The Jew Hating white lib LEFT ban Pro Israel speakers at Berkeley - Jew free zones

Because a news source did not carry a story because of lack of information to support it, that is not censorship. There was no lack of coverage of the laptop story. You could easily go to the website of the NYPost to get all the stories. Is that too difficult to do? Despite claims of Facebook censoring it the NYPost has a Facebook page and those stories were available there and many other sources.

The right says they don't read the mainstream media and then complains it is censoring stories which could be found everywhere. If a person does not read the mainstream media he has no clue whether it is covering a story; except, he heard some talk show host claim it was not being covered.

Yes, the dean would be "banned" under the Zionist ban, but do you think the pro-Palestinian groups are going to invite that dean to speak without the ban? Choosing not to invite someone to speak who does not support the group's views is no real difference than changing the by-laws to "ban" those speakers. It changes nothing but makes better press.

Pro-Israel groups are not banned from speaking on campus or banned from certain areas of campus. The pro-Palestinian groups just added stuff to their by-laws banning stuff they never planned to do, anyway. It creates a false impression of what is occurring on college campuses. We are now going to hear talk show hosts claiming pro-Israel groups are being banned from college campuses and listeners to those shows will call C-SPAN during the morning call-in program and then we will seen them on JPP, Facebook, Twitter, etc.----creating more false alarms because of the terrible things happening in our country.

IIRC, the FBI had 2 years to look at the laptop, ... and their conclusion was Russian hoax? ... it is obvious they lied, and took a year to admit it.

Blocking speech, restricting speech, limiting speech ... no matter how you parse it is still speech censorship.

"Twitter Unlocks New York Post Account After Two-Week Standoff › articles › twitter-reinstates-new-y...
Oct 30, 2020 — Social-media company reverses policy that previously required newspaper to delete old tweets before being able to tweet again.

Facebook And Twitter Limit Sharing 'New York Post' Story ... › 2020/10/14 › facebook-and-twitter...
Oct 14, 2020 — It is blocking users from posting pictures of the emails or links to two of the New York Post's stories referring to them, spokesman Trenton ...

Facebook and Twitter restrict controversial New York Post ... › technology › oct › face...
Oct 14, 2020 — Facebook and Twitter restrict controversial New York Post story on Joe Biden. Social media platforms move to limit spread of article amid ..."

The Berkeley Dean admitted the ban was real, but he squashed it before it could be implemented by the Jew Hating White Libs.
And yes you are right, the Jew Hating White Libs will continue to ban speakers like the Dean.

Have you heard of the anti Israel BDS on campus ... or the banning of conservative speakers on campuses; ... it is pervasive. Just recently, a white lib mob had to be stopped by the police from mauling a female conservative speaker.
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That's a very weird perception of it.

Children are born "not racist".

No, there are far more Christian Zionists than there are Jews, let alone ' Jewish Zionists ' . Political Zionism USED the Shoa in order to occupy Palestine. Judaism is its fig leaf. Also, there is no ' Jewish State of Israel '. 25% of Israelis are not Jewish.

Is that why GUNO hates Christians?
Actually it was the 1917 Balfour declaration which started Jewish immigration to British Palestine.

During the Shoa, many Jews were murdered because they were denied asylum, thus convincing world leaders that a Jewish homeland should be established.

That's the Zionist narrative. The fact is that Zionist terror-gangs had razed many Palestinian villages, murdered thousands of indigenous Palestinians and displaced thousands more before the Arab League attempted to intervene. Of course, Israel's declaration of independence was unilateral. Truman recognized it for VOTES- against all advice- and never recognized a ' Jewish ' state. In fact he crossed out ' Jewish state ' on the document and inserted ' State of Israel '. Attempting to blame the Arabs is yesterday's hasbara.

Those that support Israel are supporting political Zionism, not Jews- and political Zionism is a foul doctrine of ethnic cleansing. Of course, nobody wants to think that they've been fooled, but................

