The Impact of Outsourcing American Low-Skill Factory Jobs

"The majority of people on welfare are low skill workers and the majority of low skill jobs are outsourced."~ Me

Well that's a wonderful scholarly source.

No skill jobs weren't killed by outsourcing. They were killed by automation. Go to a grocery store. How many cashiers are there? On a busy day it'll be 4, with up to 4x as many 'self check out' lines. It's not slave labor in China bagging my groceries. But what of industrial labor? Automated as well, or made more efficient. Like your new dashboards. Once you needed as many as 5 welders working in concert to fit one. Now you need one, because of the switch to magnesium. And that welder is usually robotic. Industry has been moving towards greater automation for 4 decades, and it's not going to stop because people want $30 an hour for skills you acquire at birth. If you want to have a job, you better have a skill or a good knowledge of something. If you don't you have no one to blame but yourself.
every time a CEO makes a decision based on profit they make a moral decision.

You want to give them a HUGE FREE PASS to act in an inhuman way.

The decisions these CEOs always have impact on lives.

Do you think they should wieght the MORAL aspects of their decisions OR should they ONLY consider greater profits as their guide?
do you think that the government should weigh the moral aspects of their decisions OR should they only conider enforcing the law as their guide?
When Walmart let you go from their "greeters" Dept. you were not able to buy as much chinese crap were you?

I hate Wal Mart. Just how much money were the parttime greeters costing them? We loved all the greeters at our local store. All were disabled men in their seventies and eighties, trying to scrape together a little extra cash to live.*

How fucking heartless of Wal Mart to kick them to the curb!

*One, Charlie, was 94 years old. He could barely move, but was sharp as a tack and flirted with all the old ladies. I guess it's good he died before the Waltons could humiliate him

Another, Dave, was in a wheelchair. He used to always give our kid a treat when we came in the store, and always asked about her after she was gone.

How can a company be so heartless?
That is complete economic garbage. It has no basis in fact.

If that were the case, where is the economic boom?

Stimulus doesn't automatically cause an economic boom, genius.

The way it works is that food stamps are things you're guaranteed to use, so it's money constantly being pumped in to the food industry. That money can be used to increase salaries, increase production, increase the workforce, etc.

This isn't like the bailouts or Obama's stimulus bill where it works all at once, this is a steady process.
Stimulus doesn't automatically cause an economic boom, genius.

The way it works is that food stamps are things you're guaranteed to use, so it's money constantly being pumped in to the food industry. That money can be used to increase salaries, increase production, increase the workforce, etc.

This isn't like the bailouts or Obama's stimulus bill where it works all at once, this is a steady process.

Nope. Still bullshit. You are still going to buy food whether you have food stamps or not. So you aren't stimulating anything. What you are doing is removing money from the economy which could be used more productively..

And according to liberal dogma, that evil grocery store corporation will just increase profits and not increase the workforce.

Might I suggest a course in economics not taught by the hack Paul Krugman?
That is complete economic garbage. It has no basis in fact.

If that were the case, where is the economic boom?

I'm going to step into this argument as the non-party I am, and for a reason.

ObamaHatesAmerica-You ask where is the economic boom. Are you really uninformed enough to believe that something meant to save the life of something is supposed to "boom" it? Were the bailouts supposed to stop the bankruptcy because of the bad decisions of the CEO 1%ers running them, or was it supposed to make those industries boom? I'm pretty sure there was no "boom" in the agenda, only survival.

ShyGuy- I know from my eyes, not by rumor, that drug dealers are using EBT cards to trade for drugs. They buy food from Schwans (fine dining delivered to your home). They use multiple EBT cards in different peoples names. The workers are 100% commission so they won't turn them down. Also they can't turn them in because they don't know which name that person is, they don't and can't ask for ID.

My point in the political world is to inform everyone they are partyling wrong and partly right. But once you submit to a party you start thinking that you have to stand by anything that party stands for.

I hope everyone ends the party brain (all parties, not just the major ones) and starts researching EVERYTHING and deciding with their brains. Don't let anyone in power tell you what is right or wrong.
Nope. Still bullshit. You are still going to buy food whether you have food stamps or not. So you aren't stimulating anything. What you are doing is removing money from the economy which could be used more productively..

And according to liberal dogma, that evil grocery store corporation will just increase profits and not increase the workforce.

Might I suggest a course in economics not taught by the hack Paul Krugman?

People who need food stamps wouldn't still be buying food.

What is a better use for money than preventing Americans from going hungry? :palm:

And stop creating straw men.
I'm going to step into this argument as the non-party I am, and for a reason.

ObamaHatesAmerica-You ask where is the economic boom. Are you really uninformed enough to believe that something meant to save the life of something is supposed to "boom" it? Were the bailouts supposed to stop the bankruptcy because of the bad decisions of the CEO 1%ers running them, or was it supposed to make those industries boom? I'm pretty sure there was no "boom" in the agenda, only survival.

