The Good Ole South

Main you and Darla perpetuate the Democratic wuss factor that has us getting zero interior states. You falseoutrage turbo-libs will look under a rock to call someone a racist.

Bringing up that ancient shit about the south is kneeslapping funny and low, but not beneth you. Like there's never been any racism in main, please skip the I knew a few once and went to HS with 3 routine for me.

That add was a boon to the dems because far more moderates will be outraged at the trailor park/south park class level of the ad than the already decided limosine liberal searching for something to stir up a frothy falseoutrage over.
thanks you two tools are funny as shit:pke: hear Dixie tell it, there was a miracle that happened in the south in 1964. The Civil Rights Act passed and all of a sudden, every white man and woman in the South woke up the next day and all of their racism had been cleansed away. He has yet to explain exactly how that miracle happened, but apparently, according to really did happen just that suddenly!
Main you and Darla perpetuate the Democratic wuss factor that has us getting zero interior states. You falseoutrage turbo-libs will look under a rock to call someone a racist.

Bringing up that ancient shit about the south is kneeslapping funny and low, but not beneth you. Like there's never been any racism in main, please skip the I knew a few once and went to HS with 3 routine for me.

That add was a boon to the dems because far more moderates will be outraged at the trailor park/south park class level of the ad than the already decided limosine liberal searching for something to stir up a frothy falseoutrage over.
thanks you two tools are funny as shit:pke:

I actually went to high school in the Quad Cities in Illinois. If you care to do the research regarding the demographics there, you will see that my "exposure" to african americans was extensive, so on that point, you are welcome to go fuck yourself.

I am not entirely sure the ad will be a total boon for democrats...I am afraid it might very well energize some of the klan vote that might have otherwise stayed home. And moderates and democrats were already going to turn out over the war issue to begin with.
I actually went to high school in the Quad Cities in Illinois. If you care to do the research regarding the demographics there, you will see that my "exposure" to african americans was extensive, so on that point, you are welcome to go fuck yourself.

I am not entirely sure the ad will be a total boon for democrats...I am afraid it might very well energize some of the klan vote that might have otherwise stayed home. And moderates and democrats were already going to turn out over the war issue to begin with.

Those assholes at the GOP knew exactly what they were doing. They got what they wanted out of the ad.
The US civil war had nothing to do with racism? Wasn't slavery a prime cause/excuse for it?

Racism, and the issue of slavery in 1864, are two completely different things.
tell us about the miracle, Dixie.....tell us about how, when the Civil Rights Act passed, racism just instantaneously evaporated throughout the south! Tell us, please!
I am not entirely sure the ad will be a total boon for democrats...I am afraid it might very well energize some of the klan vote that might have otherwise stayed home. And moderates and democrats were already going to turn out over the war issue to begin with.

spoken like a true falseoutrager, yeah non of the Norther leaders owned slaver or ever attended Klan meetings. LOFL:pke:
Also you have the modern history of institutional racism in the south, with lynchings and the KKK et al.

The term "institutional racism" was used to describe the white infrastructure in the South, circa 1964, when Civil Rights and Voting Rights passed. It has nothing to do with radical hate groups like the KKK, or their actions. In the past 40 years, institutional racism has been wiped out, we no longer have "all-white" anything in the South, and haven't for some time. Again, this stereotype persists among bigoted intolerant people from other areas, who have formed a preconceived notion of the South, and simply refuse to let go. hear Dixie tell it, there was a miracle that happened in the south in 1964.

No, the "miracle" is your story.... tell us about how all the racist segregationist Democrats of that era, magically transformed into Republicans without anyone knowing about it, and no public record of it. Tell us about the magical Democrat "redemption" which allowed people like Robert Byrd to remain a viable part of your party to this day.
The US civil war had nothing to do with racism? Wasn't slavery a prime cause/excuse for it?

Racism, and the issue of slavery in 1864, are two completely different things.

Weren't the slaves all black, why was that, just coincidence I guess huh?
The Willie Horton ad was a national ad in the Presidential election and as such was shown all over. And it had an effect all over. I'm not claiming nor did I claim that bigotry is confined to the South. There has been too much Southern white migration to the North and the West for the Southern mindset to have remained in the South while hundreds of thousands of White as well as Black Southerners moved North. In addition Northerners had slaves before the emid 1700s. Read de Crèvecoeur's Letters to an American Farmer (1782). He was a French immigrant, one of the original mythical "yeoman farmers" who lived in the North and owned a slave. Anthropologists have also unearthed evidence of slavery on Long Island in New York. And I do not discount Northern bigotry which has resulted in plenty of Northern lynchings including that of Mormon founder Joseph Smith's brother in Springfield Illinios. The act that precipitated the fledgling Mormon's move to Utah. But what I am saying is that the South has a more recent history of racial animosity and racial unrest than the North and it is no coincidence I think that Emmitt Till and the three civil rights workers, James Chaney, and two white New Yorkers, Andrew Goodman, 20, and Michael Schwerner, 24--were murdered in Mississippi.

And that the Civil Rights movement was centered for the most part in the South. And that for much of the period from 1880 through 1954 and beyond, the South was far more segregated than the North, in fact the state of Louisiana, where Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) originated, had a "one drop" law that designated anyone with "one drop" of black blood was in fact Black for all legal purposes. These are historical facts not some fantasy. Dixie can say whatever he wants but when the trains crossed the Mason-Dixon line heading North Black people could move to white cars. But when they crossed the same line heading South Black people were confined to Black Only cars, which also allowed White people in them, although Black people weren't allowed in White Only cars. Hey, Dixie, Why didn't they allow Black People in White Only cars while allowing white people in Black Only cars?? Or do I have this wrong too, being a brainwashed Northerner and all. hear Dixie tell it, there was a miracle that happened in the south in 1964.