Haw, haw...............................haw.

There were plenty of Muslim atrocities' against Jews, too, during that period. Why did the Muslim nations wait until the day of Statehood to begin their genocide?

Yes Truman did. And why not, now that it had a name. The name of the original Jewish Nation. So it's irrelevant.

Ethnic cleansing??? ... Your own words "25% of Israelis are not Jewish." So much for that claim.

If you're not a Zionist, that means you want Israel wiped off the map.
You're trying to engage with a guy who headlines a thread with "Jew Hating White Libs" when the majority of American Jews are white libs themselves. This is not a fruitful mission.

Cracka pleez :palm:

You bailed on the socialism/monarchy issue, ... and bailed on your "individual rights" nonsense.

Schumer told all the Jews he is terrified of the U.S. gov't IC arm. Lots of people will lie because they have become terrified of gov'ts.
Blocking speech, restricting speech, limiting speech ... no matter how you parse it is still speech censorship.

But it is not a violation of our constitutional free speech rights when it is done by private groups who are free to associate with those of their choice or invite whatever speakers they choose to speak to their groups. Especially when they are not preventing others from speaking wherever they wish. That is our freedom and we don't need oppressive government telling us we can't make those choices.
Children are born "not racist".

Of course

Is that why GUNO hates Christians?

Guno supports Jewish fascists . Denegrating ' goy ' is his defense mechanism. He's actually a schmuck.

Actually it was the 1917 Balfour declaration which started Jewish immigration to British Palestine.

Yes, it was. A shameful imperialist act aimed at pacifying troublesome Zionists.

During the Shoa, many Jews were murdered because they were denied asylum, thus convincing world leaders that a Jewish homeland should be established.

What a pity that these ' world leaders ' didn't let them establish a homeland in their own countries.

There were plenty of Muslim atrocities' against Jews, too, during that period.

You mean Arabs were defending their homeland .

[Quote ]
Why did the Muslim nations wait until the day of Statehood to begin their genocide?

Loading a question is below you. The Arab League did not begin a ' genocide '.
All of the Arab states voted against UNGAR 181- as you would expect. Eggs do not vote for the omelette . Despite that they lost the vote and PALESTINE was partitioned. However, they did not intervene militarily. What caused them to rise against the Zionist intruders was the fact that the Zionists, through pre-planned murder and ethnic-cleansing, seized huge swathes of the partition designated Palestinian and THEN declared their statehood. The greedy fuckers, you see, were not content with being gifted over half of somebody else's country- they wanted all of it.
Truman was an asshole for recognizing the theft- but then ' assholeness ' is the nature of US presidents. Not exclusively, of course. Presidents suck.

Yes Truman did. And why not, now that it had a name. The name of the original Jewish Nation. So it's irrelevant.

No- Israel was NOT recognized as a ' Jewish ' state. The law- which is still extant- insisted that all the non-Jews residing in the Jewish homeland partition had the right to remain there. Israel will never be a ' Jewish ' state unless it disposes of all of its embarrassing non- Jews, living relics of Zionists crimes.

Ethnic cleansing??? ... Your own words "25% of Israelis are not Jewish." So much for that claim.

Perhaps you haven't noticed that the ethnic cleansing continues daily.

If you're not a Zionist, that means you want Israel wiped off the map.

Indigenous Palestinian Jews have the right to claim Israel as their homeland. The hordes of European pseudo-Jews have a legal right- unfortunately- but no moral foundation. They are there as a result of British treachery and the failure of British imperialism. That's a moral issue, however. International law has granted them the right to be there- but those same laws grant Palestinians the right to be there too. Resolution 194 demands that Israel allow Palestinians the right to return to their homes. The Zionist filth kill them and raze their homes instead.

