The Jew Hating white lib LEFT ban Pro Israel speakers at Berkeley - Jew free zones

Well, DiAngelo is as nutty as he is. It seems CRT can only be discussed in terms of extremes when it is not extreme to recognize that racism has impacted our civil life and still does and to inquire into
those impacts.

Where does it still impact us. Be specific.
When Jews were accused of kidnapping and murdering Christian children for their blood, people stood by and did nothing. When Cossacks raped Jewish women and their daughters in pogrom after pogrom, people stood by and did nothing. When a rampaging mob in Baghdad left nearly 200 Jews dead and 600 injured, people stood by and did nothing. When Nazis incinerated the bodies of Jewish men, women and children in Auschwitz and Majdanek, the world stood by and did nothing.

So when the right wing goyah sheds crocodile tears for Jews, watch out for another dose of xtian "love"
When Jews invaded Palestine , razed villages , slaughtered and displaced hundreds of thousands, stole territory and populated it contrary to international law and the Geneva Conventions people allowed it- because they were Jews. That has to change. There are Jewish assholes along with everybody else.
When Jews invaded Palestine , razed villages , slaughtered and displaced hundreds of thousands, stole territory and populated it contrary to international law and the Geneva Conventions people allowed it- because they were Jews. That has to change. There are Jewish assholes along with everybody else.

Historically, there was never an independent country named Palestine. There was for a time a Roman province named Palestine, when the Romans bestowed that name in the second century A.D. on an area that was previously called Judea, and which had been sovereign.

There is something tragically ironic about the Palestinians’ campaign to press for a September UN resolution to establish a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem, and not just because that was what Israel already offered in 2000 and again in 2008 to no avail but because the history of the twentieth century is a history of the Palestinians’ resistance to establishing a Palestinian state—if it had to exist side by side with a Jewish state.

To understand why, a little history of Palestine is in order. It is not uncommon, for instance, for Palestinian spokesmen to refer to “historic Palestine,” which we all understand to include all of the State of Israel, plus the West Bank and Gaza. But the adjective “historic” suggests we are talking about a country, or least an entity of some kind, that has existed for eons. By that standard, historic Palestine is simply a misnomer, especially if what is meant is an area with a particular set of borders enduring through time.

Historic Palestine as we know it today is derived from a map drawn up by the British at the end of World War I—in particular by British Christians whose understanding of the geography of Palestine was largely based on the Bible, which, as we all know, is derived from the Jews.

So, it is the height of irony when we hear the militant Islamists of Hamas insisting that any compromise about the land that constitutes “historic Palestine” is impossible, for, as they argue, the entire land is a waqf, or Islamic trust, bestowed by God. Think about it: a border drawn by British Christians based on their reading of the Jewish Bible is now interpreted by Muslim fundamentalists as God-given and unchangeable! :laugh:

There was for a time a Roman province named Palestine, when the Romans bestowed that name in the second century C.E. on an area that was previously called Judea, and which had been sovereign for a time. Having defeated the Jews in what the ancient historian Josephus labeled “the Jewish Wars,” the Romans then expelled the Jews from Jerusalem and renamed the province after the Jews’ historic archenemy, the Philistines.
Remember that original Christian theology is completely antisemitic and the foundation of that religion is that Jews killed their god, their human god. And even though they supposedly adopted the Jewish Bible, and worshiping man is totally forbidden in it, they persist. And in order to prevent the revelation that their religion is a lie, they've spent the past two thousand years trying to destroy the Jewish People.
Israel, the world’s only Jewish-majority country, is a subject of special concern to many Jews in the United States. Caring about Israel is “essential” to what being Jewish means to 45% of U.S. Jewish adults, and an additional 37% say it is “important, but not essential,” according to a new Pew Research Center survey that was fielded from Nov. 19, 2019, to June 3, 2020 – well before the latest surge of violence in the region. Just 16% of U.S. Jewish adults say that caring about Israel is “not important” to their Jewish identity.

