The Jew Hating white lib LEFT ban Pro Israel speakers at Berkeley - Jew free zones

Taking federal funds does not make you a governmental entity (although the UC is a state agency) It often makes the entity accepting those funds subject to federal regulations (Title IX), but it does not deprive students of their 1st Amendment freedom of association rights. I already pointed out that it does not censor Jews in practice since they are very unlikely to invite those groups to speak under the current policy--so it changes nothing. And, it probably cannot be enforced. I do wonder about university policy which usually prohibits student organizations from discrimination.

Yes you are right, the white libs will continue to hate Jews whether it's in their by laws or not.

And yes, the Dean said it is in opposition to the campus's free speech policy.

On the issue of Federal funding ...
(Trump's) executive order takes indirect aim at the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement that has generated intense controversy on college campuses.

Title VI bans discrimination based on race, color or national origin in programs and activities, such as colleges and universities, that receive federal funding. The executive order will extend the ban to discrimination based on anti-Semitism. ...

... Among its examples is "Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.""

It appears you are saying it is the government's job to make sure that the media sources read by most Americans carries all the stories somebody believes is important. The public does not read most of the hard news contained on social media or Facebook, so they are still not aware of most of the stories.

Or, maybe the public should use different sources if they are interested in being informed. We can't treat them like babies. If I am interested in the Hunter Biden stories I can go to the NYPost Facebook page or NYPost website or do a search for that information. We can't make the government in charge of making sure the public sees those stories. A search of Facebook would have shown many different Hunter Biden stories, so Facebook did not deprive anyone of anything.

Many people get their news from CNN, MSNBC, Fox, Newsmax which are designed for people with certain views who do not carry negative stories about their side.

This happened just weeks before the election. No users had any idea their news feed was being censored. Now they do.

And again, we have the silicon oligarchs who control the majority of eyeballs, bending to the Dem party and abusing their Section 230 immunity to sway an election. Even now, Dem Media is crying that Elon's purchase of twitter will affect Nov's election.

You made much better arguments in the first half of your post.
Read the article from the Jewish press, the same paper my grandfather read in yiddish

UC Berkeley has many Jewish-filled ‘zones.’ If you want to support campus Jews, learn about them
Despite a decision by a small cohort to ban ‘Zionist speakers,’ Berkeley is not hostile to Jewish and Israeli students

Knesset Member Yossi Shain recently spent a week on the UC Berkeley campus. He lunched with several student groups, dined with faculty, spoke to political science students about the upcoming Israeli elections, gave a large public talk on his recent book and met with Jewish students at Berkeley Hillel.

His host was Berkeley’s Israel institute, housed in Berkeley’s Law School. This year alone, that institute, the Helen Diller Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies, is hosting 13 Israeli scholars who are offering 13 classes on Israel across campus, attracting hundreds of students. Jewish student life at Berkeley is thriving well beyond the classroom as well, with very successful Hillel and Chabad hubs and a wide range of active Jewish student organizations of every ilk.

The notion, then, that Berkeley is hostile to Israeli and Jewish speakers, let alone the idea — recently put forth in an incendiary op-ed in the Los Angeles Jewish Journal by Kenneth L. Marcus, a lawyer and academic who runs the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law — that the Berkeley law school has “Jewish-free zones” is preposterous. Panic-mongering around anti-Zionism on U.S. campuses serves no purpose, other than to offer free advertisement for extremist ideas, and to erode needlessly Jews’ sense of basic safety and security in places where Jewish life is actually thriving.

Beware of rightwing goyim who accuse others of antisemitism
STFU. Why is there antisemitism going on at Berkeley? How would that make you feel if you were Jewish? Discrimination by race is illegal in America.

Don't be an idiot. I was not defending their actions, just explaining that it doesn't really change anything because pro-Palestinian groups are not going to invite pro-Israeli speakers; so, putting a ban in the by-laws is just attracting attention and it is obviously working.

This is nothing new. There is a lot of pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli sentiment on college campuses (and even on JPP). There is also a lot of anti-Muslim sentiment.

