The Jew Hating white lib LEFT ban Pro Israel speakers at Berkeley - Jew free zones

Then why are you afraid to post source links like a normal person?

I disagree with the white lib nazi's claim that 181's partition recommendations are international borders.

What is it that you want linked ? You are being deliberately obscure.

You can disagree all you like- but you are merely promoting war. War is, of course, illegal, as is invasion and annexation. They run contrary to the UN Charter. Those that support them are criminal- and there you are, Bigdoggie- promoting crime against humanity.
Originally Posted by LurchAddams - a manservant.
Erdogan's not going to join NATO. Are you high? He's an authoritarian dictator, NATO's not going to want anything to do with the fuck.
Post #2

Haw, haw.................................haw.

Everybody should make a point of ignoring this moronic prick until he dries up and fucks off.

Haw, haw..............................haw.

Get the picture, manservant ?
What is it that you want linked ? You are being deliberately obscure.

You can disagree all you like- but you are merely promoting war. War is, of course, illegal, as is invasion and annexation. They run contrary to the UN Charter. Those that support them are criminal- and there you are, Bigdoggie- promoting crime against humanity.

Let's start with a source link for this quote ...

..the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact of 1928, as definitively glossed by the International Tribunal at Nuremberg in 1948, has abolished forever the idea of acquisition of territory by military conquest. No matter who was the aggressor, international borders cannot change by the process of war. Resort to war is itself illegal, and while self-defense is of course legal, the self-defense cannot go so far as to constitute a new war of aggression all its own. And if it does, the land taken may at best be temporarily occupied, but cannot be annexed. Thus after all the wars, the bloodshed, aggressions and counter-aggressions, acts of terror, reprisals, and attendant UN resolutions, nothing has changed the legal situation as it existed after Resolution 181 in 1947. The legal boundaries of Israel and Palestine remain today exactly as they were delimited in Resolution 181.

You are mistaken. Last year, the 'Palestinians" fired over 4,000 rockets at civilians in Israel. The "P's" have never wanted peace. Like the white libs, they want Israel wiped off the map.
Let's start with a source link for this quote ...

As I told you- you had only to paste a section to search the source- but here it is;

You need to read this too;

Why is International Law Binding?

You are mistaken. Last year, the 'Palestinians" fired over 4,000 rockets at civilians in Israel. The "P's" have never wanted peace. Like the white libs, they want Israel wiped off the map.

Show the casualty lists of Palestinians acting in self-defense ( legally ) and the Zionists acting aggressively. ( illegally )

You won't , of course- but I will insist.
As I told you- you had only to paste a section to search the source- but here it is;

You need to read this too;

Why is International Law Binding?

Show the casualty lists of Palestinians acting in self-defense ( legally ) and the Zionists acting aggressively. ( illegally )

You won't , of course- but I will insist.

So it's some kid's school paper, not a legal ruling. :palm:

The Israelis shot down almost 90% of the rockets. So of course they have minimized their casualties. While the "P's" use their own women and children as human shields, as cannon fodder, to maximize their own casualties.
So it's some kid's school paper, not a legal ruling. :palm:

International law is binding. As I said- D'Amato simply referenced it- he didn't write it.
It's time you admitted that you'd rather be a blind supporter of Zionist criminals than actually learn something about the legal fabric that holds the world together.

The Israelis shot down almost 90% of the rockets. So of course they have minimized their casualties. While the "P's" use their own women and children as human shields, as cannon fodder, to maximize their own casualties.

Horseshit. Not even a decent ass-covering. You are done.
So it's some kid's school paper, not a legal ruling. :palm:

Communicating with you since your moral degradation has become somewhat difficult.


Haw, haw..................................haw.
International law is binding. As I said- D'Amato simply referenced it- he didn't write it.
It's time you admitted that you'd rather be a blind supporter of Zionist criminals than actually learn something about the legal fabric that holds the world together.

Horseshit. Not even a decent ass-covering. You are done.

A kid's school paper is not an authoritative source.

"General Assembly resolutions and decisions have the same legal status.

General Assembly resolutions

reflect the views of the Member States,
provide policy recommendations,
assign mandates to the UN Secretariat and the subsidiary bodies of the General Assembly, and
decide on all questions regarding the UN budget.

With the exception of decisions regarding payments to the regular and peacekeeping budgets of the UN, General Assembly resolutions/decisions are not binding for Member States. The implementation of the policy recommendations contained in resolutions/decisions is the responsibility of each Member State. (Source: GA Handbook)"
A kid's school paper is not an authoritative source.

"General Assembly resolutions and decisions have the same legal status.

General Assembly resolutions

reflect the views of the Member States,
provide policy recommendations,
assign mandates to the UN Secretariat and the subsidiary bodies of the General Assembly, and
decide on all questions regarding the UN budget.

With the exception of decisions regarding payments to the regular and peacekeeping budgets of the UN, General Assembly resolutions/decisions are not binding for Member States. The implementation of the policy recommendations contained in resolutions/decisions is the responsibility of each Member State. (Source: GA Handbook)"

You'll find nothing , above, that states that GA Resolutions are binding. What you WILL find is that the GA Resolutions pertinent to Israeli criminality lead by stating that they are backed by irrefutable and BINDING international law For example, Yorrick, 242 may not be a binding Chapter 7 Security Council Resolution but it is based upon the incontrovertible authority of the Paris Peace Act and the authority of the parties to the Nuremberg Trials. Territory may NOT be gained by force.
No law= war.

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You White Libs went hysterical and burst blood vessels when Pres. Trump ...

Recognized Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel and moved U.S. embassy HQ there. Trump took the conservative view because most of his money lenders are jews...big fuckin deal. The orange bastard is still a jew hating demogog.

Recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel. He's still a fuckin Jew hater and?

