage is akin to slavery, I assume they must have close personal connection to the issue, so if you're not the one who takes the dick up the ass, and instead, are the one who likes putting your dick in someone's ass, I apologize, but the argument remains the same. And you've already inferred that I want to have sex with 5-year-olds, that was in the other thread.

It also doesn't say one has the right to marry the same sex. I never claimed it did. However, it does say that you can't discriminate, and if you allow marriage to be based on a certain kind of sexuality, then it has to be allowed for other kinds as well. If you allow laws to be based on non-moral "it ain't hurtin' nobody" standards, then it has to apply universally, even though you may not like it.

Well sure it is, that's what this is all about. "Marriage" is the union of a man and woman, always has been, here in America. You wish to redefine it, and make it mean something completely different, based on homosexuals wanting to marry the same sex. Now, we can dance around with the 'semantics' game, but so can those who want to marry 12-year-olds or animals.

You're actually making a compelling argument for why Lawrence v Texas was a bad ruling by SCOTUS. The 'slippery slope' caused by that ruling, brings us to gay marriage, something that was laughed at when the ruling was made, just as you are laughing at the prospects of recognizing 12-year-olds as sexually mature adults who can make their own moral determinations without your permission.

Again, if our sex lives are private and the state CANNOT restrict us in this area, so be it... Welcome to the world of 12-year-old marriage and bestiality, because you've just paved the interstate highway for that.

That's the only argument I've seen presented. Age of majority is most certainly a moral determination. Sex with animals, same deal.

No, I have not made ANY argument regarding 3 year olds or 5 year olds, you continue to infer that. I've not backpedaled on anything, I have consistently maintained that "consenting adults" is an arbitrary standard based on moralistic determination. If we can change and alter the meaning of 8,000 year old traditional marriage, we can certainly change the 80 year-old standards for "consenting adults."

Which CAN, and HAVE BEEN, changed! These are "morality-based" arbitrary laws, and you are seeking to destroy "morality-based" law in favor of a more "libertine" standard. But for some mysterious reason, you think we can somehow maintain certain morality-based laws, even after you've destroyed the argument for them.

I've never made an argument for toddlers having sex or being considered adults. You continue to infer this, and accuse me of this, and it's simply a dishonest and despicable attempt to dodge your total ass whooping in this debate. I guess you think this bothers me, or rattles my cage, but I don't care what a fool you make of yourself, or how much you demonstrate the level of desperation you've reached in the argument. I think it speaks volumes for how poorly you've done here, and the more you do it, the more it reaffirms this.

I don't keep bringing up anything except the reality of what the constitution says. I'm not the one who is constantly advocating we strike down morality-based laws in favor of "if it feels good, do it" laws. That would be YOU and your butt buddies, who think we live in some alter universe, where people all think and act like libertarians, and there is never a slippery slope, you can run back and forth from morality-based law to libertarian-based idiocy, and no one will have a problem with that.

*sigh* How many times do we have to go through this? I mean really, haven't we been over this at least a dozen times now? How many does it take to penetrate your concrete skull? Maturity simply can not be determined by an arbitrary age. So arbitrary age of majority is certainly NOT based on maturity. Biology isn't on your side, because it says that 12-year-olds are sexually able to procreate, which is how biology defines "adulthood" in any other mammal. YOU have made the moral determination to define humans age 12-16 as "children" then run around claiming you are "protecting" them with your laws. What happened to "it's none of your business, and not harming you?" If you aren't discriminating against 12-16 year old sexually mature humans, what the hell are you doing? It does not matter that the intent of the law isn't to discriminate against a certain sexual lifestyle, that's what it does. The very same arguments you apply to homosexual same-sex marriage, can also be applied to other sexual lifestyles, and you need to get used to it, because once you've removed the moral standards in place, that's exactly where we are headed.

Here you are again running to the old standards of morality-based laws, when that is what you seem to oppose with regard to homosexuals. You don't seem to comprehend basic logic here, if you've destroyed the argument for morality-based law in order to pave the way for same-sex marriage, then you've destroyed those same barriers to other forms of sexual behavior, and the Constitution guarantees them equal consideration under the law. You can't escape this by running back to the arguments you've struck down.

Well, there IS a specific class of people who are between the age of 12 and 16, who are human beings that are sexually mature enough to procreate. There IS a specific class of people who think this should be perfectly legal, doesn't "harm" anyone, and ought to be allowed by a non-moralistic society that doesn't judge others. Many of these people can be found in your corner, arguing for gay marriage! No, it's not legal right now, no, there aren't huge movements to make it legal right now, but we still have the laws based on moralistic determination, which have to be destroyed first. Once that is the case, these people will come out of the woodwork, and you will probably be right there in their corner when the time comes. You can argue that it's absurd, but when sodomy laws were struck down, people said it was absurd to think they would demand same-sex marriage.

You've certainly NOT defeated anything here.

So, one should assume you engage in the activities you claim are being discriminated against? THAT'S A QUESTION, I am not stating your own logic should be used against you. You would complain if I did as you are an immoral hypocrite that will not be held to the standards you use to demean others.

I never once inferred anything about you and five year olds. Please, stop lying!

Again, there is no allowance for marriage based on a certain type of sexuality. You would be allowed to marry a man whether you are a homosexual or not. You don't understand the arguments because you have closed your mind to anything but social conservative hate mongers.

