The Koch Brothers and the people that don't know they are sheeple

Reference every post you have ever made on this site. I don't know if you post full-retard for fun and are secretly intelligent, or if you leading with cracks about our ignorance and your superior understanding is just fucking ironic. Either way, it's pretty damned annoying.
Reference every post you have ever made on this site. I don't know if you post full-retard for fun and are secretly intelligent, or if you leading with cracks about our ignorance and your superior understanding is just fucking ironic. Either way, it's pretty damned annoying.

Ok, so your official statement is "You are retarded because I don't agree with you"

First off "retarded" means something else. Secondly, most people don't and shouldn't agree with others when debating politics. Learn anything kiddo?

But thanks for your elaborating on your use of the term "retarded" by saying .............NOTHING SPECIFIC.
What makes me "retarded" Threedee". Explain.

1 - Genetic conditions. These include things like Down syndrome and fragile X syndrome.

2 - Problems during pregnancy. Things that can interfere with fetal brain development include alcohol or drug use, malnutrition, certain infections, or preeclampsia.

3 - Problems during childbirth. Intellectual disability may result if a baby is deprived of oxygen during childbirth or born extremely premature.

4 - Illness or injury. Infections like meningitis, whooping cough, or the measles can lead to intellectual disability. Severe head injury, near-drowning, extreme malnutrition, exposure to toxic substances such as lead, and severe neglect or abuse can also cause it.

You would have to give more specifics about your past, for anyone to make a better conclusion as to why. :)
Ok, so your official statement is "You are retarded because I don't agree with you"

First off "retarded" means something else. Secondly, most people don't and shouldn't agree with others when debating politics. Learn anything kiddo?

But thanks for your elaborating on your use of the term "retarded" by saying .............NOTHING SPECIFIC.

Well, you did just tell everyone on a political site that they should study other political parties. I'm quite certain that everyone one this site has done that. Many of us are even familiar with foreign political parties. But, thank goodness we have you here to educate us on how political parties operate like a cult - otherwise we might be open-minded like you.
1 - Genetic conditions. These include things like Down syndrome and fragile X syndrome.

2 - Problems during pregnancy. Things that can interfere with fetal brain development include alcohol or drug use, malnutrition, certain infections, or preeclampsia.

3 - Problems during childbirth. Intellectual disability may result if a baby is deprived of oxygen during childbirth or born extremely premature.

4 - Illness or injury. Infections like meningitis, whooping cough, or the measles can lead to intellectual disability. Severe head injury, near-drowning, extreme malnutrition, exposure to toxic substances such as lead, and severe neglect or abuse can also cause it.

You would have to give more specifics about your past, for anyone to make a better conclusion as to why. :)

I think we have proof you don't know a thing about politics, but know how to insult and copy/paste the definition of your insult.
Well, you did just tell everyone on a political site that they should study other political parties. I'm quite certain that everyone one this site has done that. Many of us are even familiar with foreign political parties. But, thank goodness we have you here to educate us on how political parties operate like a cult - otherwise we might be open-minded like you.

Well Mr. "I'm quite certain that everyone one this "........


The only information political parties receive today is from their bias source. Fox News paints Leftists as Communists and Socialists (while none of them can define what these terms are) and MSNBC paints Rightists as Racists and Bigots Unwilling to change or accept that taxation is used in their lives.

I KNOW FOR A FACT you don't study both parties. If you did, you wouldn't sound so dumb.
I think we have proof you don't know a thing about politics, but know how to insult and copy/paste the definition of your insult.

You asked a question and then you get upset when you're answered; but then, that is the way the liberals have brain washed you. :)
Pretty sure that's an idiotic statement.....what a joke...

Every party wants freedom. The debate today is all about freedom. Today, most people don't want to see a "free" person carrying an AK-47 around a mall. They would think they are less free if someone was carrying that. But this is ironic and laughable because you can look at this "freedom" in other 3rd world countries and see how well it works out. The smallest brains in our country don't seem to learn from our past. :whoa:
like i said, they fear freedom
Libertarianism would be a perfect political ideology but for one flaw: it just doesn’t work. The problem is that it's not based on reality. It is a construct advanced in works of philosophy and fiction, e.g., Utopia, Thomas Moore (1516); Island, Aldous Huxley (1962). It simply fails to take human nature into account. In W. Somerset Maugham’s novel The Moon and Sixpence, a roman à clef based loosely on the life of the artist Paul Gauguin, the narrator asks the principal character Charles Strickland about his views on Kant’s categorical imperative: "Act so that every one of your actions is capable of being made into a universal rule." To which Strickland replies, "I never heard it before, but it's rotten nonsense."
Note to Retards Desh & Anti-Logic,

Whereas, I am not a libertarian, and whereas, libertarianism represents a core philosophy of early American founding patriots:

I wish you would both just try harder to pay attention to details and improve upon your hackery. Obviously, libertarianism has its flaws, yet it still offers far more than anything you two will ever subscribe to.

