The Insanity of Glenn Beck

The topic is stupid? Yes I agree. My post? Now I ask you..what is so stupid about it? Is it truth to say the very people who are appalled at the idea of a need for Oil are the same ones who depend on it every day? To dismiss at not worthy of response is shallow.. you are capable of better ....

I am sorry Klaat... however... I do not... support... random wars even if they do provide... economic benefit...
What a bunch of hypocrites!! You all sit hear typing away this bullshit on your petro based keyboards, Monitor Frame, Laptop frames whatever..., probably going to hop in that petro based vehicle and go grab a StarBucks... and pretend you are holier than thou... non contributors to the addiction of OverSea's Oil ....that your political wing has so much responsibilty for... your self denial.

You sit at your key boards and act as if you and your philosophy have nothing to do with the need for Oil from these Countries.. all the while preaching and banning us from Exploration on our own front. You fucking hyprocrites.

And then come in hear and act all surprised when Glen Beck admits the obvious... yes bottom line..we are fighting for Oil...

You fucking morons.... so blinded by your pretentious self loathing liberal fantasies...that you ignore the National Security Issues involved in securing Oil from this region of the Planet? Your politcal power plays have forced us into 70% importation of Oil... you fucking political whores!! And then come in come in here pretending that alternatives and solar energy can replace the need for foriegn oil... you fucking morons.



I understand your frustration with the constant bashing of those in the right wing party..... But GWB would have not become President of the United States if it weren't for alot of Democratic voters, voting for him....there has never been a majority of Republican voters....and Democratic voters should be upset with the Democratic voters that allowed all of the "right wing shennanigans" to permiate and go forward imo...and not the Right wing themselves....I expect them to be the way they are!!!!! :) :pke:

Having said that....

Every drop of oil that the usa has in its soil or off shore would not break the usa from needing and using Middle eastern oil....we do not have enough oil to supply ourselves for any length of time and NEVER WILL.....and the oil we do have is not easily refinable in our refineries, it is actually sold to others in many cases and our Oil guys buy the "light crude" from others is what i have read? Not that i even understand what all of that means but i think i understand enough of it....And in addition to this, it is not easily gotten to....our first oil well had to go down 8000 feet to reach oil, and the reports show that some of the oil in the gulf would need us to drill 28,000 feet under....this IS VERY COSTLY and ALMOST not worth doing UNLESS oil prices stay at the $120 a barrel price or near it....

When Clinton was in office oil was $10-$27 bucks MAX per wasn't feasable to drill in all the spots that are being talked about now, and be worth it for the oil companies is my interpretation and understanding?

And I might add that it is the Republicans in Florida that has lead the "no Drilling off the coast of florida" campaign and had the power and insider road to keep it off the table for the last 8 years....Jebb Bush said something to the effect that they would be drilling over his dead body if they did try to drill there....

Now, let's take this whole issue a little bit further....and let's think together on this Klaatu.....and I know you have supported a new movement of green of sorts... in our country to get us off of middle eastern oil....

Haven't seen you in a long time so I am not certain if your views on this have changed but let's assume you are still willing to think outside of the box regarding this as you used to try to do...

Don't you think if we had changed our cafe standards YEARS AGO, we would be in MUCH better shape now than what we are in?

If Cafe standards are changed, we would get an immediate affect with every single new car and truck and suv sold in our country....whereas drilling in the gulf or ANWR could take 10 years before the first drop comes out, and even THEN, THIS OIL THAT COMES OUT is put on the GLOBAL is not saved for us....even though our tax dollars helped pay for the geological suveys to find it and for drilling it....

This oil would have ONLY CONTINUED to fuel our need for MORE and more oil with a false sense of security in my opinion, and also a small drop in the bucket of oil if we continued to pursue this Oil dependent route...

Conservation gives us IMMEDIATE RESULTS, without spending a penny....this is the route we, as americans need to pursue FIRST, then alternative energies and fuel standards etc.....think green in all that we do, if it is feasably possible and cost effective....

We have 8% of the world's oil, we use 27% of the world's oil as a country...

THIS IS A HUGE Disparity and cannot ever be solved with us drilling for more oil....

ONLY a JFK going to the moon project, only in conservation and ingenuity regarding new types of energy can save us from ourselves, imho.



I am sorry Klaat... however... I do not... support... random wars even if they do provide... economic benefit...

