The Koch Brothers and the people that don't know they are sheeple

So many strawmen, at least five, and lies to respond to; but this is typical of the ignorance you erupt with.

We aren't in WWIII like Ronmey was all but promising so we are doing pretty well.

Strawman; Romney never promised WWIII. What a repugnantly stupid thing to claim.

We would have been at war with Iran, Libya, Syria and Russia by now if Romney would have been allowed to beat his chest.

Pure ignorance and hyperbolic speculation; but alas, when it comes to repugnantly stupid commentaries, you have no peer.

Luckily and surprisingly Biden beat Ryan on the Foreign Policy debate the Right was running on. After that defeat, Romney had no words for Obama.

One can only claim the dunce Biden beat Ryan in the debate is if; (1) they didn’t watch the debate; (2) they get their talking points fed to them by leftist blogs; or (3) they are retarded.

And strange how we didn't have to go to war with Iran and there IS STILL NO PROOF they have or had nukes.

Strawman; no one was arguing for war with Iran.

And we didn't have to go to war with Libya.

Apparently you missed the part where Obama sent warplanes to support the very thugs who attacked and killed four Americans in our Benghazi mission; definitely a foreign policy win for Obama right dunce?

And we didn't have to go to war with Syria.

Strawman; who, other than Obama, was arguing to go to war with Syria?

And we don't have to go to war with Russia to make points...............

Strawman; who argued for war with Russia?

Further almost every statistic you rate a president on is better today than it was under Bush.

False; but facts never were your forte’.

The only number worse is the Debt which the Right blames on Obama alone when Obama was put into office with a spending crisis.

False; it wasn’t a spending crisis you moron, it was a mortgage collapse crisis thanks to Democrat efforts to make home loans easier than ordering Chicken McNuggets.

The massive amount of debt incurred under Obama is solely his and his alone due to his complete lack of fiscal discipline and economic ignorance.

Obama didn't pass many bills that cost much, that's a fact. Most of his debt was due to bills that were in place before he was in office, that's also fact.

False and stupid; the “stimulus” bill alone is over a trillion when interest is counted and the cost of all those green energy initiatives that failed in the billions along with the several trillion estimated alone for the implementation of the ACA.

Small brains were talking about Obama's debt even when he was filibustered on every bill he put forward and when asked what bill was driving up the debt they all said "Obamacare" which wasn't in place yet and wouldn't be in place for months/years!

False; Obama passed every Liberal spending bill he could while he had the chance. Nearly a trillion for the pork laden euphemistically called “job stimulus” bill and all his billions pissed away on green energy projects leading to eventual bankruptcies are the taxpayer’s expense.

Obama doesn’t believe that there is ANYTHING in the budget to cut except for defense which is now being gutted. His last budget he submitted is a clear indicator of this.

This debt doesn’t even account for the trillions the new ACA act is costing whose bills are mounting as implementation moves along even after Obummers unconstitutional delays.

But again, in the mind of low information Liberals like you, Obummer is not responsible for anything; not his ineffective red lines, his divisive rhetoric, his clueless economic policies or his foreign policy debacles. According to leftist dunces, it’s the entire MINORITY Parties fault.

As it turns out Bush had some fault too, BUT HOW DARE ANYONE MENTION HIM! (R)ight?

Strawman; the issue isn’t about “mentioning” Bush; it is about dullards efforts to re-write history, construct strawman claims and fabricate massive excuses for “this Imperial Presidency.”

It is painfully obvious who the "small brain" here is.
You have to be kidding........................

Libertarianism is the most basic form of political thinking EVER. It requires no thought at all. There is a set line of rules and you can't go past them no matter how much your brain tells you they aren't correct.

Libertarian is the party that requires the least amount of thought and it's how they catch so many uneducated voters.

I do recognize that Libertarians think they are smarter than anyone and also recognize that they think no one understands their uneducated perspective on politics.....but the fact is they are people that can't stand to think about politics. They lay out a platform that states you can not think about changing America and this is the way it is and people find security in the party that doesn't make you think.

sorry man

But good job shutting down the government. You were famous once.

Retard; this is a libertarian forum. Really.

The Micky Mouse club is on chanel 9 or whatever.
Just another "cut & paste" commie propaganda video blaming the 1% for the sins of the BIG socialist/Fascist crony capitalist government crooks. You're too fucking stupid Goober to actually recognize the crooks from the survivors.