Wrote the EO to prevent White Lib anti semitism on federally funded college campuses.All he did was attack free speech, and?

Killed the Jew killing terrorist, Solemani.Wow, he also killed 1 million americans with his Covid denial policies, so lets make that 1 million plus one, shall we

Demolished ISIS and Killed the Jew killing ISIS leaders
Who Really Defeated the Islamic State – Obama or Trump?
President Trump has claimed the Islamic State was completely defeated on his watch – but an analysis of government maps and other reports shows his administration did only half the work.

And got the Abraham Accords peace agreement done.
Let me get this straight, the greedy jews and greedy UAE are now friends? LOLOLOL

Recognized Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel and moved U.S. embassy HQ there.

Recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel.

Wrote the EO to prevent White Lib anti semitism on federally funded college campuses.

Killed the Jew killing terrorist, Solemani.

Demolished ISIS and Killed the Jew killing ISIS leaders

And got the Abraham Accords peace agreement done.
SHAME ON YOU, BIGDOGGIE- and all who sail with you. You've been found out;

Israel lobby fabricates anti-Semitism crisis at Berkeley


UC Berkeley Law students for Justice in Palestine have faced countless threats and attacks from local, national and international Zionist advocacy groups. (UC Berkeley)

In a crisis manufactured by Israel lobby groups and right-wing media, law students at the University of California at Berkeley are being accused of anti-Jewish bigotry because of their public pledge not to host speakers who support Israeli apartheid.

The attacks on the students are being fueled by one of Israel’s top career lobbyists who is also a former Trump administration official.

But in a leaked confidential memo, a major Israel advocacy group has admitted that these anti-Semitism allegations are bogus, as Jewish law students are not facing any bigotry from supporters of Palestinian rights.
You'll find nothing , above, that states that GA Resolutions are binding. What you WILL find is that the GA Resolutions pertinent to Israeli criminality lead by stating that they are backed by irrefutable and BINDING international law For example, Yorrick, 242 may not be a binding Chapter 7 Security Council Resolution but it is based upon the incontrovertible authority of the Paris Peace Act and the authority of the parties to the Nuremberg Trials. Territory may NOT be gained by force.
No law= war.

The West Bank was gained by the military force of 5 Muslim UN nations attacking the new State of Israel.

Regarding Israel, Res 242 only applied to the 67 war.
SHAME ON YOU, BIGDOGGIE- and all who sail with you. You've been found out;

The Dean admitted the story is true, and that he would be banned, too.

Berkeley has a long history of antisemitism ...

"Berkeley Intifada
As students embrace the Palestinian cause, UC Berkeley has lost whatever reputation it may once have had for tolerance.

Anneli Star Josselin Rufus
May 19, 2004"

Quote Originally Posted by moon View Post ???

That's the only source you could find. :palm:
Recognized Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel and moved U.S. embassy HQ there. Trump took the conservative view because most of his money lenders are jews...big fuckin deal. The orange bastard is still a jew hating demogog.

Recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel. He's still a fuckin Jew hater and?

Wrote the EO to prevent White Lib anti semitism on federally funded college campuses.All he did was attack free speech, and?

Killed the Jew killing terrorist, Solemani.Wow, he also killed 1 million americans with his Covid denial policies, so lets make that 1 million plus one, shall we

Demolished ISIS and Killed the Jew killing ISIS leadersWho Really Defeated the Islamic State – Obama or Trump?
President Trump has claimed the Islamic State was completely defeated on his watch – but an analysis of government maps and other reports shows his administration did only half the work.

And got the Abraham Accords peace agreement done.
Let me get this straight, the greedy jews and greedy UAE are now friends? LOLOLOL

Things a pro China, Jew hating White LIB Nazi would say. :palm:
Absolute horseshit.

Yes, that being ' the recent conflict '. You still don't have a point. All occupation is illegal.

No, when the British mandate ended and 5 UN member States invaded the self governing Palestine mandate, this is what the legal international borders looked like ...


The West Bank "borders" were created illegally by 5 UN member States.

Res 181 recommendations immediately became totally meaningless the moment the Brti mandate ended. Null and void.
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No, when the British mandate ended and 5 UN member States invaded the self governoring Palestine mandate, this is what the legal international borders looked like ...

The West Bank "borders" were created illegally by 5 UN member States.

Res 181 recommendations immediately became totally meaningless the moment the Brti mandate ended. Null and void.

Hasbara mendacity. You should quit reading that prosemitic swill and apply yourself to upholding international law, not trying to avoid it.
Hasbara mendacity. You should quit reading that prosemitic swill and apply yourself to upholding international law, not trying to avoid it.

International law says the last legal international border created in the Palestine Mandate was the border of Transjordan in 1922.
International law says the last legal international border created in the Palestine Mandate was the border of Transjordan in 1922.

The British Mandate passed into law via UNGAR 181 in 1947 when the UN took on the , previously-British, responsibilities for Palestine. Resolution 181 clearly defines the borders of each partitioned state, Jewish and Arab.
International law forbade/forbids either state from encroaching upon the other.
Occupation is illegal. Annexation is illegal. There will never be any ' Greater Israel '. Palestinian statehood awaits full recognition under law. Israel declared statehood unilaterally. Palestine may do the same.
The British Mandate passed into law via UNGAR 181 in 1947 when the UN took on the , previously-British, responsibilities for Palestine. Resolution 181 clearly defines the borders of each partitioned state, Jewish and Arab.
International law forbade/forbids either state from encroaching upon the other.
Occupation is illegal. Annexation is illegal. There will never be any ' Greater Israel '. Palestinian statehood awaits full recognition under law. Israel declared statehood unilaterally. Palestine may do the same.

Suicide bombs and terrorism are illegal, Ms. Moon.