The Insanity of Glenn Beck


I understand your frustration with the constant bashing of those in the right wing party..... But GWB would have not become President of the United States if it weren't for alot of Democratic voters, voting for him....there has never been a majority of Republican voters....and Democratic voters should be upset with the Democratic voters that allowed all of the "right wing shennanigans" to permiate and go forward imo...and not the Right wing themselves....I expect them to be the way they are!!!!! :) :pke:

Having said that....

Every drop of oil that the usa has in its soil or off shore would not break the usa from needing and using Middle eastern oil....we do not have enough oil to supply ourselves for any length of time and NEVER WILL.....and the oil we do have is not easily refinable in our refineries, it is actually sold to others in many cases and our Oil guys buy the "light crude" from others is what i have read? Not that i even understand what all of that means but i think i understand enough of it....And in addition to this, it is not easily gotten to....our first oil well had to go down 8000 feet to reach oil, and the reports show that some of the oil in the gulf would need us to drill 28,000 feet under....this IS VERY COSTLY and ALMOST not worth doing UNLESS oil prices stay at the $120 a barrel price or near it....


Care none of this is a good enough excuse not to drill for Oil ... on our turf...., or build refinieries on our Turf.... , or Build Nuke Plants on our Turf..., or increase exploration of liquid coal. Or... fast track the development of Bio Fuels and build more Solar Panal manufacturing facilities and require Sun Belt municiple buildings to use them. These are all great things that American Politicians (right and left) are getting in the way of ... they need to get out of the way... plain and simple...

We will always need oil, that is a fact.

If not for transportation, then in many of the products we buy.

So why not drill here in America so that we can be self-sufficient?

Drilling is not the long-term solution. However, drilling oil here at home, building new refineries, and loosening regulations on the oil companies will result in a significant drop in oil prices, and consequently, the cost of gasoline.

we are drilling here in america....who's not drilling here thornicus....? there are SOME areas that are off limits to drill, but i would venture to say that 70% of America is readily available for the oil companies to drill on....

We have recently, within the last few years, opened up MILLIONS of acres of Nationally owned land for them to drill on that has good promise with oil, as I mentioned earlier, they just ain't biting! Smaller oil companies have taken on the task though....

Maybe I don't understand the whole "global Oil Market" and global price for oil that all of us pay?

But these are oil corporations, whose stock is sold on the stock market, and can be bought by anyone in the world who wants to buy it... the American owned companies....and I am not certain how you THINK and others THINK that this oil that they recover out of the Gulf is going to be sold to Americans over another country that may be willing to give them more money for it or something like that....?

the corps are out to make a buck, and are not obligated to sell the oil they recover, to us... unless you write in to law somehow that we NO LONGER believe in a FREE MARKET and our government demands that the oil companies sell our oil back to us? or Nationalize our own oil?

And frankly, I can't see this could convince me I am wrong if you can show how we could make them keep the oil they recover in our own country's hands...

In addition to this, I recently heard the oil companies on C-span in a Congressional hearing on this..... not too excited about getting the chance to drill in the gulf....because they think the oil is 28k feet down, something that is very COSTLY to recover....and in my personal opinion, they HAVE THEIR HANDS FULL with pulling the oil out of the ground in Iraq....alot of it, easily gotten to compared to drilling in the depths of the Gulf.....

I don't have a problem with drilling in America, I don't have a problem with building new also mentioned our govt has opened up all usa military bases that they have closed, and made them available for refineries to be built and opened WITHOUT any enviro concerns...

THEY STILL refused to build any....they will not build any because it makes them LESS PROFITABLE to have more refineries....our supply would be toooo easily gotten and prices would fall....THEY do not want this....

one reason to nationalize the oil refineries, not the oil companies, but some refineries should be built by our gvt, because the refinery industry will not build any....and this extends from deregulation and the merging or severl oil refinery companies in to just a handful of them.....less one to compete with...keeping supply low while demand is high keeps prices high, profits better for them....

I don't have a problem with Nuclear power either....

All with some caveats, but NONE that could not be overcome with a little negotiation! :)

I thoroughly understand how holding back on areas for them to drill on might contribute to the hysteria I see by some political pros, but ALL OF THOSE IN THE KNOW on this subject and economists specializing in oil, SAY that oil prices WILL NOT GO DOWN because of allowing the oil companies to explore and drill offshore or in least not a price drop now to in the near future because of it...

And oil refinery corps. will not build alot more refineries either....they don't want to....NOT BECAUSE OF all of these environmental laws as they have convinced you and others of, so they can MASK their true intentions, WHICH is NOT to build more refineries so they can get more money and become more profitable....

The refinery corporations do not want to build more refineries and the oil companies do not want to drill for more oil here in the usa BUT they have fabricated this RIFT between the environmentalists and oil hungry drillers, so that NO ONE IS PAYING ATTENTION TO THEM...they don't WANT more refineries and they don't want to drill in the Gulf is what I see....

