The Jew Hating white lib LEFT ban Pro Israel speakers at Berkeley - Jew free zones

Zionism is a political ideology/movement, not a race; so, it is not the same as banning blacks.

How can it be discrimination to ban a Muslim or Christian because that is religion; Title VI protects "race, color, or national origin." Other sections of the law include religion, but not Title VI.

It doesn't have to be a verbal agreement to ban Jews, they may just have other speakers they prefer to hear (although it was obviously written in this case).
IMO, that doesn't matter to White Supremacists and their supporters.

Why do White Supremacists, Pedo Nazis and Christian Nationalists hate Jews? It's simple scapegoating.

As one of the world's most widespread minorities*, Jews are one of the most scapegoated groups in history. There have been lots of groups scapegoated but all seemed to pass except for Jews: Gypsies in Europe, anyone not English in the US, especially Irish and Italians, are more recent examples. Hard to believe the bigotry against Irish and Italians has passed, but there are those who still hate Jews.

Social scapegoating is a psychological condition with some common causes.
  • Scapegoating has been explained in terms of Freud's theory of displaced aggression. Other researchers have identified factors that make certain groups more likely to be scapegoated than others.
  • Scapegoating has occurred throughout history to numerous groups, often triggered by a distressing event and as a means to justify discrimination or mass-murder.

Understanding why losers and other lowlifes scapegoat people is not the same as condoning their actions. Understanding is one of the first steps to finding solutions to problems.

*Sane, educated and/or intelligent people know about the Jewish Diaspora.
Zionism is a political ideology/movement, not a race; so, it is not the same as banning blacks.

How can it be discrimination to ban a Muslim or Christian because that is religion; Title VI protects "race, color, or national origin." Other sections of the law include religion, but not Title VI.

It doesn't have to be a verbal agreement to ban Jews, they may just have other speakers they prefer to hear (although it was obviously written in this case).


Trump's EO expanded Title VI to include Zionists.

The White lib Nazis can ban the pro Israel "speeches" but they can't ban pro Israel people.

Trump's EO expanded Title VI to include Zionists.

The White lib Nazis can ban the pro Israel "speeches" but they can't ban pro Israel people.

The EO seems like a violation of free speech rights. It prohibits expressions of political opposition.

"The left-leaning Jewish group J-Street said in a statement that the order "appears designed less to combat anti-Semitism than to have a chilling effect on free speech and to crack down on campus critics of Israel."

J-Street adds that "we feel it is misguided and harmful for the White House to unilaterally declare a broad range of nonviolent campus criticism of Israel to be anti-Semitic, especially at a time when the prime driver of anti-Semitism in this country is the xenophobic, white nationalist far-right."
The EO seems like a violation of free speech rights. It prohibits expressions of political opposition.

"The left-leaning Jewish group J-Street said in a statement that the order "appears designed less to combat anti-Semitism than to have a chilling effect on free speech and to crack down on campus critics of Israel."

J-Street adds that "we feel it is misguided and harmful for the White House to unilaterally declare a broad range of nonviolent campus criticism of Israel to be anti-Semitic, especially at a time when the prime driver of anti-Semitism in this country is the xenophobic, white nationalist far-right."

I don't think so. It does not ban political speech, IMO.

Yep, the Left is anti Israel.

And Jews know if they publicly support this EO, ... they will become even bigger targets of Leftwing hate.

Even Schumer admitted he was terrified of getting on the wrong side of the U.S. gov't. Jews have had bad experiences with a national socialist party before.

We will have to see how the courts interpret the law, ... or see if Brandon repeals the EO.
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Both the Muslims and the Jews rebelled against British rule. The mandate was always temporary.

There were very few Jews to 'rebel' . Of course the Arabs objected. It was their country.

Squatters? ... why should the Jews be the only ones that have to obey the U.N. rules??? ... the Muslims never have.

Invent whatever spurious objections you wish- the occupation is illegal and the Jewish squatters have to go. Many of them will be going to jail- as they're murderers as well as thieves.
There were very few Jews to 'rebel' . Of course the Arabs objected. It was their country.

Invent whatever spurious objections you wish- the occupation is illegal and the Jewish squatters have to go. Many of them will be going to jail- as they're murderers as well as thieves.

