The GOP And The Next Presidential Election.

philly rabbit

Verified User

Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential election victory is eminent. In fact it is my belief that Hillary's victory will be a landslide. The Democratic strategy reaches far beyond Barrack Obama and his healthcare, far beyond the current makeup of their Democratic voting blocs, far beyond Eric Holder's partisan Justice Department and amnesty for the illegals. It is entrenched for the foreseeable future and an important part of it is Hillary's rise from the outer circle of the Washington clique of Obama insiders to her presidential run and victory as an outsider ready to assume the presidency and repair the deliberately on purpose failed hope of Obama care with a single payer solution and what will deliberately appear as a different course for the entitlement entrenched population.

But what of the GOP if conservatives manage to overtake the party's inner eastern liberal circle and through grass roots efforts and donations in the mega millions from the heartland secure the nomination for president of either libertarian Rand Paul or tea party conservative Ted Cruz? The immediate response from the republican establishment will be a condemnation of conservatives who fought hard and worked diligently to get either of the two the nomination. This will be the moment of truth for those conservatives who must not allow the party's inner circle to extinguish them to the lower depths of the political abyss where the ghosts of Barry Goldwater's failed campaign of decades ago still reside.

The republican party's next national defeat as it has witnessed it's own demise with election defeats following one after another will either be it's total capitulation from within or its own salvation as a conservative party that went down fighting leaving a glimmer of hope still present on the national political scene.
Do you really think Americans want to continue down the road to Serfdom? Things are really BAD. Poverty, laziness and mediocrity have never been America's charter.
Do you really think Americans want to continue down the road to Serfdom? Things are really BAD. Poverty, laziness and mediocrity have never been America's charter.

I think America has become too entitlement minded. Millions no longer depend on other people for financial and emotional support and are now relying on the government to provide both. Meanwhile the illegals keep pouring in and they can no longer find decent paying unskilled jobs because wages are so low for unskilled labor positions which means even more governmental dependency.
I think America has become too entitlement minded. Millions no longer depend on other people for financial and emotional support and are now relying on the government to provide both. Meanwhile the illegals keep pouring in and they can no longer find decent paying unskilled jobs because wages are so low for unskilled labor positions which means even more governmental dependency.

People want to live, even if you've stolen everything from them? How shocking! Bloody rightist weirdoes!
Teabaggers so uncommitted they are surrendering in droves already!
Just cause you lost twice, don't be a quitter
Junior klansman
If the GOP selects another one of their stiff suits from their eastern candidate pool again, they wont get enough support from their conservative base to win. If they're forced to chose one of the two candidates I mentioned who are both considered outside renegades by the party establishment, the party will splinter - Ala Goldwater 64 and wont get enough support from their more moderate - liberal element.

Plus the very real possibility that a third party will arise if they go with another eastern stiff which will really sink their chances.

I think at this point the only chance they have to beat Hillary is if they select a woman but not Palin because she's damaged goods plus she went Hollywood.
If the GOP selects another one of their stiff suits from their eastern candidate pool again, they wont get enough support from their conservative base to win. If they're forced to chose one of the two candidates I mentioned who are both considered outside renegades by the party establishment, the party will splinter - Ala Goldwater 64 and wont get enough support from their more moderate - liberal element.

Plus the very real possibility that a third party will arise if they go with another eastern stiff which will really sink their chances.

I think at this point the only chance they have to beat Hillary is if they select a woman but not Palin because she's damaged goods plus she went Hollywood.
If she runs, Hillary will be the moonbats' Romney. Plus, rumors are flying today that her health is an issue.
If she runs, Hillary will be the moonbats' Romney. Plus, rumors are flying today that her health is an issue.

What's killing the GOP - and I mean absolutely slaughtering the GOP is amnesty for illegals. This is what has splintered the party more than any other factor. One side of the party keeps trying amnesty schemes trying to copycat the democrats and cut severely into their Hispanic entitlement voting bloc and the other side - the conservative side wants no part of amnesty.