In short, there is no moral argument for the existence of Israel- but the law has saddled the world with it. Justice will be served when the Zionist criminals are forced out of Palestine and back into the legal boundaries of the territory ascribed to them by law.
UC Berkeley has many Jewish-filled ‘zones.’ If you want to support campus Jews, learn about them
Despite a decision by a small cohort to ban ‘Zionist speakers,’ Berkeley is not hostile to Jewish and Israeli students

(J. The Jewish News of Northern California) — Knesset Member Yossi Shain recently spent a week on the UC Berkeley campus. He lunched with several student groups, dined with faculty, spoke to political science students about the upcoming Israeli elections, gave a large public talk on his recent book and met with Jewish students at Berkeley Hillel.

His host was Berkeley’s Israel institute, housed in Berkeley’s Law School. This year alone, that institute, the Helen Diller Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies, is hosting 13 Israeli scholars who are offering 13 classes on Israel across campus, attracting hundreds of students. Jewish student life at Berkeley is thriving well beyond the classroom as well, with very successful Hillel and Chabad hubs and a wide range of active Jewish student organizations of every ilk.

The notion, then, that Berkeley is hostile to Israeli and Jewish speakers, let alone the idea — recently put forth in an incendiary op-ed in the Los Angeles Jewish Journal by Kenneth L. Marcus, a lawyer and academic who runs the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law — that the Berkeley law school has “Jewish-free zones” is preposterous. Panic-mongering around anti-Zionism on U.S. campuses serves no purpose, other than to offer free advertisement for extremist ideas, and to erode needlessly Jews’ sense of basic safety and security in places where Jewish life is actually thriving.

Fuck the rightwing christer goyim
Despite a decision by a small cohort to ban ‘Zionist speakers,’ Berkeley is not hostile to Jewish and Israeli students

Almost true.

I don't know of any educational establishment that is hostile to Jews. Israelis, on the other hand..................................




"It is inconceivable for the memory of Auschwitz to warrant ignoring the fact that there are Jews among us who behave today towards Palestinians just like German, Hungarian, Polish and other anti-Semites behaved towards Jews,"

Former Yad Vashem chairman, Yosef Lapid
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More broadly, student activism has no bearing on Berkeley’s deep institutional commitment to continue to teach growing numbers of classes in the fields of Jewish studies and Israel studies. The current Berkeley administration has done more than any of its predecessors to bolster that commitment. Rather than assail the administration for decisions made by student groups, our focus should be on educating students to do better.

Antisemitism and anti-Zionism are concerns on numerous college campuses worldwide. That is precisely why Berkeley has become a national leader in taking on these issues. The Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Jewish Student Life and Campus Climate meets regularly with senior campus leaders to address challenges for students on the Berkeley campus, continue to bolster the infrastructure of Jewish student life, and increase awareness about the dangers of antisemitism.
The dangers of prosemitism far outweigh the dangers of antisemitism. You have only to look at the activities of Israeli fascists to acknowledge that.
But it is not a violation of our constitutional free speech rights when it is done by private groups who are free to associate with those of their choice or invite whatever speakers they choose to speak to their groups. Especially when they are not preventing others from speaking wherever they wish. That is our freedom and we don't need oppressive government telling us we can't make those choices.

Thank you for your response, Flash.

True, but if you get taxpayer money, federal funding, are you really a private entity. IIRC, Berkeley got a Billion dollars last year.

Roughly half or more of Americans get their news from social media, and about 1/3 get it from facebook. So if stories don't appear in their feed, they are not aware of them.

And we are back around to the unfairness of Section 230 special immunity for mega corps, who are supposed to be distributors not publishers/editors. They prevent others from speaking on their platforms and no one can sue them.

We know the FBI pressured FB; and as Schumer said, you don't fuck with the IC.
"UC Berkeley blasted for creating 'Jewish-free zones' with ... › 2022/09/30 › uc-berkeley-blasted-...
berkley pro israel from
15 hours ago — UC Berkeley was slammed for creating “Jewish-free zones” after student groups adopted a rule banning pro-Israel speakers at events."