No, the "miracle" is your story.... tell us about how all the racist segregationist Democrats of that era, magically transformed into Republicans without anyone knowing about it, and no public record of it. Tell us about the magical Democrat "redemption" which allowed people like Robert Byrd to remain a viable part of your party to this day.

What do you mean without anyone knowing about it. It was no secret. The Democrats got pissed at Johnson and the Democrats and became Dixiecrats, this splinter group had no power so those so-called Dixiecrats morphed into Republicans. All one has to do is look at the history of people like Strom Thurmond, or that other fat, bald-headed old bastard, Jesse Helms. They were both Democrats, Dixiecrats, then Republicans. And they weren't some kind of anomly...Get real Dixie, I know the truth hurts but you should come in out of de Nile and dry off BOY! You been swimming out in that river far too long, your skin's all shriveled and ashen. Time to begin anew!!!!

Hey Dixie here's some questions: What was the Solid South and what did the term refer to? Why were all Southern candidates nominated and elected at the primary level for so many years? How did that work and why was this practice instituted?
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this solinter group had no power so those so-called Dixiecrats morphed into Republicans. All one has to do is look at the history of people like Strom Thurmond, or that other fat, bald-headed old bastard, Jesse Helms. They were both Democrats, Dixiecrats, then Republicans.

Well, that's two people, and I've already named Byrd from the Democrats, so it doesn't look like the mass exodus you claim it was. It also doesn't look like any of our racists are still serving. George Wallace had a (D) beside his name until the day he died, and he was re-elected governor of this state 7 times, mostly after he stood in the schoolhouse door.

What happened was this... in 1980, Ronald Reagan cleaned your clocks, mostly with the help of the "Reagan Democrats" who were largely concentrated in the South and rural America. Since that time, Democrats have argued that the old Dixiecrats from the Democrat party, are responsible for the phenomenon, and that is a false assertion. Most of the Dixiecrats are dead now, since they were middle-aged adults during the 1950's and 60's.
The civil war was about states rights... but the Big states right issue was SLAVERY.

Saying the Civil war was not about slavery but is about states rights is akin to saying Roe v. Wade is not about abortion, its about the right to privacy.
Weren't the slaves all black, why was that, just coincidence I guess huh?

Yeah, the slaves were all black, that still doesn't make the issue of slavery in 1864 the same thing as the issue of racism. I understand you want to draw this parallel, but it is borne of ignorance. Racism is the belief that one race is superior or inferior to another. No one in America, in 1864, believed slaves were equal to white people, not even Abe Lincoln or the slaves themselves. This false perception, that the Civil War was fought over racial equality, is simply without merit. Slavery became an issue because of the economic impact it had on agricultural states of the South, not because all Southerners were racist or all Northerners were non-racist.
this solinter group had no power so those so-called Dixiecrats morphed into Republicans. All one has to do is look at the history of people like Strom Thurmond, or that other fat, bald-headed old bastard, Jesse Helms. They were both Democrats, Dixiecrats, then Republicans.

Well, that's two people, and I've already named Byrd from the Democrats, so it doesn't look like the mass exodus you claim it was. It also doesn't look like any of our racists are still serving. George Wallace had a (D) beside his name until the day he died, and he was re-elected governor of this state 7 times, mostly after he stood in the schoolhouse door.

What happened was this... in 1980, Ronald Reagan cleaned your clocks, mostly with the help of the "Reagan Democrats" who were largely concentrated in the South and rural America. Since that time, Democrats have argued that the old Dixiecrats from the Democrat party, are responsible for the phenomenon, and that is a false assertion. Most of the Dixiecrats are dead now, since they were middle-aged adults during the 1950's and 60's.

Jesus Dixie, do you believe that I can name every Democrat who changed into a Republican in the South. Here's another one who isn't dead yet--Trent Lott!

But more mportantly why haven't you answered my questions about the Solid South?
Yeah, the slaves were all black, that still doesn't make the issue of slavery in 1864 the same thing as the issue of racism. I understand you want to draw this parallel, but it is borne of ignorance. Racism is the belief that one race is superior or inferior to another. No one in America, in 1864, believed slaves were equal to white people, not even Abe Lincoln or the slaves themselves. This false perception, that the Civil War was fought over racial equality, is simply without merit. Slavery became an issue because of the economic impact it had on agricultural states of the South, not because all Southerners were racist or all Northerners were non-racist.

Holy shit are you ignorant, you say "No one in America, in 1864 belived slaves were equal to white people..."

Have you never heard of Frederick Dougless?

Have you never heard of the Abolitionists?
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Saying the Civil war was not about slavery but is about states rights is akin to saying Roe v. Wade is not about abortion, its about the right to privacy.

I've not said this. Slavery was an issue, and the Civil War became about this issue when Lincoln made it the issue. My point is, the slavery issue in 1864 has nothing to do with racism. You can believe that it's not morally right for one man to own another, and still believe that one race is superior of inferior to another, so the two viewpoints are not synonymous. The issue of slavery was important because the economic backbone of the Southern states, depended on slave labor, not because Southerners believed whites were superior to blacks... that view was held by Northerners as well.
Have you never heard of Frederick Dougless?

Have you never heard of the Abolitionists?

Yep. They were opposed to slavery. This doesn't mean that they believed the races were equal. Should I pull the quotes from Lincoln in his debate with Douglass, to illustrate how racist Abe was? Slavery and Racism are two completely different issues. Your problem is, you want to make them the same, and they simply aren't.