I am not sure who you think laughed that Lawrence v Texas would lead to gay marriage. I think Loving v Virginia is probably more important but, I always argued that Lawrence (though more important in and of itself than it's precedent) should pave the way for marriage equality. It does not lead to marriage to children. As has been explained to you repeatedly the prohibition against sex with a child is not about invidious discrimination against those who might believe such a sexuality "natural." The laws stopping one from having sex with a child are based on the state's interest in protecting the child just as all age of majority laws are based on protecting children.

Again, YES, we can change the age of majority laws. So fucking what? They can not be nullified based on the idea that they are discriminatory. That's the point that you continue to drop context to evade.

They are certainly based on considerations of maturity and biology. There is no bright red line and your comparisons to other animals are STUPID. Other animals do not have a legal system of rights and do not withhold rights to members of their species until adulthood. That whole line of argument is just a remnant of your barnyard bullshit (which is the basis which your ignorant and immoral kind used to justfiy racial segregation) about what's natural that is no longer found compelling. We are not like other animals and our laws are not based on what is proper to them but what is proper to us. The fact that there is no bright red line on maturity or the biological distinction does not affect the point that we still take those things into consideration. We did not get our age of majority laws from the bible. What moral basis do you believe is being used to set these ages? I am sure you will fail to answer, again, because there is no answer except the one that proves you wrong.

Again, the state cannot interfere in the private sex lives of ADULTS without a valid state interest. Invidious discrimination is not a valid state interest. Protecting children is. Unless, you wish to argue that all laws against animal cruelty should be nullified then so is protecting animals. You cannot base the law on a desire to discourage men from sleeping with men, or whites from sleeping with blacks, oral sex, anything but the missionary position, to force people to have sex fully clothed or whatever other kind of weirdo crap that you think appropriate. The only possbile state interest in such laws is invidious discrimination. You don't like the standard, TOUGH SHIT! Move to to the middle east or some other shithole where they don't have a legal tradition of prohibiting an invasive state. The laws are not always perfect and justice is at times slow, but it will come.

Let me repeat that the argument is not against morality. It is against your morality of hate and divisiveness. Our society has rejected your creed of racism, mysoginy and other forms of invidious discrimination. You are immoral and your argument is shit. Don't worry, you won't be locked up or denied rights for your immorality. You will be shown tolerance so long as you remain peaceful.
Yeah, we seem to have a real problem with people who want to vote against upholding the rule of law. Some of them, it's because they think they know better. Others, because they simply get their rocks off disobeying authority. Still, others are mired in some kind of mental retardation, where they believe we live in an alternate universe, and everyone agrees with their philosophy.

The Republican party is not MY party. I voted for the Republican in the last election because he was the only candidate who could have defeated the Marxist. I don't support everything the Republicans stand for, I didn't support everything the Republican candidate stood for, but I vehemently oppose the Marxists. I would rather have someone who I sometimes disagree with as my president, than a Marxist who I always disagree with. I would always rather support one of the two people who can win the presidency, as opposed to wasting my vote on someone who can't and won't win, my ideology is not more important than my country.

You don't support the rule of law. The only thing you support is the rule of whatever majority you can convince to enforce your immorality. Local, state, federal whatever. You are even okay with denying some the right to vote, if that will help.
It use to be the law that jews were to be put in concentration camps.

I guess the law makes it right if I'm to understand you correctly.

If it ever was the law in America that we put Jews in concentration camps, then people should respect the law and obey it. Problem is, that was never the law here. Try to understand this, motherfucker... if we have laws, people should obey them! What is the fucking point in having laws if we are going to say... hey, if you disagree, you don't have to abide? I can think of a whole lotta laws I disagree with and shouldn't have to abide by! But if I decide to go rogue and not abide by the law, I will likely be incarcerated against my will. That's just how it goes in civilized non-anarchy society. We have laws, we obey laws, if we don't, we go to jail! Understand, stupid?
If it ever was the law in America that we put Jews in concentration camps, then people should respect the law and obey it. Problem is, that was never the law here. Try to understand this, motherfucker... if we have laws, people should obey them! What is the fucking point in having laws if we are going to say... hey, if you disagree, you don't have to abide? I can think of a whole lotta laws I disagree with and shouldn't have to abide by! But if I decide to go rogue and not abide by the law, I will likely be incarcerated against my will. That's just how it goes in civilized non-anarchy society. We have laws, we obey laws, if we don't, we go to jail! Understand, stupid?

Or you man up and challenge the law in court. Seems you don't have the courage of Parks, Windsor or others.

Don't you claim to be a Tea Partier and just last week you were talking about shooting people if they tried to take your guns? You make so little sense you owe us some change.
So, one should assume you engage in the activities you claim are being discriminated against? THAT'S A QUESTION, I am not stating your own logic should be used against you. You would complain if I did as you are an immoral hypocrite that will not be held to the standards you use to demean others.

I never once inferred anything about you and five year olds. Please, stop lying!

I am not lying, you repeatedly made this claim in the other thread. Damo never took action against you because I am Dixie, and you're one of his libertarian pals, so he found a way to excuse what was said. I don't support sexual naturalism, I don't condone sex with minors, I don't think we should abandon moralistic laws. I am merely making an argument against your idiocy of removing morality from law. Whenever you do that, you open the door to things you are most uncomfortable with and don't want to accept. The funny thing about it is, how you will immediately run back to the very same arguments you argue against with regard to gay marriage. It demonstrates the level of abject hypocrisy and disregard you have for the views of others. I'm satisfied with that!

Again, there is no allowance for marriage based on a certain type of sexuality. You would be allowed to marry a man whether you are a homosexual or not. You don't understand the arguments because you have closed your mind to anything but social conservative hate mongers.