Not only are Republicans in New Biden America Jews, but Jews are Jews too! :eek:

PS: That's racial discrimination. That's illegal. Being illegal won't stop these fuckin' leftists. Projectiles through the cranium will every time, though.
Loading a question is below you. The Arab League did not begin a ' genocide '. ...

Justice will be served when the Zionist criminals are forced out of Palestine and back into the legal boundaries of the territory ascribed to them by law.

Thank you for your response, Moon.

Of course
Which is why 1st graders don't need CRT.

Guno supports Jewish fascists . Denegrating ' goy ' is his defense mechanism. He's actually a schmuck.

I've known plenty of Jews, and none are hateful towards Christians like Guno.

Yes, it was. A shameful imperialist act aimed at pacifying troublesome Zionists.

The Muslim monarchy (Ottoman empire) sided with the Germany monarchy and lost the war. Siding with Germany was a shameful imperialist act.

What a pity that these ' world leaders ' didn't let them establish a homeland in their own countries.

They won the war. It was their decision to make.

You mean Arabs were defending their homeland .
Intolerant Muslims that believe infidels are subhuman.

Loading a question is below you. The Arab League did not begin a ' genocide '.
All of the Arab states voted against UNGAR 181- as you would expect. Eggs do not vote for the omelette . Despite that they lost the vote and PALESTINE was partitioned. However, they did not intervene militarily. What caused them to rise against the Zionist intruders was the fact that the Zionists, through pre-planned murder and ethnic-cleansing, seized huge swathes of the partition designated Palestinian and THEN declared their statehood. The greedy fuckers, you see, were not content with being gifted over half of somebody else's country- they wanted all of it.
Truman was an asshole for recognizing the theft- but then ' assholeness ' is the nature of US presidents. Not exclusively, of course. Presidents suck.

What swathes?

They lost the war. It wasn't their country, it was a British mandate.

No- Israel was NOT recognized as a ' Jewish ' state. The law- which is still extant- insisted that all the non-Jews residing in the Jewish homeland partition had the right to remain there. Israel will never be a ' Jewish ' state unless it disposes of all of its embarrassing non- Jews, living relics of Zionists crimes.

Ok, I'll give you that technically. But it is the Jewish homeland, and it is named after the ancient Jewish State. And relatively speaking, given it is a Jewish haven in an ocean of Muslims, everyone refers to it as "the Jews".

Perhaps you haven't noticed that the ethnic cleansing continues daily.
The 1948 Muslim/Jew war never ended. The killing on both sides, despite "fake peace treaties" is just a continuation of that war.

Indigenous Palestinian Jews have the right to claim Israel as their homeland. The hordes of European pseudo-Jews have a legal right- unfortunately- but no moral foundation. They are there as a result of British treachery and the failure of British imperialism. That's a moral issue, however. International law has granted them the right to be there- but those same laws grant Palestinians the right to be there too. Resolution 194 demands that Israel allow Palestinians the right to return to their homes. The Zionist filth kill them and raze their homes instead.

In short, there is no moral argument for the existence of Israel- but the law has saddled the world with it. Justice will be served when the Zionist criminals are forced out of Palestine and back into the legal boundaries of the territory ascribed to them by law.

Anyone else you want to ban from immigrating other than pseudo Jews?

The British were on the winning side of the WAR. The Muslim monarchy lost.

Res. 194? ... that ship sailed when the Muslims refused 'true peace'. As did the original U.N. borders, ... being militarily indefensible from an unexpected, never ending Muslim onslaught. A continuation of war.
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But it is not a violation of our constitutional free speech rights when it is done by private groups who are free to associate with those of their choice or invite whatever speakers they choose to speak to their groups. Especially when they are not preventing others from speaking wherever they wish. That is our freedom and we don't need oppressive government telling us we can't make those choices.