What makes "racial discrimination" illegal in America? It depends on the law/constitution and who it applies to. And, Jews are not a race. Those civil rights laws do not apply to student organizations. If I am a business I cannot discriminate in hiring if I have at least 15 employees; so, it is not just a general prohibition against discrimination.

If you are in a pro-Christian student group are you discriminating because you do not invite a Hare Krisna, Unification Church, or Black Muslim speaker to your group?
Yes you are right, the white libs will continue to hate Jews whether it's in their by laws or not.

And yes, the Dean said it is in opposition to the campus's free speech policy.

On the issue of Federal funding ...

That executive order dealt with "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions." I don't think that includes who a student organization invites to speak on campus.

Do you think government should regulate who a student organization can invite to speak? That is pretty oppressive.
That executive order dealt with "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions." I don't think that includes who a student organization invites to speak on campus.

Do you think government should regulate who a student organization can invite to speak? That is pretty oppressive.

A Zionist-led US government wants to make it illegal to refuse to trade with fascist Israel. There are already laws to that effect. Those that lie with fascist dogs get fascist fleas.
That executive order dealt with "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions." I don't think that includes who a student organization invites to speak on campus.

Do you think government should regulate who a student organization can invite to speak? That is pretty oppressive.

If you reread it, you'll see it covers all anti Semitism.

By announcing they were going to discriminate against Zionist Jews, they were sending a clear message that they are anti Semitic White Lib groups. Berkeley should throw these White Lib Jew hating Nazis off the campus or lose all federal funding, according to Federal law.

Regulate? No, if White lib Californians want to subsidize Berkeley's White Lib Nazis, ... that's a 10th amendment right.
They lost the war. It wasn't their country, it was a British mandate.

No- the UN took on ALL of the responsibilities for Palestine that the ass-end of the British empire wanted to abrogate. Palestine had- and still has today- the mandated protections.

From where do you get the bizarre notion that Palestinians didn't have a country ? What do you think it is that the Israeli filth are trying to steal ?
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By announcing they were going to discriminate against Zionist Jews, they were sending a clear message that they are anti Semitic White Lib groups.

No, ' antisemitism ' and ' antiZionism ' are not synonymous. Zionists would like it if they were- in fact they insist that they are- but they're not. It's very easily demonstrated that they're not when you consider that Christian Zionism is as reviled by antiZionists as any other form of the foul doctrine. You'd look very silly calling an opponent of Christian Zionism ' antisemitic '- as indeed many do. You should make sure that you're not one of them.

Supporters of Israel are supporting apartheid- as Israel is an apartheid state. If these Zionists had been banned from Berkeley because they wanted to preach apartheid then everybody would be applauding if they were run out of town on a pole. yet that's what they wanted to do.
Zionism stinks. It was termed ' racist ' by UN Resolution 3379 in 1975. The fact that the US had the resolution overturned years later by way of bribery and threats is neither here nor there- as most countries of the world now appreciate. Zionism IS racist. It practices apartheid, murder, ethnic cleansing and theft. Why any intelligent and moral person cannot see that can be laid squarely at the doors of the Zionist media, AIPAC and its tame politicians in Washington.

So let's rephrase the topic. ' Racists, apartheid practitioners, murderers, ethnic cleansers and illegal occupiers banned from preaching their crimes at Berkeley ' You still want to object ?
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No- the UN took on ALL of the responsibilities for Palestine that the ass-end of the British empire wanted to abrogate. Palestine had- and still has today- the mandated protections.

From where do you get the bizarre notion that Palestinians didn't have a country ? What do you think it is that the Israeli filth are trying to steal ?

You can't just ignore the Treaty of Sevres.
If you reread it, you'll see it covers all anti Semitism.

By announcing they were going to discriminate against Zionist Jews, they were sending a clear message that they are anti Semitic White Lib groups. Berkeley should throw these White Lib Jew hating Nazis off the campus or lose all federal funding, according to Federal law.

Regulate? No, if White lib Californians want to subsidize Berkeley's White Lib Nazis, ... that's a 10th amendment right.