Meanwhile you've got Hillary lurching pretending she's the outsider ready to rush in and feed the entitlement crowd with more enticing giveaways such as single payer which I always believed Obama's healthcare was always a prelude to in the first place.

The conservatives meanwhile must stay strong and unified over this next upcoming defeat because if they do they could very well turn the GOP into a legitimate opposition party to the Dems in the future. Both Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are considered troublemaker renegades already by the party elites.

Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential election victory is eminent. In fact it is my belief that Hillary's victory will be a landslide. The Democratic strategy reaches far beyond Barrack Obama and his healthcare, far beyond the current makeup of their Democratic voting blocs, far beyond Eric Holder's partisan Justice Department and amnesty for the illegals. It is entrenched for the foreseeable future and an important part of it is Hillary's rise from the outer circle of the Washington clique of Obama insiders to her presidential run and victory as an outsider ready to assume the presidency and repair the deliberately on purpose failed hope of Obama care with a single payer solution and what will deliberately appear as a different course for the entitlement entrenched population.

But what of the GOP if conservatives manage to overtake the party's inner eastern liberal circle and through grass roots efforts and donations in the mega millions from the heartland secure the nomination for president of either libertarian Rand Paul or tea party conservative Ted Cruz? The immediate response from the republican establishment will be a condemnation of conservatives who fought hard and worked diligently to get either of the two the nomination. This will be the moment of truth for those conservatives who must not allow the party's inner circle to extinguish them to the lower depths of the political abyss where the ghosts of Barry Goldwater's failed campaign of decades ago still reside.

The republican party's next national defeat as it has witnessed it's own demise with election defeats following one after another will either be it's total capitulation from within or its own salvation as a conservative party that went down fighting leaving a glimmer of hope still present on the national political scene.

Just one problem concerning your plans for Mr. Cruz.

He's CANADIAN...he CAN'T run for President.

Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential election victory is eminent. In fact it is my belief that Hillary's victory will be a landslide. The Democratic strategy reaches far beyond Barrack Obama and his healthcare, far beyond the current makeup of their Democratic voting blocs, far beyond Eric Holder's partisan Justice Department and amnesty for the illegals. It is entrenched for the foreseeable future and an important part of it is Hillary's rise from the outer circle of the Washington clique of Obama insiders to her presidential run and victory as an outsider ready to assume the presidency and repair the deliberately on purpose failed hope of Obama care with a single payer solution and what will deliberately appear as a different course for the entitlement entrenched population.

But what of the GOP if conservatives manage to overtake the party's inner eastern liberal circle and through grass roots efforts and donations in the mega millions from the heartland secure the nomination for president of either libertarian Rand Paul or tea party conservative Ted Cruz? The immediate response from the republican establishment will be a condemnation of conservatives who fought hard and worked diligently to get either of the two the nomination. This will be the moment of truth for those conservatives who must not allow the party's inner circle to extinguish them to the lower depths of the political abyss where the ghosts of Barry Goldwater's failed campaign of decades ago still reside.

The republican party's next national defeat as it has witnessed it's own demise with election defeats following one after another will either be it's total capitulation from within or its own salvation as a conservative party that went down fighting leaving a glimmer of hope still present on the national political scene.

Don't be stupid..........The Republican party has a great CORE but that core is torn down by idiots that repeat what ever Corporations tell them to repeat.
Teabaggers so uncommitted they are surrendering in droves already!
Just cause you lost twice, don't be a quitter
Junior klansman

Another case of "The Dude" speaking education to others when this idiot is clearly a market baby.
Don't be stupid..........The Republican party has a great CORE

Here’s a couple of questions for ya Goober, (that you won’t answer because you can’t). What, who or where is the Republican ”CORE?” Have you even a clue or is this just more of your usual gibberish?

but that core is torn down by idiots that repeat what ever Corporations tell them to repeat.

