The Horror of Palestine

We should have given European Jews Germany as their nation, and then given France to the displaced Germans. A consolation prize of sorts. " You fought a good war, almost won, you were bastards, but to show there are no hard feelings, you may live in the land of cheese eating surrender monkeys."

Works for me :)
My poli-sci professor (HUGE Palestinian supporter) in college explained that the zionists were offered a Jewish state in South American territory (being that the purpose was to have a place where they could feel safe - not some religious experience), and they turned it down because it wasn't the Holy Land. I flat out have little sympathy for that kind of stubborness.

The jews owned that land before it was stolen by the Romans. The jews PRE-DATE the Palestinians. The Palestinians are peoples who were abandoned by Syria, Egypt, and Jordan. As such, they need to go back to Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. Jerusalem means "Temple of the Jews" ... this in and of itself is very telling. The religion of a 2000 year old roving pedophile called "Mohammad" came much much later.
No, it isn't, I know you are using sarcasm, but Israel and do not confuse Israel with the Jews, has had a heavy advantage over the Palestinians. Israel has also violated resolutions and acquired nuclear capabilities and no one has placed sanctions against them. It has been very one sided.

They are surrounded by a bunch of religions zealots with no respect for life. The need the nukes to keep the hordes of brainwashed hatemongers at bay.
We should have given European Jews Germany as their nation, and then given France to the displaced Germans. A consolation prize of sorts. " You fought a good war, almost won, you were bastards, but to show there are no hard feelings, you may live in the land of cheese eating surrender monkeys."

The British offered what is now Uganda to the Zionists as a homeland but they turned it down.
The jews owned that land before it was stolen by the Romans. The jews PRE-DATE the Palestinians. The Palestinians are peoples who were abandoned by Syria, Egypt, and Jordan. As such, they need to go back to Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. Jerusalem means "Temple of the Jews" ... this in and of itself is very telling. The religion of a 2000 year old roving pedophile called "Mohammad" came much much later.

Which is terriffic, except that this claim is 2000 years old. Should all of the decendents of westward migrations be driven out of Europe today, and the lands returned to the ethnic decendents of Old Europe? Afterall, those fucking Germans brought down the Roman Empire in the process.
Which is terriffic, except that this claim is 2000 years old. Should all of the decendents of westward migrations be driven out of Europe today, and the lands returned to the ethnic decendents of Old Europe? Afterall, those fucking Germans brought down the Roman Empire in the process.

He would be mighty pissed off if a Native Indian turned up on his doorstep and demanded his land back. I think David Ben Gurion said it best.

“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”
Most of my anger in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict goes to the west, after WW2 they kinda just dropped off the zionists whereever was convienient(as long as it wasn't in OUR land) and really thought no more about it. Same kind of attitude today, why can't the palestinians be happy? One batch of sand is just like another? No guys it really isnt and that, "eh they're just a bunch of ragheads who cares" attitude is why we're disliked.

On the matter of who owns the land, yes 2000 years ago some jews were there, and? If we were going by what people used to have, mongolia would be a much more important country than it is. This is the equivalent to tenents of a building leaving, going off, new people setting up shop and then 50 years down the line the original tenents(not owners) show up again and say. "Hey this is ours, thanks for taking care of it, now push off because god says this is ours."