Presidents (executive orders) do not have the power to ban "all Anti Semitism." Any anti Semitic speech is protected by the 1st Amendment. Berkeley cannot throw a group off campus because they are anti-Semitic unless they engage in discriminatory action prohibited by the school. Getting federal funds does not deprive students of their constitutional right to be anti-Semitic. Not inviting pro-Israeli or Jewish speakers does not constitute discrimination any more than an elementary school library choosing not to subscribe to Playboy constitutes censorship.

Does a right-wing student organization that chooses not to invite socialist or communist speakers constitute discrimination that should get them kicked off campus?

Before some idiot accuses me of being anti-Semitic, I do not approve of such action or like discrimination against any group, but I support their constitutional rights. I think these groups tend to be more anti-Israel than anti-Jewish. They decided Palestinians are more oppressed than Jews.
Presidents (executive orders) do not have the power to ban "all Anti Semitism." Any anti Semitic speech is protected by the 1st Amendment. Berkeley cannot throw a group off campus because they are anti-Semitic unless they engage in discriminatory action prohibited by the school. Getting federal funds does not deprive students of their constitutional right to be anti-Semitic. Not inviting pro-Israeli or Jewish speakers does not constitute discrimination any more than an elementary school library choosing not to subscribe to Playboy constitutes censorship.

Does a right-wing student organization that chooses not to invite socialist or communist speakers constitute discrimination that should get them kicked off campus?

Before some idiot accuses me of being anti-Semitic, I do not approve of such action or like discrimination against any group, but I support their constitutional rights. I think these groups tend to be more anti-Israel than anti-Jewish. They decided Palestinians are more oppressed than Jews.

Trump's EO is an expansion of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title VI to include anti Semitism to include anti Zionism.
(Trump's) executive order takes indirect aim at the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement that has generated intense controversy on college campuses.

Title VI bans discrimination based on race, color or national origin in programs and activities, such as colleges and universities, that receive federal funding. The executive order will extend the ban to discrimination based on anti-Semitism. ...

... Among its examples is "Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.""

If a Right wing group that receives federal funding violates the expanded 1964 Civil Rights Act, ... then yes, they should be booted.

The conflict in Israel is just a continuation of the Muslim Jew War of 1948. And they were killing each other decades before that. The Muslims have committed massive amounts of terrorist acts against the Jews and are never held accountable for it by the Left.

Not anti Jewish? ... that's the game the Left plays to get Israel wiped off the map. Israel has been under attack by the Muslims since day One of its existence.
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You can't just ignore the Treaty of Sevres.

Its only relevance here is the territory that it ascribed to the Brits.
The ceding of Eastern Mediterranean lands saw the introduction of novel polities, including the British Mandate for Palestine

We both know that the Brits abrogated their responsibilities under their Mandate for Palestine and that those responsibilities passed to the UN- which applies them today- or attempts to while negotiating the immoral interference of the US. Nevertheless, modern international law applies and Palestine is a UN-recognized state.

The squatters that the Israeli fascists have installed into Palestinian territory are there illegally. All of those illegal structures that Israel has built will become housing for the ethnically-cleansed Palestinians when international law with regard to Israel's crimes is applied. Of course, that will not happen until there is a sea-change in US politics- the decline of white Christian Zionists as a political force. That requires the truth about Zionism to be made known to the US voting public- and that- of course- is why I bother relaying the truth to brain-scrubbed America.
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Trump's EO is an expansion of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title VI to include anti Semitism to include anti Zionism.
If a Right wing group that receives federal funding violates the expanded 1964 Civil Rights Act, ... then yes, they should be booted.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act applied primarily to public accommodations--hiring, housing, certain retail facilities (restaurants). A student group that chooses not to invite Jewish speakers is not covered by the law. Also, the law allows for civil penalties, not booting a club off campus.

