The Impact of Outsourcing American Low-Skill Factory Jobs


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
"The majority of people on welfare are low skill workers and the majority of low skill jobs are outsourced."~ Me

Everyone in America use to hate that our jobs were being sent overseas. Everyone knew we became the #1 nation by being an Industrial hard working nation. But that changed recently when Obama tried to fix that.

In 2010, the Left Wing introduced the "Anti-Outsourcing Bill". Realizing that all of our low skill work was being sent overseas they tried to stop deductions for outsourcing jobs overseas and put those deductions for jobs here in America.

It was deemed, "A political stunt" by the Right Wing because too many people would have liked it.

Low skill workers may not "contribute" too much to society but when they are working they are not on welfare. The exact same people that put them on welfare are now screaming, "Stop all this welfare"

This isn't rocket science. Taking away welfare does not create jobs. Cutting welfare won't pressure the out of work to find jobs that don't exist.

When corporate America learns that keeping money in the hands of their biggest consumers is a win, we will begin to prosper again. This "Free Market" crap talk is a joke. Greed always takes over. For proof all you have to do is open your eyes.

Watch closely at 1:08

"The majority of people on welfare are low skill workers and the majority of low skill jobs are outsourced."~ Me

Everyone in America use to hate that our jobs were being sent overseas. Everyone knew we became the #1 nation by being an Industrial hard working nation. But that changed recently when Obama tried to fix that.

In 2010, the Left Wing introduced the "Anti-Outsourcing Bill". Realizing that all of our low skill work was being sent overseas they tried to stop deductions for outsourcing jobs overseas and put those deductions for jobs here in America.

It was deemed, "A political stunt" by the Right Wing because too many people would have liked it.

Low skill workers may not "contribute" too much to society but when they are working they are not on welfare. The exact same people that put them on welfare are now screaming, "Stop all this welfare"

This isn't rocket science. Taking away welfare does not create jobs. Cutting welfare won't pressure the out of work to find jobs that don't exist.

When corporate America learns that keeping money in the hands of their biggest consumers is a win, we will begin to prosper again. This "Free Market" crap talk is a joke. Greed always takes over. For proof all you have to do is open your eyes.

Watch closely at 1:08

I think you underestimate how much productive work is done by unskilled labor. Society as we know it would become very uncomfortable indeed if unskilled labor stopped producing. I've seen several sanitation workers strike demonstrate that.

Don't get me wrong. The key to living well in a modern industrial society is learning and refining marketable skills. It is the skilled worker and professional class which produce the most in our society but don't underestimate the productivity of unskilled labor, particularly in our nation, which emphasises the puritan work ethic.
Oh! But it’s not just “low skilled” jobs that go offshore, it’s low and high skilled jobs that go offshore.

Your premise is flawed! Of course businesses are in business to make the “PROFIT” that you call “GREED.” Profit is how businesses stay in business and provide “JOBS.” It isn’t profit itself that drives businesses offshore. Of course businesses will go where there is profit because profit is a “NECESSITY.” It actually is “TAXATION & REGULATION” that drives businesses offshore where they can actually “MAKE A PROFIT & STAY IN BUSINESS.

The moral truth here is “IT’S GOVERNMENT THAT DRIVES BUSINESSES OFFSHORE!!!!!” Thank your local Democrat & Republican for “OFFSHORING” your ”JOB.”
every time a CEO makes a decision based on profit they make a moral decision.

You want to give them a HUGE FREE PASS to act in an inhuman way.

The decisions these CEOs always have impact on lives.

Do you think they should wieght the MORAL aspects of their decisions OR should they ONLY consider greater profits as their guide?
Oh! But it’s not just “low skilled” jobs that go offshore, it’s low and high skilled jobs that go offshore.

Your premise is flawed! Of course businesses are in business to make the “PROFIT” that you call “GREED.” Profit is how businesses stay in business and provide “JOBS.” It isn’t profit itself that drives businesses offshore. Of course businesses will go where there is profit because profit is a “NECESSITY.” It actually is “TAXATION & REGULATION” that drives businesses offshore where they can actually “MAKE A PROFIT & STAY IN BUSINESS.

The moral truth here is “IT’S GOVERNMENT THAT DRIVES BUSINESSES OFFSHORE!!!!!” Thank your local Democrat & Republican for “OFFSHORING” your ”JOB.”

It's the ability to get children to make your product for next to nothing. It's the tax deductions for making that move. It's that those workers don't have to pay American taxes.

Greed is when a select few make many suffer to empower themselves. Call it "profit" all you want but how profitable is it now that all these Americans are out of work and recieving welfare bringing taxes up?

Is taxation and regulation why? Yep, you are right. We decided long ago to work together as a country to build and pay for our great infrastructure. We also agreed that we would not let children labor. We also agreed that we have the right to fair conditions in the work place. Your idea's are anti-American and in the past.

You call freedom not restricting child labor, not limiting workplace conditions, allowing excess hours to be put on a worker. I call freedom living in a place where we don't manipulate our children to do our work so they can get an education, ensuring our factories (which are not plesant at all to work in) are at least decent conditions to work in and we are not allowed to work over a certain amount of hours because certain jobs would push workers over those hours.

Is that Obama will try to push the anti-outsourcing bill again. And like everything, the Right Wing will hate it because it's their duty to hate everything the Left does lol. People had better wake up and realize this isn't a Left wing bill. This is an American bill that needs to happen.
Companies need to understand that Americans are the biggest consumers of their products. If we keep outsourcing the consumers jobs then what will happen? Exactly what is happening today.
Corporate profits are at an all time high and workers wages are at an all time low. This has got to stop
every time a CEO makes a decision based on profit they make a moral decision.

