The GOP And The Next Presidential Election.

I am saying that your predictions about whether or not Hillary would or would not be a candidate in 2016 constitute predictions ABOUT the 2016 presidential election.

Only a moronic dunce such as you would attempt to argue otherwise.
I am saying that your predictions about whether or not Hillary would or would not be a candidate in 2016 constitute predictions ABOUT the 2016 presidential election.

That's because you're an illiterate asshole stuck on a special brand of stupid. I didn't make any predictions dumbass; I merely indicated what some in the media are saying to the thread author who seems paranoid and convinced Hillary will be running.

I don't think if that is explained to you a thousand more times you will get it because you take your job as the forums illiterate dumbass very seriously and feel compelled to proving it with every post.

Only a moronic dunce such as you would attempt to argue otherwise.

Only a moronic dunce like you can fabricate such utter stupidity that has no point whatsoever.

But alas; I am trying to argue with an idiot who loves to wallow in never ending circles of stupidity.
That's because you're an illiterate asshole stuck on a special brand of stupid. I didn't make any predictions dumbass; I merely indicated what some in the media are saying to the thread author who seems paranoid and convinced Hillary will be running.

I don't think if that is explained to you a thousand more times you will get it because you take your job as the forums illiterate dumbass very seriously and feel compelled to proving it with every post.

Only a moronic dunce like you can fabricate such utter stupidity that has no point whatsoever.

But alas; I am trying to argue with an idiot who loves to wallow in never ending circles of stupidity.

you didn't attribute anything to anyone in the media. You made a prediction.... it may not have been original, but it certainly was a prediction. be a big boy and admit it.
you didn't attribute anything to anyone in the media. You made a prediction.... it may not have been original, but it certainly was a prediction. be a big boy and admit it.

So you say; but you're an illiterate hyper partisan dumbass stuck on a special brand of stupid. I guess you think "they" means something else.

But Hllary wont be running so you can relax. They are already setting up the excuses that she may be too ill.

Carry on Comrade dumbass. LOL
So you say; but you're an illiterate hyper partisan dumbass stuck on a special brand of stupid. I guess you think "they" means something else.

Carry on Comrade dumbass. LOL
the media? I don't see it. It could just as easily be the voices you hear in your head! ;)
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So you say; but you're an illiterate hyper partisan dumbass stuck on a special brand of stupid. I guess you think "they" means something else.

Carry on Comrade dumbass. LOL

Except you didn't attribute the prediction that "Hillary won't be running in 2016" to "they".

Just be a man for once and admit you made a mistake.
What's killing the GOP - and I mean absolutely slaughtering the GOP is amnesty for illegals. This is what has splintered the party more than any other factor. One side of the party keeps trying amnesty schemes trying to copycat the democrats and cut severely into their Hispanic entitlement voting bloc and the other side - the conservative side wants no part of amnesty.

Meanwhile you've got Hillary lurching pretending she's the outsider ready to rush in and feed the entitlement crowd with more enticing giveaways such as single payer which I always believed Obama's healthcare was always a prelude to in the first place.

The conservatives meanwhile must stay strong and unified over this next upcoming defeat because if they do they could very well turn the GOP into a legitimate opposition party to the Dems in the future. Both Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are considered troublemaker renegades already by the party elites.

republicans against weed and the drugwar - a majority of americans support it's legalization
republicans against gay marriage - a majority of americans support it
republicans mostly wealth-oriented - the button pushers feel entitled to more money

it'll be a tough road to climb.
republicans against weed and the drugwar - a majority of americans support it's legalization
republicans against gay marriage - a majority of americans support it
republicans mostly wealth-oriented - the button pushers feel entitled to more money

it'll be a tough road to climb.

LMAO; another uninformed dunce.

Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential election victory is eminent. In fact it is my belief that Hillary's victory will be a landslide. The Democratic strategy reaches far beyond Barrack Obama and his healthcare, far beyond the current makeup of their Democratic voting blocs, far beyond Eric Holder's partisan Justice Department and amnesty for the illegals. It is entrenched for the foreseeable future and an important part of it is Hillary's rise from the outer circle of the Washington clique of Obama insiders to her presidential run and victory as an outsider ready to assume the presidency and repair the deliberately on purpose failed hope of Obama care with a single payer solution and what will deliberately appear as a different course for the entitlement entrenched population.

But what of the GOP if conservatives manage to overtake the party's inner eastern liberal circle and through grass roots efforts and donations in the mega millions from the heartland secure the nomination for president of either libertarian Rand Paul or tea party conservative Ted Cruz? The immediate response from the republican establishment will be a condemnation of conservatives who fought hard and worked diligently to get either of the two the nomination. This will be the moment of truth for those conservatives who must not allow the party's inner circle to extinguish them to the lower depths of the political abyss where the ghosts of Barry Goldwater's failed campaign of decades ago still reside.

The republican party's next national defeat as it has witnessed it's own demise with election defeats following one after another will either be it's total capitulation from within or its own salvation as a conservative party that went down fighting leaving a glimmer of hope still present on the national political scene.

All you're really saying, surely, is that modern capitalism can't be wasting time with racism and holy-rollerism? It is there to make money for the thieving minority, and all that bilge is getting in the way.
There is no hope. Hellary's coronation is a done deal. Not much the republicans can do because of the immense control of the National Media by the Dems and the totally brainwashed masses of American citizenry driven by the now idiotic black slavery guilt in spite of the fact we have a black American President, practically all the Police chiefs of large cities being blacks, the total control of the Dem Party by the Congressional Black Caucus because of the monolithic 11% black vote of the Total vote which gives the Dem party an almost sure win in every election, Black politicians monopolizing Fed, State, and local political offices, etc.

Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential election victory is eminent. In fact it is my belief that Hillary's victory will be a landslide. The Democratic strategy reaches far beyond Barrack Obama and his healthcare, far beyond the current makeup of their Democratic voting blocs, far beyond Eric Holder's partisan Justice Department and amnesty for the illegals. It is entrenched for the foreseeable future and an important part of it is Hillary's rise from the outer circle of the Washington clique of Obama insiders to her presidential run and victory as an outsider ready to assume the presidency and repair the deliberately on purpose failed hope of Obama care with a single payer solution and what will deliberately appear as a different course for the entitlement entrenched population.

But what of the GOP if conservatives manage to overtake the party's inner eastern liberal circle and through grass roots efforts and donations in the mega millions from the heartland secure the nomination for president of either libertarian Rand Paul or tea party conservative Ted Cruz? The immediate response from the republican establishment will be a condemnation of conservatives who fought hard and worked diligently to get either of the two the nomination. This will be the moment of truth for those conservatives who must not allow the party's inner circle to extinguish them to the lower depths of the political abyss where the ghosts of Barry Goldwater's failed campaign of decades ago still reside.

The republican party's next national defeat as it has witnessed it's own demise with election defeats following one after another will either be it's total capitulation from within or its own salvation as a conservative party that went down fighting leaving a glimmer of hope still present on the national political scene.

Fuck you, you stupid asshole, I know its fun to have a name or party to believe in, a movement or something you consider a principle, but are you really that dumb. Hillary Clinton is not going to destroy America anymore than Randall Paul is going to save it. There is no outsider who is going to make it to the White House and reinvent anything, change will only come slowly, one very small step at a time.

There is a lot fucked about our world, but a lot less than what used to be fucked up about it. A thousand years from now, they will see that, just like we look at a thousand years ago and think about how fucked up that was. Change does not come because some over hyped television manipulator such as Randall Paul tricked you into believing he is some kinda "real thing". If he's anything different than Hillary Clinton, he is some small inch better or some small inch worse. That's the only way we get to any real change, we vote and hope for an inch here and there.

