The Least and Most Educated States in the US

Hummmmmm Red jesusland states, Trumps poorly educated

50th Place – Mississippi

49th Place – West Virginia

48th Place – Louisiana

47th Place – Arkansas

46th Place – Alabama

45th Place – Kentucky

44th Place – South Carolina


The sad part is, these are mostly Trump voters too, many of them un-educated and don't have a pot to piss in and vote republican too?!!

It's like cutting off one's nose to spite one's face, go figure?!!
Here's some more demolition of the idiocy of cherry picked data used by the Left over education:


Fixing the Currently Biased State K-12 Education Rankings
i've seen college graduates I wouldn't trust to use the bathroom on their own.
Too many of them can't even figure out WHICH bathroom to use, let alone attempt to use it...

Conversely, i've worked alongside high school graduates who control airplanes and airspace, who design, build, and administer networks that most college educated idiots can't understand.

in other words, the correlations you're drawing are of your own idiot fantasies about who you think you are, not what you actually are.
it is true, alot of democrats left the party to vote for trump, but plenty that can't read or write are still having ballots harvested
So why wouldn't you want Trump as the Republican nominee?? As you've admitted here, he has HUGE crossover appeal (can bring in Democrats and "Independents") that other Republicans just can't bring in.