Most Jewish Americans identify as Democrats or lean toward the Democratic Party, and more than half gave negative ratings at the time of the survey both to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and to then-President Donald Trump’s handling of U.S. policy toward Israel.

what's the jewish feeling on the obama pallets of cash to iran deal?
Palestine was occupied by indigenous Semites loooooooooooooooooong before there was a religion of Judaism . Judaism is simply one of many religions prevalent among regional Semitic tribes- all of which derived from Palestine's neolithic peoples.
Those facts are as they are- but modern international law trumps ALL historic land claims- no matter who makes them. Israel exists according to modern international law- as does Palestine.
What is required is for the pseudo-Jewish assholes that occupy Palestine to return to their legal territory of Israel and to quit illegally occupying territory which is legally Palestinian. This will be achieved over time whether Israelis and Americans like it or not.
In this evident fear of examining the history of it, for one. In racist violence and lesser acts of discrimination that continue to occur.

Fear is not racist it's an emotion. What "racist violence" and "lesser acts of discrimination"? Again be specific. That means give an actual real life example. Dont refer to emotions.
Remember that original Christian theology is completely antisemitic and the foundation of that religion is that Jews killed their god, their human god. And even though they supposedly adopted the Jewish Bible, and worshiping man is totally forbidden in it, they persist. And in order to prevent the revelation that their religion is a lie, they've spent the past two thousand years trying to destroy the Jewish People.

Only Jewish assholes. Decent Jews have integrated everywhere.

Here's Myer Lansky, Capone's bag-man.


Was he a decent Jew ? Capone thought so.

Haw, haw.................................haw.

Herod the Jew slaughtered children- the Pharisees arranged the murder of the Palestinian, Jesus of Nazareth. History is packed with Jewish monsters of all varieties - JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE- so quit trying to paint yourself as some exceptional branch of humanity in order to gain support for your appalling slaughter of Palestinians, you deranged capo.
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When Jews invaded Palestine , razed villages , slaughtered and displaced hundreds of thousands, stole territory and populated it contrary to international law and the Geneva Conventions people allowed it- because they were Jews. That has to change. There are Jewish assholes along with everybody else.

Da Jews Moomie, those damn Jews.
Fear is not racist it's an emotion. What "racist violence" and "lesser acts of discrimination"? Again be specific. That means give an actual real life example. Dont refer to emotions.

Racism isn't usually an intellectual exercise. It is packed with emotion, and the mentioned "fear" is a product of or reaction to racism. You don't need me to find your "real life examples". You could google them til bedtime.
Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and the Iranian theocracy are true fascists. But I very much doubt that you'll have anything to say about them. Hopefully we are seeing the first signs of mullah man meat munchers like McMoonshi'ite losing his favourite fascists. Have you noticed that Israel don't bar the media or cut off the internet, whereas Iran invariably does, so why is that then?

My friend Mo, short for Mohammed, is an Iranian Kurd who detests those cunts with a vengeance as well he might.

1) I hate all terrorist groups. No matter what they stand for.
Hamas is doing NOTHING for the Palestinian cause but giving the Israeli government an excuse to justify it's disgusting treatment of decent Palestinian's.

2) what the 'f' does Iran have to do with the Israeli government treating Palestinians like dirt?
Or the OP...for that matter?
Racism isn't usually an intellectual exercise. It is packed with emotion, and the mentioned "fear" is a product of or reaction to racism. You don't need me to find your "real life examples". You could google them til bedtime.

Again no one gives shit how you feel only how you behave. No no no buddy you made a claim now back it up. Why are you leftist such little bitches? Don't tell me you're one of those leftist lying pussies too are you martin?
Again no one gives shit how you feel only how you behave. No no no buddy you made a claim now back it up. Why are you leftist such little bitches? Don't tell me you're one of those leftist lying pussies too are you martin?

Was a mistake to try to tell you anything.
Was a mistake to try to tell you anything.

So you are of the opinion you can say whatever you like and have no responsibility to actually show evidence for it?

And what exactly have you told me? Emotions are racist and there are "lesser acts of acts of discrimination" but can't cite just one of them. The fact is your whole world view is based on nothing but emotions.
It appears tgat you have nothing to tell, Marty.

Poor Marty.

Precisely. I have to give him credit though he seems to know he has nothing to say and is moving away. That is unlike the dimwitted leftists on this site who just never seem to know when to quit
1) I hate all terrorist groups. No matter what they stand for.
Hamas is doing NOTHING for the Palestinian cause but giving the Israeli government an excuse to justify it's disgusting treatment of decent Palestinian's.

2) what the 'f' does Iran have to do with the Israeli government treating Palestinians like dirt?
Or the OP...for that matter?

Maybe the Palestinians should smarten up

Iran loves Israel does it?

Maybe if the Arabs minded their own business it wouldnt be so bad for everyone.