Currently, there is no consideration of sexuality with regard to marriage, it is the union of a man and woman, regardless of sexuality. You are seeking to remove the barriers for the sake of homosexuals, but not for other sexual proclivities. You don't see the problem with redefining marriage, but you don't think other definitions would or could be redefined on the same basis.

I am not sure who you think laughed that Lawrence v Texas would lead to gay marriage. I think Loving v Virginia is probably more important but, I always argued that Lawrence (though more important in and of itself than it's precedent) should pave the way for marriage equality. It does not lead to marriage to children. As has been explained to you repeatedly the prohibition against sex with a child is not about invidious discrimination against those who might believe such a sexuality "natural." The laws stopping one from having sex with a child are based on the state's interest in protecting the child just as all age of majority laws are based on protecting children.

Again, you are calling people "children" on the basis of a moral judgement you have made. Then you are proclaiming the moral right to "protect" those individuals, which you've previously argued, shouldn't be anyone's business but the parties involved. I honestly don't understand how many times this point needs to be made to you, but it seems after dozens of times, you should be grasping it.

Again, YES, we can change the age of majority laws. So fucking what? They can not be nullified based on the idea that they are discriminatory. That's the point that you continue to drop context to evade.

Yes, they CAN be nullified on that basis. Yes, it is indeed a form of discrimination. You justify the discrimination by deeming them "children" and claiming you are "protecting" them, but much the same arguments were made about "slaves" who had to be "protected" from society they couldn't deal with or thrive in on their own. The same exact arguments were once used to deny "women" their rights, because you were "protecting" them, as well. It's the same deal, a morality-based determination and traditionally understood definition.

They are certainly based on considerations of maturity and biology.

Nope! They certainly are NOT. You can keep insisting you are right, but the facts of life dispute you. There is absolutely nothing in biology that defines an "adult" human as someone who has reached their 18th birthday. Sorry, such a biological argument simply doesn't exist. Maturity is an individually-determined thing, there is no particular age at which this always happens. I know 12-year-olds who are as mature as some adults. I know some 40-year-old adults who are totally immature.

There is no bright red line and your comparisons to other animals are STUPID. Other animals do not have a legal system of rights and do not withhold rights to members of their species until adulthood.

You're right, the other animals don't make morality judgement and determinations by which they function in a civilized society.

That whole line of argument is just a remnant of your barnyard bullshit (which is the basis which your ignorant and immoral kind used to justfiy racial segregation) about what's natural that is no longer found compelling.

And here again, you have to throw out "racial segregation" and apply it to me personally, because you can't make your arguments stick. It's really gotten pathetic and lame.

We are not like other animals and our laws are not based on what is proper to them but what is proper to us.

Oh really? What's "proper" to us? Like a MORAL determination?

The fact that there is no bright red line on maturity or the biological distinction does not affect the point that we still take those things into consideration.

We take them into consideration as we establish a MORAL determination and judgement, the same as we do for marriage between a man and woman, and not same-sex homosexual couples.

We did not get our age of majority laws from the bible. What moral basis do you believe is being used to set these ages? I am sure you will fail to answer, again, because there is no answer except the one that proves you wrong.

All I have said is, they aren't based on nature or what is biologically natural. They are based on moral judgement and determinations made by society who uses consideration of moral principles and traditional values. This is what you seek to destroy, so that you can see two men get married. The problem is, you don't want to let this same standard apply to anyone else. You want to let the genie out of the bottle for gays, but keep it in the bottle for things you aren't comfortable accepting, and things don't work like that.

Again, the state cannot interfere in the private sex lives of ADULTS without a valid state interest. Invidious discrimination is not a valid state interest. Protecting children is.

I give up, you continue to run in great big circles with your logic, now you're back on what the law currently says and how we currently define our laws, but that is what you've sought to destroy! No one is interfering with homosexual's private sex lives.

Unless, you wish to argue that all laws against animal cruelty should be nullified then so is protecting animals. You cannot base the law on a desire to discourage men from sleeping with men, or whites from sleeping with blacks, oral sex, anything but the missionary position, to force people to have sex fully clothed or whatever other kind of weirdo crap that you think appropriate. The only possbile state interest in such laws is invidious discrimination. You don't like the standard, TOUGH SHIT! Move to to the middle east or some other shithole where they don't have a legal tradition of prohibiting an invasive state. The laws are not always perfect and justice is at times slow, but it will come.

And maybe it will! But when it does, be prepared to accept a whole lot of uncomfortable shit you don't currently want to accept. No one asked you what you thought was appropriate, it's not any of your business, by your very own arguments, so you can STFU and deal with it. If you an redefine marriage, others can redefine "adult" as well as "consent" and demand their "rights" be granted equal protection under the law, the same as homosexuals.

Let me repeat that the argument is not against morality. It is against your morality of hate and divisiveness. Our society has rejected your creed of racism, mysoginy and other forms of invidious discrimination. You are immoral and your argument is shit. Don't worry, you won't be locked up or denied rights for your immorality. You will be shown tolerance so long as you remain peaceful.

Well, no, that's not accurate either. Gay Marriage remains widely opposed in most every state, and has been rejected by the people at the ballot box a number of times. We do have the right as a society to adopt laws based on morality judgement and determination, and we can indeed discriminate against behaviors society is not willing to tolerate or accept. We don't live in a world where "if it's not hurtin' nobody, it's none of your business." We live in a society that can freely adopt laws and base them on our moral values. If you don't like that, YOU can move to someplace else.
I just fundamentally disagree for numerous reasons here. First of all, I don't believe these things are the business of FEDERAL government, but they certainly ARE the business of STATE governments, through the will of the people.

