The Least and Most Educated States in the US

if true, it is ironic that all the JPP conservatives are better educated than all the JPP lib'ruls.......

10 of the 12 least educated states are red. But that's what your kind wants, dumb, stupid people who will believe anything they are told. People who think social issues are more important than their pocketbook.
10 of the 12 least educated states are red. But that's what your kind wants, dumb, stupid people who will believe anything they are told. People who think social issues are more important than their pocketbook.

No dumber creature on Earth then a conservative sheep!
Hummmmmm Red jesusland states, Trumps poorly educated

50th Place – Mississippi

49th Place – West Virginia

48th Place – Louisiana

47th Place – Arkansas

46th Place – Alabama

45th Place – Kentucky

44th Place – South Carolina


That is pathetic. We have a federal department of education; why do we not have standardized education and funding for education?

There was another article after the education one in your link, about states where population is moving in/out. Each featured state has a photo with it. Check out the one for Georgia. Whoever authored this article got Georgia the state confused with Georgia the country. :laugh:

I don't see no damn peaches, do you?

Trump is the best educated president of modern times, if not ever! That's why people in the least educated states look up to him so much.

He graduated with such distinction at Fordham School of U. Penn that he had to threaten them with legal action, including criminal penalties, if they ever reveal his record. As well as being a brilliant scholar, he is also incredibly modest. :)

Stealth planes, you can't see them.
10 of the 12 least educated states are red. But that's what your kind wants, dumb, stupid people who will believe anything they are told. People who think social issues are more important than their pocketbook.

you are obviously confused and are talking about democrats.................
Trump is the best educated president of modern times, if not ever! That's why people in the least educated states look up to him so much.

He graduated with such distinction at Fordham School of U. Penn that he had to threaten them with legal action, including criminal penalties, if they ever reveal his record. As well as being a brilliant scholar, he is also incredibly modest. :)

Stealth planes, you can't see them.

I know right? Like Biden claiming he was in the top of his last school class when in fact he was very near the bottom. No wonder the leftists love him
Who won again?

Do we have anybody here who was educated there?

Not surprisingly, your state is number one. All of the top ten states are blue. There is absolutely no question that blue states are better educated than red states. They are also healthier, wealthier (and yes, wiser).

Doesn't even matter when they go to bed or get up.
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10 of the 12 least educated states are red. But that's what your kind wants, dumb, stupid people who will believe anything they are told. People who think social issues are more important than their pocketbook.

California, which has the least percentage of people with high school diplomas, is 'blue'.
Texas is in 2nd place with the least percentage of people. It's 'purple', due to the high influx from people fleeing California.
Mississippi is has a higher percentage of high school diplomas than either Texas or California.

Now you can claim such lists all day long. It's useless, since a piece of paper does not make one 'smart' or 'better'.
A lot of schools don't teach anything anymore. They have become indoctrination centers instead. All a degree shows much of the time is that you have been indoctrinated. That's not educated. That's believing the crap from the government.

The use of any such lists to rank people is a special pleading fallacy and bigotry (mine was intentional, to show how ridiculous this fallacy is).