The Koch Brothers and the people that don't know they are sheeple


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
The Koch Brothers and their tactics to make people that don't know why they are broke, sheeple.

Anyone with a brain has researched what the Koch Brothers have purchased in the political world. Also, they should have researched why. Their dad had a breakthrough discovery in big oil and couldn't make it in the USA because he wasn't in the politicians pockets. He went to the USSR and got rich.

His exposure of the Communist Russia made him teach his children about Communism and why it's wrong.

His kids who never had to work mis-understood the workings of Government.

The Koch Brothers are the biggest donors to Tea party, Libertarian and the basic lack of political knowledge we see today.
Plenty of people with brains have never even heard of them.

Also, libertarianism is a vastly superior philosophy to anything you have ever pretended to believe in.
Plenty of people with brains have never even heard of them.

Also, libertarianism is a vastly superior philosophy to anything you have ever pretended to believe in.

You have to be kidding........................

Libertarianism is the most basic form of political thinking EVER. It requires no thought at all. There is a set line of rules and you can't go past them no matter how much your brain tells you they aren't correct.

Libertarian is the party that requires the least amount of thought and it's how they catch so many uneducated voters.

I do recognize that Libertarians think they are smarter than anyone and also recognize that they think no one understands their uneducated perspective on politics.....but the fact is they are people that can't stand to think about politics. They lay out a platform that states you can not think about changing America and this is the way it is and people find security in the party that doesn't make you think.

sorry man

But good job shutting down the government. You were famous once.
The Koch Brothers and their tactics to make people that don't know why they are broke, sheeple.

Anyone with a brain has researched what the Koch Brothers have purchased in the political world. Also, they should have researched why. Their dad had a breakthrough discovery in big oil and couldn't make it in the USA because he wasn't in the politicians pockets. He went to the USSR and got rich.

His exposure of the Communist Russia made him teach his children about Communism and why it's wrong.

His kids who never had to work mis-understood the workings of Government.

The Koch Brothers are the biggest donors to Tea party, Libertarian and the basic lack of political knowledge we see today.

Just another "cut & paste" commie propaganda video blaming the 1% for the sins of the BIG socialist/Fascist crony capitalist government crooks. You're too fucking stupid Goober to actually recognize the crooks from the survivors.

America's original intent was founded on "libertarian-ism" Goober, The Bill Of Rights proves it. So now go search for some more commie propaganda you can cut & paste since you haven't a fucking original thought of your own to produce.
Plenty of people with brains have never even heard of them.

Also, libertarianism is a vastly superior philosophy to anything you have ever pretended to believe in.

I don't know about all that but you do know the difference between theory and practice don't you? Libertarianism is completely and totally unworkable and starts from assumptions that have never in history been tried or existed. They have certainly never existed in the United States. And as I say they are completely unworkable. You should probably read something like Gabriel Kolko's The Triumph of Conservatism: A Reinterpretation of American History, 1900-1916 (1963) to see whose purposes government serves and why. You are a victim of a huge scam. I have asked this question of cawacko and he couldn't or wouldn't answer. Let's see how you do: How many lobbyists are you currently paying to advance your interests before Congress and the President? Simple question. Second question: How many lobbyists do you think the anti-government Koch Brothers and their so-called libertarian ilk are paying right now to advance their interests before that same Congress and the President? Third question: Do you really think that the Koch Brothers interests are your interests? And if so why?
Just another "cut & paste" commie propaganda video blaming the 1% for the sins of the BIG socialist/Fascist crony capitalist government crooks. You're too fucking stupid Goober to actually recognize the crooks from the survivors.

America's original intent was founded on "libertarian-ism" Goober, The Bill Of Rights proves it. So now go search for some more commie propaganda you can cut & paste since you haven't a fucking original thought of your own to produce.

Read this post carefully by Classic Liberal carefully! It is an excellent example of a man who knows absolutely nothing about the government or whose purposes it serves. How many lobbyists are you currently employing to protect your interests before the Congress and President of the United States? It's a simple question Classic Liberal, a simple number between one and ten will certainly do? I say that simply because I sincerely doubt that you are employing more than ten! I actually doubt that you have a single lobbyist on payroll. But you might be that rare individual who knows how government works and who it works for and is just lying out your ass. But I am giving you the benefit of the doubt!
Plenty of people with brains have never even heard of them.

Also, libertarianism is a vastly superior philosophy to anything you have ever pretended to believe in.

bull shit.

its an unworkable philosophy that makes idiots like you feel smart
Note to Retards Desh & Anti-Logic,

Whereas, I am not a libertarian, and whereas, libertarianism represents a core philosophy of early American founding patriots:

I wish you would both just try harder to pay attention to details and improve upon your hackery. Obviously, libertarianism has its flaws, yet it still offers far more than anything you two will ever subscribe to.
How many lobbyists are you currently paying to advance your interests before Congress and the President? Simple question.