Oh yes! But while I’m a strong supporter of States Rights as are every real libertarian, I’ll still need to remind you that State’s Rights end where the national Constitution begins. States can NOT violate the national Constitution legally and constitutionally. States “CAN” regulate drugs, but States can NOT prohibit drugs constitutionally because that would violate the 4th & 9th amendments to our Constitution. States can NOT constitutionally prohibit gay marriages because that would violate the 4th, 9th and 14th amendments.

You continue to use this caveat of "as long as it doesn't violate the rights and freedoms of others" but this is only by your personal interpretations of what might fit that criteria. Again, as if the entire populace thinks and believes the same things you do.

Well let’s see. Nearly half of this nation’s voters vote for Republicans and nearly half vote for Democrats and less than 1% vote for libertarians and you believe I think the “entire population” thinks as I think? How fucking preposterous is that? I shall inform you that I ‘ACTUALLY” think that 99% of this nation’s voting population have forgotten how to think like the libertarians that founded this nation and wrote it’s libertarian Constitution.

I can give you the examples of bestiality or marriage to 12-year-olds, and you immediately spout that this somehow "violates" a freedom or right of others but that is YOUR interpretation, not everyone agrees with you. Some would argue it is YOU who is standing in the way of them exercising their freedom, because you are uncomfortable with it.

No libertarian that I know of has any problem with a State laws that protect the rights of “non-consenting” animals to be protected from the sexual perversions of humans or State laws that determine the “age of consent” that protect 12 year olds from “forced” marriages. Your examples are extreme grasp at strawmen.

Others might argue that you taking a dick up the ass, potentially harms your health, which we now have to pay for taking care of... ergo: butt sex has to be prohibited again! Then we have the "unintended consequences" of your "free-for-all Freedom" measures, which you don't even wish to acknowledge, because you're too caught up in believing that everyone thinks and behaves like a libertarian.

What fucking business of yours or government is it if free consenting adults like butt sex? Your condemnation thereof isn’t an indictment of “butt sex,” as being unlawful, but surely is an indictment of the “forced socialist” program that requires non-responsible folks to pay for any consequences of other folks butt sex. Obamacare and all federal socialist programs are “UNCONSTITUTIONAL” and if your State is forcing you to pay for the consequences of other folks butt sex, you should be able to move to a State that doesn’t require you to pay for the consequences of other folks butt sex and if you can’t find any State like that, you should be working long and hard to throw the bastards out of your State government that require you to pay for the consequences of other folks butt sex.
What happens when someone stoned on perfectly legal and obtainable mind-altering drugs, crashes a bus load of school kids and kills them all? Or when they drive through your home in the middle of the night and kill your family? What happens when nutballs like the one in CT, are zonked out on drugs and do the unthinkable because of that? You obviously didn't intend for this to happen, but it did, and it was the result of your ideas, so do we allow people to sue libertarians when it happens?

What law is there that you know of that prevents any of that now? Has the fucking idiot Drug War prevented any of that? Why would the law have to be any different for mind altered scumbags that do those things under the influence of alcohol? Do you promote going back to prohibition of alcohol again? Hey! At least the fucking government followed the Constitution when they did that by passing an amendment to our Constitution. Tricky Dick Nixon never bothered with an amendment when he created the idiot violent Drug War and all of the unintended consequences thereof.

I suppose, you can find a way to explain to your children, when you go out in public, that all the disgusting immoral behaviors of perverts and sickos, is just people having the right to be free and act like wild baboons, but I don't want to have that conversation with my kids. I would rather instill in them, the idea that society does have boundaries and limitations, and we aren't free to act like wild animals in public.

Oh! But here again I don’t know of any libertarians that oppose State “PUBLIC DECENCY” laws. Libertarians promote the idea that free consenting “ADULTS” have every right they choose for themselves as long as they don’t infringe any rights and freedoms of others. Libertarians respect “PRIVACY.” Libertarians respect “PUBLIC DECENCY” and expect others to do likewise. It’s mostly the idiot left that has no respect for public decency, not the libertarians.

Oh...I'm just paranoid! Oh...that would never happen! YES, it does happen when you remove societal limitation and boundaries of acceptability, whether you realize it or not, because people don't all behave in a responsible and respectful manner, we don't all think and act like libertarians. We don't all grasp your concept of "if it's not hurtin' anybody, it's none of your business!"

Yes you are paranoid but that’s understandable since you’ve been raised and brainwashed by BIG government. Its also understandable because many humans are generally genetically wired authoritarians. Our old school values of yesteryear of “minding our own fucking business” has pretty much vanished along with yesteryear because we’ve allowed government to grow to obscene dimensions and violate our Constitution. Now days everybody wants another fucking law to satisfy their prejudices, bigotry, religion and authoritarian mindlessness. BIG government complies to bribe the vote. BIG government thrives on class warfare and separating the masses and bribing the fucking voting idiots. BIG government owns our bodies and our money and even the souls of its Democrat and Republican unthinking minion idiots. But BIG government has not yet nor will it ever own the souls of freedom loving libertarians who still and always will promote the libertarianism of our founding principles and the protections of our Constitution.
If it ever was the law in America that we put Jews in concentration camps, then people should respect the law and obey it

And that’s the same stupid, ass licking excuse the fucking Nazis used to defend themselves at the trials at Nuremberg. Problem was, decent folks disagreed and hung their sorry Hitler ass licking asses.
Oh yes! But while I’m a strong supporter of States Rights as are every real libertarian, I’ll still need to remind you that State’s Rights end where the national Constitution begins. States can NOT violate the national Constitution legally and constitutionally. States “CAN” regulate drugs, but States can NOT prohibit drugs constitutionally because that would violate the 4th & 9th amendments to our Constitution. States can NOT constitutionally prohibit gay marriages because that would violate the 4th, 9th and 14th amendments.