So you are saying the Jews are just better fighters. Clearly, you know they rebelled against Brit rule, too.

The Muslims lost WWI. It was no longer their country, the Ottoman Empire.

Rules for thee, not for me. Muslims send rockets and terrorists, ... the Jews send farmers. :dunno:
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I don't think so. It does not ban political speech, IMO.

Yep, the Left is anti Israel.

And Jews know if they publicly support this EO, ... they will become even bigger targets of Leftwing hate.

Even Schumer admitted he was terrified of getting on the wrong side of the U.S. gov't. Jews have had bad experiences with a national socialist party before.

We will have to see how the courts interpret the law, ... or see if Brandon repeals the EO.

The Palenstinian-Israeli issue is political speech (public issue). You can't ban free speech even if it is not a public issue unless there is a compelling state interest. Pro-Palestinians are leftists but most Democrats are pro Israel and most Jews vote Democratic. Biden knows Jews support the Democrats (64% Dem v. 26% Rep).
So you are saying the Jews are just better fighters. Clearly, you know they rebelled against Brit rule, too.

The first Zionist invaders were well-armed and organized, many of them battle-hardened participants in WW2- the complete opposite of the indigenous Palestinians.

The Muslims lost WWI. It was no longer their country, the Ottoman Empire.

The Zionists didn't have a country at all. Political movements are funny like that.
As it didn't have an army - it being occupied by the British- they were on a level of throwing melons at the Zionist terror gangs.

Rules for thee, not for me. Muslims send rockets and terrorists, ... the Jews send farmers. :dunno:

Now you're being silly. Palestine was well-farmed and blooming before the pseudo-Jewish trash arrived
The first Zionist invaders were well-armed and organized, many of them battle-hardened participants in WW2- the complete opposite of the indigenous Palestinians.

Well armed? ... that's subjective. Battle hardened? ... not only had the Muslims been warring with the Jews for decades prior to Statehood, ... there was the Great Palestine Revolt against the well armed British from '36 to '39.

The Zionists didn't have a country at all. Political movements are funny like that.
As it didn't have an army - it being occupied by the British- they were on a level of throwing melons at the Zionist terror gangs.

No country? True.
Now you're being silly.

Now you're being silly. Palestine was well-farmed and blooming before the pseudo-Jewish trash arrived

I have read just the opposite. That in 1920, West Palestine was mostly undeveloped desert, and a nomadic lifestyle was still prevalent among the few Muslims that lived there.

Anyway, the "Invaders(migrants)" have won every war, ... war after war, after war.

Maybe you should wage a war against China for its enslavement of a million Wigurs. There are so many other human rights battles, like the treatment of women as second class citizens in Muslim theocracies. Just sayin'.
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Because they don't want their children to marry non-Jews does not make them a race. Keeping a bloodline pure does not constitute a race.

You retarded fuck; Absolutely it does.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, but you're a fucking retard and just proved it.
Because with intermariage the offspring more then not wind up as a goy and lost to the Jewish people

On Intermarriage
The Basis for the Jewish Opposition to Intermarriage

The Basis
The primary source upon which the prohibition for a Jew to marry a non-Jew is based is to be found in the Bible (Deut. 7:3): "You shall not marry them (the gentiles, about which the Bible speaks in the previous verses), you shall not give your daughter to their son and you shall not take his daughter for your son."

The reason for this prohibition is clearly spelled out in the following verse: "Because he will lead your son astray from Me and they will serve strange gods…" ("Strange gods" can also be interpreted to mean those ideals and ‘isms’ that do not conform to the dictates of the Torah, and before which one bows his head and dedicates his heart and soul.)

It is clear then, that we are not dealing here with racial discrimination which is borne of a personal and subjective attitude that the Jew has vis-à-vis the gentile. What we are talking about here is an objective, Divine command that is accompanied by an explanation. If your son will marry a non-Jewish woman, the children born of this union are no longer considered to be your children. In the event that your daughter marries a non-Jew, inevitably your grandchildren will stray very far from the path of Judaism even though they will still be considered Jewish.


That's why Jews are a race, brah. And that's OK by me. :dunno:

You sure ain't no pureblood Jew, dumbfuck.
So you are saying the Jews are just better fighters. Clearly, you know they rebelled against Brit rule, too.