ZERO; so what?

Second question: How many lobbyists do you think the anti-government Koch Brothers and their so-called libertarian ilk are paying right now to advance their interests before that same Congress and the President?

I doubt that you know; and who cares?

Third question: Do you really think that the Koch Brothers interests are your interests? And if so why?

Yes; because anyone who creates jobs on the private markets is infinately better than those who promote massive expansion of Government.

So here are two for you; do you know why there are so many lobbyists in Washington DC? Do you support the Fair Tax, or a Flat Tax?
Libertarians are the result of classic liberals with the framers mindset. it's unworkable now because modern liberals and conservatives hate and fear freedom.
Read this post carefully by Classic Liberal carefully! It is an excellent example of a man who knows absolutely nothing about the government or whose purposes it serves. How many lobbyists are you currently employing to protect your interests before the Congress and President of the United States? It's a simple question Classic Liberal, a simple number between one and ten will certainly do? I say that simply because I sincerely doubt that you are employing more than ten! I actually doubt that you have a single lobbyist on payroll. But you might be that rare individual who knows how government works and who it works for and is just lying out your ass. But I am giving you the benefit of the doubt!

Oh! But I have expanded rhetorically here on the BRIBERY system so perfectly apparent in America. Thereby I have proven beyond any reasonable doubt that I know exactly “how the government works.” Thereby you haven’t a fucking clue or evidence of what you accuse.

Libertarianism is nicely defined by The Bill Of Rights incorporated in our Constitution. The fact that it doesn’t work in American governance is simply because the flaw in our founders experiment was the fact that they overestimated the competence, integrity and in sooooo many cases the intellect of America’s voting population. Thereby, the end result of the experiment is the fucking corrupt duopoly election system, the bribed bastards in seats of political power, ideologically partisan and corrupt judges on the courts and a nation in severe economic and moral ,decline.

Of course the founders knew and fully expected that morons would eventually get the fucking government they deserve. OBSERVE!!!!! Get a fucking clue Dufus!!!!!
Just another "cut & paste" commie propaganda video blaming the 1% for the sins of the BIG socialist/Fascist crony capitalist government crooks. You're too fucking stupid Goober to actually recognize the crooks from the survivors.

America's original intent was founded on "libertarian-ism" Goober, The Bill Of Rights proves it. So now go search for some more commie propaganda you can cut & paste since you haven't a fucking original thought of your own to produce.

Our views are similar but your brain is so WASHED by Libertarian propaganda you can't see it. Another party puppet.
Note to Retards Desh & Anti-Logic,

Whereas, I am not a libertarian, and whereas, libertarianism represents a core philosophy of early American founding patriots:

I wish you would both just try harder to pay attention to details and improve upon your hackery. Obviously, libertarianism has its flaws, yet it still offers far more than anything you two will ever subscribe to.

It's very clear you and nearly NO ONE knows what I think. You small brains try to classify people, put them in a category. I'm not in a category but you organized me.

I think you need to learn about other parties. That's the biggest flaw in politics today, every party is like a cult. They openly tell people not to learn about other parties. Libertarian talk radio last year had an entire segment on "when is the last time you listened to the president" and callers would call and say 4 months ago! 8 months ago!

This is the basics of a CULT. NEVER allow outside information......
Libertarians are the result of classic liberals with the framers mindset. it's unworkable now because modern liberals and conservatives hate and fear freedom.

Pretty sure that's an idiotic statement.....what a joke...

Every party wants freedom. The debate today is all about freedom. Today, most people don't want to see a "free" person carrying an AK-47 around a mall. They would think they are less free if someone was carrying that. But this is ironic and laughable because you can look at this "freedom" in other 3rd world countries and see how well it works out. The smallest brains in our country don't seem to learn from our past. :whoa:
I'm blown away that all these Right Wing morons don't know who the Koch Brothers are. They do NO RESEARCH. But that must be easy to be the party of NO.
It's very clear you and nearly NO ONE knows what I think. You small brains try to classify people, put them in a category. I'm not in a category but you organized me.

I think you need to learn about other parties. That's the biggest flaw in politics today, every party is like a cult. They openly tell people not to learn about other parties. Libertarian talk radio last year had an entire segment on "when is the last time you listened to the president" and callers would call and say 4 months ago! 8 months ago!

This is the basics of a CULT. NEVER allow outside information......

Classify yourself however you wish. You're still fucking retarded.