Well, I am reading over the 4th, 9th, and 14th, and I see not a damn thing about prohibiting the States from any of these things. Therefore, I have to conclude this is YOUR INTERPRETATION of the 4th, 9th and 14th, in which case, whenever you are appointed to the SCOTUS, you will be free to make such a ruling. However, since I am pretty certain you are not on the court, this remains your OPINION of what the Constitution means, and nothing more.

Well let’s see. Nearly half of this nation’s voters vote for Republicans and nearly half vote for Democrats and less than 1% vote for libertarians and you believe I think the “entire population” thinks as I think? How fucking preposterous is that? I shall inform you that I ‘ACTUALLY” think that 99% of this nation’s voting population have forgotten how to think like the libertarians that founded this nation and wrote it’s libertarian Constitution.

It's pretty fucking preposterous, I agree.

No libertarian that I know of has any problem with a State laws that protect the rights of “non-consenting” animals to be protected from the sexual perversions of humans or State laws that determine the “age of consent” that protect 12 year olds from “forced” marriages. Your examples are extreme grasp at strawmen.

Really? Why did you feel compelled to put all those words in quote marks? Could it be, you realize these are nothing more than arbitrary distinctions we have created? By doing that one small thing, you did more to prove my examples NOT to be strawmen, than proving the opposite.

What fucking business of yours or government is it if free consenting adults like butt sex? Your condemnation thereof isn’t an indictment of “butt sex,” as being unlawful, but surely is an indictment of the “forced socialist” program that requires non-responsible folks to pay for any consequences of other folks butt sex. Obamacare and all federal socialist programs are “UNCONSTITUTIONAL” and if your State is forcing you to pay for the consequences of other folks butt sex, you should be able to move to a State that doesn’t require you to pay for the consequences of other folks butt sex and if you can’t find any State like that, you should be working long and hard to throw the bastards out of your State government that require you to pay for the consequences of other folks butt sex.

What fucking business is it of yours or government if free consenting sexually mature members of our species like sex and want to marry? Once you've removed the parameters of moral judgment, and made it "no one's business" what others do, you can't go running back the the moral standards to "protect children" or whatever. You've removed your right to do so.
If it ever was the law in America that we put Jews in concentration camps, then people should respect the law and obey it.

, motherfucker... if we have laws, people should obey them!

OK. Here you have it. Dixie would support genocide. And does with the genocide we call the drug war.

He doesn't care about the rights of people, the (spirit of the) constitution, and/or civil liberties.

I think this is a prime example of what's really wrong with this country.

I think Dixies the perfect example of just how different some republicans are from most all libertarians.

But I still don't know how libertarians are like the democrats. I can't remember any examples given by him.
Ditzy, can you move the argument forward at all or are you just a redundant troll? Your constant parsing does not provide any value.

On whether I called/insinuated/inferred you were a pedophile...

Where did I call you a pedophile? Please give the specific post.

You claimed I called you a pedophile in my very first post in this thread and when I challenged that, you failed to cite the example. You now reference the other thread where you can be more vague but you are lying. I made the point that no one, not even you, SERIOUSLY argued that pedophiles, public masturbators and those wanting to have sex with animals were being unjustly discriminated against, which was intended to show the idiocy of your slippery slope. YOU then responded, claiming to stand up for ALL of those discriminated against for their "unconventional sexuality." I reminded you of that only and then chose to drop it in other threads. I could be like you and put it in my signature, but who wants to be like you?

I have done nothing but show restraint in dealing with this while over and over you repeatedly make claims about the graphic details of the sex lives of others. Back up your claim that I made this accusation or shut up about it.

On what is a child...

We take [biology and maturity] into consideration as we establish a ... determination and judgement.

That's what I said. Good we have made some progress.

The basis of age of majority laws is protection of the child. It's not about creating or maintaining a system of discrimination of those who believe age of majority laws should be lower.

All I have said is, they aren't based on nature or what is biologically natural. They are based on moral judgement and determinations made by society who uses consideration of moral principles and traditional values.

Doh! You just contradicted your previous quoted claim. Round and round you go...

The conclusions of society are not moral or just, simply because they are the conclusions. You do this in an attempt to hide ALL premises of your argument because the premises will show your argument is immoral. That trick is not going to work. You are an idiot that imagines himself clever but most learned men know what you are up to with that.

I am calling people children based on linguistics. That's what we call those under the age of majority. I never once argued that children had the same right to privacy as adults. That is your strawman.

Claims that black people and women are generally more immature or have less capacity for maturity than whites or men do not stand up to scrutiny. The claim that a 5 year old or 12 year old is generally less mature or has less capacity for maturity than an 18 year old do. Maturity has a biological component and both are certainly considered in setting age of majority laws.

On invidious discrimination and the rest...

The claim that the laws were designed to protect women and blacks did not stand up to scrutiny. That is because, the different treatment did nothing to protect them and it was clear they were based on invidious discrimination as that was often the justification for them.

Before Lawrence v Texas the state certainly was trying to interfere with the private sex lives of not only homosexuals but heterosexuals, as well. The same standard DOES apply to everyone. But you are not attacking the standard but a false reconstruction of the standard. You have argued Lawrence was a bad decision and the state should be free to interfere in the private sex lives of consenting adults.