Nor do I... but the blocking of new Refineries, building new nuke plants.. over the past 30 years (while our liberal role models France and The Swiss get 80% of their energy from Nuke Power) exploration of Oil off the coast and the Northern Slope... by our Elected Officials.... has forced us into this misery.
Nor do I... but the blocking of new Refineries, building new nuke plants.. over the past 30 years (while our liberal role models France and The Swiss get 80% of their energy from Nuke Power) exploration of Oil off the coast and the Northern Slope... by our Elected Officials.... has forced us into this misery.

I don't believe the French or the Swiss had a "Three Mile Island" scare themselves ....which made it easier for their citizens to accept, besides the fact that France is no bigger the new york state and switzerland no bigger than Georgia....or something like that.....

This was a problem with our government and the lack of insight on both the Democratic AND THE Republican side....Republicans had the majority rule in the congress for the last 14 years didn't they....? Where was their negotiating and compromising skills back trying to make some of this stuff happen and in convincing their fellow Congressmen and Senators that this was urgent and necessary?

Also, do you know what France is doing with their spent fuel? Do they just keep it on the site of the plants or does it have to travel 1200 miles across their country thru local towns and cities to get to a retaining spot?

And you envirowackos provide impetus for this 'war for oil' mentality by keeping new drilling sites in America off limits. Are you proud of yourselves? You're the MIC's very best friends.

Stop seeing things as left/right, republican/ democrat.
And you envirowackos provide impetus for this 'war for oil' mentality by keeping new drilling sites in America off limits. Are you proud of yourselvs.

Stop seeing things as left/right, republican/ democrat.

YOU know that what you just said is bullcrud! :)

First, no matter how much we drilled in the USA, oil is on a Global Market and would not affect us one iota.

we use 27% of the world's yearly oil, we have in reserves only 8% of the world's oil....

IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to drill our way out of this situation....Asshat, just impossible!

We would be better off to spend ALL OF THOSE TAX DOLLARS going to the oil companies as Corporate welfare.... on new, alternative, energy....including paying for every coal refinery to put in the clean coal technology and in turning coal to liquid crude....along with building nuke plants where we can and putting in Solar on all Government buildings....and better mass transit in all cities and surrounding suburbs....

We need to get OFF of oil and other wasteful acts, it is our only way to not be involved in the middle east imo.

YOU know that what you just said is bullcrud! :)

First, no matter how much we drilled in the USA, oil is on a Global Market and would not affect us one iota.
It's not bullcrud. We don't have to put oil on the international market. That's more globalist lies.
we use 27% of the world's yearly oil, we have in reserves only 8% of the world's oil....

IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to drill our way out of this situation....Asshat, just impossible!

We would be better off to spend ALL OF THOSE TAX DOLLARS going to the oil companies as Corporate welfare.... on new, alternative, energy....including paying for every coal refinery to put in the clean coal technology and in turning coal to liquid crude....along with building nuke plants where we can and putting in Solar on all Government buildings....and better mass transit in all cities and surrounding suburbs....

We need to get OFF of oil and other wasteful acts, it is our only way to not be involved in the middle east imo.


You're completely brainwashed. Your ignorance on this matter only helps oil companies keep gouging us. There are massive oil supplies in north america, kept off the market to keep prices high. The amount in north america would drastically lower prices EVEN IF we accept the lie that oil MUST be floated on an international market. Please stop being a petro-fascist shill.
Please get educated, Care.
What can we do? Conservation - like the improved fuel efficiency so beloved by environmentalists and politicians - can get us only so far. We need to tap our domestic supplies, too. This will not only offset price hikes caused by ever-growing global demand, it will reduce our dependence on imported oil and gas - a boost to national security.

The U.S. Minerals Management Service (a branch of the Interior Department) estimates 102 billion barrels of oil and 635 trillion cubic feet of gas beneath federal lands and coastal waters. By way of comparison, the reserves lying beneath the North Sea, a major source of oil for Europe, are believed to contain a total of 18 billion barrels of oil.

Geologists estimate that another 300 trillion cubic feet of gas and 50 billion barrels of oil are waiting, yet to be discovered, off the "Lower 48" states. The American Petroleum Institute (API) notes that this is enough oil to replace current imports from the Persian Gulf for 59 years.

Overall, experts estimate that the undiscovered resources on the federal Outer Continental Shelf that could be recovered with today's technology are some 420 trillion cubic feet of gas and 77 billion barrels of oil - as much oil as Canada and Mexico combined, and almost three times their gas resources. (Generally, the OCS begins three to nine nautical miles from shore, depending on the state, and extends 200 nautical miles outward.)