Who are the Republican idiots who are “tearing down the core by repeating what the corporations are telling them to say?” Can you, will you name names or is that insinuation just more puke from your blowhole?

Do you have anything of relevance, rationality, logic or sanity to add to this thread?

Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential election victory is eminent. In fact it is my belief that Hillary's victory will be a landslide. The Democratic strategy reaches far beyond Barrack Obama and his healthcare, far beyond the current makeup of their Democratic voting blocs, far beyond Eric Holder's partisan Justice Department and amnesty for the illegals. It is entrenched for the foreseeable future and an important part of it is Hillary's rise from the outer circle of the Washington clique of Obama insiders to her presidential run and victory as an outsider ready to assume the presidency and repair the deliberately on purpose failed hope of Obama care with a single payer solution and what will deliberately appear as a different course for the entitlement entrenched population.

But what of the GOP if conservatives manage to overtake the party's inner eastern liberal circle and through grass roots efforts and donations in the mega millions from the heartland secure the nomination for president of either libertarian Rand Paul or tea party conservative Ted Cruz? The immediate response from the republican establishment will be a condemnation of conservatives who fought hard and worked diligently to get either of the two the nomination. This will be the moment of truth for those conservatives who must not allow the party's inner circle to extinguish them to the lower depths of the political abyss where the ghosts of Barry Goldwater's failed campaign of decades ago still reside.

The republican party's next national defeat as it has witnessed it's own demise with election defeats following one after another will either be it's total capitulation from within or its own salvation as a conservative party that went down fighting leaving a glimmer of hope still present on the national political scene.

Since America’s politicians and idiot voters have chosen the route of European style socialism and bribery for the vote in total willful ignorance of Constitutional Republicanism, there’s hardly any turning back at this “point of no return.” Thus, Even if Republicans manage to take both Houses of the government in the next election, they’ll still have to deal with Obama’s veto pen and he’ll sure as hell use it “liberally” with Republicans in power then of course blame the ”do nothing Congress” on Republicans, (who haven’t the balls or political know-how to fight back successfully), thereby setting Hillary up for her successful run in 2016 with more leftist vote buying promises.
In my opinion none of this matters because the directional govern by bribery die is cast.

The Republicans won’t be choosing a Rand Paul anytime soon as their candidate because Rand Paul is too constitutionally aligned for the huge numerical majority of the Republican Party being controlled by the RINO neo-cons like McCain, Graham, King, Boehner and alike. The anti-gays, anti-abortion, anti-immigrant war hawking American Imperialist and World Police Force promoters. So, as you have correctly observe a Rand Paul would be ”Goldwatered” quickly by the Republican Party loyalist either in a primary or a general election. In short the brainwashed will leave a Rand Paul dangle at the end of the Republican lynch mob rope and even help the MSM and Democrats crucify him. Constitutionalism is far out of political favor in today's world.
So I come to the Republican’s only hope. The best Republicans can do in this Wall Street/political crony bribery for the loot system and the socialist program for the vote system is to continue with all vigor the inter-Party battle, (militarism, religion-ism and BIG socialist government-ism vs. Constitutional principles), and let the chips fall where they may. If a defeated and beaten down Republican Party ends up in the ashes thereof with a majority of constitutionalist and converts from the RINO Party, the hope of the Party is in a future that picks up the pieces of a Democrat conducted disaster and socialist bribery bankruptcy. In other words you’re just gona have to watch those neo-commie bastard Democrats own the government and destroy the country then gather up our Constitution and offer it again to the American people and that’s the Republican Party’s only hope.

The Republicans have played the Democrat Lite game long enough now to prove that the neo-commie Democrats are way, way better at it. Bribery is the Democrat’s middle name. The Republicans need to adopt “Constitutionalist” as their middle name and actually mean it.
Who has stolen anything from lazy fucks? Put the blame where it rightfully belongs.

Your fat-bellied, fat-arsed, fat-headed masters, serf: they steal about half the value of what you earn, minimum. Heil McCarthy and all his brainwashed young!