Since the original Constitution provided for the property in slaves and the retrieval of said escaped slaves. Could you please show me where libertarianism provides for the property in slaves.
Libertarians are the result of classic liberals with the framers mindset. it's unworkable now because modern liberals and conservatives hate and fear freedom.

So you are for the idea of private property in slaves and you think that is unworkable because we nearly all (except those few who want to revert to property in slaves) fear freedom? How contradictory of you!

Equate this great freedom with the simple provable fact that 12 of the first 16 presidents were slave owners!
So you are for the idea of private property in slaves and you think that is unworkable because we nearly all (except those few who want to revert to property in slaves) fear freedom? How contradictory of you!

Equate this great freedom with the simple provable fact that 12 of the first 16 presidents were slave owners!

there you go building strawmen and making assumptions. this is how you fail.
Libertarianism would be a perfect political ideology but for one flaw: it just doesn’t work. The problem is that it's not based on reality. It is a construct advanced in works of philosophy and fiction, e.g., Utopia, Thomas Moore (1516); Island, Aldous Huxley (1962). It simply fails to take human nature into account. In W. Somerset Maugham’s novel The Moon and Sixpence, a roman à clef based loosely on the life of the artist Paul Gauguin, the narrator asks the principal character Charles Strickland about his views on Kant’s categorical imperative: "Act so that every one of your actions is capable of being made into a universal rule." To which Strickland replies, "I never heard it before, but it's rotten nonsense."

Libertarianism is the most primitive mindset Americans can have. Why think about politics when you can be part of a party that doesn't think? The Libertarian "debate" is always brainy though. You can tell by the choice words such as "stupid" and "idiot". They are very brainy people.
the Koch Brothers use money to buy power in America..........It's as simple as that. Anyone that disputes this is wrong and doesn't know a thing about politics.

Their father wanted to do American business but the BIG OIL in America did not want change/progress. Their father took his work to Russia where they were raised as, you guessed it, Communists.

Later, America accepted the Koch technology even when it was the best of the day. (Research why it took America so long to accept that this technology took so long to change America.) Again, Koch technoloty was presented to America and Big Oil turned him down.

The Koch family took what out of this posters?
What does "Liberal" have to do with a Corporation giving millions to influence politics?

If it means "Liberal" thinking then thank you kid.

Like I said, the Koch brothers aren't the only ones using their money to influence elections. But since you only watch MSNBC you think George Soros doesn't exist.

Keep watching Rachel Maddow. You are probably the only one
Like I said, the Koch brothers aren't the only ones using their money to influence elections. But since you only watch MSNBC you think George Soros doesn't exist.

Keep watching Rachel Maddow. You are probably the only one

I'm sure by your statement you think you know something about me...................

You don't.

Just post your point that aligns with mine and recognize it isn't a single party problem. That being said, it's primarily a Right Wing issue today. The Golden Calf party is out of control.

You probably back Citizens United......... In order to end abortion, you have to back Citizens Unitied (R)ight?
I'm sure by your statement you think you know something about me...................

You don't.

Just post your point that aligns with mine and recognize it isn't a single party problem. That being said, it's primarily a Right Wing issue today. The Golden Calf party is out of control.

You probably back Citizens United......... In order to end abortion, you have to back Citizens Unitied (R)ight?

Yes I know you.

Now go watch your Rachel Maddow reruns. You are out of your league.

Yes I back citizens united. I oppose all campaign finance laws. I think any individual should be able to donate as much money as they want as long as it is transparent.
Yes I know you.

Now go watch your Rachel Maddow reruns. You are out of your league.

Yes I back citizens united. I oppose all campaign finance laws. I think any individual should be able to donate as much money as they want as long as it is transparent.

You back citizens united................This is the most idiotic person I've met on this forum. YOU CAN NOT BE THIS STUPID unless you are paid
to some money is god.

they see money as the ultimate and people are just tools.

In reality money is just a tool and people are the ultimate.

Now we need to allow people to VOTE and fuck money it doesn't get a vote
Libertarianism is the most primitive mindset Americans can have. Why think about politics when you can be part of a party that doesn't think? The Libertarian "debate" is always brainy though. You can tell by the choice words such as "stupid" and "idiot". They are very brainy people.

Prove they are of a primitive mindset. Distinguish also between their use of the word "stupid" and your frequent use of the word. How does your usage make you more intelligent utilizing the same criteria?

My earlier point still stands - people on this site do actually study numerous political parties, to include foreign ones. You thought you were being all superior when you dismissed my post before, but since all you did was name-call me, the post naturally still stands.

Keep calling everyone on this site "stupid, though. That shows how brainy you are. Especially the libertarians, as I'm sure they are living in fear of your self-imposed intelligence.