Don't get me wrong, I think he's about an inch worse than Hillary Clinton, but in the scheme of things, if the golden boys you are dreaming of get elected president, or Hillary Clinton gets elected... it makes a very small amount of difference. IF the Republican party goes the way of the establishment, or is destroyed, the ideas they promote will not go away, a new party will grow, a new establishment will develop.

You are naïve, how old are you boy?
Randall Paul, with that Maveriky nick name that he claims his wife "made up for him" is no less a media focus group fabrication than HIllary Clinton or Barak Obama.

These personalities you are falling in love with or hating are created in a Focus Group.
Fuck you, you stupid asshole, I know its fun to have a name or party to believe in, a movement or something you consider a principle, but are you really that dumb. Hillary Clinton is not going to destroy America anymore than Randall Paul is going to save it. There is no outsider who is going to make it to the White House and reinvent anything, change will only come slowly, one very small step at a time.

There is a lot fucked about our world, but a lot less than what used to be fucked up about it. A thousand years from now, they will see that, just like we look at a thousand years ago and think about how fucked up that was. Change does not come because some over hyped television manipulator such as Randall Paul tricked you into believing he is some kinda "real thing". If he's anything different than Hillary Clinton, he is some small inch better or some small inch worse. That's the only way we get to any real change, we vote and hope for an inch here and there.

Don't get me wrong, I think he's about an inch worse than Hillary Clinton, but in the scheme of things, if the golden boys you are dreaming of get elected president, or Hillary Clinton gets elected... it makes a very small amount of difference. IF the Republican party goes the way of the establishment, or is destroyed, the ideas they promote will not go away, a new party will grow, a new establishment will develop.

You are naïve, how old are you boy?

Ain’t you cute? The belligerent, incompetent, power-mad, bitch of Benghazi “Hillary Clinton” who never affirmed a single ideological thought with constitutional decorum, in your opinion is better than Rand Paul, possibly the only true Republican in the Congress who’s stood in the face of BIG government and challenged the President’s authority with the use of drones and a man that strives to govern with constitutional principles in accordance with his oath of office. And you have the fucking balls to call somebody else a “stupid asshole?”

Oh yeah, BTW, you don’t know shit about historical revolutions either. Many, many have happened virtually overnight! Apparently you’re totally ignorant of the “Arab Spring,” Huh Goober?
Ain’t you cute? The belligerent, incompetent, power-mad, bitch of Benghazi “Hillary Clinton” who never affirmed a single ideological thought with constitutional decorum, in your opinion is better than Rand Paul, possibly the only true Republican in the Congress who’s stood in the face of BIG government and challenged the President’s authority with the use of drones and a man that strives to govern with constitutional principles in accordance with his oath of office. And you have the fucking balls to call somebody else a “stupid asshole?”

Oh yeah, BTW, you don’t know shit about historical revolutions either. Many, many have happened virtually overnight! Apparently you’re totally ignorant of the “Arab Spring,” Huh Goober?

You stupid idiot, the Arab Spring did not happen overnight.
You stupid idiot, the Arab Spring did not happen overnight.

Yeah Right! It must have taken the Egyptians at least a day or so to decide to build their fires in the fucking streets, huh Goober? And it likely took the American patriots at least 30 seconds to decide to fire on the Bloody British at Lexington, huh fuckhead?
Yeah Right! It must have taken the Egyptians at least a day or so to decide to build their fires in the fucking streets, huh Goober? And it likely took the American patriots at least 30 seconds to decide to fire on the Bloody British at Lexington, huh fuckhead?

The seeds for both took years and months. The revolutions both were coming for a long time and anyone who studies history knows that. Maybe King George did not know it, but anyone living in Boston or New York knew revolution was coming for a very long time.

Mubarik might not have seen it coming, but its clear Washington saw it coming for at least 6 months.
Boston Tea Party: December 1773
Battle at Lexington and Concord: April 1775.

practically the very next morning!