I realize many products are oil byproducts, but this is not where our major consumption lies...we pull up more than enough oil in our own country to supply those kinds of needs...

The price of oil could drop immediately if we started conserving immediately some reducing our demand....but I am even finding that this is not driving the price down either, even though our consumption has been reduced greatly through conservation that we have done recently as citizens, mainly cuz we can't afford the stuff anymore.... :( but prices went up....regardless, and am told this is because it is on a global market, and even though our consumption of oil is down, another country like China's is up?

Time to "get off" of oil as our main energy source, time to do this is now, yesterday really! No more war for oil....we use more oil when at war than we do when not at war.....

I realize that this can not be done overnight....the only thing that can be done overnight is cutting our own personal use of reduce demand, this should be the same affect that drilling more would bring on the supply/demand scales....(though as said earlier, it hasn't...thus my reasoning on speculator manipulation is what is causing the great disparities and lack of sense in the huge price rises, without the same level of demand rise or future demand rise):(


I don't have a problem with drilling in America, I don't have a problem with building new also mentioned our govt has opened up all usa military bases that they have closed, and made them available for refineries to be built and opened WITHOUT any enviro concerns...

THEY STILL refused to build any....they will not build any because it makes them LESS PROFITABLE to have more refineries....our supply would be toooo easily gotten and prices would fall....THEY do not want this....

This theory would work if it were a monolithic "they" but it's not a monopoly. If one oil company keeps higher prices on purposes the others just undercut them - and make huge profits in the process. You're economic theory is ridiculously simplistic and frankly no good at all. It's like whenever you said that shoe companies destroy shoes to drive up the prices - it's patently absurd, because they could just make less than they need. But if they made less than they needed, they'd make less profits. They couldn't raise prices - because of their competitors. Its not only supply and demand, there is competition.
we are drilling here in america....who's not drilling here thornicus....? there are SOME areas that are off limits to drill, but i would venture to say that 70% of America is readily available for the oil companies to drill on....
Funny how the areas WITH VAST RESOURCE are off limits though. You can't be this stupid.
We have recently, within the last few years, opened up MILLIONS of acres of Nationally owned land for them to drill on that has good promise with oil, as I mentioned earlier, they just ain't biting! Smaller oil companies have taken on the task though....
But again, known vast resources are kept off limits for no rational reason.
Maybe I don't understand the whole "global Oil Market" and global price for oil that all of us pay?
Maybe you do. Maybe you don't.
But these are oil corporations, whose stock is sold on the stock market, and can be bought by anyone in the world who wants to buy it... the American owned companies....and I am not certain how you THINK and others THINK that this oil that they recover out of the Gulf is going to be sold to Americans over another country that may be willing to give them more money for it or something like that....?
It's not just the gulf. It's many areas. We have first dibs on our resources. It's simply a myth that resources MUST be sold on an international market. If hugo chavez can provide cheap oil for his people, we certainly can too. He just isn't that special.
the corps are out to make a buck, and are not obligated to sell the oil they recover, to us... unless you write in to law somehow that we NO LONGER believe in a FREE MARKET and our government demands that the oil companies sell our oil back to us? or Nationalize our own oil?
You sound like an idiotic neocon zealot now. This is why I call those as stupid as you Enviro-fascists.
And frankly, I can't see this could convince me I am wrong if you can show how we could make them keep the oil they recover in our own country's hands...
It's called. JUST KEEP IT.
In addition to this, I recently heard the oil companies on C-span in a Congressional hearing on this..... not too excited about getting the chance to drill in the gulf....because they think the oil is 28k feet down, something that is very COSTLY to recover....and in my personal opinion, they HAVE THEIR HANDS FULL with pulling the oil out of the ground in Iraq....alot of it, easily gotten to compared to drilling in the depths of the Gulf.....
There are other areas besides the gulf. If you read the facts I posted, you won't be as stupid anymore.
I don't have a problem with drilling in America, I don't have a problem with building new also mentioned our govt has opened up all usa military bases that they have closed, and made them available for refineries to be built and opened WITHOUT any enviro concerns...

THEY STILL refused to build any....they will not build any because it makes them LESS PROFITABLE to have more refineries....our supply would be toooo easily gotten and prices would fall....THEY do not want this....
And irrationally keeping vast resources off limits for bogus environmental concerns achieves the same price manipulation. You must be deeply invested in oil stock to be this committed this set of aberrations in rationality.
one reason to nationalize the oil refineries, not the oil companies, but some refineries should be built by our gvt, because the refinery industry will not build any....and this extends from deregulation and the merging or severl oil refinery companies in to just a handful of them.....less one to compete with...keeping supply low while demand is high keeps prices high, profits better for them....
And irrationally keeping vast resources off limits for bogus environmental concerns achieves the same price manipulation.
I don't have a problem with Nuclear power either....

