The Jewish Rights to the Land of Israel

It's very serious. There are over a million Arab citizens in Israel. Arabs have representative is in the knesset. The filthy lying animals in hamas.clsim to.hsve no oro lem with jews but dont have any involved with hamas. Moon pie unlike you is smart enough to not even try and answer.
Your so-called question had nothing to do with the above ^^^ unintelligible gobbledygook.

You stupidly asked where the Palestinians kept the "deed" to Palestine.

I in turn, asked you where we keep the "deed" to America.

You as yet, have not answered.

And you won't.

Typical dumbass redneck response.

Yes, we took this country from the people who were here first, but it wasn't just handed to us.

European settlers fought, suffered died obtaining it.

And it wasn't given to a religious sect.

Worse yet, as is typical of right-wing hypocrisy, you morons are known for your hatred of the UN and anything it's involved in, but when it comes to Israel, which only exists because the UN approved its creation, you clap like trained seals.

There is no hypocrisy like right-wing idiot hypocrisy.
Waaaaa bitch
Your so-called question had nothing to do with the above ^^^ unintelligible gobbledygook.

You stupidly asked where the Palestinians kept the "deed" to Palestine.

I in turn, asked you where we keep the "deed" to America.

You as yet, have not answered.

And you won't.

At least moon.pie was smart enough not even to try and answer. You're a retarded dog donkey humper . You should learn when to shut up but you're a retard.
She's full of shit.

Basing one half-assed presumption upon another.

Israel never had any kind of "right" to exist on any land anywhere.

The entire concept of an ancient Jewish kingdom is more and more becoming seen and admitted as being a myth even by Jewish/Israeli archaeologists who are more concerned with being honest and speaking the truth out of respect for their profession, than they are about being shills for Zionism.

Partitioning Palestine and giving half of it to a RELIGION (which is what the Jews are - they are not a race) was the biggest mistake of the 20th century.

And the fact that it was made by the imperialist British govt just makes the screw up that much more understandable.

If not for that, we'd have been living in a much more peaceful world for the past 6 or 7 decades.
:bullshit: Never again accuse Trump of lying.
Oh look, another ignorant redneck peckerwood response from Cletus the slack jawed yokel.

And another!!! :thup:

Ol' Cletus is on a roll!!! :hand:
How many arabs have Israeli citizenship? How many seats are there in the knesset? Since hamas claims to have no problem with jews how many Jews are in hamas? Simple questions even a leftist should be able to answer.
How many arabs have Israeli citizenship? How many seats are there in the knesset? Since hamas claims to have no problem with jews how many Jews are in hamas? Simple questions even a leftist should be able to answer.
Yakety - yak
How many arabs have Israeli citizenship? How many seats are there in the knesset? Since hamas claims to have no problem with jews how many Jews are in hamas? Simple questions even a leftist should be able to answer.

Kamala Harris has signaled that she wants to put some Republicans in her administration.

If she does, will you then be a Kamala supporter?
This narrative leads the UN to single out Israel and hold it to a higher standard. Last year, Israel faced 14 censures. The rest of the world, including numerous autocratic regimes, received only seven total. Since the UN Human Rights Council’s (UNHRC) establishment in 2006, it has adopted 103 resolutions against Israel, more than all those leveled against North Korea, Iran, and Syria combined.

This unfair treatment continues in the wake of the October 7 attack. The General Assembly and Security Council have considered five resolutions calling for a ceasefire and humanitarian intervention. None has mentioned Hamas, let alone condemned it for initiating this war.

The UN also displayed disturbing inaction in the face of widespread evidence that Hamas not only slaughtered Israeli civilians but sexually assaulted them. Hamas terrorists proudly used body cameras to record and broadcast their actions. Indisputable evidence – including eyewitness testimony – of these atrocities was available from the earliest days of the war.

President Biden and American officials swiftly condemned Hamas’ sex crimes. The UN, however, remained silent. Secretary General António Guterres took more than seven weeks to acknowledge the reports of rape and to pledge investigation and prosecution. The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and UN Women were also silent for weeks.

The UN’s failure to address its institutional bias against Israel is egregious. That this bias would prevent the UN from speaking out against sexual violence threatens the very principles that underpin its charter.

This narrative leads the UN to single out Israel and hold it to a higher standard. Last year, Israel faced 14 censures. The rest of the world, including numerous autocratic regimes, received only seven total. Since the UN Human Rights Council’s (UNHRC) establishment in 2006, it has adopted 103 resolutions against Israel, more than all those leveled against North Korea, Iran, and Syria combined.
Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, maggot.

UN top court says Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories is illegal​

Yes, the state of Palestine is recognized by the UN along with 145 countries. The UK is about to join that number- and others are debating it this year.
The US will become a pirate state for its support of the ethnic-cleansing pariah, Israel, unless there is a sea-change in Washington and the white, Evangelical political class is overthrown. It's just a matter of time.
The Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law › content › article › ho...
IHL is clear: taking and executing hostages is prohibited. Such acts are war crimes in both international and non-international armed conflict.

If the cowards in Hamas did not hide behind women and children, civilian deaths would be at a minimum.

More than a thousand Israels were slaughtered by Hamas on Oct. 7, many of whom were civilians. Many of those children (civilians) were burned alive and be-headed.

Hamas does not give a tinker's damn about women and children, even their own women and children. They are fanatics who put Islam above the lives of their own women and children.
And they justify their takeover of Palestinian on the myth that they were there first during early Biblical times when there was supposedly an extensive Jewish "kingdom" ruled by Kings David and Solomon, despite the fact that not one credible artifact of such a kingdom has ever been found.

Israel's existence is based on a Biblical myth.
If enough people believe a myth it is considered truth. What's wrong with you?