The Horror of Palestine

The Palestinians are the leftovers from the assbeating Israel gave Egypt, Syria, and Jordan in 1967. Those in Palestine need to be deported back to Jordan, Egypt, and Syria.

Fuck that. The U.N. "illegally" created the nation of Israel, in '48, and made refugees of the Palestinians who had been there for centuries.
Fuck that. The U.N. "illegally" created the nation of Israel, in '48, and made refugees of the Palestinians who had been there for centuries.

If you ignore the Jews that had been there too and the fact that many of the Palestinians had, in large numbers, been recently kicked out of Jordan you may have a solid point. The Brits promised a nation to two disparate groups wanting the same territory. They couldn't have done that if at least some of the Jews weren't really there to begin with.
I was more referring to my desire to see the Ottoman Empire come back. However, since you wrote that, I just remembered that there have never been any horrors perpetrated by the Palestinians - its all the doing of the evil Jews.

No, it isn't, I know you are using sarcasm, but Israel and do not confuse Israel with the Jews, has had a heavy advantage over the Palestinians. Israel has also violated resolutions and acquired nuclear capabilities and no one has placed sanctions against them. It has been very one sided.
Even when Israel and the United States disagreed, the American government backed Israel to the hilt. The acid test came (and was quickly passed) in the Israeli attempt to sink the United States Naval ship, Liberty, in 1967. The story illustrates several aspects of Israeli policy and Israeli-American relations but is still little known. It was so tightly restricted at the time that although I was working in President Johnson’s office in the White House, I did not learn of it until much later. Apparently, the key intercept tapes were kept secret for the next 35 years.

Thanks for the article , Tom, I had never heard of this 1967 incident.
I have rarely read anything as profound and well researched as this article by William Polk about the Zionism and Palestine. of Palestine.pdf

I got to the part where he altered a quote to try and support his view. The actual quote was

"The land without a people for the people without a land" and he changed it to "The land without people for the people without land". You have to consider if this William R. Polk guy is willing to fabricate history to convince you, just what his purpose is, other than spreading disinformation.
Israel has also violated resolutions and acquired nuclear capabilities and no one has placed sanctions against them. It has been very one sided.

Thats because Israels possesion of nuclear weapons isnt a violation of any laws or agreements. No justifications for sanctioning them for nuclear weapons. Iran on the other hand is a signatory to the Non Proliferation treaty. They were given nuclear technology to use for developing nuclear energy in exchange for the promise to not develope nuclear weapons.
Fuck that. The U.N. "illegally" created the nation of Israel, in '48, and made refugees of the Palestinians who had been there for centuries.

The UN didnt create anything other than a plan that was never implemented. Israels declaration of sovereignty, followed by 60 years of exercising that sovereignty created the state of Israel.
Fuck that. The U.N. "illegally" created the nation of Israel, in '48, and made refugees of the Palestinians who had been there for centuries.

That land belonged to the jews thousands of years ago before it was stolen by the Romans. The original name for that territory was "Roma Judea" after the Romans it was called Roma Palestina. That land belongs to the jews... who were willing to share until the terrorist jihadist swine in Palestine went insane and began murdering people.

The conditions under which the Palestinians live is entirely thier own fault. When the terrorists in Palestine learn to love thier children more than they hate the jews, then, and only then, can peace be made.
That land belonged to the jews thousands of years ago before it was stolen by the Romans. The original name for that territory was "Roma Judea" after the Romans it was called Roma Palestina. That land belongs to the jews... who were willing to share until the terrorist jihadist swine in Palestine went insane and began murdering people.

The conditions under which the Palestinians live is entirely thier own fault. When the terrorists in Palestine learn to love thier children more than they hate the jews, then, and only then, can peace be made.

Sorry, you are wrong.
No, it isn't, I know you are using sarcasm, but Israel and do not confuse Israel with the Jews, has had a heavy advantage over the Palestinians. Israel has also violated resolutions and acquired nuclear capabilities and no one has placed sanctions against them. It has been very one sided.

I personally don't care about the state of Israel. I never really have huge reactions to it, whereas I'll get mad at Palestinians for their large Muslim population on a bad day in which the radicals do something retarded. Another thing that would make a President Threedee hated in America would be his complete indifference to Israel and his efforts to disfund the money it obviously doesn't need from us. My attitude - who's votes am I gaining for supporting this obscure state as a Republican?
I personally don't care about the state of Israel. I never really have huge reactions to it, whereas I'll get mad at Palestinians for their large Muslim population on a bad day in which the radicals do something retarded. Another thing that would make a President Threedee hated in America would be his complete indifference to Israel and his efforts to disfund the money it obviously doesn't need from us. My attitude - who's votes am I gaining for supporting this obscure state as a Republican?

Yes, it is probably a good thing you aren't President. The population as a whole has suffered much because of the misdeeds of the zealots on both sides. I feel for the people, if someone came and forcible moved me off my homeland, I would be angry, and so would the majority of people on this forum, some would even take up arms and would be called terrorists, see that is the way of the world, might makes right, and the little guys suffer for it.
Yes, it is probably a good thing you aren't President. The population as a whole has suffered much because of the misdeeds of the zealots on both sides. I feel for the people, if someone came and forcible moved me off my homeland, I would be angry, and so would the majority of people on this forum, some would even take up arms and would be called terrorists, see that is the way of the world, might makes right, and the little guys suffer for it.

My poli-sci professor (HUGE Palestinian supporter) in college explained that the zionists were offered a Jewish state in South American territory (being that the purpose was to have a place where they could feel safe - not some religious experience), and they turned it down because it wasn't the Holy Land. I flat out have little sympathy for that kind of stubborness.
My poli-sci professor (HUGE Palestinian supporter) in college explained that the zionists were offered a Jewish state in South American territory (being that the purpose was to have a place where they could feel safe - not some religious experience), and they turned it down because it wasn't the Holy Land. I flat out have little sympathy for that kind of stubborness.

Probably was better land, too. Easier to farm and raise livestock. South America has lots of resources.
Probably was better land, too. Easier to farm and raise livestock. South America has lots of resources.

That's one of the nods I'll give to the Israelis. They did a LOT with the crappy Mideast land that they got. Turned new farmland out of POS wasteland all over the place.
We should have given European Jews Germany as their nation, and then given France to the displaced Germans. A consolation prize of sorts. " You fought a good war, almost won, you were bastards, but to show there are no hard feelings, you may live in the land of cheese eating surrender monkeys."