I am not running in any circles. Your strawmen might be. Again, this was never about a war on morality. It was about a repudiation of YOUR morality which is repugnant and in coflict with our guiding principles. The state simply cannot base laws on discriminating against those of differing morality, race or gender. You need to have another standard, that expresses a valid state interest, rather than simply because you don't like homosexuals, blacks or women.

Yes, the laws were different. The laws once allowed Jim Crow. Like I said, the laws are not perfect and justice is at times slow, but it will come.

That is not a call for anarchy or a rejection of morality. It is a call for continuing process of challenging unjust laws. Fuck your tradition of racism, mysoginy and invidious discrimination! That is not a proud tradition of this nation and we will not cherish your hate simply because it's what your parents or grand parents did.

Yes, someone may wish to challenge the basis of age of majority laws. If you want to argue that laws prohibiting sex with 12 year olds are discriminatory and unjustly violate your rights to due process by restricting your ability to have sex with 12 year olds you may be able to get a hearing of your case. But I don't see how you will win unless the entirety of age of majority laws (all of them, i.e., driving, right to contract, marriage, vote, own a gun, drink alcohol, etc.) are removed and not just for 12 year olds, but even younger.

You are afraid of the future, I am not. Live in fear surrounded by your guns if you want.
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And that’s the same stupid, ass licking excuse the fucking Nazis used to defend themselves at the trials at Nuremberg. Problem was, decent folks disagreed and hung their sorry Hitler ass licking asses.
People like Dixie will be very unhappy if they never have someone to persecute.

My libertarian wife who voted for Gary Johnson just read your;
My two dogs make more shovel ready jobs on my lawn every morning than Obama has made in the whole nation. (Gary Johnson),
and loved it.
What law is there that you know of that prevents any of that now? Has the fucking idiot Drug War prevented any of that? Why would the law have to be any different for mind altered scumbags that do those things under the influence of alcohol? Do you promote going back to prohibition of alcohol again? Hey! At least the fucking government followed the Constitution when they did that by passing an amendment to our Constitution. Tricky Dick Nixon never bothered with an amendment when he created the idiot violent Drug War and all of the unintended consequences thereof.

All Nixon did was start cracking down on what was already illegal. I think you'd have to go back to 1911 to find when the laws were passed outlawing certain powerful drugs. I'm not saying the 1911 laws were appropriate, or that Nixon's actions were appropriate, but we elect presidents and Congress to do these things on our behalf, if we didn't want this, don't you think we'd have voted in people who would have changed the laws back over the years? I should think that most people in 1911, probably didn't agree that all drugs should be legal, and reading up a little on history, I suspect it may have had something to do with the massive social problems we had with people strung out on drugs all the time. You see, when people spent days and weeks on end, fucked up on opium in an opium den, they weren't out there working and supporting their families or themselves. While it was cool they had the unfettered freedom to do this, it wasn't conducive with building a strong society.

Oh! But here again I don’t know of any libertarians that oppose State “PUBLIC DECENCY” laws. Libertarians promote the idea that free consenting “ADULTS” have every right they choose for themselves as long as they don’t infringe any rights and freedoms of others. Libertarians respect “PRIVACY.” Libertarians respect “PUBLIC DECENCY” and expect others to do likewise. It’s mostly the idiot left that has no respect for public decency, not the libertarians.

Again, you are subconsciously compelled to use quote marks AND CAPS, to indicate arbitrary boundaries and definitions we've created. What exactly does "public decency" mean? What is "decency" if not a moralistic determination and judgement someone has made? We've been over "adults" already... According to biology and nature, a species reaches "adulthood" when it becomes mature enough to procreate. This is precisely how that distinction is made with every other mammal except humans, where we establish an arbitrary moral boundary. If we are going to strike down moral boundaries, then this is one that certainly has to be considered, after all, it wasn't that long ago, we allowed marriages at the age of 12. As I said, my great grandmother had her first child at 13.

And you can "expect others to do likewise" all you like, others aren't compelled to do what you think they should or act like you believe they should. Especially when you establish that it's none of your business or government's business.

Yes you are paranoid but that’s understandable since you’ve been raised and brainwashed by BIG government. Its also understandable because many humans are generally genetically wired authoritarians. Our old school values of yesteryear of “minding our own fucking business” has pretty much vanished along with yesteryear because we’ve allowed government to grow to obscene dimensions and violate our Constitution. Now days everybody wants another fucking law to satisfy their prejudices, bigotry, religion and authoritarian mindlessness. BIG government complies to bribe the vote. BIG government thrives on class warfare and separating the masses and bribing the fucking voting idiots. BIG government owns our bodies and our money and even the souls of its Democrat and Republican unthinking minion idiots. But BIG government has not yet nor will it ever own the souls of freedom loving libertarians who still and always will promote the libertarianism of our founding principles and the protections of our Constitution.

I am not paranoid or brainwashed, and I somewhat agree with a lot of what you are saying here, but here is the difference; I believe we have a functioning system of government in place, which allows us (the people) to determine our laws, boundaries and limitations. Government is BIG because we made it BIG. Just as we made it BIG, we can make it SMALL, if we so desire. The system is still there, we can still do this. The problem at this time, is we're battling a couple of generations who have been brainwashed by Marxists and Socialists, and who believe that BIG government is the answer to all problems. We can't defeat them with 2% of the vote, that is never going to happen. You can stand on your principles and refuse to budge, but the Marxists and Socialists will continue to run the country. Given enough time and power, they will eventually take your political freedom. So it's really up to you, whether you want to remain stubbornly defiant, standing on your personal ideals and principles, believing that one day people will suddenly see things exactly as you do, and you can watch it all go bye-bye, OR... you can join forces with other like-minded people who you don't always agree with, but who are committed to defeating the Marxists and Socialists, and at least preserving what is left of our great nation.