Boy! You got life fucked up.
Thank you for your response, Flash.

True, but if you get taxpayer money, federal funding, are you really a private entity. IIRC, Berkeley got a Billion dollars last year.

Taking federal funds does not make you a governmental entity (although the UC is a state agency) It often makes the entity accepting those funds subject to federal regulations (Title IX), but it does not deprive students of their 1st Amendment freedom of association rights. I already pointed out that it does not censor Jews in practice since they are very unlikely to invite those groups to speak under the current policy--so it changes nothing. And, it probably cannot be enforced. I do wonder about university policy which usually prohibits student organizations from discrimination.

Roughly half or more of Americans get their news from social media, and about 1/3 get it from facebook. So if stories don't appear in their feed, they are not aware of them.

It appears you are saying it is the government's job to make sure that the media sources read by most Americans carries all the stories somebody believes is important. The public does not read most of the hard news contained on social media or Facebook, so they are still not aware of most of the stories.

Or, maybe the public should use different sources if they are interested in being informed. We can't treat them like babies. If I am interested in the Hunter Biden stories I can go to the NYPost Facebook page or NYPost website or do a search for that information. We can't make the government in charge of making sure the public sees those stories. A search of Facebook would have shown many different Hunter Biden stories, so Facebook did not deprive anyone of anything.

Many people get their news from CNN, MSNBC, Fox, Newsmax which are designed for people with certain views who do not carry negative stories about their side.
Boy! You got life fucked up.

You don't understand basic constitutional rights.

Plus, this is a reversal from most of your views on governmental regulations on civil rights, affirmative action laws, etc.

Are you saying we can't form a private organization and exclude certain groups from that organization?
You don't understand basic constitutional rights.

Plus, this is a reversal from most of your views on governmental regulations on civil rights, affirmative action laws, etc.

Are you saying we can't form a private organization and exclude certain groups from that organization?

You fail to understand schools are funded and run by the government. UC Berkeley is.

Schools like that are not private organizations. You better read that 14th amendment again.
But the reality is that Berkeley is blessed with good fortune in ways that most campuses are not: We have the support of our campus leadership across the board for Jewish students and combating antisemitism; we have a homegrown initiative in the latter area that has made discernible progress and does regular trainings on our campus; and we are a place where Jewish and Israeli students, staff and faculty are active and visible in myriad sectors of the campus. Five hundred Berkeley students of all backgrounds attend Jewish studies classes on our campus every year.

We understand the alarm that provocative incidents can generate, and we welcome the support of the wider Jewish community. But if one wants to support Jews at Berkeley, the best way to do so is not to make outlandish claims. Rather, we invite all concerned for Jewish life at Berkeley to reach out and support our efforts; you will find a robust set of existing institutions eager to work with you in combating antisemitism and lifting up Jewish and Israeli life and culture on our campus.
You fail to understand schools are funded and run by the government. UC Berkeley is.

Schools like that are not private organizations. You better read that 14th amendment again.

Student organizations are basically private organizations who do not lose their 1st amendment rights. UC Berkeley is part of state government bound by the 14th amendment equal protection clause, but that does not apply to student groups. The university cannot require students to invite speakers or associate with those it chooses not to. University regulations concerning organizations is also a factor.

If a Christian student organization requires the president of the club to be a Christian, is that a ban of non-Christians that violates the 14th amendment?
Student organizations are basically private organizations who do not lose their 1st amendment rights. UC Berkeley is part of state government bound by the 14th amendment equal protection clause, but that does not apply to student groups. The university cannot require students to invite speakers or associate with those it chooses not to. University regulations concerning organizations is also a factor.

If a Christian student organization requires the president of the club to be a Christian, is that a ban of non-Christians that violates the 14th amendment?

STFU. Why is there antisemitism going on at Berkeley? How would that make you feel if you were Jewish? Discrimination by race is illegal in America.