ShyGuy- I know from my eyes, not by rumor, that drug dealers are using EBT cards to trade for drugs. They buy food from Schwans (fine dining delivered to your home). They use multiple EBT cards in different peoples names. The workers are 100% commission so they won't turn them down. Also they can't turn them in because they don't know which name that person is, they don't and can't ask for ID.

My point in the political world is to inform everyone they are partyling wrong and partly right. But once you submit to a party you start thinking that you have to stand by anything that party stands for.

I hope everyone ends the party brain (all parties, not just the major ones) and starts researching EVERYTHING and deciding with their brains. Don't let anyone in power tell you what is right or wrong.

I'm not saying there isn't fraud, merely that food stamps have a positive effect aside from feeding the hungry.
The US has been an imperialist nation since beforw the cold war - we're not converting in to anything.

So you haven’t paid attention!

America has been converting from a Constitutional Republic and rugged individualism that made us great to the Nanny State bribery of socialism and crony fascist capitalism since FDR’s New Deal.

You simply like it, or you’ve ignored it.
I'm going to step into this argument as the non-party I am, and for a reason.

ObamaHatesAmerica-You ask where is the economic boom. Are you really uninformed enough to believe that something meant to save the life of something is supposed to "boom" it? Were the bailouts supposed to stop the bankruptcy because of the bad decisions of the CEO 1%ers running them, or was it supposed to make those industries boom? I'm pretty sure there was no "boom" in the agenda, only survival.

ShyGuy- I know from my eyes, not by rumor, that drug dealers are using EBT cards to trade for drugs. They buy food from Schwans (fine dining delivered to your home). They use multiple EBT cards in different peoples names. The workers are 100% commission so they won't turn them down. Also they can't turn them in because they don't know which name that person is, they don't and can't ask for ID.

My point in the political world is to inform everyone they are partyling wrong and partly right. But once you submit to a party you start thinking that you have to stand by anything that party stands for.

I hope everyone ends the party brain (all parties, not just the major ones) and starts researching EVERYTHING and deciding with their brains. Don't let anyone in power tell you what is right or wrong.

A couple of things. You took a giant leap from food stamps to the bank bailouts, which for the record I opposed. The rest of your post is irrelevant in that context.

Lastly, you assume I belong to a political party. I am a party of one. I see no use in any of the political parties as they are currently constituted. Don't get me wrong, I use to be a rah rah GOP member, but George Bush and the profligate spending GOP cured me of that right quick.
People who need food stamps wouldn't still be buying food.

What is a better use for money than preventing Americans from going hungry? :palm:

And stop creating straw men.

Of course they would. Either they would get the money from family, charity or god for bid a JOB. But, they wouldn't starve to death. Those are the false choices liberals always present to further their statist goals.

All of the worst totalitarians in history came to power offering to help the least fortunate among us and had useful idiots like liberals to help them along the way.

I definitely think it is important to help those less fortunate, I don't believe that trampling the rights of others to do so is the appropriate thing to do. That is why I support VOLUNTARY charity. Apparently, liberals are not charitable people because they always want to outsource their charity to the federal gobblement
Of course they would. Either they would get the money from family, charity or god for bid a JOB. But, they wouldn't starve to death. Those are the false choices liberals always present to further their statist goals.

All of the worst totalitarians in history came to power offering to help the least fortunate among us and had useful idiots like liberals to help them along the way.

I definitely think it is important to help those less fortunate, I don't believe that trampling the rights of others to do so is the appropriate thing to do. That is why I support VOLUNTARY charity. Apparently, liberals are not charitable people because they always want to outsource their charity to the federal gobblement

Keep lying to yourself retard. Food insecurity is real.
The more "socialism" that is pushed onto the American people, the closer this country will come to becoming what Europe thought it would be.
States will be come individual "countries", instead of a United 50 States.
Anti-Party, this is a transcript of the topic
“Reduce the trade deficit; increase GDP & median wage” first message;
(refer to )

Reduce the trade deficit increase GDP and median wage.
Warren Buffett’s concept to significantly reduce USA’s trade deficit.

It is not our global trade but our trade deficits’ that are a significant net detriment to our economy. Trade deficits’ amount of detriment to their nations’ GDPs are significantly larger than the deficits themselves.

I’m a proponent of a proposal to reduce USA’s trade deficit of goods that was first introduced to the Senate in 2006. This simple concept is not simplistic and is worthy of consideration.

The basic concept is for exporters who choose to pay the federal fees to acquire transferable IMPORT Certificates for the assessed value of their goods leaving the USA. Importers would be required to surrender IMPORT Certificates for the assessed value of their goods entering the USA. Surrendered certificates are cancelled.

This trade policy would significantly decrease USA’s trade deficit of goods and increase the aggregate sum of USA’s imports plus exports. It can be drafted to be completely self funding. It would not require any additional federal spending, taxes or debt and it effectively acts as an export subsidy.

The version of this trade policy I advocate would exclude values of specifically listed scarce or precious minerals integral to goods from goods assessed values.