America's original intent was founded on "libertarian-ism" Goober, The Bill Of Rights proves it. So now go search for some more commie propaganda you can cut & paste since you haven't a fucking original thought of your own to produce.

Shit fer brains; the Cock Bros spent 407 million on the last election and they are prepared to spend more next time around.
Oh! But I have expanded rhetorically here on the BRIBERY system so perfectly apparent in America. Thereby I have proven beyond any reasonable doubt that I know exactly “how the government works.” Thereby you haven’t a fucking clue or evidence of what you accuse.

Libertarianism is nicely defined by The Bill Of Rights incorporated in our Constitution. The fact that it doesn’t work in American governance is simply because the flaw in our founders experiment was the fact that they overestimated the competence, integrity and in sooooo many cases the intellect of America’s voting population. Thereby, the end result of the experiment is the fucking corrupt duopoly election system, the bribed bastards in seats of political power, ideologically partisan and corrupt judges on the courts and a nation in severe economic and moral ,decline.

Of course the founders knew and fully expected that morons would eventually get the fucking government they deserve. OBSERVE!!!!! Get a fucking clue Dufus!!!!!

So clearly you are fiercely opposed to Citizens United?
Pretty sure that's an idiotic statement.....what a joke...

Every party wants freedom. The debate today is all about freedom. Today, most people don't want to see a "free" person carrying an AK-47 around a mall. They would think they are less free if someone was carrying that. But this is ironic and laughable because you can look at this "freedom" in other 3rd world countries and see how well it works out. The smallest brains in our country don't seem to learn from our past. :whoa:

Pretty sure you are a joke. No one could be this stupid.
Well Mr. "I'm quite certain that everyone one this "........


The only information political parties receive today is from their bias source. Fox News paints Leftists as Communists and Socialists (while none of them can define what these terms are) and MSNBC paints Rightists as Racists and Bigots Unwilling to change or accept that taxation is used in their lives.

I KNOW FOR A FACT you don't study both parties. If you did, you wouldn't sound so dumb.

3-D studies more facts while taking a dump than you do in an entire year you freaking retard.
the Koch Brothers use money to buy power in America..........It's as simple as that. Anyone that disputes this is wrong and doesn't know a thing about politics.

Their father wanted to do American business but the BIG OIL in America did not want change/progress. Their father took his work to Russia where they were raised as, you guessed it, Communists.

Later, America accepted the Koch technology even when it was the best of the day. (Research why it took America so long to accept that this technology took so long to change America.) Again, Koch technoloty was presented to America and Big Oil turned him down.

The Koch family took what out of this posters?

Shit for brains; the Cocks support the Tea Party. They have nothing to do with Libertarians you stupid piece of shit.
The DNC poured truck loads of loot into the Florida special election and out-spent the Republican candidate 2-to-1. The Koch brothers didn't put a dime into that election and the libertarian Republican won anyhow. So much for the Koch brothers buying elections!

Looks like maybe the Republicans are in great shape for making hay in the mid-terms because of American's disgust of Obama and Obama's Obama-Care train wreck.

It's been a real hoot watching Democrats trying to put lipstick on that Florida special election pig.
Shit for brains; the Cocks support the Tea Party. They have nothing to do with Libertarians you stupid piece of shit.

The Cato Institute is an American libertarian think tank headquartered in Washington, D.C. It was founded as the Charles Koch Foundation in 1974 by Ed Crane, Murray Rothbard, and Charles Koch,[6] chairman of the board and chief executive officer of the conglomerate Koch Industries.[

Shit fer brains; the Cock Bros spent 407 million on the last election and they are prepared to spend more next time around.

The Koch brothers didn't spend $407 million in the last election. Cite your source; I'd be amused to see where you get your disinformation.
Simp, buddy, I know the truth is not part of your stock in trade, but surely you realize that there are ten GOP vote buying billionaires for every Dem billionaire.

Stop embarrassing yourself please.

Irony; this coming from a fat dunce who avoids facts whenever it fits his hyper partisan agenda. Do you have support for your claim?

I have to laugh when you foolishly think it is others embarrassing themselves and not you with the idiot claims you constantly make.