The executive order and Civil Rights Act do not override the 1st amendment protections of the students. Putting the restriction in their bylaws might violate school policy for student organizations. Choosing not to invite Jewish speakers is not discrimination although the change in bylaws might violate school policy. Title IX of the Civil Rights Act applies to university policy, not student actions. Any American is free to call for the destruction of Israel, they don't lose that right because they are students.
The 1964 Civil Rights Act applied primarily to public accommodations--hiring, housing, certain retail facilities (restaurants). A student group that chooses not to invite Jewish speakers is not covered by the law. Also, the law allows for civil penalties, not booting a club off campus.

The executive order and Civil Rights Act do not override the 1st amendment protections of the students. Putting the restriction in their bylaws might violate school policy for student organizations. Choosing not to invite Jewish speakers is not discrimination although the change in bylaws might violate school policy. Title IX of the Civil Rights Act applies to university policy, not student actions. Any American is free to call for the destruction of Israel, they don't lose that right because they are students.

What amazes me everyday is how little self awareness leftists have. I'd bet my mortgage money that every student who opposes the appearance of a pro-Israel speaker on campus would consider themselves a proponent of free speech. Do you see any contradictions, if not lie and hypocrisy? I wouldnt be surprised by a "No" btw.
What amazes me everyday is how little self awareness leftists have. I'd bet my mortgage money that every student who opposes the appearance of a pro-Israel speaker on campus would consider themselves a proponent of free speech. Do you see any contradictions, if not lie and hypocrisy? I wouldnt be surprised by a "No" btw.

Of course, but if you follow politics you understand the justification behind the hypocrisy (sensible or not). Parts of the left and right both believe certain principles are more important than others.

Leftist student types think preventing evil speakers (anti-affirmative action, pro-war, etc.) from speaking is more important than free speech. The right wing thinks stopping voter fraud and keeping Trump in power is more important than law and order and following the Constitution. Both sides are basing their actions on a distortion of reality and outright lies.

Certainly we all can see the abundant contradictions on both sides. Lindsey Graham's legislation puts prohibiting abortion ahead of his earlier claim that it is a state issue.
Of course, but if you follow politics you understand the justification behind the hypocrisy (sensible or not). Parts of the left and right both believe certain principles are more important than others.

Leftist student types think preventing evil speakers (anti-affirmative action, pro-war, etc.) from speaking is more important than free speech. The right wing thinks stopping voter fraud and keeping Trump in power is more important than law and order and following the Constitution. Both sides are basing their actions on a distortion of reality and outright lies.

Certainly we all can see the abundant contradictions on both sides. Lindsey Graham's legislation puts prohibiting abortion ahead of his earlier claim that it is a state issue.

What the leftist student types think is less than useless. You don't think stopping voter fraud is a good think? Fascinating.

I'm taking about this contradiction and the danger it poses to the larger population.
More broadly, student activism has no bearing on Berkeley’s deep institutional commitment to continue to teach growing numbers of classes in the fields of Jewish studies and Israel studies. The current Berkeley administration has done more than any of its predecessors to bolster that commitment. Rather than assail the administration for decisions made by student groups, our focus should be on educating students to do better.

Antisemitism and anti-Zionism are concerns on numerous college campuses worldwide. That is precisely why Berkeley has become a national leader in taking on these issues. The Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Jewish Student Life and Campus Climate meets regularly with senior campus leaders to address challenges for students on the Berkeley campus, continue to bolster the infrastructure of Jewish student life, and increase awareness about the dangers of antisemitism.
More broadly, student activism has no bearing on Berkeley’s deep institutional commitment to continue to teach growing numbers of classes in the fields of Jewish studies and Israel studies. The current Berkeley administration has done more than any of its predecessors to bolster that commitment. Rather than assail the administration for decisions made by student groups, our focus should be on educating students to do better.

Antisemitism and anti-Zionism are concerns on numerous college campuses worldwide. That is precisely why Berkeley has become a national leader in taking on these issues. The Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Jewish Student Life and Campus Climate meets regularly with senior campus leaders to address challenges for students on the Berkeley campus, continue to bolster the infrastructure of Jewish student life, and increase awareness about the dangers of antisemitism.

fuck you, racist jew-bag.