Yet almost 90 percent of the OCS acreage is off-limits to production - on essentailly spurious environmental grounds. With a peak output of 6 million barrels of oil a day in 1999, North Sea production has not caused environmental degradation; there is no reason to believe that OCS production would be any more environmentally damaging.
The fact that government is used to manipulate supply in this fashion makes it a joke when people say our nation is based on free trade. Our nation is based on fascism.
Please get educated, Care.

I don't need someone else, that is "part" of this ridiculous game, educating me Asshat, and I am not speaking about you....

IF IT was possible to pull it all up out of the ground ALL AT ONCE AND IF it is really THERE,.....sure it can supply us, note your article said "yet to be discovered" fo 59 years, BUT IT WON'T, because it is NOT Nationalized oil, it is Global oil on a global market to be sold globally to the highest bidder....
seems to me it is you that should educate yourself, but I would NEVER be so rude to imply such to you..... :pke:


We will always need oil, that is a fact.

If not for transportation, then in many of the products we buy.

So why not drill here in America so that we can be self-sufficient?

Drilling is not the long-term solution. However, drilling oil here at home, building new refineries, and loosening regulations on the oil companies will result in a significant drop in oil prices, and consequently, the cost of gasoline.
I don't need someone else, that is "part" of this ridiculous game, educating me Asshat, and I am not speaking about you....

IF IT was possible to pull it all up out of the ground ALL AT ONCE AND IF it is really THERE,.....sure it can supply us, note your article said "yet to be discovered" fo 59 years, BUT IT WON'T, because it is NOT Nationalized oil, it is Global oil on a global market to be sold globally to the highest bidder....
seems to me it is you that should educate yourself, but I would NEVER be so rude to imply such to you..... :pke:


Why would it be impossible to pull out of the ground? YOu sound like an idiot.

And we do NOT have to sell on the internationl market. And EVEN IF WE DID, the amount is so vast it would lower the world price of oil drastically.

There is no intellectual merit to your side. You know, pelosi own a lot of oil stock. So do lots of the envirowackos who insist beyond all reason that we "can't drill our way out of this". Oil shareholders have a vested interest in keeping prices high, and your idoicy only assists their market manipulation.

I dont care If I'm rude, this issue is too important to let idiocy prevail.
Why would it be impossible to pull out of the ground? YOu sound like an idiot.

And we do NOT have to sell on the internationl market. And EVEN IF WE DID, the amount is so vast it would lower the world price of oil drastically.

There is no intellectual merit to your side. You know, pelosi own a lot of oil stock. So do lots of the envirowackos who insist beyond all reason that we "can't drill our way out of this". Oil shareholders have a vested interest in keeping prices high, and your idoicy only assists their market manipulation.

I dont care If I'm rude, this issue is too important to let idiocy prevail.

It is not impossible to pull it out of the gulf, it is costly to bring it out of the gulf where it lies 28,000 feet under sea level...

When would it lower the price of oil?


The huge oild find of Brazil.....the largest find in recent decades, did not affect the market what so ever, in fact, oil has gone up $40 bucks a barrel since the find....and the same with the huge Caspean sea finds, they mean NOTHING....when it comes to prices today, and prices tomorrow will STILL BE HIGH because of China's usage and planned increases with their citizens now having the money to buy and own cars....

More oil will not solve our problems....

Oil is sold globally, the oil brought up will not be ours, even though it is our land that the oil companies lease from us....we don't even get a "cut" of it, as Alaskan's royalty checks...we actually PAY the oil companies to explore, to drill and to bring it up and then still don't get a cut of it, or a discount, before it goes on the Global market for them to sell and make a profit off of.... :(

It is not impossible to pull it out of the gulf, it is costly to bring it out of the gulf where it lies 28,000 feet under sea level...
It's not impossible to pull out of anywhere.
When would it lower the price of oil?

What do you base this idiotic conclusion from?
The huge oild find of Brazil.....the largest find in recent decades, did not affect the market what so ever, in fact, oil has gone up $40 bucks a barrel since the find....and the same with the huge Caspean sea finds, they mean NOTHING....when it comes to prices today, and prices tomorrow will STILL BE HIGH because of China's usage and planned increases with their citizens now having the money to buy and own cars....
You can't say that. Perhaps it would have gone up MORE without that find.
More oil will not solve our problems....
An assinine statement based on you being brainwashed, having nothing to do with reality.
Oil is sold globally, the oil brought up will not be ours, even though it is our land that the oil companies lease from us....we don't even get a "cut" of it, as Alaskan's royalty checks...we actually PAY the oil companies to explore, to drill and to bring it up and then still don't get a cut of it, or a discount, before it goes on the Global market for them to sell and make a profit off of.... :(


It doesn't have to be sold globally, and EVEN IF IT WERE, the amount we have in north america that you envirowackos are helping the oil companies keep off the market WOULD CERTAINLY effect oil prices.