You want to give them a HUGE FREE PASS to act in an inhuman way.

The decisions these CEOs always have impact on lives.

Do you think they should wieght the MORAL aspects of their decisions OR should they ONLY consider greater profits as their guide?

why cant you answer this?
every time a CEO makes a decision based on profit they make a moral decision.

You want to give them a HUGE FREE PASS to act in an inhuman way.

The decisions these CEOs always have impact on lives.

Do you think they should wieght the MORAL aspects of their decisions OR should they ONLY consider greater profits as their guide?

and as he stated... if a business does not make a profit on a consistent basis, everyone at that company loses their job...

So tell us Desh... do you not want them to focus on profits? Because it is the profit that allows for the jobs to be there.
Oh! But it’s not just “low skilled” jobs that go offshore, it’s low and high skilled jobs that go offshore.

Your premise is flawed! Of course businesses are in business to make the “PROFIT” that you call “GREED.” Profit is how businesses stay in business and provide “JOBS.” It isn’t profit itself that drives businesses offshore. Of course businesses will go where there is profit because profit is a “NECESSITY.” It actually is “TAXATION & REGULATION” that drives businesses offshore where they can actually “MAKE A PROFIT & STAY IN BUSINESS.

The moral truth here is “IT’S GOVERNMENT THAT DRIVES BUSINESSES OFFSHORE!!!!!” Thank your local Democrat & Republican for “OFFSHORING” your ”JOB.”

Yes it is govt, we should not give them tax breaks and structure things so they are penalized for offshoring.
and as he stated... if a business does not make a profit on a consistent basis, everyone at that company loses their job...

So tell us Desh... do you not want them to focus on profits? Because it is the profit that allows for the jobs to be there.

the problem is the endless focus on increasing profits.
How does that work out well in a saturated market with cheap offshore labor?
Think so?

Sorry I'm still getting use to these overkill signatures. I thought your George Washington pic had something to do with your Henry Ford comment, I didn't see the line. And I have a separate running thread on guns, so there is the confusion.

So elaborate on what Henry Ford said. I'm not a gambling man but if I had to put money on it, I'd say he said a LOT of things.
It's the ability to get children to make your product for next to nothing. It's the tax deductions for making that move. It's that those workers don't have to pay American taxes.

Horseshit! You ignore the fact that the world is now days a “GLOBAL ECONOMY.” Leftist don’t understand that this century is no longer 1945 to 1965 when America had it all going for America. The largest manufacturing base in the world by far. No national damage to reconstruct from past wars. A thriving free capitalistic market place with low taxes and few regulations. Nowhere else in the world was there such freedom and economic possibilities. There was little to no competition for America’s products.

Today, there are many countries with strong manufacturing bases, lower wages, few taxes And regulations. “COMPETITION” is now heavy duty globally. Therefore, businesses go where they can compete and profit and remain in business. America’s leftist have made America a poor choice for a manufacturing base. Environmental regulations, tons of other regulations and now the highest corporate taxes on earth. What idiot would want to operate a manufacturing facility in America when the rest of the world offers much greater oppertunity?

Greed is when a select few make many suffer to empower themselves. Call it "profit" all you want but how profitable is it now that all these Americans are out of work and recieving welfare bringing taxes up?

I totally agree!!! The “GOVERNMENT” is a bunch of “GREEDY” bastards making many suffer to empower themselves. Causing our manufacturing jobs to go offshore, putting Americans out of work and on unconstitutional federal welfare programs.

You have the right issue for your rage, you’re blaming the wrong culprit! But that’s typical of the left, they never think any issue through to its rational and logical conclusion, they’re BIG government lovers.

Is taxation and regulation why? Yep, you are right. We decided long ago to work together as a country to build and pay for our great infrastructure.

Fact is son, that “lower” tax rates bring more revenue into government a fact that leftist ignore and even deny.

We also agreed that we would not let children labor.

So, instead we pamper them with video games and watch them become fat and stupid and have no idea what it is to get and keep a fucking job. Old folks will speak kindly of the days when they had the freedom and opportunity to go to work as a young lad of 10 or 12 years old to help support the family and how that experience taught them “individual responsibility” and a strong “work ethic.” Leftist America is a weak pussy-faced gang of whiners and bitchers!

We also agreed that we have the right to fair conditions in the work place. Your idea's are anti-American and in the past

You call freedom not restricting child labor, not limiting workplace conditions, allowing excess hours to be put on a worker. I call freedom living in a place where we don't manipulate our children to do our work so they can get an education, ensuring our factories (which are not plesant at all to work in) are at least decent conditions to work in and we are not allowed to work over a certain amount of hours because certain jobs would push workers over those hours.

That’s because you’re a BIG government lefty who has no understanding of economics, the power and necessity of profits and the freedom that “TRUE” capitalism affords its population. You have no concept that America is no longer the world’s manufacturing base because leftist politicians don’t know shit about “COMPETITION” and have taxed and regulated America’s manufacturing businesses out of America. But that’s perfectly typical of leftist. They are the economic idiots of the world. The actual agenda of the neo-communist left here in America is to bankrupt the nation and make as many of the nation’s minions reliant on government as possible They wish to create an old style Soviet Union communist regime here in America. They have one BIG problem. Americans will only stand for so much taxation and there are still millions of Americans that wish to maintain what liberty we have left and sooner or later the loony left will run out of other folks money and nobody will lend the bastards any more money and that’s when the shit will hit the fan and the leftist start crying about being fractured and in disarray just like the fascist right is today except even worse.

What goes around, comes around and lefties are digging a hole they’ll never be able to fill back in!