The Jew Hating white lib LEFT ban Pro Israel speakers at Berkeley - Jew free zones

Da Jews, it's da Jews

Says the Jew-hating s.o.b that doesn't know the difference between a Jew and a Neo-Zionist fascist.
All you need to know is in D'Amato's published paper, the reasoning, the relevant laws.

Apparently, it's over your head.

So, YOU can't understand it, either. I'm not surprised.

Even his peers ridicule his published papers for being deceptive and convoluted fantasies.
So, YOU can't understand it, either. I'm not surprised.

Even his peers ridicule his published papers for being deceptive and convoluted fantasies.

No, they don't. It isn't difficult to understand. Try again.

Territory can never be gained by force. You could start by trying to understand that.
No, they don't. It isn't difficult to understand. Try again.

Territory can never be gained by force. You could start by trying to understand that.

Yes, they do mock him. And You can't understand him either.

Res 181 did NOT pass into law.
Yes, they do mock him. And You can't understand him either.

Res 181 did NOT pass into law.

No, they don't- and his published paper on the subject of Israel's borders is not difficult to understand. Again, the basis is the rejection of the taking of territory by force under international law. Try again.

181 is based upon binding international law. Resolutions are. The General Assembly does not sit around drinking coffee and making meaningless gestures . No other Resolution, nor legislation, has supplanted the principle of Resolution 181.
Borders can be changed by agreement- and that's it, Bigdoggie. Your Neo-Zionists are common criminals- certainly not fit to address American educational institutions. Tough tittie.
Cal Berkely is not my Alma Mata.

Is there a reason why I need to care about this?

Why does idiot Joe Sixpack Conservative not understand that Hitler and Stalin were NOT the same but rather arch-enemies?
Nobody who respects one would respect the other.

Have you ever heard me call for a Hitleresque purge?
Also, the right-wing mobs carry NAZI flags to their rallies, not Soviet flags. They do like the post-Soviet Russians, however, because they're fascists, not oimmunists.
No, they don't- and his published paper on the subject of Israel's borders is not difficult to understand. Again, the basis is the rejection of the taking of territory by force under international law. Try again.

181 is based upon binding international law. Resolutions are. The General Assembly does not sit around drinking coffee and making meaningless gestures . No other Resolution, nor legislation, has supplanted the principle of Resolution 181.
Borders can be changed by agreement- and that's it, Bigdoggie. Your Neo-Zionists are common criminals- certainly not fit to address American educational institutions. Tough tittie.

The "taking territory" does NOT apply to the Civil War, ... which had been raging since the mandate was created. The "taking territory" does NOT CREATE borders. The territory was ungoverned mandate territory. NOT the "Palestinian State". :palm:

The only international border in the mandate was with Jordan.

As the only Declared State in the Western mandate, Israel had the right to govern the whole territory. Res 181 guaranteed NOTHING to ANYONE. It was never ever passed into international law.
The "taking territory" does NOT apply to the Civil War, ... which had been raging since the mandate was created. The "taking territory" does NOT CREATE borders. The territory was ungoverned mandate territory. NOT the "Palestinian State". :palm:

Your protestations are becoming wilder and more desperate.
There were relatively few Jews in Mandated Palestine- a fact confirmed by the British census. Your ' civil war ' is a prosemitic connivance. Shame on you

The only international border in the mandate was with Jordan.

Fail. Mandated Palestine had borders.

As the only Declared State in the Western mandate, Israel had the right to govern the whole territory. Res 181 guaranteed NOTHING to ANYONE. It was never ever passed into international law.

Frenetic nonsense mouthed by Zionist criminals. Israel's unilateral declaration of statehood was based upon the recommendations of 181- which of itself was backed by binding international law.

Territory can never be gained by force. It's also fundamental to the UN Charter- to which Israel is signatory.

It's back to the prosemitic wishing-well for you, Bigdoggie.
Your protestations are becoming wilder and more desperate.
There were relatively few Jews in Mandated Palestine- a fact confirmed by the British census. Your ' civil war ' is a prosemitic connivance. Shame on you

Fail. Mandated Palestine had borders.

Frenetic nonsense mouthed by Zionist criminals. Israel's unilateral declaration of statehood was based upon the recommendations of 181- which of itself was backed by binding international law.

Territory can never be gained by force. It's also fundamental to the UN Charter- to which Israel is signatory.

It's back to the prosemitic wishing-well for you, Bigdoggie.

When the British mandate ended, there was only one international border INSIDE

A border that divided the Brit mandate into an Arab State and an Undecided State.


And Res 181 did NOT pass into binding international law. And the U.N charter does NOT give the UNGA the authority to create international borders. 181 was passed as an "official" recommendation. It was non binding.
When the British mandate ended, there was only one international border INSIDE

A border that divided the Brit mandate into an Arab State and an Undecided State.


And Res 181 did NOT pass into binding international law. And the U.N charter does NOT give the UNGA the authority to create international borders. 181 was passed as an "official" recommendation. It was non binding.