We can change any and all of these factors. Bottom line: the oil is there and monied interests are keeping of the market to keep prices artificially high.
And don't get me wrong, I'm all for the oil companies drilling for more oil on our land that we feel as a country, is possible to use....we opened up millions of acres for them to drill in South Dakota, and Montana etc and the Big oil companies have not even bothered to drill there and pull up the oil, so tiny little entrepaneur oil businesses are taking a shot at it and making million off the little they can bring up under their small operations....

also, if it is anywhere in the gulf that is closer to Texas, I don't have a problem with it, but I do for Florida, because they rely on their beaches and tourism and fishing and shrimping etc for their citizen livelyhood....

ANWR is national land and if there is new and improved methods of drilling along with a lesser impact on the region with a newer, eco road system to get there, I don't have a problem drilling there....BUT I WANT TO GET a Royalty on the oil they bring up, in a monthly or yearly check, because it is MY OIL, and YOUR OIL....we own it....

Though, before accepting all of this in ANWR, I would expect the oil companies to drill for oil on the land that we have made available to them first, before giving up even more National land that I own as a citizen.... ;)

And we gave the oil refineries the option to build oil refineries on any of our owned land where Military bases once stood, they still have refused to build one....THEY DON'T WANT TO BUILD ANY, because it would make them less profitable, having fewer refineries allows for them to make more of a profit because it keeps supply down, even with demand up....

it makes no difference if American based oil companies are drilling in Anwr or drilling in Iraq, we don't "just get to take or keep the oil", it is sold by them, to the highest bidder.

also, with proper measures and with a SOLID plan on how to handle the spent nuke fuel rods, I have no problem with building more nuclear power plants....

and on a side note:

Water is our next big shortage to look for....we should be building salin water to drinking water plants all on our shores now, before it becomes the next new, death of us....
And don't get me wrong, I'm all for the oil companies drilling for more oil on our land that we feel as a country, is possible to use....
Feelings should be left out of it.
we opened up millions of acres for them to drill in South Dakota, and Montana etc and the Big oil companies have not even bothered to drill there and pull up the oil, so tiny little entrepaneur oil businesses are taking a shot at it and making million off the little they can bring up under their small operations....
This is irrelevant. The fact remains that vast resources are kept off limits for no rational reason.
also, if it is anywhere in the gulf that is closer to Texas, I don't have a problem with it, but I do for Florida, because they rely on their beaches and tourism and fishing and shrimping etc for their citizen livelyhood....
Their tourism will be fine. The alleged "environmental impact" is minimal.
ANWR is national land and if there is new and improved methods of drilling along with a lesser impact on the region with a newer, eco road system to get there, I don't have a problem drilling there....BUT I WANT TO GET a Royalty on the oil they bring up, in a monthly or yearly check, because it is MY OIL, and YOUR OIL....we own it....
It's a barren tundra. The amount it would lower gas prices would be like a check in the mail.
Though, before accepting all of this in ANWR, I would expect the oil companies to drill for oil on the land that we have made available to them first, before giving up even more National land that I own as a citizen.... ;)
There's no oil there.
And we gave the oil refineries the option to build oil refineries on any of our owned land where Military bases once stood, they still have refused to build one....THEY DON'T WANT TO BUILD ANY, because it would make them less profitable, having fewer refineries allows for them to make more of a profit because it keeps supply down, even with demand up....
You think you're hurting oil companies, but actually you're HELPING THEM and screwing the american people at the same time.
it makes no difference if American based oil companies are drilling in Anwr or drilling in Iraq, we don't "just get to take or keep the oil", it is sold by them, to the highest bidder.
We do have first dibs on our own nataional resources, despite the globalist lies you've been brainwashed with.
also, with proper measures and with a SOLID plan on how to handle the spent nuke fuel rods, I have no problem with building more nuclear power plants....

and on a side note:

Water is our next big shortage to look for....we should be building salin water to drinking water plants all on our shores now, before it becomes the next new, death of us....

Ok. We agree on nukes and sure, desalination plants, but you really need to get your head together on the other issues. You've become a pawn for fascists. Do you really care?
Feelings should be left out of it.

This is irrelevant. The fact remains that vast resources are kept off limits for no rational reason.

Their tourism will be fine. The alleged "economic impact" is minimal.

It's a barren tundra. The amount it would lower gas prices would be like a check in the mail.