The Muslims lost WWI. It was no longer their country, the Ottoman Empire.

Rules for thee, not for me. Muslims send rockets and terrorists, ... the Jews send farmers. :dunno:

And musicians.
The Palenstinian-Israeli issue is political speech (public issue). You can't ban free speech even if it is not a public issue unless there is a compelling state interest. Pro-Palestinians are leftists but most Democrats are pro Israel and most Jews vote Democratic. Biden knows Jews support the Democrats (64% Dem v. 26% Rep).

I've already agreed with you that it is. Ironically, if the white lib nazis had said BAN "speeches" instead of "speakers", there would be no issue.

Yet, the Democrat PARTY is anti Israeli Jew, pro Islam theocracy.

Since voting is anonymous, we can only rely on polling. That said ...

It is ironic how the American, mostly Ashkenazi Jews, vote to wipe Israel off the map.
The obscenely wealthy capitalist white Hollywood libs and silicon valley mega billionaires vote for Socialism, ... and Blacks vote for a Christian hating party that bans their kids from school choice, promotes Baby daddy culture, denies police protection to poor communities, urges Black women to kill their children before they are born, etc. etc..
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We Jews sure don't need "help" from your kind

Lying White lib atheist Cracka

You White Libs went hysterical and burst blood vessels when Pres. Trump ...

Recognized Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel and moved U.S. embassy HQ there.

Recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel.

Wrote the EO to prevent White Lib anti semitism on federally funded college campuses.

Killed the Jew killing terrorist, Solemani.

Demolished ISIS and Killed the Jew killing ISIS leaders
Lying White lib atheist Cracka

You White Libs went hysterical and burst blood vessels when Pres. Trump ...

Recognized Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel and moved U.S. embassy HQ there.

Recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel.

Wrote the EO to prevent White Lib anti semitism on federally funded college campuses.

Killed the Jew killing terrorist, Solemani.

Demolished ISIS and Killed the Jew killing ISIS leaders

poor demented goyim
Recognized Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel and moved U.S. embassy HQ there.

Jerusalem 9 al Quds ) is designated international territory and is illegally occupied by the fascist Israeli military for the purposes of ethnically-cleansing it of its indigenous non-Jewish populations, Muslims, Christians or anybody else that doesn't fit their fascist profile. The UN has declared all so-called ' Israeli law' in Jerusalem to be ' null and void'. States supporting the occupation are in breach of their UN Charter pledges.

Recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel.

The Mango Moron can recognize anything he likes as anything he wants- but to no avail. The Golan is Syrian and so recognized by every authority that actually matters.

Wrote the EO to prevent White Lib anti semitism on federally funded college campuses.

El Trumpo is a proven racist. Such hypocrisy is pathetic.

Killed the Jew killing terrorist, Solemani.

For which he will be punished. It was an assassination , illegal by anybody's standards- and marked a low point in the prosemitic derangement of President Virus

I'm afraid that your entire defense of prosemitism is based upon falsehoods and the misplaced hatred that they engender.
Recognized Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel and moved U.S. embassy HQ there.

Jerusalem 9 al Quds ) is designated international territory and is illegally occupied by the fascist Israeli military for the purposes of ethnically-cleansing it of its indigenous non-Jewish populations, Muslims, Christians or anybody else that doesn't fit their fascist profile. The UN has declared all so-called ' Israeli law' in Jerusalem to be ' null and void'. States supporting the occupation are in breach of their UN Charter pledges.

Recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel.

The Mango Moron can recognize anything he likes as anything he wants- but to no avail. The Golan is Syrian and so recognized by every authority that actually matters.

Wrote the EO to prevent White Lib anti semitism on federally funded college campuses.

El Trumpo is a proven racist. Such hypocrisy is pathetic.

Killed the Jew killing terrorist, Solemani.

For which he will be punished. It was an assassination , illegal by anybody's standards- and marked a low point in the prosemitic derangement of President Virus

I'm afraid that your entire defense of prosemitism is based upon falsehoods and the misplaced hatred that they engender.

You realize Palestinians want to eliminate every Jew from the face of the earth right?