Just how long are you going to keep repeating this irrelevant tosh ?
181 was a UNGAR which passed with Jewish support, despite Arab objections. It passed and the partition of British Mandated Palestine was enabled, the partition borders being described by the official partition map. While not a binding Resolution in itself the borders of 181 fell under the auspices of existing international law in that they could not be changed by means of force. This underpinning principle of the UN Charter is confirmed by the Paris Peace Pact . Territory cannot be gained by force. The territory described under the British Mandate for Palestine was the legal border of Mandated Palestine under international law.
You can continue to deny international law and I'll continue to remind you that it is binding. The Occupation of Palestine is illegal. This is regularly confirmed by the UN.
Just how long are you going to keep repeating this irrelevant tosh ?
181 was a UNGAR which passed with Jewish support, despite Arab objections. It passed and the partition of British Mandated Palestine was enabled, the partition borders being described by the official partition map. While not a binding Resolution in itself the borders of 181 fell under the auspices of existing international law in that they could not be changed by means of force. This underpinning principle of the UN Charter is confirmed by the Paris Peace Pact . Territory cannot be gained by force. The territory described under the British Mandate for Palestine was the legal border of Mandated Palestine under international law.
You can continue to deny international law and I'll continue to remind you that it is binding. The Occupation of Palestine is illegal. This is regularly confirmed by the UN.

Bullshit, Moon.

The partitions never became international borders. The U.N. charter did NOT authorize the UNGA to create international borders. Thus the Paris Peace Pact never ever applied. If only one side agrees to a Peace offer, it is invalid, null and void.

181 was a recommended Peace Agreement, and the Muslims refused Peace, thus 181 only remained a recommended peace plan.
Bullshit, Moon.

The partitions never became international borders. The U.N. charter did NOT authorize the UNGA to create international borders. Thus the Paris Peace Pact never ever applied. If only one side agrees to a Peace offer, it is invalid, null and void.

181 was a recommended Peace Agreement, and the Muslims refused Peace, thus 181 only remained a recommended peace plan.

Palestine remained in trust under Article 22 as a 'provisional ' independent nation under a Mandatory power.
That trust was assumed by the UN . The Mandate remained intact.
The British , through their powers of League of Nations trusteeship , accepted the partitions of 181 and thus those divisions became the legal divisions of the Jewish and Arab territories.

Those LEGAL DIVISIONS , while not ' international borders ' of themselves fell under the authority of international law as discreet territories ( accepted by the UN, the British trustees and the Jews ) and were inviolate as territory cannot be gained by force . It didn't matter that the Arabs rejected the handing over of more than half of their country. The Palestinians retained the right to proclaim their own state and their state has been recognized by the UN and 138 countries.

Israel occupies Palestine illegally. This is regularly confirmed by the UN.
Of course, Israel's acceptance of the 181 partition in its unilateral declaration of independence also legitimized the borders of the Arab partition.
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Dutch Uncle
When you think of my purple dick do you picture it fully erect and throbbing, Ms. Moon? #83
Time until Ms. Phoenyx joins you in hating Jews: 10...9...8.....



I don't, Naomi. I just cater to his masochism.

Haw, haw..................................haw.



No worries, Mr. Zimmerman.

Haw, haw................................haw.


Now fuck off, you sicko racist asshole.
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Palestine remained in trust under Article 22 as a 'provisional ' independent nation under a Mandatory power.
That trust was assumed by the UN . The Mandate remained intact.
The British , through their powers of League of Nations trusteeship , accepted the partitions of 181 and thus those divisions became the legal divisions of the Jewish and Arab territories.

Those LEGAL DIVISIONS , while not ' international borders ' of themselves fell under the authority of international law as discreet territories ( accepted by the UN, the British trustees and the Jews ) and were inviolate as territory cannot be gained by force . It didn't matter that the Arabs rejected the handing over of more than half of their country. The Palestinians retained the right to proclaim their own state and their state has been recognized by the UN and 138 countries.

Israel occupies Palestine illegally. This is regularly confirmed by the UN.
Of course, Israel's acceptance of the 181 partition in its unilateral declaration of independence also legitimized the borders of the Arab partition.

Partitions are NOT international borders. The U.N. charter does NOT authorize the creation of States or international borders. The UNGA can only pass "official recommendations" NOT laws.

The Brits refused to implement the 181 plan.

"U.K. Accepts UNSCOP General Recommendations; Will Not Implement Policy Unacceptable by Both Arabs and Jews”

The Arabs also refused to implement the plan.
"The Arab Higher Committee, the Arab League and other Arab leaders and governments rejected it[7] and indicated an unwillingness to accept any form of territorial division,[8] arguing that it violated the principles of national self-determination in the UN Charter which granted people the right to decide their own destiny.[5][9] They announced their intention to take all necessary measures to prevent the implementation of the resolution.[10][11][12][13] Subsequently a civil war broke out in Palestine[14] and the plan was not implemented.[15]"

And, by UNGA passing 181, it only made it an "official" recommendation.
"The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a proposal by the United Nations, which recommended a partition of Mandatory Palestine at the end of the British Mandate."