All with some caveats, but NONE that could not be overcome with a little negotiation! :)

I thoroughly understand how holding back on areas for them to drill on might contribute to the hysteria I see by some political pros, but ALL OF THOSE IN THE KNOW on this subject and economists specializing in oil, SAY that oil prices WILL NOT GO DOWN because of allowing the oil companies to explore and drill offshore or in least not a price drop now to in the near future because of it...
Those same experts are the same ones benefitting from high prices. Supply and demand are simple concepts. It is simply irrational to believe that the amount of off limits resources would not lower the price. Frankly, it's absurd to state.
And oil refinery corps. will not build alot more refineries either....they don't want to....NOT BECAUSE OF all of these environmental laws as they have convinced you and others of, so they can MASK their true intentions, WHICH is NOT to build more refineries so they can get more money and become more profitable....
And irrationally keeping vast resources off limits for bogus environmental concerns achieves the same price manipulation.
The refinery corporations do not want to build more refineries and the oil companies do not want to drill for more oil here in the usa BUT they have fabricated this RIFT between the environmentalists and oil hungry drillers, so that NO ONE IS PAYING ATTENTION TO THEM...they don't WANT more refineries and they don't want to drill in the Gulf is what I see....
There are many areas besides the gulf that have vast resources. Think about some of them for once.
I realize many products are oil byproducts, but this is not where our major consumption lies...we pull up more than enough oil in our own country to supply those kinds of needs...
What do the different uses have to do with this discussion? You're bordering on retarded.
The price of oil could drop immediately if we started conserving immediately some reducing our demand....but I am even finding that this is not driving the price down either, even though our consumption has been reduced greatly through conservation that we have done recently as citizens, mainly cuz we can't afford the stuff anymore.... :( but prices went up....regardless, and am told this is because it is on a global market, and even though our consumption of oil is down, another country like China's is up?

Time to "get off" of oil as our main energy source, time to do this is now, yesterday really! No more war for oil....we use more oil when at war than we do when not at war.....

I realize that this can not be done overnight....the only thing that can be done overnight is cutting our own personal use of reduce demand, this should be the same affect that drilling more would bring on the supply/demand scales....(though as said earlier, it hasn't...thus my reasoning on speculator manipulation is what is causing the great disparities and lack of sense in the huge price rises, without the same level of demand rise or future demand rise):(


We should conserve AND exploit all national reserves. Your way keeps the pressure on that drives the Wars for oil you claim to be against. You're deeply committed to your own absurdity. Why?
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I don't have a problem with drilling in America, I don't have a problem with building new also mentioned our govt has opened up all usa military bases that they have closed, and made them available for refineries to be built and opened WITHOUT any enviro concerns...

THEY STILL refused to build any....they will not build any because it makes them LESS PROFITABLE to have more refineries....our supply would be toooo easily gotten and prices would fall....THEY do not want this....

This theory would work if it were a monolithic "they" but it's not a monopoly. If one oil company keeps higher prices on purposes the others just undercut them - and make huge profits in the process. You're economic theory is ridiculously simplistic and frankly no good at all. It's like whenever you said that shoe companies destroy shoes to drive up the prices - it's patently absurd, because they could just make less than they need. But if they made less than they needed, they'd make less profits. They couldn't raise prices - because of their competitors. Its not only supply and demand, there is competition.

What you say is WHAT IS SUPPOSE TO HAPPEN in theory....but when there are only a handfull of big oil and gas companies due to deregulation and MEGA MERGERS, that service the entire USA, where each is dominant in their ownregion of the united states, it is a monopoly of sorts in that specific region....this is what I have read, has addition to this, there is communication in an email of oil company heads discussing how THEY DID NOT NEED to build more refineries because IF THEY DID they would be less profitable...they are in cohoots together, the handful, because all of their companies benefit, and because oil/gas is a necessity, a commodity that can't be lived without....they have a guaranteed customer....

When situations are as described, the workings of a "normal" supply and demmand scenario, or letting the "free" market work....DOESN'T WORK.

What you say is WHAT IS SUPPOSE TO HAPPEN in theory....but when there are only a handfull of big oil and gas companies due to deregulation and MEGA MERGERS, that service the entire USA, where each is dominant in their ownregion of the united states, it is a monopoly of sorts in that specific region....this is what I have read, has addition to this, there is communication in an email of oil company heads discussing how THEY DID NOT NEED to build more refineries because IF THEY DID they would be less profitable...they are in cohoots together, the handful, because all of their companies benefit, and because oil/gas is a necessity, a commodity that can't be lived without....they have a guaranteed customer....

When situations are as described, the workings of a "normal" supply and demmand scenario, or letting the "free" market work....DOESN'T WORK.


Then it's acting in cartel, and if it's acting in cartel a suit needs to be brought against them.

And everyone knows the Bush administration isn't going to do that.