The GOP And The Next Presidential Election.

I think America's softened up enough to welcome a female democrat socialist into the White House. Let the good times roll!!!
If the GOP selects another one of their stiff suits from their eastern candidate pool again, they wont get enough support from their conservative base to win. If they're forced to chose one of the two candidates I mentioned who are both considered outside renegades by the party establishment, the party will splinter - Ala Goldwater 64 and wont get enough support from their more moderate - liberal element.

Plus the very real possibility that a third party will arise if they go with another eastern stiff which will really sink their chances.

I think at this point the only chance they have to beat Hillary is if they select a woman but not Palin because she's damaged goods plus she went Hollywood.

If the GOP picked Mickey Mouse it would be better than anything the race hustling fear mongering dunces in the DNC could put up.

But Hllary wont be running so you can relax. They are already setting up the excuses that she may be too ill.
If the GOP picked Mickey Mouse it would be better than anything the race hustling fear mongering dunces in the DNC could put up.

But Hllary wont be running so you can relax. They are already setting up the excuses that she may be too ill.

my guess is that you predicted victory for both McCain AND Romney.... right?
my guess is that you predicted victory for both McCain AND Romney.... right?

Yes I did; I didn't think there were that many stupid people registered to vote and that they would vote for the most inexperienced, inept economically clueless hyper partisan buffoon to ever inhabit the White House. I was wrong; there are.

Was there a point here; or is this just another of your buffoonish troll posts?

P.S. shit-for-brains; as evidenced by the last five years of stupidity, McCain AND Romney were infinitely more qualified than the brain dead dunce you helped elect. I’ll be happy to compare resumes if you’re still too painfully stupid to figure that out.

the point was your political prognostication skills are not noteworthy.... so one should not place a lot of credence on your future predictions.
the point was your political prognostication skills are not noteworthy.... so one should not place a lot of credence on your future predictions.

What a painfully stupid point when I wasn't making any political predictions was I shit-for-brains.

But alas, I am talking to a boring brain dead idiot stuck on a special brand of stupid; and one should never argue with idiots, but rather, point at them and laugh.
What a painfully stupid point when I wasn't making any political predictions was I shit-for-brains.

But alas, I am talking to a boring brain dead idiot stuck on a special brand of stupid; and one should never argue with idiots, but rather, point at them and laugh.

Yes, you were...

But Hllary wont be running so you can relax. They are already setting up the excuses that she may be too ill.

That's Y-O-U...making a "political prediction".

Defective Truth caught in ANOTHER lie...why are you so dishonest?

Do you EVER tell the truth?


Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential election victory is eminent. In fact it is my belief that Hillary's victory will be a landslide. The Democratic strategy reaches far beyond Barrack Obama and his healthcare, far beyond the current makeup of their Democratic voting blocs, far beyond Eric Holder's partisan Justice Department and amnesty for the illegals. It is entrenched for the foreseeable future and an important part of it is Hillary's rise from the outer circle of the Washington clique of Obama insiders to her presidential run and victory as an outsider ready to assume the presidency and repair the deliberately on purpose failed hope of Obama care with a single payer solution and what will deliberately appear as a different course for the entitlement entrenched population.

But what of the GOP if conservatives manage to overtake the party's inner eastern liberal circle and through grass roots efforts and donations in the mega millions from the heartland secure the nomination for president of either libertarian Rand Paul or tea party conservative Ted Cruz? The immediate response from the republican establishment will be a condemnation of conservatives who fought hard and worked diligently to get either of the two the nomination. This will be the moment of truth for those conservatives who must not allow the party's inner circle to extinguish them to the lower depths of the political abyss where the ghosts of Barry Goldwater's failed campaign of decades ago still reside.

The republican party's next national defeat as it has witnessed it's own demise with election defeats following one after another will either be it's total capitulation from within or its own salvation as a conservative party that went down fighting leaving a glimmer of hope still present on the national political scene.