There's no oil there.

You think you're hurting oil companies, but actually you're HELPING THEM and screwing the american people at the same time.

We do have first dibs on our own nataional resources, despite the globalist lies you've been brainwashed with.

Ok. We agree on nukes and sure, desalination plants, but you really need to get your head together on the other issues. You've become a pawn for fascists. Do you really care?

The oil companies are NOT pushing this issue to drill off the coast....the word is that it is too costly, drilling 28000 feet down in the ocean bed to get to it...if it is less costly for them to pull the oil up out of Iraq instead of the Gulf, then guess what? They are going to be drilling for oil out of Iraq, NOT the gulf bed....because they would make less profit off of oil in the Gulf...

With President Bush's plan and Cheney's plan to go in to Iraq to "secure" Iraqi oil for Americans, there is little incentive for the oil companies to be even interested in drilling in the gulf and this is the position the big oil companies have taken on this...because it is a Global Market and they are in this for PROFITS not for the American Citizen....

Oil prices WILL NOT GO DOWN, if this is why you are so crazed over this, you are playing the part of the Political Pawn.....

Nationlize oil and we may be having a different discussion....but we are not talking about such....

Besides the fact that this whole oil price rise is manufactured thru manipulation of Banks/Speculators....just as they did with Realestate and just as they did with the DOT coms, and just as Enron did with is a bubble that does not relate to supply or demand, of the present or of the future.... The financial institutions have manufactured this bubble to try to make up for their losses with the real estate bubble....pure manipulation is driving this, with a little bit of honest speculation on futures...

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The oil companies are NOT pushing this issue to drill off the coast....the word is that it is too costly, drilling 28000 feet down in the ocean bed to get to it...if it is less costly for them to pull the oil up out of Iraq instead of the Gulf, then guess what? They are going to be drilling for oil out of Iraq, NOT the gulf bed....because they would make less profit off of oil in the Gulf...
Are they figuring in the costs to the american taxpayer and soldiers of all the WARS necessary to keep that oil cheap. You know. Externalized Costs. You should factors those in. Are you really on board with "blood for oil" campaign? See how your actually ARE on board with that?
With President Bush's plan and Cheney's plan to go in to Iraq to "secure" Iraqi oil for Americans, there is little incentive for the oil companies to be even interested in drilling in the gulf and this is the position the big oil companies have taken on this...because it is a Global Market and they are in this for PROFITS not for the American Citizen....
And keeping our local deposits off the market provided impetus for their argument. You're helping the Bush /cheney war for oil you claim to be against.
Oil prices WILL NOT GO DOWN, if this is why you are so crazed over this, you are playing the part of the Political Pawn.....
What do you base that on? It is completely irrational.
Nationlize oil and we may be having a different discussion....but we are not talking about such....
We don't have to nationalize oil to get first dibs on our local resources. You resorting to these false dichotomies and extremist statement indicates the intellectual paucity of your position.
Besides the fact that this whole oil price rise is manufactured thru manipulation of Banks/Speculators...
and the idiocy of the envirowacko mindset that ALSO KEEP PRICES HIGH.
.just as they did with Realestate and just as they did with the DOT coms, and just as Enron did with is a bubble that does not relate to supply of demand, of the present or of the future.... The financial institutions have manufactured this bubble to try to make up for their losses with the real estate bubble....pure manipulation is driving this, with a little bit of honest speculation on futures...


And you help them with your stupidity. The massive amounts of resources that are illegal to get is a huge manipulation. Your refusal to see your part of this indicates either extreme stupidity, or great evil on your part.
Nor do I... but the blocking of new Refineries, building new nuke plants.. over the past 30 years (while our liberal role models France and The Swiss get 80% of their energy from Nuke Power) exploration of Oil off the coast and the Northern Slope... by our Elected Officials.... has forced us into this misery.

Old nuke plants were a tad bit dangerous.

But in the modern world a meltdown is all but impossible. I fully support nuclear power as a way to cut greenhouse gas emissions, and I honestly hope Greens everywhere will come to their senses too.

Also, we need serious investment in hydroelectric.

We can't make up the foreign oil difference by drilling. It would make a small amount of difference 10 years to late.

We will always need oil, that is a fact.

If not for transportation, then in many of the products we buy.

So why not drill here in America so that we can be self-sufficient?

Drilling is not the long-term solution. However, drilling oil here at home, building new refineries, and loosening regulations on the oil companies will result in a significant drop in oil prices, and consequently, the cost of gasoline.


If we will always need oil we're going to be pretty fucked in 150 years.