I am a reasonable guy, I understand that everyone doesn't agree with my views, and we live in a society where everyone has a legitimate voice in policy. It doesn't always have to be my way or the highway, I can bend and tolerate the views of others. I don't have to agree, in fact, I can strongly disagree, but still maintain respect for the opposing view. I have a very strong Federalist spirit, which I believe our Founding Fathers had as well, and I believe in strong State government, as opposed to bigger and stronger Federal government. In my opinion, the Federal government should serve as little more than administrators of the affairs of states, and provide a national defense. The rest, should be left to the states and the people, pursuant to the Constitution. But.... We can never get to there through Marxist Socialist government. It's not possible.
And that’s the same stupid, ass licking excuse the fucking Nazis used to defend themselves at the trials at Nuremberg. Problem was, decent folks disagreed and hung their sorry Hitler ass licking asses.

He does not TRULY argue that one should passively go along with unjust laws. Just a week or two ago he was talking about how he would kill hundreds if they came after his favorite guns. He would go along with putting Jews in concentration camps, Jim Crow and unjustly imprisoning homosexuals because he actively supports such things.
Ditzy, can you move the argument forward at all or are you just a redundant troll? Your constant parsing does not provide any value.

On whether I called/insinuated/inferred you were a pedophile...

Where did I call you a pedophile? Please give the specific post.

You claimed I called you a pedophile in my very first post in this thread and when I challenged that, you failed to cite the example. You now reference the other thread where you can be more vague but you are lying. I made the point that no one, not even you, SERIOUSLY argued that pedophiles, public masturbators and those wanting to have sex with animals were being unjustly discriminated against, which was intended to show the idiocy of your slippery slope. YOU then responded, claiming to stand up for ALL of those discriminated against for their "unconventional sexuality." I reminded you of that only and then chose to drop it in other threads. I could be like you and put it in my signature, but who wants to be like you?

I have done nothing but show restraint in dealing with this while over and over you repeatedly make claims about the graphic details of the sex lives of others. Back up your claim that I made this accusation or shut up about it.

I'm not the one who keeps going on and on about this, you are. In the other thread, you stated that I was "advocating for the right to have sex with 5-year-olds" which was simply not true. In this thread, you've bumped that down to 3-year-olds, I guess it wasn't bombastic enough to accuse me of pedophilia with 5-year-olds? In NO argument have I EVER mentioned children below the age of puberty. The argument I made on behalf of the sexual naturalists (not MY argument, but THEIRS) the very tenants of their philosophy is based on natural sexual maturity of the species, which occurs at puberty. Pedophiles practice sex acts with those who are PRE-pubescent, so these are two entirely different concepts. They are totally not equatable.

On what is a child...

That's what I said. Good we have made some progress.

The basis of age of majority laws is protection of the child. It's not about creating or maintaining a system of discrimination of those who believe age of majority laws should be lower.

Well it seems we both agree that age of majority is an arbitrary moral distinction we make, and has nothing to do with natural "adulthood" or sexual maturity of the species. The discrimination is against sexually mature members of the species, who you (and I) feel, are not capable of handling the responsibilities of sexual relationships at this time. It's a moral distinction we have made as a society, and here is where the problem lies. If we suspend moral judgement for homosexual relationships, and establish that our laws can't be based on morality judgement, then we can not go running back to morality judgment on things we are uncomfortable with. Who gave you the moral right to "protect" someone you arbitrarily deemed a "child?"

Doh! You just contradicted your previous quoted claim. Round and round you go...

No, I have consistently maintained that we make moral determinations and set moral boundaries as a society. I don't have any problem with this, the ones who are arguing against moral determination, are those pushing for gay marriage, on the basis of "it's not harming anyone, it's between consenting adults, and it's none of your business!" You want to strike down these moral boundaries society has set, and replace them with a non-moralistic libertine philosophy instead. I am merely pointing out the can of worms you are opening in doing so. "Consenting adults" is a moral distinction, what does and doesn't "harm" is largely a moral distinction. If we remove moral distinctions, and we can alter and change traditional understandings and meanings of words like "marriage" then we can do the same with regard to "children" or "adults" as well as "harm" and anything else we can find that we've arbitrarily determined based on morality.

The conclusions of society are not moral or just, simply because they are the conclusions. You do this in an attempt to hide ALL premises of your argument because the premises will show your argument is immoral. That trick is not going to work. You are an idiot that imagines himself clever but most learned men know what you are up to with that.

No, I am not hiding anything. I clearly understand what I have argued is highly immoral, but you are the one who has advocated for a non-moral, non-judgmental system, where it's none of our business what others do. I am merely using an example of something that is immoral, which you are uncomfortable with, to show you where your own philosophy fails. Your reaction is to immediately run back to the moral distinctions and judgement of others, which are the very constraints you object to with homosexual marriage.

I am calling people children based on linguistics. That's what we call those under the age of majority. I never once argued that children had the same right to privacy as adults. That is your strawman.

Linguistics? Don't you mean the arbitrary moralistic determinations we've made as a society? Why shouldn't sexually mature citizens of our species have the same rights as others? Who are YOU to deny this? What "harm" is it causing to YOUR marriage? Why is it YOUR business what others do? Are you afraid someone might make you have sex with a minor? You see, all the arguments you've presented to endorse gay marriage, can also be used to endorse other things, which you are not comfortable with at all. This isn't a strawman argument. This is simply an application of your own criteria to remove moral determinations and judgments from our rule of law and conventional understanding of what certain words mean.