I agree with you. The only thing I’m not crazy about with Hillary is that even though she’ll be running as a Democrat, her politics will make her the best Republican in the field. I think that all she’ll really be is the first woman president. Anybody making under $200,000 a year has been completely sold out to the corporate; this actually began with Jimmy Carter and Ted Kennedy and The National Motor Carrier Act of 1980 that deregulated transportation and broke the back of the middle class. Thus began the downward spiral of American labor. Ronald Reagan came into finish the job; which he did very well and wages and benefits for working people in this country have either completely stagnated or gone down depending on the industry. The Democrats have lent nothing but lip service to this collapse and have actually ushered in the necessity for Obama Care, because the health industry has been allowed to run amuck and nobody can now afford decent health care.

As to the GOP; the topic in your OP: beginning with Ronald Reagan in the 1979 campaign, the GOP forsook The Constitution and opened up the door of government to religious snake oil. Moreover, under a phony sense of patriotism, the GOP has swung so violently to the right that they have actually disqualified themselves from the responsibilities of national office, and GW Bush was the final nail in the coffin. With the new right-wing paradigm of religious armed (NRA) violence, under the American flag and the minions propaganda machine that has sprung up, if I were a believer in conspiracies, I would swear that the GOP is actually fronting the military industrial complex. I think two things are very clear: one, with Middle East and many parts of Europe becoming literally up for grabs, this consistent phony patriotism and gallant American warriors routine is simply soft recruiting to keep up the very clear drumbeat of war. Secondly, and almost more importantly, is that, in my view, the current game of politics in this country is simply trying to win over the souls of the next two generations: once the baby boomers are gone: truly, the last generation of what our great country once was, then, as we’re seeing now, the new idol put before God will indeed be the golden bull of Wall Street.
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What a painfully stupid point when I wasn't making any political predictions was I shit-for-brains.

Well... I'm not so sure about that...

If the GOP picked Mickey Mouse it would be better than anything the race hustling fear mongering dunces in the DNC could put up.

But Hllary wont be running so you can relax. They are already setting up the excuses that she may be too ill.

I think most folks would say there were some predictions being made there.... but, of course, you'll weasel away from it like you always do.... nutless wonder!
Since America’s politicians and idiot voters have chosen the route of European style socialism and bribery for the vote in total willful ignorance of Constitutional Republicanism, there’s hardly any turning back at this “point of no return.” Thus, Even if Republicans manage to take both Houses of the government in the next election, they’ll still have to deal with Obama’s veto pen and he’ll sure as hell use it “liberally” with Republicans in power then of course blame the ”do nothing Congress” on Republicans, (who haven’t the balls or political know-how to fight back successfully), thereby setting Hillary up for her successful run in 2016 with more leftist vote buying promises.

There is no European style socialism. And I will challenge your knowledge of what you describe as Constitutional Republicanism.

And Hillary will run: watch. I don't lilke it, but she'll run: and win too.
There is no European style socialism. And I will challenge your knowledge of what you describe as Constitutional Republicanism.

And Hillary will run: watch. I don't lilke it, but she'll run: and win too.

Is there even a question or doubt that she's running baring some unforeseen health issue?
Is there even a question or doubt that she's running baring some unforeseen health issue?

You'll have to ask classic liberal about that: I think he's exercising his fears. But like I said; Hillary will be the best Republican in the field.
Yes, you were...

That's Y-O-U...making a "political prediction".

Defective Truth caught in ANOTHER lie...why are you so dishonest?

Do you EVER tell the truth?


Wrong again you predictably stupid pathetic moron who spams this forum with your special brand of stupid; I was merely repeating the NEWS. You do get news once in a while don't you?

I didn't predict anything; it is in the news. Maybe you should crawl out of the cave you hide in and get a clue once in a while.

so...when you said:

But Hllary wont be running so you can relax.

that was not a prediction on your part? It was something you KNOW... and if so, HOW? And if you don't KNOW it, isn't making that statement pretty "predictive" in nature?
I didn't predict anything; it is in the news. Maybe you should crawl out of the cave you hide in and get a clue once in a while.

I'm not sure why the "Bleeding Heart Liberals" are so emotional about people who need something yet read a Truth Detector post and say, "that is a lost cause"