Wage earning families benefit from cheaper imported goods but every day of every year they’re dependent upon their U.S. wages. Regardless of how small the additions to imports’ prices due to Import Certificates, (unlike tariffs) USA’s assessed imports could never exceed that of our exports. U.S. wage earners can have cheap (but not the absolute cheapest) imported goods. We cannot afford the absolute cheapest.

Google: Wikipedia, import certificates

Respectfully, Supposn
The more "socialism" that is pushed onto the American people, the closer this country will come to becoming what Europe thought it would be.
States will be come individual "countries", instead of a United 50 States.
In your dreams.

Odd how we socialize corporate losses, and privatize gains.
Anti-Party, this is a transcript of the topic
“Reduce the trade deficit; increase GDP & median wage” first message;
(refer to )

Reduce the trade deficit increase GDP and median wage.
Warren Buffett’s concept to significantly reduce USA’s trade deficit.

It is not our global trade but our trade deficits’ that are a significant net detriment to our economy. Trade deficits’ amount of detriment to their nations’ GDPs are significantly larger than the deficits themselves.

I’m a proponent of a proposal to reduce USA’s trade deficit of goods that was first introduced to the Senate in 2006. This simple concept is not simplistic and is worthy of consideration.

The basic concept is for exporters who choose to pay the federal fees to acquire transferable IMPORT Certificates for the assessed value of their goods leaving the USA. Importers would be required to surrender IMPORT Certificates for the assessed value of their goods entering the USA. Surrendered certificates are cancelled.

This trade policy would significantly decrease USA’s trade deficit of goods and increase the aggregate sum of USA’s imports plus exports. It can be drafted to be completely self funding. It would not require any additional federal spending, taxes or debt and it effectively acts as an export subsidy.

The version of this trade policy I advocate would exclude values of specifically listed scarce or precious minerals integral to goods from goods assessed values.

Wage earning families benefit from cheaper imported goods but every day of every year they’re dependent upon their U.S. wages. Regardless of how small the additions to imports’ prices due to Import Certificates, (unlike tariffs) USA’s assessed imports could never exceed that of our exports. U.S. wage earners can have cheap (but not the absolute cheapest) imported goods. We cannot afford the absolute cheapest.

Google: Wikipedia, import certificates

Respectfully, Supposn

Or we could dramatically reduce oil imports.
Horseshit! You ignore the fact that the world is now days a “GLOBAL ECONOMY.” Leftist don’t understand that this century is no longer 1945 to 1965 when America had it all going for America. The largest manufacturing base in the world by far. No national damage to reconstruct from past wars. A thriving free capitalistic market place with low taxes and few regulations. Nowhere else in the world was there such freedom and economic possibilities. There was little to no competition for America’s products.

Today, there are many countries with strong manufacturing bases, lower wages, few taxes And regulations. “COMPETITION” is now heavy duty globally. Therefore, businesses go where they can compete and profit and remain in business. America’s leftist have made America a poor choice for a manufacturing base. Environmental regulations, tons of other regulations and now the highest corporate taxes on earth. What idiot would want to operate a manufacturing facility in America when the rest of the world offers much greater oppertunity?

I totally agree!!! The “GOVERNMENT” is a bunch of “GREEDY” bastards making many suffer to empower themselves. Causing our manufacturing jobs to go offshore, putting Americans out of work and on unconstitutional federal welfare programs.

You have the right issue for your rage, you’re blaming the wrong culprit! But that’s typical of the left, they never think any issue through to its rational and logical conclusion, they’re BIG government lovers.

Fact is son, that “lower” tax rates bring more revenue into government a fact that leftist ignore and even deny.

So, instead we pamper them with video games and watch them become fat and stupid and have no idea what it is to get and keep a fucking job. Old folks will speak kindly of the days when they had the freedom and opportunity to go to work as a young lad of 10 or 12 years old to help support the family and how that experience taught them “individual responsibility” and a strong “work ethic.” Leftist America is a weak pussy-faced gang of whiners and bitchers!

That’s because you’re a BIG government lefty who has no understanding of economics, the power and necessity of profits and the freedom that “TRUE” capitalism affords its population. You have no concept that America is no longer the world’s manufacturing base because leftist politicians don’t know shit about “COMPETITION” and have taxed and regulated America’s manufacturing businesses out of America. But that’s perfectly typical of leftist. They are the economic idiots of the world. The actual agenda of the neo-communist left here in America is to bankrupt the nation and make as many of the nation’s minions reliant on government as possible They wish to create an old style Soviet Union communist regime here in America. They have one BIG problem. Americans will only stand for so much taxation and there are still millions of Americans that wish to maintain what liberty we have left and sooner or later the loony left will run out of other folks money and nobody will lend the bastards any more money and that’s when the shit will hit the fan and the leftist start crying about being fractured and in disarray just like the fascist right is today except even worse.

What goes around, comes around and lefties are digging a hole they’ll never be able to fill back in!

I think given its choice, businesses would rather manufacture here. The gobblement and left wing special interests just create too much of an anti labor environment.