It's like, you are wanting to burn down your house, and when someone asks, "where will you sleep?" You reply, "in the bedroom, silly!" You just don't seem to get the point here. If you are going to remove the moralistic element of our determinations on what is law, then those are gone for good! We can't go running back to them, in order to "protect" something we think needs protection on a moral basis, that criteria has been changed.

Claims that black people and women are generally more immature or have less capacity for maturity than whites or men do not stand up to scrutiny. The claim that a 5 year old or 12 year old is generally less mature or has less capacity for maturity than an 18 year old do. Maturity has a biological component and both are certainly considered in setting age of majority laws.

I never made any such claim about women or blacks, I simply pointed out that we established law based on a moral judgement. Coincidentally, in both of those cases, we later amended our laws based on a moral judgement as well. But your argument is for the removal of moral distinction, and advocacy of "if it feels good, do it!"

I am not running in any circles. Your strawmen might be. Again, this was never about a war on morality. It was about a repudiation of YOUR morality which is repugnant and in coflict with our guiding principles. The state simply cannot base laws on discriminating against those of differing morality, race or gender. You need to have another standard, that expresses a valid state interest, rather than simply because you don't like homosexuals, blacks or women.

I've not tried to outlaw homosexual behavior, or remove the rights of women or blacks, or advocate sex with children. I've merely established that our society does make laws on the basis of morality judgement and determination of what is morally appropriate. A lot of people feel it is morally inappropriate to change the definition of traditional marriage to include homosexuals.

Yes, the laws were different. The laws once allowed Jim Crow. Like I said, the laws are not perfect and justice is at times slow, but it will come.

Perhaps it will, but it needs to come when society can accept it is morally appropriate, and not because you've removed that criteria from consideration. Once you have done that, you have a real mess on your hands, because there are plenty of immoral things you certainly don't want to see happen in society, and neither do I.

Yes, someone may wish to challenge the basis of age of majority laws. If you want to argue that laws prohibiting sex with 12 year olds are discriminatory and unjustly violate your rights to due process by restricting your ability to have sex with 12 year olds you may be able to get a hearing of your case. But I don't see how you will win unless the entirety of age of majority laws (all of them, i.e., driving, right to contract, marriage, vote, own a gun, drink alcohol, etc.) are removed and not just for 12 year olds, but even younger.

You are afraid of the future, I am not. Live in fear surrounded by your guns if you want.

Again, this is not about my personal viewpoints. This is about YOUR personal viewpoints, that we shouldn't have laws based on moral distinctions. You don't see how a case could prevail in the examples I gave, because you are seeing through moralistic eyes, the same eyes that don't see how traditional marriage can be redefined to include homosexual behavior. You want to burn the house down, but still be able to sleep in the bedroom. You want to have your cake and eat it too. You want to say that we can't base laws on traditional moral values and moralistic determinations of society, and we have to adopt some short-sighted notion of "if it's not harming anyone, and it's between consenting adults, it's nobody's business!" But then, you want to run back to the comfort of moral determinations with regards to the things you are not comfortable with accepting at this time.
Well, I am reading over the 4th, 9th, and 14th, and I see not a damn thing about prohibiting the States from any of these things. Therefore, I have to conclude this is YOUR INTERPRETATION of the 4th, 9th and 14th, in which case, whenever you are appointed to the SCOTUS, you will be free to make such a ruling. However, since I am pretty certain you are not on the court, this remains your OPINION of what the Constitution means, and nothing more.

Well Dixie, the 4th amendment guarantees “privacy” which the fucking Drug War invades on a regular basis and will as long as the unconstitutional; Drug War is in progress. Therefore, no State has a constitutional authority to invade people’s privacy without an issued Warrant and probable cause of an actual crime in progress and since no amendment to our Constitution was ever passed and ratified by the States to prohibit particular drugs, the fucking drug laws are “ILLEGAL” and unconstitutional.

The 9th Amendment guarantees that the people have every and any right of any action they so choose for themselves and of course that would include putting into their “OWN” bodies whatever the hell they want, making marriage contracts with who ever in hell they want or anything else they choose to do as long as they don’t infringe on anybody else’s rights and liberties.

The 14th Amendment guarantees “Equal Protection Of The Law,” which of course would be violated by any State that refuses the right of contract, the right of privacy to everybody even users of particular drugs and equal treatment of everybody to make free agreeable contracts with “WHO” ever in hell they want even marriage contracts.

What fucking business is it of yours or government if free consenting sexually mature members of our species like sex and want to marry?

When in hell did I ever claim it was my business? That’s the “REPUBLICAN” neo-cons who make marriage their business, not libertarians. Libertarians promote the right of contract for all agreeing folks. In case you have a problem understanding that fact, I’ll spell it out for you. Libertarians support the right of “heterosexuals” to make agreeable contracts as well as everybody else! Government has no fucking business in promoting or denying any adult from making free agreeable contracts with any other free agreeable adult.

Once you've removed the parameters of moral judgment, and made it "no one's business" what others do, you can't go running back the the moral standards to "protect children" or whatever. You've removed your right to do so.

How so? Can you please explain that absurd opinion? Libertarians don’t “remove all parameters.” Again I’ll spell it out for you. Libertarians hold true the simple parameter of freedom to do whatever the hell folks want to do AS LONG AS THEY DON’T VIOLATE/INFRINGE ON ANY RIGHTS OR FREEDOMS OF OTHHERS. Contrary to your idiotic concepts of libertarianism that includes THE RIGHTS OF CHILDREN.